The Forgotten Divine (ooc/Sign-ups)

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My antagonist NPC...

Name: Chrion Chafer

Age: 2,000 years

Gender: Male

Species: God Best

Abilities (If applicable): Advanced Dark Magic, he is capable of "Absorbing" other gods.

Skills: Unknown

Weaknesses: Energy overcharge, he haves a fragile body while in human form.

Personality: Talkative & vengeful.

History: Chrion's origin is unknown, the only thing that it's clear about him is that he hates humans and gods, his objectives are unknown for everyone (This part will be in the RP), there are some rumors that say that he was created to protect the door of heavens, he was one of the 5 guardians chosen by the gods to protect the dimensional balance between heaven, earth and ades, after most of the gods where forgotten he disappeared, now he is back with a new power.

Looks: (picture or description)

Name: Iza Koi

Age: Appears to be 14

Gender: Can Change between Female and Male- Mostly Male

Species: God of Emotion

Abilities (If applicable): Shape Shifting, Different Powers depending on his current emotion.

Flight, the ablilty to change people's emotion or to make them emotionless.

Skills: He is very quick, he can easily make friends.

Weaknesses: He loses friends easily, he can be very shy, due to being the god of emotion he has Multiple Personlity Disorder making him very hard to talk to sometimes.

Personality: Normal- When not being effected by any emotions he is very calm, cool, friendly, and a little shy when it comes to certain things. (Only Power is Shapeshifting and Magic, such as emotion changing of others)

Anger- When angry his eyes turn a blazing red color and he becomes very hostile, always looking for a fight whenever he can, he also becomes very self gloating. (Powers are Fire control, Super Strength and Increased Pain tolrance)

Apathy- In this emotion he becomes a blank slate of a person, not caring about anything or anyone, he has no expressions and talks in a monotone voice, his eyes become a gray color. (Powers are Increased Pain tolrance- So much that he barely feels anything- and Anti-Matter/ Matter control- He uses this very little of the time.

Sadness- When sad he is usually crying, his eyes turning a dark blue color, he talks in a depressed tone and seems to not like anything he also has a small rain cloud over him. (Power: Water Control, Weather Control)

Happiness- When extremely happy his eyes turn a bright yellow and he loves everything about everything so much that he turns into almost a child not knowing who is good and who is bad. (Powers: Super Speed, and Flight)

Laziness- In this form he doesn't walk but instead floats everywhere, his eyes go into a cool purple color and he is very laid back, so much that he barely opens his eyes. (Powers: Levation, All Sight- Meaning when he opens his eyes, he can in a way see everything that is happening)

Love- There isn't much to this form , other than he becomes flirty with every girl he sees, which can be very annoying, but this his weakest form with no powers.

History: Iza was a god created not born like some others, he was created because people needed to control emotion seeing how emotion was a main problem at times, such at causing wars and such, Iza was created to keep that balance but failed many times, he keeps his younger age because he enjoys being able to be around humans without causing much trouble. He has made many mistakes, and most gods use him to change the emotion of another god or high up human, Aries using him to start a few wars and such.

Looks: (picture or description)
You're accepted, but please do be careful with the fact that he technically has a lot of powers especially since Zaira has a character with weather control also. I don't want any characters being better than anyone's here.
You're accepted, but please do be careful with the fact that he technically has a lot of powers especially since Zaira has a character with weather control also. I don't want any characters being better than anyone's here.

Thank you and I will he will only use a certain set of powers at once, also his weather control is rain only.
You could try unwatching the thread then watching it again.
This seems pretty interesting. Are you all still accepting new characters?

Name: Alium

Age: ??? (appears to be 20-30)

Gender: ??? (often appears to be female, but can appear as a male)

Species: Demon God of Luck


- Can grant good and bad luck to anyone.
- Is capable of flight, and can phase through walls, seeing as he possesses a non-corporeal body
- Can possess any willing, or unconscious, human being for an extended amount of time. However, in human form, Alium cannot pass through walls, and cannot fly without revealing her wings.

Skills: Alium is a skilled strategist and prankster, often thinking up creative ways to thwart plans with bad, or good, luck. Most of Alium's strength comes from intelligence.

Weaknesses: Alium has little combat experience, and therefore is incapable of participating in most combat scenarios. Alium is also unable to interact with the world directly, and therefore relies on possessing earthly beings in order to do so. However, should the host die while being possessed, Alium will be ejected back into the spirit plane.

Also, Alium's luck granting abilities cannot alter the natural abilities of a target. In other words, Alium cannot make someone a better or worse marksman, but Alium can cause the bullet to ricochet in a way that allows it to hit the target, or cause the gun to jam.

Personality: Alium has a vast sense of humor, which lends to her prankster side. Due to his constantly decreasing reverence in human society, Alium has often resorted to merely traveling about and randomly granting good or bad fortune to humans, just so she can get a laugh. Because of this, he often appears childish and immature.

However, Alium also has a strong sense of justice. She often uses her abilities to deal out judgement and reward as he sees fit, although his judgement may be questionable to some.

History: Conceived between a god and a demon, and born in the underworld, Alium was considered an abomination by both gods and demons, and as such she was banished to the void between the worlds of gods and men. From there, Alium slowly grew as centuries passed. Although he could not contact either world on either side of the void, she could still watch as the years toiled by. Silent and invisible, he would walk among humans, observing the race as it grew.

Eventually, after spending a seemingly endless amount of time in the void, Alium began to exhibit the ability to manipulate minute details of the human world she so dearly loved. At first she could do little more than slightly alter the path of a falling leaf, or limit the number of times a coin would bounce upon hitting the ground. But over time, his powers began to truly manifest themselves, and with this new power Alium was finally able to partially leave the confines of her isolation, and interact with the world he had observed for many years.

For several millenniums after discovering her new abilities, Alium kept herself busy by altering the courses of numerous individual lives in little ways. Eventually, her manipulations were noticed, and were subsequently named "Luck" by the human race. From that point on, her influence and fame skyrocketed. Humans built shrines, talismans, and even religions around Alium. However, because Alium was unable to directly speak to any of her followers, she never directly received any praise. The religions that the humans created worshiped imaginary figures, and their talismans were little more than fancy trinkets. Sure, he appreciated the fact that the humans loved her actions, but Alium still suffered from bouts of loneliness. She wanted to be recognized.

And so, using the willing body of one of his many "worshipers", Alium left the void for the first time, and ventured in the physical world.


When not possessing someone, Alium's form is barely visible to the naked human eye (she sort of resembles the shimmer you see from heat waves on a hot day), however he can be seen by other gods, and those similar to gods (ie, demi-gods, familiars, etc).

Female Form:

Male Form:
Cool, you're accepted.
Oh dear it's kind of hard to bring either of my characters back in right now (mostly because everything seems just the tiny bit messy). Any suggestions?
Sorry, I've been really busy so I haven't had a lot of time for this. I apologize and try to come up with something to help.
Oh dear it's kind of hard to bring either of my characters back in right now (mostly because everything seems just the tiny bit messy). Any suggestions?
Haha, I was thinking the same thing.

My character may be able to help somehow, what with luck and all that, but I don't want to step on any toes.
is it too late to sign up still?
No, you can still join.

And anyone is free to try and bring us together, I've been very busy so I don't have a lot of time to think about it at the moment.
Crap I wasn't Notified!
Guess It's time for Fate to do it's job, If everyone's okay with me slightly nudging everybody in one specific direction. ~w~
Crap I wasn't Notified!
Guess It's time for Fate to do it's job, If everyone's okay with me slightly nudging everybody in one specific direction. ~w~
It all depends on what you do, I don't really want people to be controlled by another but if you make something happen where they all notice it and decided to do something (or something like that) then that's fine.

Also, @Brosephus, I can't really post anything or very much unless Hood responds or does something right now.
A slight nudge can be done, we kind of need it right now.
I'll see what I can do.
Any suggestions though would be great. @.@

*More Thinking*