The Legend of Heroes: Tales of the World OOC

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Considering I have less than four hours of sleep, I will post around 9-10am my time instead. Why they put me in 8am discussion...? Cries
Pachhhhhhh we're all here ok we can kick this depression in the nuts and beat it up and you can take a video of it we'll be there ok?

Or to just talk to. We can do that too.

If it's okay I'll post my characters separately, because damn idk I feel my chars need a post each lol. If this round is gonna last 2 days then I should have time.

So Sy for now, later after another post or two I'll post Moira. Because fuck, Moira. Poor Moira.
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And best of luck with life and the house hunting guys >-<! Here's a big hug for everyone! And Pach, if we can do anything to help, definitely feel free to tell us! We've got your back.


My stomach's been throwing a rebellion for the past day @_@ it's kind of difficult to concentrate but I'm going to shoot for a post.
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Lemme get a quick post in ^^"
Every time the word traitor is used, here I am thinking-

Hey everyone! I'm going to be skipping today since there wasn't an update post, but just wanted to say I hope you're all doing swell <3
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"Lt. Lockwood maybe we go to the right..."
"Follow the trail of destruction I'm sure they're that way!"
"But sir everywhere's destroyed!!!"
"Damn it Biggs did Wedge eat your enthusiasm too!?"
"I think you mixed us up again sir."
"No I think he got it right."

Alfie cries in despair, Gareth shakes his head
Lawdy Kei I spat out my drink

Hey everyone! ^^ How are we all doing today? I'm a little bit better at the moment and slowly recovering but hey ho we'll get there eventually, there's no rush! I hope everyone's doing a lot better then me at least? You better be otherwise I'm slapping you all

I'm gonna call a post now! My post will mostly focus on reactions from the rest of the trapped cast of characters and then I'll start working on the next post tomorrow and Saturday (depending on how I feel). Since it's a big, long post it's gonna take me some time to finish, so it miiiight be up as late as Monday since the forum has a maintenance break on Sunday. After that, well... you guys will see.

Please don't kill me, okies. I'm fragile I need love not daggers or celery sticks in the eyes pls

I'll post myyy reaction bit now since I might the time frames later.
...I was under the impression that this was still the same round as before? So basically the big(tm) post is the next round? Let me reread Pach's OOC.
In the next round I'd like to have everybody make a reaction post for their characters before I move things on. There'll be two or three days to allow for this I think, since my next post afterwards will be quite long and likely take some time to write. Inbetween these days I'll also update with reaction posts for all of the characters I'm writing for.
Yap. There isn't any need for more reactions now hahahaha. Just sit back, chillax, and wait for whatever horrible things Pach has in store.
Oh whoops. I'll delete my post.
Every time I edited the post got worse D: What a wierd bug

Anyway yeah, point being there was no need to delete and I have a screenshot saved haha. Please let this post live. fine I'll put it back.
Hah, good thing I still had it.

Pssh, it's just more reaction-y stuff.
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