Taking Care of One Another (Wannano)

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She closed her eyes, fearing for her and her brother, really not having a clue as to what they were dealing with, hoping Dorian or someone would rescue them soon before something happened. She swallowed nervously before opening her eyes again, wanting nothing more right then then to be with her brother, safe and protected.
With a soft of his he forced her head to the side and bit her neck.
This feeling was nothing like Dorian.
This were pain and ice. Like having the life drained from her body.
Too frightened to move, he had to force her head to the side, making her yelp as she was bitten, her blood instantly starting to be drained from her body, making her whimper and her hands clench in reflex, her body tensing and her eyes shut tight, her breathing heavy as she felt an icy fire start to flow through her, starting to transform her body.
He pulled back after a while bit his own finger bleeding.
Then he alowed a few dripples of his own tainted blood drip in to her mouth compleaing the change.
"You do taste devine, my dear..."
A soft moan escaped from her, her neck bleeding where Alastair had bitten her and fed from, and as he dripped his own blood from his finger into her mouth, she grimaced a bit as it went down her throat, his blood coloring her own lips blood red as she transformed, moaning again as she felt her heart cease beating, her skin become pale and her new fangs appear, and within minutes, she was now Abigail the vampire, and when she opened her eyes, they were a deep blood red, and she felt thirsty for blood. "I'm...thirsty." She announced, looking up at Alastair, still tied to the chair.
"Yes of course you are my child."
He said softly as he untied her:
"Come with me and you sall feed."
He softly lead her to the next room and showed her brother.
Once freed of the chair, Abigail stood and walked with him to a room across the hall, where they entered upon her struggling brother, who was looking quite angry, though he looked up in surprise when they entered. "Abby! Thank God...I..." He stopped, staring at her with huge eyes when he saw she was different, now pale skinned and red eyed, and he instantly turned on Alastair. "What did you DO to her?!" He shouted, glaring at the man who stood before him with his sister, who would now forever be thirteen.
"Oh I just made her in to one of my children. Is she not wonderful."
He said as he softly combed some of her hair back.
"And the poor thing is starving. Why do you not feed my dear?"
Gatling's eyes went wide, and inside he felt ready to explode. He was even too stunned to say anything as Abigail looked up at Alastair, and then back at him before slowly approaching him, looking guilty. "I'm sorry." She whispered, still obviously hesitating to feed from her brother, despite how thirsty she was feeling. Biting her lip nervously, she leaned forward and bit into her brother's neck where she could see his pulse, and began to drink, Gatling wincing as she fed, feeling his stomach become uneasy at all this.
After a short while Alastair walked up to her and softly placed a hand on her shoulder:
"Easy now my dear. We do not wish to kill your food suply..."
He gave her head a soft strock, like one dose with a odidient dog.
"Drink slowly... Enjoy the taste."
She had just bitten in deeper into her brother's neck when she felt Alastair's hand on her shoulder and heard him warn her to slow down. With reluctance, she did, and gulped down several more mouthfuls of blood before she was finally sated, and finally extracted her fangs from her brother's neck, her lips now colored with his blood, her brother no longer struggling, looking a bit groggy from the blood he had just lost, his neck now bleeding a bit from the puncture marks she had made.
"There, now are you not feeling better, my dear."
He said and pulled a small line cloth from his pocket softly cleaning her mouth from the blood.
"It taste good dont it?"
She nodded once, holding still as he wiped her mouth, glancing over at her now unconscious brother, and looked away, down at her hands. "N-now what?" She wondered shyly, looking back up at Alastair curiously. There was so much to take in for her, of her new five senses, like seeing the world for the first time again, but in a whole new perspective.
"Now my child. Now you are powerful."
Alastair said softly combing her hair aside again.
"With time you will learn all there is to know."
A soft sigh escaped from her and she looked sadly at her brother, who still hadn't woken, and she walked over to him, worried, and untied him from the chair. He had always been a bit bigger then her, and she wasn't sure she could help him down, but as she gently moved him, she was surprised at her sudden new strength, and got him lying down on the floor, very awear of Alastair watching her as she tried to tend to her brother like he had always done to her, a groan escaping from him as he was moved, though otherwise he didn't stir.
"Now just remember my dear. Dont try to change him, a young and fresh vampire like yourself cant change any one. If you try he will die."
Alastair said with a small smirk:
"It would be sad to kill such a good blood suply. Do you not agree my dear?`"
Alarm shot through her at that, but she shook her head as she brushed some of her brother's shaggy hair to the side out of his eyes. "I wasn't going to try and change him..." She told Alastair, knowing her brother would probably never consent to become what she had this night, or any other night really for that matter. "Why isn't he waking up?" She asked, worried as she gently shook him, and Abigail looked over at Alastair. "Can't you help him? Please?"
"You did drink quite a lot. But if he is strong, he will be fine."
Alastair said with a smirk:
"The strong prevail and the week die. The order of life."
The girl frowned at that, wishing the man would just help her brother. She turned to Gatling, who seemed to be starting to finally stir, and a small relieved smile lifted her lips as he groaned and turned his head before sitting up, pressing a hand to his forehead, seeming a bit groggy before he turned angry eyes on Alastair. "You took my sister." He growled, and Abigail's smile left her, and she looked down at her hands, her brother not obviously realizing that Abigail had done it for him, and her brother only.
"Ahh yes. I did." Alastair said not bothered in the least.
"It lookes like you will survive, for now. Good done."
He flashed a nasty smile

(I am sorry I have no idea what to write.)
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