The Fine Line Between Love and Hate (w/ Blooming B

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"If I'm prone to grumpiness, you're prone to naivety!" He exclaimed in a perfect example of his grumpy nature, though softened considerably at his twin's nuzzles, returning the platonic affection by resting his own head close with a soft grumble of agreement. "Fine, you can come see 'em. Benji says they're cute, and... he said i can come help him when it's Spring, 'cause that's when a lot of lambs are born. That'd be great, wouldn't it?"​
"... We can save one to eat," He suggested, only half joking as he let his tired eyes flutter close. "Would... You like to see the cats tonight? I have a secret way to get to them, but you'll need to help me carry food- don't tell mother that I stole some cat food."
"You are not eating one of them," he suddenly whined, awkwardly shuffling from the bed to his wardrobe, opting to change into something he usually wore if going out somewhere nice - he wanted to make a good impression for Benji, even if the boy had made out with him earlier when Cobie had been bundled up comically. "...I'll see the cats after we go to the farm, okay? Can... Can't we bring a cat home? Keep it in our bedroom? I doubt Cordelia will grass us up, she loves cats as much as we do..."​
"I suppose, but if mother found out? She's already furious at us. S-She'd IMMEDIATELY would pack everything and have us sent somewhere else. N-No, the cats stay where they are until I'm positive they wont be found." He then lightly threw his fist down in emphasis, deciding to mick his brother and his occassionally unnecessary toughness
"h-Hey!" He squeaked, playfully punching his shoulder with a deep pout at the equally playful mockery. "I'm not some a-awful brute, Folie! I... I'm not tough, psh! Not as much as Damon, a-and the others, anyway."​
"That's for sure..." He muttered, though sat up and stretched. "Don't get all dressed up until night time. If you decide to just wander off in the evening, we'll both be caught and in even more trouble. I would wait until 1, and go see Benji before going to see my hoar- our hoard. B-But again, you need to take care of them too if you want to see them."
"I told you, I'll help out!" He reassured with a roll of his eyes, continuing to search for clothes despite the other's wise advice. The only time he did pull away was when Cordelia entered, the lethargic girl who shared the room with the twins staring at them both through the uniquely purple-coloured eyes before simply snorting. "Hey. What are you two up to?"​
"D-Don't tell mom," whispered Folie, his shy personality finally shining through as he fiddled with the sleeves of his sweater, "please?"
"Mm, about what? You planning to go to see some hoarded cats, or you both visiting a human farmer?" She cooed, albeit sleepily as she clambered onto the double bed in the corner of the room and flopped down in it with a smile. "I won't, obviously. You guys are my little bros, hm? I adore you both, and if you're gonna go do that, and it makes you happy, then so what? I think, like... do what makes you smile, yeah?"​
"They're not just some random hoard of cats, they're MY cats!" He grumbled, folding his arms. "J-Jeez, how did you know? Were... You listening to us? Who else heard? O-Oh god..."
"I was literally outside the door, will you relax?" She scoffed, rather amused by the identical shock on both their faces. "Mom's busy yelling at Damon for flirting with some girl in the village to even hear anyway, so relax, will you buddy?"​
"... Damon was flirting with a human?" He gasped, eyes wide at the mere IDEA pf his brother even really leaving the house. "Thats... Weird, eh? For him, at least..."
"Isn't it just?" The gothic girl gushed, moving to lay on her stomach to talk to the twins. "Although, to be fair, the burst of confidence is pretty understandable. The girl's gorgeous, I'd totally date her. She's my type, to be honest. All cutesy and adorable and... aw~"

"This... This is like... betrayal!" Cobie suddenly blurted. He had been under the impression every one of his six older siblings had all been following the rules of the household as rigidly as he had prior to the previous day, but apparently, Damon was flirting with some human girl, and Cordelia gushing about wanting to do the same. It felt like... well, that they didn't respect their mother, but also pretty annoying when he had been so stern about the rules when nobody else had. Hell, how could he know now? For all he knew, all his siblings were at it!

"Don't be such a moany git," Cordelia snorted, pushing her purple hair from her face. "It doesn't matter if Mom doesn't know. I mean, I've... been dating for years. Mom doesn't know, so it's fine. As long as you make sure not to let slip you're a wyvern, it's totally fine, Cobes."​
"T-That's what I said!" Squeaked Folie, his cheeks red in his own frustrations as he shot a quick glance at his twin. "As long as we keep it under wraps, it's... It's fine. I'm sure Jakob wouldn't find out and I know you don't really think this, but I know how to lie when I need to. I-If everyone else can do it, why can't we?"
"Jakob? As in our dear kind Prince? You little minx! Fancying a Prince?" She gushed suddenly, lavender eyes glittering in clear excitement - much to Cobie's annoyance as he curled up to nap. "I'm dating one of his maids, actually. She let me in the castle once-- have you been in? It's so opulent-- our home was like that, bigger even. You'd have loved it~"​
"Cobie and I went in when we were both hurt, it was sort of...Overstimulating." He declared, not really having much of an opinion or desire to really ever want to live in such a big and overly luxurious home. He enjoyed the small house they lived in, the only really big change he'd like done would be to have it a little bigger. Sharing a room with two other people was sort of... Cluttered.
"it's very grand-- not that I took much in. I was busy with my girlfriend making out in one of the rooms," she shrugged absently, that comment easily causing Cobie to scoff at feeling another hit of betrayal and deceit from the sister he adored. "Oi, shut it, Cobes. She makes me happy, as much as Jakob does Folie, and that Benji guy does with you."​
The very harsh stare on his brother was all that was needed to prove he agreed with the girl, his lips pursed to hold back blurting a very loud "I told you so!" Instead, he grinned wide at the idea that he could maybe, one day, officially be with Jakob. ".... If w-we all have some human we love, we should go to mom and tell her?"
"No, definitely not. I mean, Celestia is like Cobie. So are Felicity and Elan. They refuse the idea of humans," she reminded, glaring vehemently at Cobie's smug expression at that. "Literally, it's you, me, Damon and maybe Felix who are open to the idea, hence the importance of just... keeping it to ourselves for now. As much as I'd like to go open with my girlfriend, it's not entirely appropriate right now, hon."​
He huffed in defeat as he flopped down on his bed. "Fine, but... I-If we're staying hdre as long as I think we are, then there'll be plenty of time to convince you
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