Teenage Blood

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Branden felt Fianna's arms wrapping around him and his heart lightened, she was going to stay and she wanted to be with him. Turning around to face her he supported her up because her ankle was still messed up.

"We have to take our chances. The only time we can truly show how we feel for one another will be at night in the pantry where we sleep, August will never know..." he felt her bury her face in his chest and the warmth of her body against his made a smile creep onto his face, "if he does find out I will tell him the truth and bare whatever consequences follow. I am not afraid to defend us Fianna, nor will I ever be."

Pulling away from her he cupped her face in his hand and sealed the moment with a kiss. Not just any kiss, no, this one sent shivers down his spine and warmth through his whole body. This was the first kiss where they both had the same desire for the other, mutual eagerness.

August stormed through the tunnels and they all made it safely back to the Den. Everything was in order except the loss of Damon, Anna, and metaphorically speaking Grayson as well. Entering the holding cell August's eyes widened in horror. Before him lay the unmoving body of the Reverend on the floor and Grayson no where to be seen. Looking at his face August saw that there wasn't much left to see, it was all mangled by fists and knives, hardly recognizable. The blood soaking the ground made it possible for August to see a set of Grayson's footprint leading out of the hold and down deeper into the tunnels.

"This is not good. I-I have no choice...." the words fell from August's mouth like ice, he knew Grayson was too far gone to be redeemed at this point. The death of Anna had overcome him and his sound mind, there was nothing that could save him. Taking a deep breath August left the hold and began following the footprints down the tunnel to find his shattered first officer. Passing Zoey's room her heard faintly the sniffles and angry crying from inside.

Poor thing, all she had was Damon and now she has nothing.... God I hope she's okay... though he may have said it, he wasn't about to check on her. Her knives were most likely on hand and she wouldn't mind sinking them into something fleshy soon he would expect. Deciding to deal with Zoey later August went deeper into the tunnels until the footprints faded, but he continued in the same direction hearing quiet sobs ahead he began to see the shape of Grayson huddled in a ball on the floor in the darkness, sobbing away.
Grayson had killed the Reverend with his bare hand. He was just hugging his knees rocking back and fourth and crying into his knees. He held his knees tight as the pain in his chest grew and grew. He felt his mind and heart shatter into a million pieces. Soon he had ran out of tears and was dry crying. He hadn't even heard August walking over to him.
Kneeling beside Grayson August had nothing to say but this, "It's over Grayson. Everything. I have to strip you of your title as first offocer. Emotional compromise is the most deadly thing for an officer and you are not in your right mind...." he placed a hand on Grayson's shoulder, "for what it is worth, I'm sorry about Anna. She lived a good life when she had it and you loved her just about as strong as anyone could hope for and I know that made her happy. But she's gone now and no matter how many people you take it outnon, it won't bring her back..." he wiped a tear that had begun to fall from his eye as he stood to leave.

Turning back he said over his shoulder, "I'm not going to punish you anymore than this, you are punishing yourself quite nicely..."

Without another word August left a Grayson to his thoughts and anger, August felt a hole form in his heart. He hated having to demote Grayson but he had no choice, the teen was rampent with unbridled rage and couldnt be trusted right now. Maybe somewhere in the future that would all change but for now, Damien had to step up and take Grayson's place in the ranks as first officer.
Grayson had stopped crying and stood up. His anger now appearent "this is what you wanted all along isn't it August!? You wanted me out of your way right!?" He yelled his voice echoing "Maybe is hould just leave then! Never come back! Maybe I should return home and be 'the good' son!" He was just lashing out at August since he didn't have any other way to get it all out.

Juliet could hear everything from her room since she requested to have a room near the tunnels. She hugged her knees sitting on her bed "I should've known..." She whispered blaming herself for Anna's death. Even though she could kill without emotions she still had them.
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Hearing his sweet words made Fianna's heart melt. How can he make her heart beat so fast by just his words? She is seriously falling head over heels for him. "a-at n-night?" Fianna asked stuttering and blushing like a mad man. What does he mean by night? Oh God, does he mean coitus? Oh no, oh no, oh no.. She didn't want to ask him, but she needs to clear things up between them, to know that they're on the same page "Uhm.. I.. W-what do you mean by s-showing what we f-feel at n-nit?"

Fianna isn't prepared for that kind of thing. True, she knows about the birds and the bees, but she had never had any experience about it. She's scared and nervous that Branden will do things to her that she didn't like. As millions of thoughts flooded her head, she buried her red face in his chest, his scent filling her nostrils. Gosh, I wish I can smell him all day.. Wait, that's perverted Fianna.. Stop it.. She scolded herself.

She was then pulled into a kiss, but this isn't just any other kids. This is the first time that she kissed him back, letting her emotions run wild as her arms wrapped around his neck, her hands playing with his hair. She can hear a tiny voice shouting at the back of her head, telling her that this is so wrong and that she shouldn't fall for him. She still needs to escape and get out of here. Of course she needs to get out of here. She needs to get back to her old life and her family but it wouldn't hurt to postpone her escape right? Fianna wanted to just enjoy the moment and think of nothing but the two of them. She shouldn't worry about the future, well, not yet anyway.

She didn't know how long they've kissed, but she didn't care. She was addicted, intoxicated by him. She was feeling euphoria and pure bliss. How can she feel so peaceful with him even though the world around her is a mess? God, I really like him, huh...

"W-We should head back inside.." Fianna suggested as her heart calmed down, smiling softly at him before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
Grabbing her hand he pulled her back for a moment before they ldft. "Fianna, I meant at night like spending time with each other and just enjoying eachother. I would never force you into something you didn't want to do... never."

He saw her bright smile and felt happier than he ever has in his whole life. How could she be so amazing in such a dark place? They walked back to the kitchen and Branden started mixing the slop for lunch. All he could think about was Fianna and how soft and lovely she was.

August's brain racked with fear and confusion as he heard Grayson's angry shouts behind him. He knew they meant nothing but it hurt slightly to think that Grayson was truly gone. Sure he'd still be around and he'd go on missions but the bond they once shared was now forever changed, Grayson and August would have an estranged relationship now, only Nodding respectfully to eachother and not saying much. He didn't blame Grayson though, he tried to imagine losing Grace but his heart wouldn't let him feel the pain, it must be so terrible to lose something he loved so much.

Walking back to his room August swung open the door and flopped on the king sized bed draped with red velvet sheets and the black comforter. Crawling beneath them he closed his eyes only to hear a banging in the bathroom, Grace must be getting out of the shower, oh boy! August pretended to be asleep when Grace emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a robe. When she saw him she tip toed over and climbed into bed next to him, her skin still a little damp.
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(I've been busy with work, also, some continuity errors here, so I was having a hard time responding)
(We had to kind of skip things along because you dropped out for awhile but it's no biggey. Just jump in, Grayson was just demoted and August is a little distracted with Grace))
Fianna hummed as she watched Branden cook, her ankle still swollen from all the moving and stuff. Till now, she can't believe what happened earlier today. She can't even think that she's been kissed three times!!! She had never felt so happy before.

"uhm..Branden.. Can I ask you a question?" Fianna asked after a moment of silence. She thought that while they're working, maybe she can ask him questions about him and his life. In return, she's willing to answer all his questions about her.

"uhm..can I ask why you're wearing an eyepatch? Ah..uhm..you don't have to really answer the question if you didn't want to.. "
Chuckling a little he turned toward her. Well, she was bound to ask at some point or another. Shrugging he simply said, "when I was a kid I had a dog named Simon and one time her attacked my dad when he came home late. He had been drinking and tried to hit me but Simon protected me. Dad found the kinfinite the kitchen and went to slashing but little did he know he missed and hit me...." Looking down at his shoes Branden smirked, "I took myself to the hospital and they patched me up. CPS removed me from the home and I was a foster kid until I was 12 when I met August who brought me here..." lifting up the eye patch he showed her the ugly four inch scar dragged across his sewn shut eyelid. Closing it quickly he sat on the counter and swung his legs almost like a child.

It had been a long time since he told that story and it sent his brain wandering back to his abusive childhood and wrecked home. He thought briefly of his father, I bet the old son of a bitch kicked it from alcohol poisoning by now, we'll at least I hope he has.
"I'm sorry" Fianna whispered and approached him to hold his cheeks. She felt pity and sadness towards him, and wanted to take it all away.

She then lifted her shirt to show a long scar across her hips, blushing a bit at how much skin she's showing "I..I got this scar when I jumped out of the window back at home. I guess I just got suffocated by my mother's rules that my stupidity got the best of me." she said to him, laughing a little. She wanted to lift up the mood around them, and she's willing to do anything to make it so.
Grayson watched August walk away and grit his teeth "Damn it!" He was about to punch another wall with his good hand but stopped just before he did "what's the point" he whispered. He walked back to the Den and walked into the kitchen ignoring Fianna. He looked at Brandon with empty emotionless eyes "fix my hand" he said showing him his hand "of course you don't have to do as I say anymore...I got demoted" he said with bitterness and anger. He was gonna hide the fact that Anna was dead as long as he could. He didn't want to come to terms with the fact. He was afraid of being lonely forever now that she was gone.

Grace put lotion on her legs after her shower then gently out a hand on August "August...I know you aren't sleeping...are you okay love?" She asked softly. She rubbed his lightly before she got up to get dressed. She laid back down next to him "can we at least cuddle?" She asked in a soft tone.
Biting his lip softly August placed a hand on her tummy and pulled her body close to his. It had been so long since they had spooned but he never forgot how wonderful it felt. With arms wrapped around her they drifted into sleep but August's dreams were full of horrible images of Anna being tortured to death and Grayson being forced to watch. Tossing and tufning in his sleep made August restless and he was awakened several times that night from his own dreams.

Branden examined Fianna's scar and thought to himself, wow, I'm not the only one with an ugly scar.he softly reached forward and found himself gently traced the scar with his hand, surprised that she didn't pull away from him. Just as his fingers reached the end of her scar he opened his mouth to say something and in walked Grayson, barking about his hand. Quickly pulling his hand away a Fianna dropped her shirt but thankfully Grayson hadn't seen anything because he had been looking at the ground when he came in. Branden Internally sighed with relief.

Without a word Branden acted as if Fianna wasn't in the room and turned stone cold again, his ability to "act normal" was amazing. He went to the supply room and emerged with bandages and a few splints for Grayson's broken fingers and wrist.

"I'm sorry you were demoted, you still hold authority through fear people have for you, that won't change I assume..." Branden spoke casually but he was very curious as to what had happened on the last mission to cause such terrible demotion. He wrapped and splinted Grayson's had and sat back a little to look him in the face. He looked tired, angry and broken, something terrible really must have happened on the mission.
Grayson watched as Brandon took care of his hand "highly doubt it..." He mumbled "I'm thinking about leaving" he said seriously "I have nothing here. Not anymore..." He felt another lump in his throat and his eyes watered. He wiped his eyes "she's gone Brandon...I saw her grave..." He clenched his good hand into a fist "I went into a blind rage and the Reverend is dead..." A few tears escaped as he tried to hold himself together "I feel numb...I just...I want...to die..." He said slowly as more silent tears fell. It wasn't often that Grayson cried in front of anyone except for August.

Grace turned over so that her face was in August's chest. She fell asleep peacefully at first but felt August toss and turn. Grace woke up and watched August. She placed a gentle hand on his cheek and hummed softly in his ear like she used to do.
Fianna shivered as Branden touched her scar sending tingles all over her body. She wasn't expecting him to admire her ugly scar so she just smiled. "Branden, I--"

Grayson suddenly came in which made her jumped in her spot and quickly dropped her shirt, hoping he didn't see anything. Scurrying away from the two, she occupied herself with the broom and started sweeping, wobbling a little as she did so.

Hearing Grayson so sad and so broken made her heart break. She knew what it feels like to lose someone, especially someone close in her heart. Shaking her head and trying her best not to eavesdrop, she continued sweeping the floor and occupied herself with something.
Zoey was in her room, she was almost in a blind rage. She went to the training area and punched the hell out of a punching bag. She made giant holes in it and stabbed a knife into the bag. She breathed and sunk to the floor in tears. She wrapped her arms around her knees and sniffed. She watched the bag hanging by a thread. Her anger got the best of her. She kicked the bag off where it hung and took her knife out. She stabbed at the bag a few times. Her breath came in and out and was ragged. She pulled her knife back and holstered it. She got up and replaced the bag. She dragged the old beat up on to the trash dump. She made her way to her bedroom to shower and change. She finally got ready and went to the kitchen. She had heard August in the hall with Grayson, he was demoted. She got it, but still if she could, she kill Faust in a blind rage as well. She saw Grayson and opened her mouth to say I something but what. She was just as miserable as him."I am sorry about Anna Grayson." She finally said. She looked at the fruit with a sigh. She played with it and wiped her eyes as they teared up.
Grayson looked over seeing Zoey. He looked down at the floor his body feeling like it was to heavy to move "I'm sorry about Damon" he whispered hoarsely. He forced himself to get up and walked over to Zoey. He put a hand on her shoulder then pulled her in a one armed hug before he let her go. He walked back over to he had been sitting and sat back down. He just stared blankly at the floor all emotion replaced with numbness.
Zoey nods and thanks him quietly. She hugged him gently back and almost broke down again. She held in her tears. She could see Grayson was in just as much pain as her if not more. She walked over to him and sighed."Grayson, would you like to come with me for a bit, something I want to show you." She said. She was keeping back her tears so she had a trembling voice. She grabbed some alcohol from the pantry, gave brandon a nod and walked quietly with Grayson through small places to a landing. "She and her brother had found it and called it there journal only people who knew how to find it. They wrote things on the wall. She handed Grayson a bottle, "my brother and I come here, called the journal. Write feelings and what ever else on the wall smoke drink and just watch the world move as if time is standing still for us. We would watch the sun rise and fall and feel disconnected from all the shit below, nothing can touch us up here but time and hunger." She said and sat down next to him. She picked up a marker and wrote RIP Damon on the wall, and started a thing for Anna. She finished and sighed as she drank staring out at the world.
Grayson followed her all the time being quiet. He looked at the wall then saw Zoey weight some for Anna and just lost it. He sat down and hugged his knees crying into them. He felt like not only his whole wolrd but his heart and soul had just broke into tiny shattered pieces of glass. He could almost hear the sound in his ears. He noticed Zoey's knives and grabbed one quickly. He stared at the blade for a long time contemplating suicide. He slowly pointed the blade to his heart his hand not shaking one bit. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath.
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