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Andre and Vignar are both free.
I'll post for Mime in the Lobby later. :v
Because I'm a lazy ass and kept delaying my post while thinking on what to do with Arlette, Kestrel had kindly offered to grab control of her for a bit. :v
Currently working on trying to get a reply up, while I can hit skype with my phone, posting is a bitch on it and so I'm limited to once a week. XD I hope to have something up shortly for all three of my things. ^-^
Well, Fallen is still without internet. Valeric said something about player-quests, but I don't think that's going to happen anymore, and for our last guy I think I'm going to try the @Potatocat @Potatocat @Potatocat method, but of course you're just as eligible to post.
...potatocat method?
Basically that @mention. It should create an alert.

Though given he hasn't been online since November 20th... Time for you to get to work @Alphakoka :P Or make a collab or something we could do that too.

Yeah. Also, since the whole paralogue thing isn't working out, I should probably mention that after the current missions are concluded we will simpky move to the endgame. 'We' being @Alphakoka @Valeric @Fallenreaper and myself. Knowing us it'll be a bit, but we've been here for 5+ years so far.
Basically that @mention. It should create an alert.

Though given he hasn't been online since November 20th... Time for you to get to work @Alphakoka :P Or make a collab or something we could do that too.

Yeah. Also, since the whole paralogue thing isn't working out, I should probably mention that after the current missions are concluded we will simpky move to the endgame. 'We' being @Alphakoka @Valeric @Fallenreaper and myself. Knowing us it'll be a bit, but we've been here for 5+ years so far.
Alright and it as fun while it lasted, though who knows. Maybe the rp will start up again one day.
I'm alive! Honest! Totally not the reanimated corpse of a young man recently tormented by shitty coworkers.

Sorry for the sudden disappearance. Life happened....
I'm alive! Honest! Totally not the reanimated corpse of a young man recently tormented by shitty coworkers.

Sorry for the sudden disappearance. Life happened....
I guessed that! :3
Though we did end up chalking your disappearance to End of Term Exams. :v
I'm alive! Honest! Totally not the reanimated corpse of a young man recently tormented by shitty coworkers.

Sorry for the sudden disappearance. Life happened....
What is this life and why is it disturbing you. Get rid of it!
Alright. I'll go get my gun and put and end to this Life thing that keeps bugging me so much.

I'm kidding of course...
I agree. And net's back baby.
Good to have you back. Got a Sandwalker mission waiting for ya ;p

And yeah I'll post in the collab soon. I just keep getting sidetracked.

Alright. I'll go get my gun and put and end to this Life thing that keeps bugging me so much.

Not before you reply you don't. You can suicide all you want when the RP is over.
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