The Fight for Valeroma

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Blue, no need to get all worked up! To be honest I'm a little happy you haven't posted yet, I have the big move coming up and a lot to do before then so if we weren't waiting on you we'd be waiting on me! One way or another (at least for this RP) we'd be at a standstill.

Side note, isn't the you need a hug thing kinda creepy? I'm pretty sure its supposed to be the crab thing from Alien and I really wouldn't want a hug from that...
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I agree with FOO, honestly...don't sweat it. I don't think any of us are going anywhere, and those who do decide to leave, well their loss! You take your time...your characters will come back when they are ready. If you think it will help, try joining a simple role play and making a new character to get those juices flowing again. It'll come back to you. Promise.

Meanwhile, I'll be off in other RPs and enjoying myself with Sahvati temporarily shelved. She'll come back when she's needed, and that's all that matters. I'm in no rush here. Same goes for the Partheus RP. Don't stress yourself. <3

I also agree that the "You need a hug" symbol is super creepy...
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-sigh- If only it was a teddy bear or something cute and cuddly. But it's the thought that counts! Take your time, Bitter dear. We're not going anywhere. <3
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Ok! I am back, partially. Post quality not up to par, but it's adequate for our needs right now.

Foo is away on RT right now, she's moving. So she is going to be absent for a bit, but she said she'll try to get a post up next weekend. So we can save her postings for later on.
Lady Alainn, Mowkie and I are working on a way to bring Sahvati into our lovely group. So be prepared for that in the meantime. :)

Post away friends!
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It'll probably be forever before I can get Kel to sit down and write a post for Tysin or Nik. He's been busy getting things done around the house now that spring is here! [Give me a week to nag?] In the meantime, I shall eagerly await for someone else to get in a post so that Kolmar may properly introduce himself to the new little lady. :P
It'll probably be forever before I can get Kel to sit down and write a post for Tysin or Nik. He's been busy getting things done around the house now that spring is here! [Give me a week to nag?] In the meantime, I shall eagerly await for someone else to get in a post so that Kolmar may properly introduce himself to the new little lady. :P
Hehe Em is kinda shy around dwarves. No logical reason for it other than she has never seen one before
Questions, questions, questions...

It's good to be at Vivian's house! I can tell I'm definitely more used to the cadence of fast moving, short storyline, one or two session chat RPs than the slower pace of a forum RP.

I'm working on a Tysin post but there aren't a lot of details yet about what Vivian's house and the surrounding area looks like. Anyone mind if I set up the stage with my post?

There are a couple of things that I would like to know to do that:
  • House: How big is 'decent'? Are we talking decent cottage (a few basic bedrooms, kitchen/eating area, maybe sitting area, but that could be outside) or decent sized almost low royalty (larger bedrooms, maybe with attached private areas, good sized kitchen, separate dining and sitting areas, probably a small library or study). What is it made of; wood, stone, brick, sod, etc.? I'm guessing somewhat elven in style (work with nature, not against it) but some dragonish influence.
  • Area: Are we looking at wide open plains with waving grass, cultivated farmland, rolling hills with groves of trees, rocky areas with scrub brush, down in a valley so it's out of sight? I'm picturing some mountains off in the distance, visible, but not too close. I'm assuming that it's somewhat isolated (or hidden) if it's a safe place to stop and train, but not so far from the dragons that Vaeros couldn't get there within a few days.
  • Training Area: Since Vivian has skill with sword and bow, I'm guessing there's an area where they would practice somewhere? Maybe a path that leads off into some trees with a clearing, or some caves somewhere, or even a large barn with open space around it?
We're obviously going to want enough space that Vivian and Nik can participate in dragon form, but obscure enough not to draw attention from all around with their antics. I like the idea of having a valley/ravine somewhere with a creek/river running through it. That would give us privacy, varied terrain, space for close aerial maneuvers, and probably some vegetation for Vivian's nature magic. A meteor crater would work too, and could add some other unique elements to the training. :beret:
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Not at all! I have it pictured in my head, but am not very good at putting it into words.

1. 3 beds, kitchen and sitting area make up the house. It's made of wood. It's odd looking, Vivian was the one who helped to build it when she was old enough to control her ability. She sang and her father helped her form the outer shell as well as the interior walls with trees. It was built basically into the tree line. As it gets older, it gets stronger. The interior is decorated sparsely, as it's more for practical use than extravagance. Bedrooms are small, kitchen is modest, living area is also modest.

2. The cottage is in a valley about 10 miles in diameter. On the back side begins a very steep set of mountain ranges, and in front is the ending of a rolling hillside/forest. As soon as you enter the valley, trees start to thicken. It is somewhat hard to find, but there is a fairly large clearing where the house is. There are clearings where Viv's father cleared the area specifically for dragon usage a few miles both east and west of the house. There are a few small rivers, but the main one, Kalladorm, runs straight to the ocean (that has yet to have a name).

3. The training area is set up in those said clearings which are about 800 ft diameter. Archery is set closer to the back end of the valley, on the mountain side. Swordplay can be done anywhere.
I can work with that. I'll try to have something in before the weekend so we're all playing of the same stage.
That would be good, as I would like to get in a Kolmar post as soon as possible. :P Show Bitter the picture you found!
I'm working on my post now! Sorry for the wait. <3
Since Kel isn't posting it, here! Ya Ha Tinda in Alberta. How does this compare to the image in your head?

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That is perfect. :D I pictured a little more trees though. :P but I can live with that
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Obviously this is taken from an angle above one of the clearings. There are definitely more trees where the house is nestled. :P
You can tell Kel and I have been married for a while because A] we post at the same time and B] we manage to coordinate sentences without knowing it. ;)
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@NorwayFOO I do believe that makes it your turn! I hope your move goes/went well.

Maybe (if I don't get sent all over the country on business again) we can get some sort of posting rhythm going again. :) No pressure. Well... maybe a little bit. Not enough to drown us, just enough that we don't forget.
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I have given Foo leave to take as long as she needs, moving is exhausting both physically and emotionally. So we might be waiting a bit. When we get farther into the RP, we'll post in quicker succession, but when we're talking to our guide, yeah there should be order.
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Been exceptionally busy this week. We're up for a Nik or Valaina post next, right? Then Nym will be able to respond to everyone and move this conversation in the direction of food and lodging for the night. @Kelairn @NorwayFOO
I know I know! My next day off isn't till Monday, so I'll try to get something up then!
@Lady Alainn you are welcome to post with Nym again and answer some questions or respond to Viv's hostility. :P Just leave an opening for our two others to jump in as well. I'd actually rather you do that, so we can get this thing going.
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