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Svanoltia Revolt

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Just wondering, but is everyone still interested in this rp?
@RogueState, Arcadia and myself are doing a collab between Eiko Marubeni, and Kylar Valleyhoof, if I'm getting the name correct. That's leaves Yukiyo Tokaji, and Matsu Alysian, that are open for collab. As previously stated, Matsu has not been mentioned at this point, so she can be worked in where and whenever is needed.
Name: Rhevan Orwyn
Nicknames: N/A.
Titles: The Crimson Talon
Guild: Undetermined/The Whiteviolet Purge
Rank: Dragoon
Age: 18-21
Birthday: Unknown.
Race: Dragonkin
Species: Human
Blood type: O+
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual


Personality type: Fearless.
Personality description: Rhevan, like all Dragoons, lives his life without fear. Having been bred and groomed for war, he shows no cowardice in the face of battle, holding a mild contempt for anyone that does. He's a loyal individual who follows orders if given to him by a superior, and lacks the ability to 'betray' anyone.
Likes: Battles; Hunting; Victory; Honorable Defeat.
Dislikes: Cowards; Traitors; Oathbreakers.
Strengths: Rhevan is incredibly agile even in comparison to other Dragoons, which combined with his strength and combat prowess, can make him a devastating opponent.
Weaknesses: His biggest weakness and generally disability is the fact he cannot speak, being born mute. He is unable to properly communicate with allies, making him a very difficult person to work worth and an even harder person to befriend.
Morality: Rhevan has a code of honor which disallows him to kill those who cannot fight back, are weakened/dying or a child.
Etiquette: Rhevan's mannerisms are those of a polite individual, though he isn't above using crude gestures if someone offends him.
Attitude: Calm.
Outlook on Life: He has no certain outlook on life.
Perception: None.
Standpoint: None.
Philosophy: 'Only cowards prey upon the weak.'
Taboos: Showing cowardice, attacking the helpless/defenseless.


Height: 6'3
Weight: 180lb, 250 with armor on
Body type: Lean yet fit.
Skin: Fair.
Scent: Blood and Brimstone.
Hygiene: Keeps himself clean.


Combat outfits: Almost always wears his Combat Armor.
The Standard Spear of All Dragoons:

Powers and abilities

Ability: As a Dragoon, Rhevan is trained to be agile. He can jump from mountaintop to mountaintop and has immense strength.
Element: Fire./Air.
Immunities: Fire. (Being a Dragoon makes him somewhat immune to fire, especially Dragon Fire.)
Origin: Rhevan's father was a dragon with an affinity for fire. Being a Dragoon, Rhevan is naturally acclimated to air as it's what bolsters his immense agility.
Source: It is assumed his flames are stored within his body, and released through his skin. All Dragoons can harmonize with the air.
Skills: Rhevan can control fire (Only those he creates) and use them to cover his weapon(s).


Friends/Allies: Xaevin
Enemies: All Traitors, Oathbreakers and Cowards.
Family: None.
Lovers: None.

Born on Ætheros, Rhevan was groomed to be a Dragoon. After a series of incidents, he and Xaevin left the floating city, banished from it, and now travel the world.

Name: Xaevin Aevile Ramryn
Titles: The Azure Fang
Guild: The Whiteviolet Purge
Rank: Dragoon
Age: 18-21
Birthday: Unknown
Race: Dragonkin
Species: Human
Blood Type: A+
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Personality Type: Free
Personality Description: Xaevin is a bright person, outgoing and overly talkative. He attempts to befriend everybody he meets and has a hard time thinking ill of anyone. If you do manage to get on his bad side though, he's vindictive and holds a grudge for a long time.
Likes: Fighting alongside his friends, Seeing new places, meeting new people.
Dislikes: Defeat, morally corrupt people, injustice.
Strength: Xaevin's physical strength is abnormal even when compared to other dragons. He often breaks things without realizing it.
Weakness: He often gets tunnel vision, being singlemindedly focused on something to the detriment of everything else.
Morality: Xaevin has a fairly naive outlook on life but is a bit extreme at the same time. He sees things in black and white, either something is good or bad. Everything is worth fighting for and everything can be fixed.
Etiquette: Although Xaevin knows all the proper forms, he's still rather informal and acts familiarly with everyone.
Attitude: Excitable
Outlook on Life: Morbid, despite his bright personality.
Philosophy: There is good, and it's worth fighting for.
Taboos: Preying on the weak.
Casual outfits:Combat outfits:
Mid Combat:
Height: 6'2
Weight: 185, 260 with Armor.
Body type: Lean Muscle
Skin: Light Brown
Hygiene: Very clean, a bit obsessive about it actually.
Eye color: Amber
Hair Color: Black w/ Streaks of Gray
Powers and Abilities
Ability: As a Dragoon, Xaevin is trained to be agile. He can jump from mountaintop to mountaintop and has immense strength.
Element: Ice/Air
Immunities: Xaevin is somewhat immune to ice due to him being a Dragoon, especially Dragon Ice.
Origin: No one knows exactly where Xaevin came from when he showed up at the Aetheros, not even Rhevan who is the closest friend he has, thus his affinity for being a Dragoon of Ice is also not known.
Source: His Ice seems to come from inside him. All Dragoons can harmonize with the air.
Skills: Xaevin can control ice that he creates and use it to coat his surroundings or use his weapons to coat his opponents in.

Acquantices: Almost everyone who has ever met Xaevin
Friends/Allies: Rhevan
Enemies: Those Xaevin sees as evil.
Family: Unknown
Lovers: Unknown
When asked, Xaevin speaks of a family with his parents and 3 siblings, or a girl he grew up with and loves dearly, or friends in his small town that used to be his whole world, but is it in his very nature to lie, and it is uncertain if what he is saying is true.
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So you two are joining together as friends... I'm looking forward to that ^_^ They're very interesting characters. Both are accepted.
I need to know if anyone is willing to collab with me. Matsu needs to get involved. Also, we need to keep the IC going, so those who don't intend to do any collab posts right now should try to further their characters' stories. I'll update the first post with the new characters as well.
I need to know if anyone is willing to collab with me. Matsu needs to get involved. Also, we need to keep the IC going, so those who don't intend to do any collab posts right now should try to further their characters' stories. I'll update the first post with the new characters as well.
I need you on Titan :D
Well, to get started, you'll have to post your characters into the story. I can't really say much more than that, because they're your characters, and if you don't already, you'll have a goal for them eventually. I suggest just posting a little bit of what they're doing currently.

@Arcadia Lumina, we'll decide that once there's a bit more to the collab.
~Attention all players currently signed up~

Matsu needs a character, pre-existing or freshly-made, to become a sort of friendly rival. If the character is used by a underage player, it will go no further than that. However, if the character is controlled by someone of age, it will definitely become a bit more than just that, likely a romantic rivalry. I understand that she is a relatively unemotional, non-caring character, but as with all the players in this rp, I intend to have a path for her to follow.

Those who have just joined, this is your chance to get involved. How you choose to interact with her is up to you, but please let me know, so we can start a collab for the interacting characters.
~Attention all players currently signed up~

Matsu needs a character, pre-existing or freshly-made, to become a sort of friendly rival. If the character is used by a underage player, it will go no further than that. However, if the character is controlled by someone of age, it will definitely become a bit more than just that, likely a romantic rivalry. I understand that she is a relatively unemotional, non-caring character, but as with all the players in this rp, I intend to have a path for her to follow.

Those who have just joined, this is your chance to get involved. How you choose to interact with her is up to you, but please let me know, so we can start a collab for the interacting characters.
Okie doke. That gives me something to do with Rhevan.
Name: Bjarke Keln
Nicknames: 'The Wolf' 'One Eyed Warrior'
Titles: 'The Grey Wolf'
Guild: None
Rank: None
Age: 25
Birthday: Not sure
Race: Human
Species: Diluted Werewolf (Not sure if that's okay or not)
Blood type: 0-
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual


Personality type: Warrior
Personality description: He is a strong willed individual, capable of great feats when he is challenged. His upbringing taught him to keep ones feelings masked and to always present himself as a Warrior. This can often make him seem to come off unattached to normal things, however when it comes to his allies he is a fierce man. If someone were to try and hurt his friends it is highly unlikely that they'll be walking again.
Likes: Swords, Axes, Mead, Women, Dogs.
Dislikes: Magic of any kind, weaklings, cowards.
Strengths: Incredibly gifted swordsman/axe handler, Determined, Loyal, Near Animistic fighting skills.
Weaknesses: Rather brash, unaccepting of changes, problems with outside authority.
Morality: He does what he must for his own survival, however he is capable of going to dark recesses in his mind to pull forth truly evil things to do during battle. He is a killer through and through, children are often off limits for him unless they are some manifestation of evil.
Etiquette: He is a rather hard spirited individual and growing up was not raised to observe such customs as bowing before royalty, or licking the boo heels of your commander. (To put simply he's rude and feisty)
Attitude: Accepting of any challenge coming his way.
Outlook on Life: Bjarke loves the forest, and so he believes man should life with nature.
Standpoint: He's been undecided in this war, but truly he fights whoever wants to give him trouble.
Taboos: Killing children.


Height: 6'1
Weight: 197lbs
Body type: Very Muscular and Tall.
Scent: He smells vaguely of pine and ash.
Hygiene: Well kept, occasionally goes a day or two without bathing.
Face shape: Pentagon
Eye color: Dark Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Length: Short
Hair Type: Wavy
Hair Style: Messy
Widow's Peak: No
Scars/brands: Many scars across his back and torso, the large T is branded into his left flank from when he was a young thief.
Piercings: None
Birthmarks: None

Combat outfits:
(replace horses on it with wolves)
Only Outfit
A thick black line crossing his eyes, then two thin lines on both cheeks.
Equipment: Small knife in his boot, bow and quiver, longsword, small bearded axe tucked into his belt.

Powers and abilities

Ability: Blood Rage. It is activated whenever he is in combat and can force him into a killing spree using whatever weapon or means available. During this time he is completely undeterred by injury or being told to stop.
Immunities: Most major illness.
Origin: Werewolf ancestry.
Source: Living in the wilds so long.


Acquaintances: None
Friends/Allies- None
Enemies- None
Family- None
Lovers- Aeri the Forest Witch.

History: WIP


Voice actor: Tom Hardy
Theme song:
Battle theme:
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