The Fine Line Between Love and Hate (w/ Blooming B

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Staring at him in evident shock, she did gulp and peer across the hills of snow until settling on a quaint little cottage with an adjoining space of land for farming. At the sound of baaing, she did sigh and squeeze his hand tight. "I suppose that would be a good way of exacting revenge. Mind you, if he hurt Cobie, I would probably lose it and murder all the animals. Same for if Jakob ever hurt you. I'd go momentarily insane with vengeance."​
Forgetting the serious topic, he followed the sound of the baas with wide eyes. "How many are there?!" He squeaked in shock, "There must be a ton!"
"There's about... I dunno... thirty?" Cobie beamed, having clambered from his boyfriend's arms to rush to the flock of sheep, having barely seen them as they practically camouflaged themselves in the snow-covered fields. "They're super adorable though, huh?" He grinned back at his brother, scooping up one of the newborns in his arms with a clearly giddy smile. "Ah~"​
Taking them all in, his eyes brimmed with tears suddenly. "I-I... I couldn't take them, they need to stay with their parents... Can I pet them? I don't think Benji'll let me, will he?"
"I'm letting you," he smiled, his boyfriend having wandered into the cottage to inform his father of bringing friends over. Admiring how beautiful the village looked from the cottage's position on the hill, he knelt in the snow to coo over another of the lambs, and once the little thing wandered over, he immediately beckoned his brother close. "Look, this is... Bluebell, I think? Benji told me about her. She's cute, huh?"​
He nodded quickly, his eyes locked on Bluebell in adoration while petting the lamb. Nesting against it, he closed his eyes while happily purring. Despite being a wyvern, and usually mass eating animals once a month with his family, Folie had a deep connection to animals- so much so that he would love to one day have a career with them, in some way.
"Don't you want to come see the puppies?" he suddenly grinned at his twin, at least happy he seemed to be enjoying himself. In fact, he did hope that the animals were enough of a reason for Folie to continue allowing him to be with Benji. "Benji's dog had puppies, apparently. They're a day old, and I know you're a cat person, but..."​
".... Puppies?!" He squeaked, before hurrying towards the door in pure excitement. "We should have one- a cat, dog, and a sheep! Oh my gosh, we could make a nice house somewhere and be able to be happy with all the pets! I-If we move, Jakob could come and it'll be great."
"Jakob... he wouldn't ever move with you." Cobie grimaced, setting the lamb down as he trudged forward, with Cordelia following warily. "He's a Prince, he'd just stay at his castle-- I don't want to be mean, Folie, b-but... it'd never happen, so... a-anyway, let's see the puppies, okay? Whatever happens in the future, will happen..."​
Trailing behind to follow his sister, he peered at her with a frown. "... Is Cobie right? T-That Jakob and I won't work? I mean... I know he's a prince, but if someone loves the other a lot, wouldn't they give up things for them? That's true love, right?"
"I'm sure that if he falls in love, he'll already be risking a lot. He's supposed to marry some awful princess, isn't he? If he falls for you, I bet you he'll shove her aside and openly claim his gushing love for you~ That's a risk in itself," she cooed grandly, scooping his hand to keep him close once entering the quaint home. "But as far as him actually leaving his lifestyle? I... don't think he would."​
"... No? You don't think so?" He whispered, his frown growing to a flat line instead as he followed her obediently. "... Hm... I guess that makes sense, eh? S-So... If we do move, I won't get to stay with him? Because... I feel a really deep connection with him."
"Look, don't rush into stuff. Have you even kissed him? What if he's a total pig? You can't plan all this yet, y'know. He could be awful, so take it slow and as it comes," she shrugged to herself, though even whilst saying it, know it was total rubbish - Jakob probably didn't hold a bad bone in his body. Sighing, she took advantage of entering the cottage to interrupt her from the conversation, smiling quietly at how nice it was. The fact it wasn't overcrowded by siblings helped - there was only Benji and his sister, and their parents.

"My Dad doesn't mind, so long as we keep it down." Benji grinned, bounding down the steps to easily snatch onto his boyfriend's hand. He had started that day detesting Cobie, but now? He was eager to envelop him into the farm home and show him around, though had to apparently endure Folie and Cordelia too, showing his annoyance through a sharp glare. "...Don't you have anywhere else you can go?"​
"I'm here to make sure you don't hurt my brother." Replied Folie flatly, his own eyes locked on the other bitterly. "I don't want you hurting, or ruining our family. I'm only letting him be near you because I know he loves you, understood? Now just... Deal with us, hm?"
"I'll deal with you, of course I will. I'm so happy you're here," he sarcastically snapped, unable to really hold back his contempt for him, and even for Cordelia. He had no personal annoyance with her, but the fact she was present, preventing him and Cobie to have privacy ensured her to be a nuisance in his eyes too. "Why don't you go hang out with my sister, while Cobie and I go do boyfriend stuff?"​
"Now that you say that, I'm determined to stay by your side the entire time..." Grumbled Folie, his eyes narrowing while he folded his arms over his chest. "If you weren't such an asshole, I'd let you do whatever. But you're acting very rude to guests..."
"...C-Can you... just... go hang out with his sister, o-or something?" Cobie suddenly stammered, seeming to gain an inkling that the privacy his lover was hinting toward could well entail more kissing, or further. Something the young wyvern desperately wanted. "Please, Folie?"​
His glare softened from Cobie's word, causing him to reluctantly back behind their sister with a frown. "... Fine, b-but... Be back in an hour? I want to show you the cats..."
"Definitely~!" He grinned, dashing forward to press a kiss to his cheek as a sign of gratitude, before hurrying after his boyfriend to the stables to see the horses.. even if this was mostly a cover for Benji to be able to gain a little privacy and make out with Cobie without his siblings present. Once he had, Cordelia couldn't help cracking a grin in pride for her little brother - just seeing him happy made her happy in turn. "...Right. Let's just hang out here for a little while, then."​
".... I fucking hate Benji." He declared openly, eyes locked on nothing in particular as he buried himself in his clothes for warmth. "He doesn't treat me well, and... A-And Cobie should see that. He should stand up for me, shouldn't he? I'm only doing this because I know he likes him and it makes him happy... Y-Yet I get yelled out for just wanting to see Jakob briefly for a cup of tea. It just... hmph."
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