Taking Care of One Another (Wannano)

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The siblings paused and glanced at Rose before looking back at each other, but then continuing their meal at a bit more slower pace, though still packing down the food as if they were hungry wolves, which, in a sense, they were really. Abigail blushed a little as she buttered a warm biscut, dipping it in the brown gravy on her plate, her brother diving into the meat he'd stacked up and was cutting into, though eventually both had eaten their fill and were now rather tired, their plates cleared of food and then some.
"I take it you are both full then?"
Rose said softly and smiled at them.
"I am sure the chef will be happy to see his meal were apriciated."
She then stod up and smiled warmly at them.
They nodded when asked if they were both full. Full and tired. They stood when Rose did, almost to full to move, and headed upstairs to their bedrooms to bathe and change before Abigail once more crossed over to her brother's room and they settled down into bed, Gatling's arms wrapped around his sister protectively as they fell asleep under the warm blankets and bed sheets.

Come the third night of their stay, Gatling was ever so slowly beginning to warm up to this place and the people in it, reasoning that this was way better then out on the streets for him and his sister, and he yawned tiredly and rubbed his eyes as him and Abigail headed to the dining room for breakfast.
Unlike the other mornings the room were in full motion servants running to and from and Rose in the middle of it all calling out orders to every one:
"Hurry the master shall leave shortly! Have any one seen the driver?!"
She looked around a bit and spoted him on his way out the door for the car.
"Good! Alright is everything in order? Hurry up people he may not be late! Oh good morning children."
At all the commotion, the siblings watched with wide surprised eyes as they ate, wondering what was going on and where Dorian was headed to, but with food in front of them, they didn't get up to go see what all the fuss was about, they nodded at Rose as she greeted them, Gatling taking a forkful of eggs and stuffing the big bite into his mouth as Abigail peeled open an orange. Though once they had gotten several bites in, Gatling wondered, "What's going on?" He asked curiously, picking up a sausage link and taking half of it into his mouth.
"Master Dorian is headed to the anual meeting with the founing fathers. It is a meeting they have each year. The, I supouse you can call them leaders, any how they meet up at a location only known to them and re-new the peace pact."
She said before yelling out:
"I said HURRY! He shall be gone for the day and will not be back untill tomorrow. Abigail, my dear, sadly you shall have to make due with out him till then."
"I'll be okay..." She replied after swallowing down some orange juice. Gatling and Abby glanced at each other when they were told were Dorian was going, not really sure they believed it, but they shrugged it off and continued with their breakfast, packing their bellies full, eating a couple of plates worth before they were finally done, and Abigail was sitting in her brother's lap, feeling tired again after eating so much, her brother feeling the same as they stayed out of the way of all the hustle and bustle.
Soon the chaos calmed down and the servents all moved away leaving Rose and the children alone.
Rose breathed out as she sunck in to a chair.
"Chaos. Every time, chaos..."
"Who is he meeting with?" Gatling wondered after giving Rose a while to cool off after she sat down once Dorian was off to the meeting. "Who are the...the leaders?" He was curious, though more out of suspicion then just friendly curiosity. He held onto his sister in his lap, his arms wrapped around her belly while she leaned against him, dozing a little while her head rested on his shoulder, digesting after the big breakfast they had just scarfed down.
"Other vampires. Leader, like him. They meet once every year to make sure we dont go around killing one another. Or any one else for that matter."
She sigh softly:
"Every 'family' have a leader. The first, in this family that is Dorian. He is the one that takes care of us. Make sure all of his, well 'childen' I supouse, are safe and sound."
Again the two siblings glanced at each other, finding this all to confusing and decided to give up on it, at least for the time being. A sigh of his own escaped from Gatling, and he massaged his temples, feeling a bit of a headache coming on as his sister rested against him, both warm and full from the food they had consumed, hoping his sister would make it till Dorian got back, as much as he reluctantly admitted that fact to himself.
"With Dorian away I shall be rather bussy. But feel free to call for me at anytime."
She said as she stood from the table:
"Now if you excuse me. I have work that needs to be done. You know the rules, you are free to to anywere in the house or on the grounds, but never go in to Dorian's private chambers. Alright?"
She smiled warmly at them and walked away.
As Rose left, the twins wondered what was in the private chambers of Dorian's that they weren't allowed. Naturally, the urge to try and find out rose within the two, though they resisted it, not wanting to get thrown back onto the streets again if they were to get caught snooping around where they weren't supposed to. Wanting to stretch his legs a bit, Gatling stood up with his sister, taking her hand in his and they began to explore, hoping they could find out something more about this place and maybe even Dorian himself if they were lucky.
Now when all the chaos had sattled down the house laied quiet once again servents moving around like mice. One moment being there and the next not.
The house were big, it was almost odd seing such a big place with so little life inside.
If you stood still and listnend you could hear people moving around things being moved.
And the large house were spotless, the cleaners must work the whole day to keep it all dust free.
For now the twins Abigail and Gatling decided to just get the general layout of the house in their minds, marking various rooms before finally heading to dinner for the nights, their bellies once more hungry. Thankfully Abigail's cough seemed to keep away for now, even while they ate, the food doing them good certainly, getting them the nutrients they had been deprived of for living off the streets. Despite the large dining room, they were the only two that ever seemed to eat , which made the siblings wonder whether or not they were the only humans in this house.
During the day Rose were no were to be seen.
Not even during dinner did she show up, some servents were running in and out of the room taking away empty plates as they did so.
When they couldn't find Rose, they became a bit worried, and decided to find another servant, feeling quite alone in this big house despite each other's company, as they always had. Finally finding a servant in their room cleaning up, Gatling tapped the woman on her shoulder to get her attention. "Have you seen Rose?" He wondered, tilting his head curiously to the side as he held onto his sister, the two of them two peas in a pod, inseparable.
The woman turned around and faced them, she looked to be in her early 30's.
"Rose? she is working. Today she do her work and master Dorian's. Bearly seen her all day."
The voman explained in not to good english. Smiled brightly at them and waited in case the children needed her for something.
"Oh." Gatling sighed and glanced down at his sister, who shrugged. "Thanks." He muttered, and decided to take her out to the gardens again, finding a fountain and sitting down on the edge of it and pulling his sister into his lap. "So you like it here?" He asked her, brushing her hair off to one side of her neck to check on her wounds, gently touching them and seeing her wince slightly. "Sorry." He whispered to her, dipping his fingers into the cold water and dabbing the water onto the puncture marks to wash them up a bit.

"Yes. It's better then where we were..." Abigail trailed off, leaning against her brother and holding still as he tended to her.
The guaden had once again grew dark as the sun had set.
and it were etting darker still, you would not even see if someone were standing in the shadows.

(Should both of them get taken or just Abby?)
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