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"He assumed something more... intimate, or I would think he did. It is also possible he does not wish for me to be friends with you because it denotes a form of attachment. Pallick allowed you to stay, but I believe that Erith wanted to end your lives and keep our peace. He does not trust your kind." He bit back the irritation in his tone. Not only had Erith insulted him directly, he had insulted Lyra by believing she had ulterior motives.

"I am taking care of you, and that does not mean that I cannot be friends with you. Showing you around my home is not a crime, and why he treated it as such, I will find out soon enough." He finally chose that time to look down at her, noting the touch of her hand on his shoulder. Like he had done before to her, she was trying to comfort him, but it was anger she was trying to nurse, not sorrow. "You will not be harmed, even if Erith believes you should be. If Pallick judges anyone, it will be me, not you."
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"He assumed something more... intimate, or I would think he did. It is also possible he does not wish for me to be friends with you because it denotes a form of attachment. Pallick allowed you to stay, but I believe that Erith wanted to end your lives and keep our peace. He does not trust your kind."

Lyra bit her lip. Of course, she already knew this, but how strong was the Cloudi's distrust? Could this incident, her fault, cause Erith to kill not only her, but the rest of the survivors? She would never want to hurt anyone, least of all Saraph. Which reminded her, who gives Erith the right to insult him?! The pair both held back anger for what Erith had done to the other.
Lyra was glad that friendship was no crime, but she was still glad the angel-lke being hadn't found out about her exposure to Life-fire. Judging by Saraph's interpretation of Erith's reaction to them simply touching, she imagined he may have gone farther than threats if he saw her with Life-fire...
Lyra sighed in response to his last statement, at which he finally looked back at her. He seemed very sure of himself, but how could he know for sure that she wouldn't be judged? Unless he was implying a promise to prevent that himself? Lyra decided she should stop thinking so hard. "Well, I hope he doesn't judge anyone. You didn't do anything wrong. I mean I was the one crying...You were only--" She grimaced at her won weakness and then shook her head slightly, resolving to stay on topic. "Should we go back? Before Pallick decides to talk to you? I mean, if he does."

((Next time Saraph talks to a Cloudi, can you leave Lyra room to interject? That way she might have to be held back or shut up? Cuz had she been awake for Erith, she would have done something for sure.))
"You are not the one who insulted Erith, who is Pallick's most trusted adviser. I was only defending you, and I chose the wrong way to do so," he said. With a barely suppressed sigh, Saraph stood up, extending his hand to Lyra. "You are right. We should leave. I will return you to my home before I must speak with Pallick myself. Before Erith has a chance to do so." Once she stood up, he released her and searched their surroundings.

"I believe Erith is still making his patrol trips into the forest, so we will have time." He started to walk and then stopped. Maybe Pallick would believe his story if Lyra was with him. He turned back to face the human girl. "Would you be opposed to accompanying me to speak with Pallick? I... do not have particularly good conversational skills. If Pallick understands that we were doing nothing that Erith believes, then he will not have reason to judge me." Besides, he would have felt more comfortable with her around. They'd shared a special moment, but Saraph had only been trying to help. Having someone else around to explain that would bolster his chances of not being judged.

((Can do. :3))
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Lyra took his hand, disregarding the blame he placed on himself. Everything would be okay later...right?
He lifted her into his arms and she held onto him tightly, hoping that her eyes weren't too red or puffy. She missed Saraph's house with the music room and the simplistic kitchen. And his room that smelled like him. It started to feel like home, so at first, she wasn't very opposed to staying in the house when he went to go see Pallick.
After he dropped her off, she shivered, missing the warmth he'd given her while in his arms. He started to walk away and she watched him take a few steps before turning back to her, violet eyes flashing beautifully. "Would you be opposed to accompanying me to speak with Pallick? I... do not have particularly good conversational skills." Lyra couldn't hold back a brief smile at that truth. And she was glad he'd considered letting her help him. Maybe if she helped him enough, she wouldn't feel like she had to thank him all the time. Maybe she could repay him a t least a little.
"If Pallick understands that we were doing nothing that Erith believes, then he will not have reason to judge me." He said
Lyra nodded and followed after him, pulling out her loosening ponytail again. As they walked to the main building she'd first been introduced to Saraph at, she wrapped the black ribbon around her wrist, brushing out her long hair with her fingers. She looked to the Cloudi beside her before they stepped inside. "I'll help in any way I can." She gave him a half smile and prepared herself to meet Pallick, apparently the one in charge of the enchanting Island of Clouds.
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That time, her response elicited a smile. "Thank you," he said as they made their way to Pallick's house. It was a small abode with bright, decorating lines painted along the side. It was reminiscent of Saraph's strange tattoo, but it held a different sort of design to it. There was no door. It was only a silk curtain that blew in the slight breeze. However, it did little to block out the barking voice of Erith.

"Sir, I saw him! Having a relationship like that with a human is not for us," he squawked, and Saraph could imagine his big wings flaring out and flapping in indignation.

"Erith, I believe you, but you are quick to judge. I will handle this matter," answered Pallick's calm, ancient voice. There was a whoosh as Erith made his exit with a grand sweep, nearly toppling over Lyra as she stood by Saraph. Erith glared at the black haired Cloudi, but he seemed to ignore Lyra completely. "Watch yourself, Wobble-Wing," he said, then he finally addressed Lyra with, "you too, human."

Saraph's fist clenched at his side, and he didn't move inside. Erith still caught the reaction, and it was almost like he was sticking around just because he wanted Saraph to attack him.
Phallic k's home was just as beautiful as everything else on the island with intricate patterns adorning all walls. Lyra looked up at the Cloudi before her. He was the only one that struck her as old. Simply my the look in his eyes. Before anyone could say a word, Erith burst into the room and Lyra tenses up at his words, clenching her fists and gritting her teeth even as Pallick dismissed him. The cowardly Cloudi's outstretched wing bumped Lyra nearly off balance. She grabbed Saraph's arm for balance, then let go and glared at the male who thought he had the right to insult her friend.
"Who are you to judge me? You don't even know my name! And Saraph may have one wing larger than the other, but at least he has courage. Unlike you. You're all talk Erith. Everyone can see that. Now. I believe Pallick dismissed you." Lyra growled, eyes blazing, arms crossed.
Any other day, if Lyra had not been there, Erith might have attacked Saraph. As it was, they were outside of Pallick's home, there was a human, and Saraph did have a few inches of height on Erith. The eagle-like Erith had more bulk, however, and it was clear who might have won in a fight. But there was no action. Not yet. Instead, Erith glared down at Lyra, watching as Saraph put a hand on Lyra's shoulder and his gaze turned disgusted. No words left his mouth as he picked up and flew away, most likely just to spite Saraph for not having the same flying capabilities as everyone else.

Once Erith was gone, Saraph released a sigh, removing his hand from Lyra. "I... apologize. That was what came of our argument, and it seems he arrived first."

"Do not fear, Saraph," came Pallick's voice from inside. Saraph let Lyra enter first. Pallick was sitting in a large, open back chair with plush armrests. There were two tall, wooden hooks behind the chair, and as Pallick leaned back against them, his wings were settled inside the hooks. It allowed him to take the stress from his back without crushing his wing-bones. The room was dimmer, as there were less windows, but the Life-fire lanterns on the walls helped keep it lit enough to see. The wooden floors creaked under Saraph's bare feet as he moved forward to stand in front of Pallick.

"Erith believes you desire something more than a friendship with this human, and you with Saraph, Lyra," he said, regarding both Cloudi and human. "Erith is intelligent, but he has a way to assume things that may or may not be true."
Lyra held up her glare against the eagle-like Erith until he flew away, attempting to rub into Saraph's face his flawless flying. She was aware of the disgust he felt for any sort of relationship they may have simply by the look he gave them when Saraph put his hand on her shoulder.
He let go with a sigh and apologized to Pallick. When the pair entered, Lyra gazed around the room again, now that her vision was unhindered by the silk doorway as Pallick quelled Saraph's worries. Lyra stood curiously beside Saraph the whole time, cocking her head slightly at the hooks he inserted his wings into. She never thought about how heavy those would be when they're not being used.
"Erith believes you desire something more than a friendship with this human, and you with Saraph, Lyra," he said, regarding both Cloudi and human. "Erith is intelligent, but he has a way to assume things that may or may not be true." Pallick's voice was mature, something that simply resonated with authority. It wasn't intimidating, but it definitely fit him.
Lyra bit her lip, stealing a glance at Saraph before opening her mouth again. "I agree. I hardly know him and it's obvious his assumptions are kind of biased. Right? But hey, if his assumption were correct--and I'm not implying it is or isn't--why would it be a crime?" Lyra asked as respectfully as she could manage without many authority figures in her recent years
Saraph said nothing as Lyra spoke. He felt her gaze, but he knew she could defend him just as well as he could defend himself, maybe even better. However, what came out of her mouth wasn't what he was expecting, and instead of Pallick answering, it was Saraph who came to defend Erith. "As I have said before, we have not had humans here in... a very long time. Erith, like many of us, have different ideas about humans. The way he is treating you is what he believes is the correct way to handle your kind."

Pallick nodded at Saraph's words, his eyes coming to rest on Lyra. "Saraph is correct. Erith is intelligent, but he does not think I should have made the motion to keep you alive. I believe in slaying only that which is necessary. It is not necessary for us to kill you. Your captain has agreed to swear an oath of silence, just as you have. It is why we are helping you to leave. We have enough on our island to sustain ourselves, but we cannot hope to accommodate all of you permanently. When your air craft is completed, I will send you off. As for your friendship being a crime, I do not consider it as such. Saraph is helping you to recover, which seems to be coming along quite nicely and far faster than I anticipated." A questioning glance was sent up to Saraph, and the black-haired Cloudi pointedly avoided the gaze.

Pallick looked back down to Lyra. "As I said, it is not a crime to be friends. However, I would not advise anything further, between you, Saraph, or anyone else. You will leave when the time comes." With a dismissing nod, Pallick leaned back again, letting Saraph move out of his home with Lyra in tow. He knew when not to test Pallick. Even if Lyra wanted to say more, she would have to do so some other time. Irritating Pallick was never a good idea, and it seemed like the entire ordeal was more stressing than it should have been.

"I am sorry," he said when they were out of Pallick's hearing range. "I did not mean to interject, but... I suppose I don't have a suitable counter argument for you. Perhaps it was not right of me to do so."
Lyra frowned at Saraph's interjection, but it served to keep her from viewing Erith as some sort of enemy. So she understood. Then she turned back toward Pallick and deflated in the inside. She wasn't going to have a choice in staying or not. At least they could be friends for a little while.. Lyra gritted her teeth and took a deep breath, not catching the look Pallick gave to Saraph about her recovery. Lyra gave Pallick a nod of polite goodbye while Saraph led her away, frozen and tired. It was a long day.
"It's okay. I don't..it doesn't matter." Lyra let her disappointment show on her face. If she left, where was she to go? Saraph's house is the only place that even felt remotely like a home to her. And that's the only place she wanted to go right now. "Let's go h-back to your house."
Saraph watched her and his gaze saddened. Maybe he had done something truly wrong. He was silent as they moved back to his house, unsure what he should say. He had done his best to comfort her, but now he seemed he was just unraveling that moment before his eyes.

It was only when he closed the door that he finally said something. "I do not wish to make you sad. Have I done something wrong?" He moved into the kitchen, grabbing one of the sterberis from the table. However, he only picked at it, finding his appetite was gone after Pallick's conversation. Had taking her to the Life-Fire's well been a bad idea? He hadn't known about its properties. Saraph breathed a sigh, twirling the stem of the fruit in between his fingers.
Lyra walked behind Saraph slowly on their way back, silent and worried. She followed him to the kitchen, nearly too distracted by her own depressing thoughts to listen to his question. But she looked up, pulling her own sterberi from the bowl. "No no, you didn't do anything. I just..wish I could stay here. But I know I can't." Lyra shrugged, looked down and leaned against the counter before pressing her lips to the fruit. But she didn't take a bite. Just sighed.
"Oh." Pallick must have truly upset her when he commanded that she was, in fact, going to leave. Saraph found that he was growing slightly attached to her, however. He wasn't supposed to be, but he couldn't help it. This human loved his music and singing and everything else about him and his home. It was no wonder that she didn't want to leave.

Saraph abandoned his food, coming around to the other side of the table. Gently, he tugged Lyra's fruit away from her, taking both hands to make her stand. He wrapped his arms and his wings around her, doing what he could to comfort her.

"I... I am sorry that you cannot stay," was all he could think to say. He was becoming acutely aware of the way her small frame pressed against his in his embrace, and he found that he didn't mind it in fb slightest.
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Lyra seemed a bit out of it as Saraph realized the reason for her sadness. She knew that if she really thought about it, the hopelessness of it all, she might just crumble again. She she tried to keep from thinking at all, staring numbly into empty space until Saraph held her close with his silky wings and warm embrace. Ignoring the ache in her ribs, Lyra hugged him back, wrapping her arms around him tightly, as if she never wanted to let go.
"Me too." She mumbled against his chest, avoiding the question her mind kept trying to ask her. What would she do back on earth?
Saraph did his best to be careful, but he knew there still had to be pain. But she hadn't said anything yet, so he stayed there, holding her against him.

Part of him thought to try and convince Pallick to let her stay, but he knew it would be impossible. The old Cloudi would never budge on his beliefs and ideals. It was both a good and bad thing. It had kept them safe, but unaware and uninterested in the affairs of the rest of the world.

Saraph tried to distract himself from his thoughts by softly stroking Lyra's hair as he had done before. His fingers trailed down her back as they swept to the tips of her red locks, but she didn't seem to mind too much. He wasn't sure why she enjoyed this, but she hadn't told him to stop before, and she was just as sorrowful as she had been before.
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Lyra sighed as Saraph ran his fingers through her long hair. It felt so nice, even though her ribs complained. Without letting go of him, Lyra nuzzled her nose against his chest. "My mom used to do this when I was upset. I miss it. So Thanks Saraph. For everything." She murmured, talking just to keep the silence from making her mind think. From asking desperate questions that would only make her cry
Her mother, someone that she hadn't seen in some time, given that she was above the clouds. Her voice was soft, like she was reminiscing about something. Her nose had buried itself in his shirt, but he didn't mind. "You are welcome," he replied, keeping up the motions with his hand. It was calming her, as far as he could tell. She didn't seem to be so sad about leaving while his wings encased her in a soft and feathery cocoon.

"Your mother must miss you," he said, not really realizing the weight of his words. He didn't know Lyra's parents were gone, just like his. It hadn't ever come up in casual conversation. It hadn't needed to. Saraph was content about knowing her, not her past.
Lyra closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of his feathers on her skin as he spoke. She pressed her cheek against his chest, listening to his heartbeat, fluttery like a bird's. Then she winced when he spoke of her mom. Ariel had been her name. She was the most loving, sweet and perfect mother she could ever imagine.
"I hope she does. I do. But I guess I'll never really know..." Lyra said, emotions leaking from her heart with every word. "She's gone now. With my dad. That's something we have in common, huh?" She sighed. So morbid. maybe she shouldn't have said anything
"I am sorry. I did not mean to bring up such things. I suppose we do have that in common, but... my parents went peacefully. Yours were younger. They should not be gone." Her words stabbed him in the heart, like knives drenched in tears. Losing someone was hard. He knew that all too well. Lyra losing both of her parents at a young age, just like he did, had to be hard on her, even more so than him.

In a rare dropping of his guard, Saraph's mouth lightly rested on her hair. "I am sure your mother misses you, just as you miss her. I am sure she watches over you, just as you said guardian angels do." His hand continued to run along her hair, fingers curling around the tips of her soft strands.
Saraph seemed comfortable holding her like this. He hadn't made it awkward or stepped away and Lyra was glad to be warm against his heart.
"I am sorry. I did not mean to bring up such things. I suppose we do have that in common, but... my parents went peacefully. Yours were younger. They should not be gone." He said, apologizing yet again for something he'd never need to be sorry for. But she did agree with the fact that her parents were ripped away to young. She nodded against his chest as he eyes watered. His lips rested against the top of her head lightly and Lyra closed her eyes again, highly aware of the black ribbon around her right wrist.
"I am sure your mother misses you, just as you miss her. I am sure she watches over you, just as you said guardian angels do." Saraph's finger curled and uncurled around her hair and Lyra gave a sad little laugh. She'd like to believe her parents missed her wherever they were, since they'd protected her so bravely the day they died. She tensed at the unexpected onslaught of the memory she always wished she could have forgotten. Lyra's fingers gripped the back of Saraph's shirt tightly for a moment, then her body relaxed again, trying not to ruin the moment. "Don't be sorry. I won't ever blame you for little things like that." She sniffed a little, but the tears faded slowly. She wouldn't cry again. Not today.
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