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Name: Zalgus Ravenscar
Age: 53
DOB: December, 2nd
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Orientation: Asexual
Home city: Sapphire City
Physical description: Zalgus stands 1,92m tall and weighs 70kg. He is mostly bald and has a long silver colored beard. Like all of the wizards, he has his spell tome that he carries around with him.
Personality traits: Zalgus is a serious and stubborn person, he usually doesn't give up on anything he is set to complete and failure isn't a word that belongs to his dictionary (even though there are some). Talking about Zalgus' failures upon his presence is basically considered a death wish, there of course are a few people who he allows to talk about the subject, the people being the king, queen and Zax Faroak. He also carries a terrorizing aura of power with him, this aura of course can be only felt by people who has affinity with magic.

History/bio: Much isn't known about Zalgus' history as he has always been very secretive about the subject and all that is known about him is from during his career as a court wizard. Zalgus started as a court wizard at the age of 20. During his training he was quickly noted to be skilled in elemental magic in specific, which was rather strange for a wizard to be highly skilled only in elemental magic and so he quickly inherited a title of Elementalist within the court wizards. He wasn't his captains favorite wizard for sure as he was treated rather poorly most of his time as an apprentice.

Everything of course once he got promoted to the rank of Conjurer, which is 3rd lowest rank in the 10 rank system of the court wizards. This was the time when Zalgus made his first contact with Dekrus Hy'l where he was taken down for murdering 5 apprentices cold blooded in middle of the city. In the end Dekrus managed to escape along with taking few more death casualties. This was the first and definitely biggest failure during Zalgus' career he has ever had, and from time to time King and Zax has been reminding him about this failure.

As the years went by Zalgus was climbing the ranks quickly until he finally reached the special rank of Captain Investigator of the Court Wizards. Making him the captain of the investigation branch, which specializes into of course helping Royal Guard investigators along with investigating crimes done through magical means or crimes that are about use of forbidden schools and forms of magic.

During recent events in Evertrue, Zalgus was seriously injured by Dekrus Hy'l in Monadalia as he was investigating Dekrus. The investigation turned into short but huge duel which ended by Dekrus casting very high level curse on Zalgus. Because of these events he is currently being transported back to Sapphire City to be taken care of.

Skills/abilities: Zalgus is a wizard, an elementalist to be exact.
Wizardry is one of the most ancient forms of magic and one of the bases of all magic. Wizard is easy to recognize because of they always carry their spell tome with them, which is enchanted by life link upon creation of the tome. The tome gets created upon awakening of the powers.

Preferred weapon: Spell tome/Elemental magic
Notable features: Like every wizard, Zalgus carries around his spell tome with him. Other special features are the aura he carries with him that is only noticeable to those with affinity to magic as well as a feather shaped scar on the back of his right hand.
Other: Like Enlora, Zalgus has gone through the same injury, which almost cost his mana network to rupture but through years of practice, he has managed to fully recover from the injury.
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Mégane Couvreur
Home city:
Physical description:
Mégane is slightly shorter than most her age, standing at only 5'5". Her build is slim, and 'twig-like', however she is also athletic, meaning that though her appearance may cause disbelief, she isn't all skin and bones. Her hair is naturally blonde. After hearing that, you might be asking why it's pink, not blonde; the answer's actually rather simple: Magic. More specifically, an incomplete transformation spell. The style in which she keeps her hair is a ponytail, held in place by a black ribbon ribbon.
Her skin is slightly tanned, but just enough to make her 'not pale', her eyes a lovely shade of amber. Upon close inspection, her canines are far sharper than the average human.
Her outfit is one most nobles, would recognize, as it is an outfit worn by most maids in a kingdom neighboring Evertrue.

Personality traits:
Mégane is a girl who loves money and all things that shine. She isn't the most trustworthy, as she would even sell her own family if it meant obtaining more money. Of course, she isn't exactly trustworthy to the highest bidder either, as she might only give parts of information that are useless without the rest if she really likes or trusts someone. She is a rather intelligent girl, and often uses her innocent appearance to her advantage, often accusing guards of things, causing other villagers to unknowingly aid her escape. She believes everyone should look out for themselves, and if you get the chance to further yourself, then to do so.
Mégane was born in a country not too far from Evertrue, she never knew her father, as he abandoned her mother while she was pregnant. The two lived a life of poverty, her mother worked two jobs, just so they could barely scrape by. Things only got harder when she grew ill and became bedridden, Mégane was only four. As the year went by, her mother's condition continued to grow worse, until she passed away. Being only five, the locals were planning on sending her to an orphanage, but by the time someone arrived to take her there she was gone. She had planned to head to the capital, to find someone willing to give her a job, however she had stowed away on the wrong boat, which happened to be a pirate's boat heading for Evertrue. Needless to say, she wasn't able to stay hidden for long, and the crew of the ship discovered her. She wasn't scared though, and even threatened the captain, which apparently entertained the crew, as they all began to laugh, and decided not to kill the child. On the boat ride she became like one of the crew, learning various important 'life-lessons' from everyone aboard. The ride took around two years, as they traveled to other places before their final destination. Taking what she learned, she thanked the pirates, and decided to begin life anew in this new country. She put her knowledge towards a new career where she didn't have anyone telling her what to do: thievery. Her first target, being a blacksmith working on a prototype for a new type of weapon. Though, it didn't go entirely as planned, as she was caught. The odd thing, being that the blacksmith simply handed it to her after catching her, and asking that she simply tell him how it worked in return. She has since returned to the blacksmith multiple times for repairs and/or upgrades when he had them.
Fire Magic; Being part kitsune, she has the potential to wield the magical fire known to most as 'fox-fire', however, being unaware of who, and what, her father was she doesn't know of this. While she won't be able to fully control the fire, she will be able to extend a fiery aura to anything she touches, as well as being immune to high temperatures(though not fire, such as if she were in a volcano, the heat would not bother her, however if the lava were touch her it would burn).
Agility; Her slim stature makes it easier for her to move, thus making her both faster and more flexible than the average person.
Weapon-combat; Over the years she has perfected combat with her unique weapon, to the point that she can use it in both close-quarters and mid-range.
Bilingual; Mégane speaks both the language of her kingdom(the french equivalent of Evertrue), and the common trade language of Evertrue.

Preferred weapon:
Mégane's weapon is unique, being a child's toy with a rather....dangerous, touch. Her weapon is, to be exact, a combat yo-yo. Based off the idea of the children's toy, though made with various ores instead of wood and thread. The usual thread, being replaced by a thin wire that was meticulously forged with a combination of magic, and tons of trial and error. The actual yo-yo itself being forged with silver, and a magical glass-like ore called shimmerstone. The shimmerstone ore, is of a blue-ish color, and causes an odd aura to surround the weapon when thrown, the aura is able to take a blade-like form, creating three different blades on it. This being the perfect weapon for a thief, seeings as it appears to be nothing more than a fancy toy.
Notable features:
The most notable features of Mégane would be her pink hair or her sharp fangs.
* Random note; Combat yo-yo's were (supposedly) actually a thing before long they became a toy, however I find it extremely difficult to believe someone may have been fighting with one and being like "hey, you know what would make this weapon way better? If kids could play with them." so, I'm sticking to they were a toy first, because it just makes more sense that an adult would want to play with a toy while fighting, rather than give a dangerous weapon to a kid.
* She will for the most part speak english(or whatever it is we call the common tongue here in Evertrue), as I do not actually speak french, and I don't entirely trust google since it already betrayed me with latin translation XD

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They're both accepted! Mayu, if you need help with anything French related, I speak fluent French...
They're both accepted!
yay =^.^=

Mayu, if you need help with anything French related, I speak fluent French...
Really? :o I'm so jealous :3 I tried to learn three different languages, french, spanish, and japanese....I forgot everything I learned with both french and japanese like a week after I mastered the terms....and spanish I forgot in like a month xD
Yeah, if you don't use a language, you forget it. Even if you speak it well, you will forget it if you don't practice regularly. I speak French fluently enough that sometimes I randomly start thinking in French, which is how I practice it, since I moved to a part of the country where there aren't as many French-speakers as back home... and I know all the French-speaking families in town and I speak French with them when they come to the store xD
You're amazing :3 Even when I kept practicing, my mind was more just like "Oh, you mastered this word, well, now we need the space for this new word." XD
I've been studying French since I was little, and I studied it nonstop for all fourteen years I was in school, so it kind of became second-nature to me.
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So i just wanted to double check. I know it was probably obvious that i wanted Sereg to be a hunter. But i just wanted to clear that it was okay that i took that 'job'.
So i just wanted to double check. I know it was probably obvious that i wanted Sereg to be a hunter. But i just wanted to clear that it was okay that i took that 'job'.
Alright, I'll make sure to remember that when I post up this batch of new characters. It shouldn't be hard to remember, just have to remember that the super duper hot character is a hunter, lol.
Alright, I'll make sure to remember that when I post up this batch of new characters. It shouldn't be hard to remember, just have to remember that the super duper hot character is a hunter, lol.
Should be easy enough, hunter's are always hot in fantasy's 'the law of the hunters' XD
i apologize for my absence. My 4+ year relationship just ended and I'm trying to get my life back together and sorted.
Lol well thank you ladies. I appreciate the love.
@Mayu. I love your Kitsune. If she were a tad older i could see her and Sereg getting into some tiff's later on ^^
@IamtheecchiKing That kinda stuff sucks major balls. I'm sorry to hear it. I hope something good can come out of the issue :/
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@PrincessLala95 I added a bit of specification to Mégane's kitsune related fire magic, and made her a tad specific reasoning.... >.>

@IamtheecchiKing I hope you can get to a point where you start to feel better ♥ If you want/need to vent about anything I have open ears.
*Dies laughing silently* ah well. He will have to come across her in his quest at some point soon enough. I had plans for him to head 'West' or well my version of West, towards Sunset city eventually anyway. Guess he'll just have to linger a little further West after that :3
I could totally see her trying to snatch something off him like his coins or something, and him being as big as he is looking like an easy target. Him actually catching her and her trying to get away by claiming he grabbed her or something. And Sereg would get mad and just lift her off the ground or something and be like "No I didn't" lol
It's all floating together in my head >:}
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Sereg would get mad and just lift her off the ground or something

I can totally picture that happening XD

^this is what I see happening XD
Roflmfao That's about exactly what i had in my head. By the back of the dress like picking a cat up by the scruff. Cept prolly facing him. But yeah. Exactly XDD
I'm so ready for this now ^.^
@IamtheecchiKing *huge hug* I'm so sorry to hear that friend. I can't imagine what you're going through. My last relationship ended shortly after our third anniversary, so I totally get where you're coming from. Take all the time you need, focus on you, and we'll be around when you're ready. If you want to talk or vent or anything like that, let me know and I'm more than happy to listen. We're here for you <3
Since plenty of time has passed, I'll probably have Sylviana bring Ashley back.
I haven't seen a reaction from Sylvania to Diodora. I only Saw Mayu's characters response.
I'm so sorry for the long absence, everyone, I know there were a couple of people waiting on me...but now I'm hoping that my activity can be up more than it has been!
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