The Academy of Secrets - Xythalia Academy

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Arlo walked into the room as the rest of the students arrived. Walking past Kyou he flicked his head again. "you better improve your impressions, I dont sound like a kid with anger issues." Arlo chuckled as he sat at the teachers desk. "alright class, your teacher is sick today so I will be filling in." Pulling out a stack of papers he gave them to all the students. "this is a simple review, once you are finished turn it in to me."
Alvondo, after watching the whole conversation going on, let out a sigh. "Woah Kyou, in a blink of an eye you're already asking her out? As expected from a successful flirt," he grinned teasingly, his light blue eyes seemed to be gleaming. "I'm not interest in a guy's love life with a girl, but it seems interesting! Valeriya, better tell me the details of your date after you come back." He said toward the "young, beautiful, and not to mention smart" vampire girl with a tiny wink.
Shifting his attention to Ren, who decided to come over to sit with them, Alvondo chuckled. "You can't expect silence from us, we're always noisy, especially me." He smirked, a little. "Either way, nice to meet you. I hope we have a good year together~" Saying this in a simple, friendly way, Alvondo patted the girl's head before seemingly to remember something.
"Kyou, you said you're joining the student council? Heeeh...." He blinked, as if thinking and studying the other. "Whatever, welcome! Did you speak to our student council president yet? Looking forward to see you in the student council room." He smiled, as though he didn't mind it at all. Why should he mind anyway, as long as he and Kyou didn't interfere with each other too much into what they don't want each other to interfere about.
"Teacher absent on first day of new semester? That's new," upon seeing the substitute teacher entering the room, Alvondo immediately recognized him as the one who scolded him and Kyou at the auditorium. "Ahh...It's you."
"Nice to meet both you, as well." Ren nodded slightly towards Alvondo and Valeriya. "You're so bold." Ren said, looking between Valeriya to Kyou. Ren chuckled slightly as the substitute teacher flicked Kyou's forehead, finding it rather amusing. "Didn't know teachers like that actually exist." she thought to herself. Seeing that it was a substitute teacher, she was hoping there wasn't any class work to be given till the teacher said something about a review. She groaned in annoyance, disappointed that the plans of her catching up on her sleep was ruined. She forced herself to get up to collect the paper from the teacher. "Let's get this done and over with..." she muttered to herself.
Valeriya continued to stare at Kyou with her usual stoic expression before her head fell to one side, causing stray hairs to flicker across pale skin. Moments of awkward silence passed before the vampire nodded softly. "Sure, I will go on a date with you." She told him, her hands settling upon her lap as she shrugged. "I have not declined people who have asked me before so it would be rude to do so now." After all, even before entering this school Valeriya was prone to 'dates' in hopes of getting a relationship that would benefit her clansmen. Of course, few worked out since Valeriya was barely interested in them and they themselves were not interested. It was just a protocol for clan heirs.

Turning back to face the front she took in a quick breath before looking over to Kyou. "Of course, you have to get on the council first." She told him before settling her head upon the desk, letting the cool surface dull the pain as she attempted to return to the gentle and forgiving sleep that tempted her. "I hate day time...the sun is unnecessarily bright." She hissed, her complaints muffled by the desk she refused to move her head from. Raising her hand she brought her head up, groaning. "A review? Is it mandatory or can I just sleep and pray it will vanish?" She asked quietly, forcing herself to sit up as she slid up from her seat to walk over to the desk. Grabbing one sheet she walked back to where she sat before grasping her pencil to fill in the work.​
Kyou was pretty happy that she actually agreed. "Now all i need is to tell the president and I should be in and also Why must we take a review?" Kyou asked the teacher taking his seat and pulling out a pencil. He hated the idea of actually having to do work on the first day back! Shin thought to himself. Now was the perfect time to get closer to beautiful Valeriya. Shin wrote, hey whats the reason to all this? Shin had wrote down asking her while he looked round making sure no one else would see. Especially that teacher.
"Isn't that good? Kyou finally winning his beloved over," Alvondo, watching this from afar, let out his casual smile. He turned his attention to Ren, then. "Ah, yeah, Kyou's always sort of bold. But it's okay, he's rarely rejected by girls anyway," he laughed a little, then looked over the review sheet that the substitute gave him. His eyebrows furrowed in a bit of annoyance but he let out a sigh and decided to do it anyway.
Alvondo paused for a moment though, before turning to the girl. "Say, Ren. Wanna do this with me~?" So I can just...Copy from you afterward. He said friendly, with a bit of intention behind.
Ren was about to start her work when she heard Alvondo called her. She glance at him and nodded, "Sure..." She picked up her pen and attempted the first question. Though, halfway through thinking of an answer, she decided to scribble down nonsense, giving up on the work completely, slightly hoping that the teacher would find her answer acceptable. Since it was homeroom period, she didn't really care about school work unless it affects her final grades. But, she has a weird liking for the science classes that she is in.

"Here, you just want to copy, don't you?" she handed her paper to Alvondo.
A grin eventually formed onto Alvondo's face as she handed the finished paper to him. "Yes, I just want to copy, you're quite sharp aren't you." He replied as Ren said he just wanted to copy. Having his own empty paper in hand, he looked over Ren's paper before his eyebrows eventually furrowed.
"Wait, did you just scribble down nonsense? There's so many wrong answers here," he frowned, looking toward the girl again. "So tricky~I just want to copy, so you write down wrong answers so I can get wrong too, right~?" Slightly pouting, Alvondo waved Ren's paper at her.
It took a few minutes but Valeriya finished the paper. Amber eyes stared at it before she folded it once and placed it in the center of her desk, ignoring its very existance. Her eyes turned to Ren and Alvondo, raising a brow to them both. There was a moment silence before a small grin came to her lips, her hands resting upon her lap. "I think you both should go on a date as well. Alvondo needs the help." She mused, tapping her cheek innocently before shrugging her shoulders. "Since he is so adamant that he is unable to flirt it might give him confidence." She ended before yawning, fangs clear before fading behind light lips. Her attention was drawn to the note, causing a brow to raise before she smiled slightly, scribbling a short reply.

'No clue...I just need the day to end...'

Passing it back to him she turned on her seat so she faced the others. Then she turned her attention to Kyou, her head tilted to one side as she hummed. "So, what are you planning for our date?" She asked curiously, resting her arm on the back of her chair as she placed her head upon it. To be honest, she was hungry but she had run out of pocky. Unfortunately, Pocky was her distraction and now she had to endure thinking about that along with a boring class. Well, disregarding that she was going to escape the next class by going to the nurses office to sleep. Maybe earlier than the next lesson...​
Kyou let off a small chuckle at Valeriya's remark for Ren and Alvondo to go out on a date. He then looked at her smiled at her reply to his note, he was just about to be finished with the paper. When she asked him what he had planned it caused his to twitch and he accidentally scribbled a bit. "Um.... well....." He was a bit surprised at how she was the one to ask that, he didn't have a plan since he didn't think she would accept. He quickly erased his scribble marks and cleared his throat. "I was think of a fabulous, night out us going out a having a nice meal, a stroll in the park and then we end it with a sweet and long goodbye kiss." He said hoping his face wasn't red from the sudden surprise she dropped on him. He quickly finished his paper, laid it face down, placing his hand under his chin looking at Valeriya. "Thats my plan but I want to know what you want to do. Since this is your date as well." Kyou said getting his flirting confidence back.
Watching the famous flirts reactions the girl couldn't help but chuckle softly, a smirk upon her features as her eyes glimmered in a hue of red. It was rare but Valeriya happened to succumb to her darker, less controlled side. The smirk upon her features returned as she reached over, settling her hand upon the curve of his cheek. "Its cute when you are confused you know?~" She purred, her head still settled upon her arms as red eyes seemed to continue with the red glow. "You are red Kyou~" She finished, dropping her arm loosely back to her side. Valeriya always had the tendencies to tease people about small things, mostly because it was those things she found adorable in everybody.

Eyes amber and fangs having stopped their aching she smiled softly, sitting up properly as she nodded. "That sounds fun Kyou." She replied softly, shifting her hands so she finally tied her hair back so it would not longer prove a nuisance to her. Placing her gaze upon the other two for a moment before she looked at the teacher, lips curling to a frown. 'Ill talk to him after class...' She had to many offers today and finally she felt that control tempt to snap. Valeriya hated that. With a gentle sigh she turned back to the others. "How long till this class finishes? I really hate being present...." She mumbled which ended up more like a groan.​
Kyou's eyes were looking at her hearing her chuckle made him smile. "Hey....." He stopped in mid sentence while he just watched as he attitude changed. "I never knew you would, be the flirting type." Kyou said tying to get himself composed. wanting his red face to stop, he then felt her hand touch his cheek. He didn't know if he was going to get kissed or what but he saw she was just aggravating him like he did to her.

He smiled and then saw how she didn't want to be here. 'Hmm.... we could just leave' He wrote down not wanting the teacher to now his hand. "Well.... what do you think?" He asked showing her the note. He then looked around and was thinking what type of things he do to make their exit special.
Glancing back over to him when she spoke she held the usual smile upon her features. After all, other than the one smile Valeriya had displayed nothing else and even her smile seemed odd. "Well, it was brought up like that. It's a method to attain blood from prey." She told him, tapping her pencil idly on the desk as she hummed. "Both my mother and father used the same method before they were wed and only fed on each others blood." The murmur was not hush but it seemed to bring an annoyed tone to her voice, a darker gleam to orange eyes before she sighed.

She looked at the note, taking a moment before nodding as she looked to Alvondo and Ren. "Do you two wish to ditch this lesson too?" She asked, her head tilted to one side as she awaited an answer. It took a moment after before the girl stood up, orange eyes glanced to the three of them before to the teacher. "Excuse me..." She murmured gently, her words hushed as she turned on her heels and headed towards the door. "Teacher, I will be heading to the Nurses office. I apologize." She told them, giving a short wave before she closed the door behind her. Sighing in relief she shrugged, ignoring the teachers answer or informing her fellow students as she headed down the halls.

Reaching the office she pulled the door open and stepped inside. No one was there but that was better for her. Valeriya sat herself upon one of the beds, stretching her arms up as she looked over at the window. Slivers of light drenched the room in colour as the vampire leaned back agaisnt the wall, her arm reaching up to lean over her eyes. "Stupid class." She murmured before grabbing the pillow and placing it over her eyes. Today was a bad day. It was tiring definetely, mostly because of the blood offered to her. They were trying to kill her right? Those thoughts ran through her mind before she groaned, shutting her eyes tightly. Eventually, she'd snap from the choice of avoiding her diet or die due to it.

"I hate first days..." She hissed before falling asleep comfortably. She intended to skip today anyway so what better way than to sleep? Her fingers had pulled the covers over her head, hiding her from view as she enjoyed the warmth that it brought. Valeriya already decided she would later apologize to her teachers and requested the missed work...maybe not from any subjects like maths or anything involving numbers but she would honestly try to make up from her need to escape.​
Arlo woke up when Valeriya walked out of class. He had fallen asleep but was luckily awoken before another teacher caught him. Looking up at the clock Arlo yawned, "ok class five more minutes then you are free to go. The rest of the day is free since there will be the club fair out in the field. Turn in your papers before you leave." Idly scratching his head Arlo leaned back and waited for the bell
Kyou nodded when she asked if he wanted to leave. Then he saw her leave and he got up and he quickly ran after her. "Here." That was all he said to the teacher laying down his paper before storming out of the classroom. He ran through the halls and walked into the nurses office.

"Hey, Valeriya, its me Kyou were r u?" He asked seeing something or someone under the covers of the nurses office bed. "It's cute how you are hiding, but hey, dont hide from me your a....... good friend..... i guess since we still haven't gone on that date yet." Kyou's words kinda went slower and he sounded kinda sad. He moved and sat on the other bed in front of her. He looked at her and heard her mumble. "Hey, im not here to hurt you i am here to help, but really.......i am......... never mind" He stopped his words and looked to the side.
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"Take it or leave it. It's your choice." she stuck out her tongue towards Alvondo in a playful manner before reaching to get her paper back. She glanced at Valeriya, after hearing what she said about dating. Ren swore her face turned crimson but she quickly hid the bottom part of her face, only showing her eyes. She was still naïve when it comes to dating and relationships teenagers have nowadays. Trying to cover up her blush, she quickly said, "Tch. He can practice flirting with the mirror!"

When she was asked whether r not she wanted to ditch this class, her eyes widened. Her gaze lowered onto her desk, mumbling to herself, "Why didn't I think of that sooner?" She watched as Kyou and Valeriya left the classroom. Looking back at Alvondo, she was about to say something but was interrupted by the teacher. She groaned in annoyance. Placing her paper back onto the desk, she sat back in her seat and folded her arms, "There's no point of skipping if there's only five minutes..."
"Pff....Pffft hahaha~" Alvondo had been watching the conversation and interaction going on between Valeriya and Kyou for a while, and as the vampire girl left the classroom with Kyou quickly following behind, the blonde couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Ne, Ren, don't you think they're one of those cute adorable funny couple? Oh my god, Kyou actually blushed! That badass popular boy! Ah ah, he finally gets the girl of his dream I bet..."

However, as he suddenly remembered earlier about Valeriya's comment on him and Ren dating, and Ren's reply on how he could practice flirting with a mirrior, the laugh quickly disappeared. "Oi, but flirting with a mirror?" He frowned. "Damn, Ren, how coldhearted can you be? Look, I may not be good at flirting but, I'm not all that pathetic to flirt with my own reflection! I can get girls without flirting, you know," he clapped his hands together before blinking, as if realizing something, then let out a long, disappointed sigh. "Just forever friendzoned."

As Arlo the teacher told the students to hand in the review sheet, he blinked again, noticing his existence as well as the review sheet's. Noting that there was only 5 minutes to the end of class, Alvondo finally turned his attention back. "I don't want to get all wrong so, thanks for the offer but no thanks." Ren had stuck out her tongue at him when he realized that her paper was all wrong. Letting out a tiny groan, he looked over the review before answering all of them on his own, just in time before the bell rang. Handing the paper in, he looked back at Ren again.

"So, what plans do you have next, what class or do you have a free period?" He asked friendly, walking over to grab his own bag. "Seems like Valeriya and Kyou gonna have a fun time on their own. I wanna skip my student council meeting but I have nothing else better to do so, let me stick with you." He smiled. "Since we just met, it's a good idea to get to know each other anyway."
Ren planned on handing in the paper when she leaves the class, then she'll make a dash for it before the teacher stopped her. She was playing the whole thing in her mind when Alvondo asked what her next class was. She was about to answer him when the bell rang. She grinned slightly, she grabbed Alvondo's wrist and ran out of the class, pulling Alvondo along with her. Before that, she placed her review worksheet onto the teacher's desk. They entered the sea of students in the hallway. "Sorry about that..." she panted lightly. "Ah, my next class is Math, but the teacher doesn't really know I exist. I've been skipping since last year and I only show up during exams and test."

"Plus," she added, "I have free period after Math. So, it's like two hours of freedom for me."

She knew she shouldn't be proud of skipping since the school tuition fees were expensive but Math was a piece of cake for her. Talking about skipping classes finally reminded her that she had to hide during the whole period. She tried to remember where she hid, occasionally walking past and bumping into other students, not sparing a glance towards them since she was in deep thought. "Oh yeah, that's right!" she snapped her fingers. Her hideout came into mind. She exclaimed, "Follow me!"

Pushing past all the students that were in her way, her grip on Alvondo's wrist unconsciously tightened. "I found this place during first year, when I was exploring the school." She entered a corridor that was isolated from students and possibly teachers. Maybe cleaners come here, but she has never seen anyone around this area of the school before. Panting heavily because of the running, she slowed down her speed and started to walk normally. In a minute, she reached her hideout. It was in the far end of a isolated corridor, which is dimly lit despite the sun was shining through the windows. Though it isn't hard to see one's face. From the other end of the corridor, the current location looks rather uninviting.

Realizing she was still holding onto his wrist, she let it go, mumbling an apology. She walked towards the purple tinted glass window that overlook the side of the school. She looked out of the window, seeing students having their PE class in session. "So, I come here every time I skip classes." she turned to look at Alvondo, her back facing the window. She rubbed the back of her neck, mumbling, "I'm sorry to have drag you all the way here."
Valeriya's eyes fluttered open as she pulled the covers from her form as she sat up. Amber eyes were narrowed before she pursed her lips. For a moment she stared over at him before sighing softly. "Kyou, I understand you are concerned about me and want to help me but I dont think its best to be around me at times like this." She told him, throwing her legs over the side of the bed as she yawned. Val stood up, brushing the hair from her face. This is why she preferred not to date or even attempt to. Brushing her clothes down she grasped her bag, adjusting it over her shoulder. "I'm going to see the teacher, Arlo to get the chat over with." She told him, walking over to the door. "Talk to you later Kyou~" She murmured, vanishing out the door.

Walking towards her previous classroom since the bell had long since gone the girl sighed. She was tired and her nap was interrupted. Valeriya was never a fan of the day, much preferring the night where she would change forms to relax. "I feel bad..." She muttered, scratching her cheek before shrugging. There was no choice, she had to warn Kyou. Reaching the classroom she stepped inside as she glanced over to Arlo, her head tilted as she went and sat upon one of the front desks. "So, Mr.Arlo.." She asked, cocking her head to one side. "Classes for me are over, what was is this way to help?"
Arlo woke up from his slumber and groggily looked at Valeriya, "huh? Oh yeah the vampire girl.." Standing up Arlo stretched before beckoning Valeriya to follow him. Walking down the hallways with the setting sun casting long shadows Arlo talked to Valeriya. "i assume you know of ghouls, the undead monsters created by necromancers to specifically kill vampires? Well here is the thing, I am a ghoul." Noticing her tense up Arlo chuckled, "dont worry, I am not feral. As you know necromancy has been outlawed for a long time. When I was created I was feral for a long time. But as time went on I learned to control my urges." Opening a door Arlo ushered Valeriya inside, "and I also learned a thing or two about other undead." Opening a closet door Arlo walked into a large walk in refrigerator where dead bodies hung from meat hooks. Rummaging around in a drawer he returned with a small box of blood red pills. "these are blood supplements, they may not be as tasty as the real thing but they stop the hunger. I have to warn you though. If you miss a dose the withdrawal is bad. Your hunger multiplies and you could spend days in your feral state."
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