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Your friendly neighborhood Swearengen
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
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  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Fantasy, SciFi, Swords and Sorcery, Apocalyptic, Steam Punk, Drama, Anime, Superhero, Medieval,
[fieldbox="The Comrades of Istek, ivory"]

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    Image by NathanParkArt

    The Arcane Arts:

    The arcane arts encompass many different realms of ability and effect. The fae of the world are the undisputed masters of magic, but, with talent, training and passion, man is more than capable of bending its power to their will. But be careful; magic can be both fickle and unkind.

    The Cost of Magic:

    Magic can do most anything in this RP. The only restrictions will be imposed by your discretion, and the game's karma system. Basically, the sky is the limit as far as what you can do, but be careful; all magic comes with a cost. Abuse your power, and you will regret it.

    List any spells or arcane abilities in "Ability & Aptitude", and any enchanted items in the appropriate category("Garb", "Weapons", Etc.)


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I wouldn't mind Hull being known as that one huge scary guy who lives in the forest.
Rinata goes in the forest to hunt, maybe she's seen him around.
I could see Marda being a little nosy. After all, life as a fisherman isn't particularly exciting.

That, and I expect she'd have sold [Or at least offered to sell] some of her little trinkets to residents and visitors.
I'm not sure about Liola, although I wouldn't be surprised if she went to the market more than a few times to sell her paintings or drawings. She's probably go buy some of Marda's trinkets, especially since they are original pieces.

Liola probably wouldn't be known all to well, unless your characters wanted to visit the shrine she worships/lives at. I think it would be nice to have her know as little people as possible, especially since I'm going to make her personality something real special. >:D
I don't think Ronric would know anyone because he is all about stealing And would therefore try not to be seen or known by too many people. He might have seen Liola before because of his curiosity in faith but only ever from far away.
Ok guys. SUPER sorry about the delay.

Well, here it is: IC

I hope you all like it!

There are 2-3 scenes, but I only want you guys to respond to the last one with the confrontation on the road. You can add a bit to what you did at the tavern and during the travel the next day, but don't interact with each other in those scenes, so it doesn't get confusing. Start all interaction from the confrontation.

Can't wait to see how you guys handle this situation! And remember, be careful; these guys are no pushovers.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Greenie
Yay, it was an awesome opening post! :D I'll try to get something up tomorrow! ^_^
  • Thank You
Reactions: Jade
Yay, it was an awesome opening post! :D I'll try to get something up tomorrow! ^_^
Thanks Greenie!

I'm really glad you liked it. :)

Can't wait to see what you guys do with it!

Remember, don't be afraid to hijack a little. You're going to have to if we want to move faster than a snail's pace. Just be respectful and considerate of others' character concepts and we should be all good.
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Great post @Weiss! Thanks for taking the initiative and jumping on it so quickly.

So excited to see how this situation unfolds...

Keep the posts a' comin'; let's see what you guys're made out of!
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Great post @Weiss! Thanks for taking the initiative and jumping on it so quickly.

So excited to see how this situation unfolds...

Keep the posts a' comin'; let's see what you guys're made out of!
I'm working on Liola's post right now. :D
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Jade
@GonzoB. I'm also wondering what the geography of the region is. Could you tell me? :)
Alright! Now you all see how useless Liola's skill set is in battle! She literally can do nothing but try and console an old man, as well as finding a map to try and help them! (Although I'm pretty sure the map will have close to no impact on the battle) XD
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Now @GonzoB. out of curiosity what is pulling the cart and its trajectory with our fair brigands?
Well, I'd say the cart's just pulled by a single mule, isn't too large, is loaded with a multitude of different size containers that can only be seen as lumps under a large covering, and is about 50 feet away from the closest brigand(the knight).

@GonzoB. I'm also wondering what the geography of the region is. Could you tell me? :)
We're at a a shallow crossing of the Montari River. Central and southern Rarkonir are mostly a mix of rolling hills and plains, though the area directly around the river is a bit marshy, with water foul like heron and egret abounding. It's nice and green, and, generally, a really pleasant place to be.

Edit: Rarkonir in general is a slight bit rocky, so even these plains aren't completely or perfectly arable land, but, again, the areas of central and southern areas of the kingdom are relatively beautiful and usable lands.
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  • Useful
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We're at a a shallow crossing of the Montari River. Central and southern Rarkonir are mostly a mix of rolling hills and plains, though the area directly around the river is a bit marshy, with water foul like heron and egret abounding. It's nice and green, and, generally, a really pleasant place to be.

Liola has been rendered useless in combat.

I will figure something out for Liola to do to be helpful!
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Now @GonzoB. out of curiosity what is pulling the cart and its trajectory with our fair brigands?
Oh, I guess I didn't actually say which way the cart was going in relation to the brigands. It's going toward them. The Brigands are just before the crossing that you guys are trying to pass though.
@GonzoB. Are any of the brigands archers? I was checking the pictures, none of them seem to have a bow.
  • Thank You
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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