The Dead Rising

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It seemed that everyone was a little on the rude side in this group. It was understandable though. They were basically in the middle of an apocalypse and being followed by rotting corpses. Alyssa continued exploring the place they were currently calling home, ignoring any comments that were said involving her. She had managed to find the kitchen and a couple of bedrooms although at the moment she was looking for the washroom and was failing to find it. There was some commotion coming from where all the others were, and soon guns were being fired. She raised an eyebrow as she looked towards the rather loud sounds. Soon it all ended and silence fell over the whole building.

Eventually Alyssa found the washroom and stepped in. Locking the door behind her she clenched her jaw tightly as she leaned on the sink. Looking into the ceramic bowl she bit back a scream as pain trailed up her spine causing her to shiver. She clutched at the sink tightly and rolled her neck as bones cracked and popped. She winced as a low growl escaped her. Glaring into the mirror she saw her eyes shimmer amber as she snarled at her reflection, her fist colliding with the mirror and shattering upon impact. Alyssa looked away in great anger as she roared.

Her grip on the sink only tightened more as she yanked on it and pulled it out of the wall as if it was nothing. Tossing it against the back wall the tiles fell in large chunks, the sink shaking up the bricks and concrete from behind. Just a smaller amount of force and the sink could have definitely gone through the wall. "FUCK!!" She roared in anger as her body trembled bones cracking and popping for a few moments before she fell back against a wall and slid down. Bringing up her knees she rested her forehead on them and started crying. Although her current behaviour most likely seemed borderline insane to others to her it really wasn't. Ever since she was bit at the age of seventeen she would have these fits of pure rage and raw anger. Alyssa believed it was due to the fact that she held the beast down as often as she could, only letting it out during the full moon, which was quickly approaching, only a few days away, the fits would only get worse until the change of the first full moon night.

She cried in silence for a bit and then attempted to regain herself. She just sat in the washroom, waiting until she was ready to leave. She would have to clean up the mess first though.
Ash seems to be the only One to hear the shattering glass. His heightened senses Sparked up for a second, he was able to make out a faint crying sound and suddenly an incredibly loud crash of the sink crashing against the wall. Ash looked around and since none of the crowd noticed him, he slipped upstairs to find where the sound came from.
He found his way to the washroom where he could hear the sobbing. Ash takes the fresh cigarette packet he found upstairs, out of his pocket and proceeds to light it. The smoke nearly directed at alyssa who he knew was inside. "not as if it matters...alyssa but I'll help you clean up the mess you made? And you can have a smoke too" ash brushed his soft white hair out of his midnight purple eyes. Ash slowly took the final drag of the cigarette and then put it out. Ash sighs
Footsteps echoed in her ears as she looked up towards the door. Her face tear stained as she clenched her jaw tightly. The sound of a package being opened was followed by the distinct scent of cigarettes and the feint but obvious smell of death and rot, which meant that one of the vampires was standing outside the door. She exhaled sharply and glanced over at the mirror, she totally forgot that her fist had gone through it. Looking down at her hand she noticed that the cuts were almost gone so she just wiped away some of the dry blood.

He spoke from behind the door and Alyssa looked at the door. She shook her head and sniffled slightly. "I'll be fine. Thanks for the offer though, it's not that big of a mess anyway." She lied and stood up. Dusting her pants off she started by collecting the shards of the mirror that were around the area where the sink used to be. A good amount of the glass had fallen in the sink which was on the other side of the room. Holding the reflective glass carefully, not wanting to cut herself while surrounded by vampires she unlocked the door and stepped out as she brushed passed the white haired boy.

Tossing the shards out the window Alyssa watched as some landed on the zombies, some getting impaled others just shrugging it off. Turning back towards the washroom she went to grab the sink.
"do you want the ciggies?" Ash asks. "While you're throwing mirror bits out the window? Don't cut yourself" Ash sighs and sits down against the wall. He stares out the window down onto the nightscape ahead. The rain reflecting beams of light, looking like glowing godly beams, emanating from the tower.
"I might bum a smoke when I'm done cleaning. For now" Alyssa picked up the sink. "Let me focus on what I'm doing." She said as she walked passed him, not showing a single hint of a struggle. Tossing the sink she watched it fall and couldn't help but chuckle when she saw it splatter a couple of zombie heads. Cleaning off her hands she walked back into the washroom and started collecting all the broken tiles. "This would be so much easier if I had a bloody broom." She muttered. She was able to gather most of the large pieces, to sit there and grab all the little shards would take way to much time. Once she found a broom she would come back and gather the rest. Tossing out the ceramic tiles she turned to the vampire. "Sorry...I'm really horrible with names, what was yours again? Nash? Vash? Something like that right?" She spoke and stood in front of him. "I'll take you up on that cigarette offer." She smirked and waited.
"I'm Ash... You do know that we are gonna clear out the grocery store tomorrow, beer and ciggies, and then move down to the forest, you don't have to clean up really" Ash slid a cigarette out of the packet and held the pack forward offering a ciggy. "need a lighter?'
Ash pulls a lighter out of his pocket, "here"
He walks over to the window and looks out, "mostly clear of zombies..."
(OOC: my head hurts xD)
Ash sighs, "its getting light, I'd say its around 4am now" he walks back over to Alyssa. "full moon in 3 days by the way."
Ash peeks his head in at the mess in the bathroom. "well fuck, you did some damage there"
She took the offer that was given to her as Alyssa listened to the plan for the next day. She nodded in approval, raiding the grocery store was a good idea...moving to the forest...probably not the smartest but it had potential. Now that she knew the vampire's name it all clicked in. Prior to this she knew they were neighbours but she remembered other small details. She met his eyes with a small scowl as he mentioned the full moon in three days. "I am well aware of that Ash..." She spoke, her words more bitter than intended. "I am also aware of that mess too. Hence why I wanted to clean it." She spoke to him and shook her head slightly. "Well what time were you guys planning on heading to the grocery store?" She asked as she finished up her smoke.
"as soon as everybody is awake... I suppose..." he looks down at the broken shit on the ground. He sees some fresh blood too. "shit... blood" Ash's fangs suddenly extend and his eyes turn fully black. he runs away blocking his nose and mouth
I walk sneak around mall in one of the stores and looking for food and water, wearing black t-shirt, plaid shorts that holds a a silver dagger. My hair silver hair holds up in ponytail, and my black all-star shoes covered in blood.

I grip on my fire axe as im looking around through cabinets.
Tera yawned. She didn't really sleep well anway. She rolled out of the bed and before doing anything else she fixed her hair and began weapons stock. The swelling on her wrist had gone down and she was eager to fire a weapon again. She looked over her weapons supply. Hand grenades blades assault rifles smg's and pistols with ammunition for each weapon. She brushed her bang back over to her right eye and began to strap herself. Thn she yelled out "Everyone come take your pick of what's left before we go!" She shouted to the rest of the house. "We leave momentarily!"
"we gotta go to the store tera. It's not safe either. It's still dark" Ash shouts down at tera and sighs. "I haven't had a drink in weeks"
Tera heard Ash's voice and replied. "Yeah I know.. We leave whenever your ready." She had strapped pistols and knives under her skirt. Her rifle was strapped to her back and smg's to her skirt pockets. Steph was completly ready and loaded out. She left the case open for whoevr still needed weapons.
Anna woke up from her sister's voice she never sleeped like this from ages. Anna stood up and putted her clothes on, grabbing a sling from the table next to the bed she grabbed her hair with it making a ponytail. Anna grabbed her two pistols and putted them on her belt then she grabbed her short katana and putted it on her back "Coming sis" She shouted and went to the armory room, looking around for what kind of weapons should she get, Anna grabbed two shotguns and filled them with ammunitions. She walked next to her sister and saw that she was with her rifle again "Tera didnt i told you something" Anna grabbed the rifle from her and holded it in her left hand "Your wrist isnt healed yet, Ill give you your riflr later" Anna said smiling at her.
I start to worry a bit hearing a moan behind me, as i turn around i see two of the undead coming for me. Gripping on my axe, I nervously go up to them striking one in their head and the other in their neck. Noticing more probably have seen me, I run into the back office, closing the door. A desk against the wall along with a with a charged up laptop on it. Walking up to it i look through the drawers seeing a fully loaded revolver, i take it and put it in my other back pocket. I sit in the chair getting on the laptop starting to look through folders seeing mostly nothing important.

Hearing moans and knockings on the door get me more worried. "Fuck. Should have looked for survivors instead of food...? Nah.."
Ash looks up at alyssa. He sighs and stares into her eyes for a second, seeing the rage and power of lycanthropy coursing through her. He walks down the stairs and stared out the window down onto the street
"N-No! Give it back! Gimmie!" She yelled at her sister in a childish voice. "My wrist is fine now.. Really it is!" Tera reached up for her rifle. "C-Come on I'm the best shot. She squealed.
Eventually Tera gave up and pouted. And least she had her lesser weapons. But she didn't like them s much as her rifle. She walked over to the window staring out at the morning sun Tea decided to play around with her sixth sense for a second. She activated it and gazed around outside. With her enhanced hearing she heard a horde a zombies knawing at a wooden surface, probably a wooden door. It seemed to be coming from the supermarket they were supposed to visit today. But why would all of them gather in one spot? Unless.." Guys! Survivor in the supermarket. They're baricaded behind some type of door and I doubt it'll hold much longer!" Emiko pointed to the direction of the market. "We gotta go now!" She deactivated hersixth sense before it started to affect her and ran to the direction of the door slyly grabbing her rifle from her sister.
I get up holding the Revolver seeing the door being scratched open. I start to panic and aim at heads but more just keep coming. *click* My eyes wide knowing what that sound meant and search through the drawers again finding nothing else. " No, No this can not be happening, i should have just stayed home. Where it was safe."Grabbing my axe chopping heads trying not to hit the door. Blood starts to splatter over me.
Anna llet her sister get her rifle back, if she liked it so much "Comon everyone lets go" Anna shouted at everyone that was in the house and grabbed one of her pistol ready to come out, but firstly she looked out of the window, there werent so many zombies around the house they were gathering at the supermarket "Great" she said to herself, thinking who might be there.

"Lets go sis" she said quietly to Tera and went outside, starting to shot the zombies in the head, they were to slow so they could reach them easily, Anna was infront leading the charge the others were behind her and were killing the zomebies around them. As they got closer to the supermarket there were more zombies coming their way, Anna putted her guns back in her belt and got her katana out, starting to cut some of the zombies head, they were to many and Anna killed as much as possible, she was dodging their attacks and was careful not to get bitten from one. Anna looked at her sister and grabed a granade from her, removing the protector from the bomb and threw it where most of the zomies were "Everybody get down" She shouted at them as she grabbed her sister and got down.
Tera would stay closer to the back of the group. With her rifle she easily covered the other survivors. The seemed to ned the cover fire judging by how recklessly they moved. Her sister led the rush and Tera easily picked up the slack. When she got to close to use the rifle she strapped the smoking tool to her pack and pulled out the two smg's. She began firing off into the crowd off the undead with precision that usually wasn't used with this type of gun. But they're were too many. They would be here too long. Suddenly her sister would grab a grenade from her skirt and toss it ino the crowd. Tera ducked and Anna pulled her down whilse she covered her ears awaiting the explosion.