The Lost Souls OOC (Private)

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got back. finished my post!

i haven't yet decided how this "plague" manifests.

i figured it'd be death by fear, since Aracol is all about that.

but really, its exact manifestation doesn't matter, just as long as the Birds learn the following while at the village:

1) Its not actually a plague (its the Aracol killing people)

2) they hear about legends concerning the Aracol from the villagers

3) the villagers usually give offerings as part of their ritual to stave off the Aracol, who lives in a nearby cave
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As usual will think on it and try for tomorrow. It's still fairly early here, but I'm bushed.
Finished post. Was thinking we go see the victims next. Probably isolated in a hut. Could have a few still alive, but dying.
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Got a few ideas on the plague part:

Rigor mortis. Lock up the victims joints and have their faces contorted into a silent scream.

White hair. Because cliché.

Nightmare eyes. It's an old myth that when you die the last thing you see is burned onto your eyeballs. For the Arancol, let's make that true. And burned onto the eyes is whatever the victim fears most.

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i like this, especially the nightmare eyes

but how would the Birds see that image? how freaky would that be, if they could see the shape of the Arancol before they encounter him? =)
Microscope. Let's say for the sake of there maybe being a real plague that Engel brought one. Take out an eye, carefully slice off the cornea, place under microscope. First one of them would have to notice something weird in their eyes.
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Microscope. Let's say for the sake of there maybe being a real plague that Engel brought one. Take out an eye, carefully slice off the cornea, place under microscope. First one of them would have to notice something weird in their eyes.
getting a little bit of the Sinister movie in there, eh? seeing a haunting mark on something
Actually, got the idea from Wild Wild West, you know that Will Smith movie that was awful and awesome at the same time! They did that with Dr. Loveless' victim, only instead they put his head on a contraption and turned it around, after hollowing out the back like a Jack-O-Lantern.

Never saw Sinister. Don't intend to. Don't like scary movies.
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btw, what would arancol look like, for the nightmares eyes as i work on my post?
Like I said, the Arancol has no physical form yet, so what gets burned in the eyes is the person's personal fears - like a silhouette of a snake or of a guy with a knife or something. They don't actually see the Arancol. They see black masses shaping themselves into terrifying shapes.
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Done. Crossfire figured out his sinister plot.
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How would you feel about them staying the night and having the Arancol attack? Can do a bit where the black mist uses the sand to form monstrous shapes briefly, then have Crossfire save them by leading it away. He'd survive because of his mark.
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How would you feel about them staying the night and having the Arancol attack? Can do a bit where the black mist uses the sand to form monstrous shapes briefly, then have Crossfire save them by leading it away. He'd survive because of his mark.

finished posting. something short to get us to the sand monsters part.

but I wanted to go for a bit of atmosphere.
Double pupil. He has two pupils in each eye. Not three.
Done with post. Think you can do a zombie fight in the autopsy hut?
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posted. i assume by 'zombies' you meant the sand creatures.

since you said that arancol wouldnt possess the dead
Actually, I said he wouldn't attack the dead. I had meant the bodies in the hut.
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