The Kingdom of Evertrue - Sign Up/OOC Thread

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Given that Udreria was a flop, let's see if this one does better... All members of Evertrue are officially invited to join The Town of Duskvale, my new group RPG! Here's hoping you guys like this one better than you did the idea for Udreria.

(Tbh I had to google that before I could say anything)
It would probably be a bad idea though, as I already have more roleplays than I can adequately handle.

...Though someone else just might?

Edit: I am writing a character for it now, because what are limits?
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Terribly sorry for my disappearance everyone. Things that are not in my hands have emerged and I need to deal with them before I have to deal with anything else, as some may not know that my country politically is not very stable right now, riots and a military one week battle occurred in a city with lots of injured literally biking distance from me, put it simply and bluntly we are on rocking chair of civil war. Sorry about that and good luck with the role-play.
Terribly sorry for my disappearance everyone. Things that are not in my hands have emerged and I need to deal with them before I have to deal with anything else, as some may not know that my country politically is not very stable right now, riots and a military one week battle occurred in a city with lots of injured literally biking distance from me, put it simply and bluntly we are on rocking chair of civil war. Sorry about that and good luck with the role-play.
It's quite alright! If things ease up and you're able to return, we'll be here. Please stay safe and take care of yourself!
You can commandeer sailors to :P

Finally managed to post >.< hope it's adequate
I dont think i can take command of the sailors who i just stole the boat from... where is the logic in that...

Besides, aren't you joining my crew?
Oh we will meet, just let me kill this Ghost of the destroyer. Honestly i just realized that Alice is more like a ghost pirate then anything lol (except without the fact of being a ghost)
Can't you take the souls of men (and women)?
Yes... but it is not that simple...

First and formost there is a soft cap to how many she can hold. (though it will go up as she grows stronger) So the souls she take have to be high quality.
Second you have to be dieing for her to take your soul.
third i cant just take the souls of players (people with strong wills) unless they allow me to.

So I will have to invent my on npc's to kill to get more souls, find someone really powerful to kill, or pray that a player gives me their soul (which i doubt will happen)

I think though i might give her the ability to curse people by stealing their soul... that would be fun XD
I dont think i can take command of the sailors who i just stole the boat from... where is the logic in that...

Besides, aren't you joining my crew?
actually it has plenty of logic. If one were to commandeer a ship with the crew on it, simply best the current captain in front of the crew, afterwards stating that 'any who wish to live can help, and those who dont can join the captain' =^.^=

Yes... but it is not that simple...

First and formost there is a soft cap to how many she can hold. (though it will go up as she grows stronger) So the souls she take have to be high quality.
Second you have to be dieing for her to take your soul.
third i cant just take the souls of players (people with strong wills) unless they allow me to.

So I will have to invent my on npc's to kill to get more souls, find someone really powerful to kill, or pray that a player gives me their soul (which i doubt will happen)

I think though i might give her the ability to curse people by stealing their soul... that would be fun XD
I have a character that is currently dying, though slowly(ish), and I have plans to kill off eventually, if you wish to take their soul around said time, which would be rather ironic considering. xD (if you're unsure of who I speak of, it's my puppeteer Jade)
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Even then, That would imply that those sailors have no loyalty and Alice only wants a loyal crew.

The soul of a puppeteer... That could be very useful... The things i could do...
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