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Starts at a coffee shop.

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He took a seat at a nearby table and drank the rest of the coffee even though it was to hot.
Tori stared out the window of the coffee shop by the door, arms crossed, and deep in thought. She knew she had to leave soon and be on the move, that staying to long would risk getting behind. And she worked hard to be one step ahead of her pursuer.
" my name....is... Michael..." He never gives out his real name since it could expose him. " yours? " he said reaching into his pocket pulling out a small piece of paper that he opened and looked at.
Selene blinked up at him when he spoke, confused why he hesitated on his name but not think much of it. "Selene." She answered, leaning back into the sit.
He let a mental sigh of relief go when she didn't question him on his name, " selene, what a nice name " he said with a smirk
She nodded. "So everyone tells me." She admitted, glancing around the cafe and noticing less people than when she enter earlier.
" well I guess I could be considered everyone " he said chuckling as he stood up from his seat stretching.
"Yea I'm not so sure about that." She teased, stretching her own legs out before she even thought of standing. It was about time for her to start her jogging for the day. "I suspect you're a man of many sercet and stories behind them." She smiled.
" you could say that...or o could be a very shy boy when around beautiful women " he said winking and dragging the case out from under the table. Walkin towards the door. " nice talking to you...maybe we will meet again "
She felt her cheeks warm for the first time since meeting Michael and caught herself nodding in agreement. "Those are the ones to watch out for." She half smiled, turning towards him. "And Thank you for..." She trailed off as she gestured to the table. "Allowing me to sit." She finished lamely feeling her face heat even more in embarrassment. "Maybe." She agreed doubtfully.
He actually smiled at her before he walked out the door, letting the wind by him. He shook his shoulders and smirked when he saw the man in the suit look over at him. Which caused him to take off in a sprint
Selene slumped back into the seat and blew a out breath. "Way of completely acting idiotic, Selene. Nice." She mutter to herself. She waited a few mintues after he left before she herself did the same. He was quite different from the other guys she talked to. And she couldn't help but think something was...off about him.

Deep in thought, Selene hadn't realized she had made it to the spot where she normally jogged. However, once she did, she noticed the park was empty of human life, which she was more than happy to see. She loved having the place free of people. And it was why she came at the same time of day, everyday.

She found a place to hide her bag out of sight, by a tree she had put claims to, and then twisted her hair up into a sloppy bun before she stretched and started, first at a slow pace and then gradually picking up her pace, on her regular path. It would eventually head into the woods. And to her getaway, but a hiding spot she realized, as she never seen anyone else here before. So she only assumed she was the only one to know of its existence. The only reason why she knew it was because she'd stumbled upon it one day accidentally and fell in love with the place. Afterwards, she continued to come to, what she considered her spot, every chance she got to escape her life. Even if it were only temporary.
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( time to reveal his bad assery )
The case on the floor open, and the sounds of heavy breathing and metal clashing together emitted around the park echoing slowly. The sounds of shouting and grunting came towards selene slowly yet surely, then in the middle of the pathways was so called 'Michael'. He was fighting off about 5 guys with guns in there hands and swords, When he was shot at he brought the sword up causing the bullet to careen off into the floor. He brought down the sword in a side slash motion causing the man to fall to the floor. his chest split open, he then spun around and jabbed his sword into another mans neck. the blood gurgling in his throat before he brought the body in front of him to take the blows of the pistol, he pushed him forward and spun around kicking one man down onto the floor and stabbing him in the chest repetitively. Before he was grabbed by the neck, Michael squirmed and went to one knee as the man held him in a choke hold.
Selene had only gone a little ways when she heard what sounded like fighting. She froze in mid step, listening to see if she could tell what direction the noise was coming from. She could barely make out the noise but heard it nonetheless and it sounded like it was coming from the direction she was already headed in. She took a couple hesitate steps forward, curious yet nervous, at what laid ahead making the noise.

Suddenly, she heard a gun shot, and without thinking of the danger, she ran toward the sound echoing around her. Selene gasped at the scene in front of her. Three guys lay sprawl in a heaping, bloody, mess around Michael and two other frightening looking men. Her eyes widened at the sight before her. Michael kneeling on his knee, held by a men behind.

Terror shot through her as a shiver shook her to her bones. She stumbled to a stop, as crazy thought crowded her head. But, one thought was loud and clear. Help Michael.

Faster then she thought, she grabbed the nearest object she could use for a weapon. A branch. And made her way closer to the men, trying to look confidence and un-afraid. "Let him go!" She demend, as firmly as she could having no idea what she was doing. But hoping she would atleast destract them long enough for Michael to escape.
The man looked over at selene and laughs saying " aww look who came to watch you die Nicholos " a man stood up from the ground aiming a gun at her. " NO! " He shouted throwing the man that was choking him over his shoulder into the other man, grabbing his sword off the floor and stabbing it through them.

He looked over at selene and pulled the sword from the man and sliced downwards to the floor letting the blood splatter on the ground. " .....I'm sorry " he said turning away from her.
Selene stood frozen to the spot, forgotten branch falling from her hand to the ground. "W-w-what?" She struggled to ask, confused and, if she were being honest, frighten. She stared wide eyed at Michael...no Nicholos was what the dead man called him. She didn't know what to think but knew she had been lied to. "Who are you?" She whispered quietly.
He turned around walking towards her " me? I'm Nicholos...nicholos the hit man...." He said as he walked right up to her and trying to make eye contact with her. " didn't want you to know what I've done...but I guess the cats outa the bag...it was good knowing you for those..uhm...brief moment " He said turning to walk away
She stumble back at his vague respone. "Wait...that's it...that's all I get?" She said, more calmly than she felt. "'I'm a hitman. You weren't to know. Blah blah blah..' non-sense. That explaind nothing!" She snapped, getting frustrated that he said little before turning his back to leave. "I think I deserve to know more than what you said. I rushed in like an idiot, seen five men killed, and had a gun point at me!" She said angrily, spitting the words out as quickly as possible. "Start talking to me...please. I have questions." She said, trying to keep up with him.
He stopped looking back at her " what more is there you want to know...I kill people...I'm murderer " he kept walking but not picking up speed. " ask your questions an I'll sensed them to my best abilities " he said spinning the sword in a circle
"You weren't even going to let me talk. You were just going to say what you did and then leave." She pointed out. She was more than frustrated with how he was acting toward her and how he acted about the situation, as if it didn't matter and he didn't care. "Can you just stop for a minute and look at me?" She asked, catching up and stepping in front of him. "You told me what you are. But why? Am I in danger? Who were those men? Are there more of them?" She asked all at once, wanting to ask more but thought better of it. She knew she should be scared of him. He plainly stated he was a killer. And he could kill her instead of answering her questions. Suddenly, she wondered if she made a mistake. If maybe she should have left when she had the chance but it was to late now. And besides, she didn't feel like she was in danger from him. And maybe she should. Instead, she wanted to reach out to shake him. But not wanting risk touching him, like she wanted to do, she crossed her arms. Not wanting to grab him and demand him to stop long enough to talk to her.
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