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Harkam listened to Eros for a moment, never speaking. He wanted to hear what the god had to say. The god may have heard only a portion of the reasoning behind it, but knowing the god of desire, he could probably feel what Harkam had in mind. As the god had left, Harkam noticed the enhancer that was left in his place. Walking over the halfling went and picked it up, placing both of them in covered pockets and walking towards his house. A small one story house, where he lived with his mother. "I'm home mom" he called out, though she wasn't home. It was a good time to put those enhancers up in his hiding spot with the other three.
Waiting at his house was one angel who was very skilled at breaking and entering if he ever needed to. He knew that the boy that had attracted the god of desire was in danger and he was busy looking for the hiding place of the enhancers, but gave up after seven or so minutes as he would put it. He took a deep breath as he walked uptairs. " Sorry, I am not your mother, but I'm one of very worried angel of the supernatural," he said, approaching the boy with a smile on his face and he took a breath. " Those enhancers have been known to corrupt just by simply owning them, I had a friend who lost his mind because of them," he said to him.

"Cool, thanks," Misery said as they went on their way to the dorms. While she was doing that, she texted her parents to let her know she was fine, but it was possible that she was staying over for the time being. Waiting for a reply, she glanced over at the person leading her. She seemed alright, and definitely not the scolding type hopefully. Her phone blipped and she looked back at it, frowning. Her parents were indeed worried about her and they planned driving to the academy to pick her up. "Guess they think the dorms might not be safe," she muttered as they headed into the dorm.
Dorothy smiled as she was always happy to be one of the people who had gotten a tip or helped a student when they become frightened and lost their memories too.She looked at her and bit down on her lips and wondered if the parents were worried, nobody could predict these sort of things, but even she knew that the years went by, the academy campus had lost many students who were originally planning to stay in the dorms throughout the years. She worried that students or parents would drop out too and she took a deep breath. " I can understand that, I would be worried as a parent too," she added.

Raveen stood up near the docks as a ship exploded, he recived a tip about this from one of his employers his skin turns to black metal and heads onto the docks in search on enhancers with a duffle bag over his shoulder he would grab anything but the enhancers are his main target.

Riken was closeing in on the docks since a job he completed payed him in information and hasnt been wrong yet he was angry that he didn't have time to prepare and was ready to fight anything and take everything.
Cerin took a deep breath and he looked up to see that more people were arriving and he decided something at that moment, he dropped all but two enhancers, one specfically for magicians and the other for meta-humans who specialized in electricity as he would put it to anyone else.

Living Lightning threw an electric punch as Twiggy dodged it, the harbor's dock was starting to break before anything would happen too. The goddarium was still in the his hands and he hoped that someone would arrive to back him up as he wasn't prepared to lose this to these heroes who wanted it.

Gwenifred stood for a moment in shock as a young man stumbled into her shop. The smile that had graced her withered features vanished as he nearly collapsed at her counter, it was as if he had ran a marathon as he looked exhausted or perhaps he was being chased by cops. Gods forbid the later, the last thing she needed were police banging at her door. The old hag's eyes narrowed and she took a cautious step back as words fell from the man's mouth. 'Blood? He's not human then.' As she thought this to herself, Gwen's smile returned, "Of course dear, just give me a moment. And don't get any ideas!" her laughter was playful, but beneath it was a warning. She'd be damned if were to become some bloodsucks's next meal. Turning her back again, she quickly rummaged through the shelf, cupboards and then finally the drawers till she found a hand sized, spherical glass bottle, full of crimson liquid. "The blood of a poor man." Gwen would grin as she wrapped bony fingers around the glass, uncorking it and placed it on the counter top near the man. "Good for concocting potions, and a nice drink for... your kind." Usually she wouldn't just give ingredients away, but in this case, for her own safety and the well being of her shop, it'd be wise not to deny this person what he needed. Besides, it was poor man's blood, not exactly an hard to find item, it's relatively cheap in market. Gwenifred, though still smiling like a sweet old granny, was watching the young man with watchful silver-blue eyes. A few questions came to mind, "If you don't mind me asking, my dear, but how is that you came to be so...thirsty? Pardon the assumption, but I'm going to guess you're a vampire? It's rather unwise to allow yourself to be this parched. I recommend carrying a blood bag on your person."

The rat groaned softly as he moved to stand on his back paws, rubbing the dark fur around his face. He was thankful Gwen wasn't here, otherwise he'd hear and earful of being more careful and aware of his surroundings. His thoughts were interrupted by a voice, making the rodent tense, fur standing on end. Slowly he would cast a look over his shoulder, ears perked and whiskers twitching. Pan's coal black eyes widened, "What do ya mean by chat? I got nothin' to say to you, gramps." he squeaked with twitching ears, eyes then falling onto a woman who was also in the room. "You're not doing grown-up stuff in here are you? Gross!" Pan then stood tall on his back legs, craning out his neck about to tease the pair, till finally his brain caught onto something rather important. "Wait... how'd you know I'm a familiar?"
Gregory wondered if it was shocked when he had collasped on the counter as he had been. He didn't have enough time on him and he didn't realize how weak he was at all, he barely could contain his exhaustion and he was ready to just drag the hag over the counter and he wasn't even resisting it anymore. Nobody would miss an old hag who brewed potions and worked on the black market. Her death wouldn't even get a page on the papers as they would be more interested in certain things too. He looked at her and noticed that she was coming back and he wasn't sure if he would make it a few moments, he couldn't try anything funny, his power was too weak since he was so damn thirsty, he could barely let things happen. Everything was starting to fade and blur for a second, what had Gabriel called it? Hunger illusions or something to that effect and he bit down on his lip. He didn't care if it was the blood of an old lady with aids, he was that thirsty and he looked at her and carefully picked it up and drank it, it was enough to make him slowly regain control. Similiar to how humans woke up and gained their strength from drinking coffee, his eyes were caught up. He focused and wasn't sure if he was supposed to pay her anything for that, but he had a feeling that the answer to this question was yes and he looked at his wallet and he took at her. He bit down on his lip and wondered if the granny got an encounter with him. He took a deep breath and decided to answer her questions first. " I have been stuck in a young form for the last ten plus years and well, I needed less blood as a kid or in a kid guise, then I did as a teenager. I didn't need more than three quarter blood to sustain for a whole day and now it seems to be about two whole pints of blood. How much is it?" He asked.

Connor waited for the rat to respond as he noticed that it was rubbing around it eyes and seemed to be rubbing its eyes, but perhaps, he hadn't seen a thing and he noticed that the mouse was taking in things and seemed to tense when he talk to him. It was funny that the rat had chosen to talk him. He ironically knew what the gramps comment meant, as it took him a few moments for his body to fully change. He chose to ignore what he said and decided to not answer that question and looked at her. " I do love how naive young familiars can be," he said, his features now younger, looking closer to eighteen than the thirty year old age from before. " I can answer that in the long way, but the abridged version is much easier to explain. I am Connor Blake, Warlock," he said, answering him. It was very evident he was a life warlock from the girl and his changing age.

@Sir Binkleton the 3rd
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Harkam had stood before his basement stairway, his face very dull looking by what the angel had said, as if there was no reaction. "Have I seen you before around town? And you say that with a smile?" the halfling questioned. He wasn't very interested in the being standing in his house. "By the way, if you would believe that a dragon enhancer corrupts a dragon or at least a dragon halfling. Well, you might as well be wrong. I've been experimenting on them myself to find something in them. No I haven't used them on myself, I'm looking for a specific ingredient" Harkam explained, "So let me say that I have been ordering these from the military for the past few weeks now as well and my mother has been helping me. She was the one able to get them anyways with her military background. And they are put away for safe keeping from the likes of people who like to break into our house!" At the end of Harkam's sentence he sucked in a mass of air and blew out some fire to get the angel to flee.

People who snooped in his home were not invited guests. They were more like flies that needed to be roasted alive. Soon his mother would be home and he would have to help clean up this mess with her. It would be quite annoying to have to do, but it has been done before. He was waiting for the right moment as well to pull his wings out of his body, and whip the angel with them. Being beat by his wings could leave burns from the folds of his skin, bruises from his bones or cuts and punctures from the tips of the bones. The claws he had on them were quite useful for hooking into prey as well, that or snapping someone's neck if he ever needed to hook around someones throat. Though Harkam couldn't pull them out yet, and changing into a dragon could only be done once more. For the rest of the week possibly, that and he didn't want to have to tear the house apart. So he breathed a controlled amount of fire instead.
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Gregory wondered if it was shocked when he had collapsed on the counter as he had been. He didn't have enough time on him and he didn't realize how weak he was at all, he barely could contain his exhaustion and he was ready to just drag the hag over the counter and he wasn't even resisting it anymore. Nobody would miss an old hag who brewed potions and worked on the black market. Her death wouldn't even get a page on the papers as they would be more interested in certain things too. He looked at her and noticed that she was coming back and he wasn't sure if he would make it a few moments, he couldn't try anything funny, his power was too weak since he was so damn thirsty, he could barely let things happen. Everything was starting to fade and blur for a second, what had Gabriel called it? Hunger illusions or something to that effect and he bit down on his lip. He didn't care if it was the blood of an old lady with aids, he was that thirsty and he looked at her and carefully picked it up and drank it, it was enough to make him slowly regain control. Similar to how humans woke up and gained their strength from drinking coffee, his eyes were caught up. He focused and wasn't sure if he was supposed to pay her anything for that, but he had a feeling that the answer to this question was yes and he looked at his wallet and he took at her. He bit down on his lip and wondered if the granny got an encounter with him. He took a deep breath and decided to answer her questions first. " I have been stuck in a young form for the last ten plus years and well, I needed less blood as a kid or in a kid guise, then I did as a teenager. I didn't need more than three quarter blood to sustain for a whole day and now it seems to be about two whole pints of blood. How much is it?" He asked.

Connor waited for the rat to respond as he noticed that it was rubbing around it eyes and seemed to be rubbing its eyes, but perhaps, he hadn't seen a thing and he noticed that the mouse was taking in things and seemed to tense when he talk to him. It was funny that the rat had chosen to talk him. He ironically knew what the gramps comment meant, as it took him a few moments for his body to fully change. He chose to ignore what he said and decided to not answer that question and looked at her. " I do love how naive young familiars can be," he said, his features now younger, looking closer to eighteen than the thirty year old age from before. " I can answer that in the long way, but the abridged version is much easier to explain. I am Connor Blake, Warlock," he said, answering him. It was very evident he was a life warlock from the girl and his changing age.
Gwen continued to smile, all the while one of her hands were placed beneath the counter, resting on 1800s French dagger, just in case the youth had any ill intentions. Upon hearing his answer the old woman's grey browns rose, "Oh you poor thing. I can't imagine living like that, sounds like quite the hassle. As for the pay," the Gwenifred began to wrack her brain, she could just lie and have the blond youth pay her more than its worth, but Gwen was an honest business woman. She wouldn't like nasty rumors spread around about her shop, true or not. "Five dollars cash. Lucky you were given the cheap brand, and not the fine wine of rich-mans's blood. Not that hard to get the blood of the poor. Homelessness and poor folk are in no shortage in most places. Not to mention easier to get." there was a darkness in the last bit of her sentence, no one would miss a bum on the street, but many would become suspicious if a governor, celebrity or doctor were to sudden turn up dead, drained of blood. Gwen didn't take joy in killing for ingredients, she'd pay other folks to do the dirty work for her or simply buy it off the black market. Dull, old eyes scanned over the youth's appearance, blond spiked hair, unusual colored eyes, the gods blessed him with height that's for sure and and some sort of claw hanging around his neck. She was thinking, forming an idea. The youth, a vampire, a young vampire, but one none the less. She's come across a few in her life time, all strong and quick, even the younger ones were more powerful than the average human. If she's lucky, this one could provide what she needs. After her study, the hag would tilt her head slightly, "Why deary you've never given me you're name, not sure if you've heard mine the first time, considering just few moments ago you looked like you wanted to eat me." she gave melodious laugh, "I am Lady Blackfeather, but some call me Granny or Grandma. And what dot they call you, handsome young man?"


Pan's eyes gave squint, at first he thought his mind was playing games, but no, the man was becoming younger now looking that of youth in his late teens. The rat gave sniff, this man, this warlock, as he refers to himself, had some odd scent about him. One that he could only describe as magic, similar to Gwen's scent, but he carried a unique smell of his own. He's seen Gwenifred transform into an old woman plenty of times before, but Connor's magic felt different, he went from looking thirty to near twenty years younger. "I ain't young and you still look like a gramps, gramps." if rat's could grin, Pan's would reach from ear to ear. "And if you're a warlock, then you sure all levels of hades an old coot, have yet to meet witch or warlock younger than fifty." he continued his teasing, "Gotta feeling you might be too old for that lady of there. But Gwenny might take an interest to ya, since she's an old lady herself." Pan couldn't help but laugh before rubbing his face again, "What where you and this lady up to anyways? She doesn't look all too happy. What cha do to her, gramps?" he pointed his twitching nose to the woman in the room.
Raveen locates where the enhancer were and saw a Cerin drop two Raveen changes a arm into a chainsaw and jumps at h swinging for his head.

Riken sees two people fighting over gold and decides to join in by turning the ground below Living Lighting and Twiggy into a bomb.
Stashing her suitcase and backpack in a hidden spot, Alice looked around once more too check if anyone was watching. Seeing that the ghost was clear. She changed into her Glitch uniform and then removed her eye patch. Both of her eyes started glowing red and her left eye's pupil turned into the archer symbol. A surge of energy flowed through her body, making her feel lighter than air. A bow spawned in her left hand completing the job change.

"Job Change Complete"

She sprinted to the harbor and saw a battlefield. Twiggy was fighting the Living lightning next to the sinking ship. This was nearly perfect all she needed was midnight to arrive and things would be perfect. 2 million in the bag and no more school. Looking down at the enhancers, another thought entered her head. If she could snatch a few of those she was sure she could make a pretty penny, especially since Cerin did not seem interested in all but two of them.

Running down to the harbor, she stopped and picked up one of the enhancers that rolled away from the super villain. Then she turned to him wondering if he was going to retaliate. She gripped her bow tightly ready for an attack but she did not say anything, choosing to remain quiet.

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Misery kept checking on the phone, sort of ignoring the world around her. That is, until she heard others in the dorms. She looked up from her cellphone to see that there were other students inside, most looking worried while some looked excited. She frown at the excited look on their faces. Really? This is no laughing matter. It's like being excited after she's set someone's hair on fire, which she thankfully kicked the habit of.

Amaryllis didn't know what was going on. She was scared, and she wanted her grandfather as soon as possible. She looked around to see that some people were already using their phones to call their families. She never got a cellphone, her grandfather seeing it as unnecessary. It would make contacting him a bit easier than their preferred method, praying. Melchior Noura? Grandfather? Please come and get me, there was an explosion near the school and I'm scared... She had her hands clasped together and knelt down in prayer, too into her prayer to hear the snickerings of some students. She felt a wave of calmness cross over her and she relaxed. He heard, and he was going to get her.​
Harkam had stood before his basement stairway, his face very dull looking by what the angel had said, as if there was no reaction. "Have I seen you before around town? And you say that with a smile?" the halfling questioned. He wasn't very interested in the being standing in his house. "By the way, if you would believe that a dragon enhancer corrupts a dragon or at least a dragon halfling. Well, you might as well be wrong. I've been experimenting on them myself to find something in them. No I haven't used them on myself, I'm looking for a specific ingredient" Harkam explained, "So let me say that I have been ordering these from the military for the past few weeks now as well and my mother has been helping me. She was the one able to get them anyways with her military background. And they are put away for safe keeping from the likes of people who like to break into our house!" At the end of Harkam's sentence he sucked in a mass of air and blew out some fire to get the angel to flee.

People who snooped in his home were not invited guests. They were more like flies that needed to be roasted alive. Soon his mother would be home and he would have to help clean up this mess with her. It would be quite annoying to have to do, but it has been done before. He was witing for the right moment as well to pull his wings out of his body, and whip the angel with them. Being beat by his wings could leave burns from the folds of his skin, bruises from his bones or cuts and punctures from the tips of the bones. The claws he had on them were quite useful for hooking into prey as well, that or snapping someone's neck if he ever needed to hook around someones throat. Though Harkam couldn't pull them out yet, and changing into a dragon could only be done once more. For the rest of the week possibly, that and he didn't want to have to tear the house apart. So he breathed a controlled amount of fire instead.
Jason looked at him and wondered if he was going to tell him that he didn't belong in his house and he wanted to kill him. " Well, I do go to the same school as you," he said to the boy as he wasn't about to offer much more to the inquiring dragon, since he had been trying to find the enhancers but was failing miserably too.He had never directly said that simply owning a drug was bad enough, he was saying the act of injecting it was bad, but as always, his words were being twisted and used against him. Sometimes being an angel who told the truth angered people and he went on a rant where he mentioned that his mother worked for the military and that the enhancers were safe and that was all he needed to hear to be quite honest. He saw that the dragon seemed to be inhaling air and he had a feeling he knew where this was going and he hated how he was having to defend himself all the damn time too. He groaned as he put up his shield that would block out the fire and keep him safe for now.

He understood that things would often get out of control. This was not the first time he had been attacked after he had a conversation with the supernatural. There was the time he had a conversation with a demon and wound up fighting the man in hell and nearly died and had to be extracted by his grandfather to not die. There was also the encounter with the life warlock who tried to suck him dry and make him mortal. So, perhaps his track record should have been enough to realize that he should have knocked on the door and talked to him like that, or perhaps he would have made things worked. " You are so not on my Christmas card list," he said, making the worldest worst battle cry. He didn't want to die, but he also wouldn't say much more to keep them. " I will leave if that is what you want, don't make me a fried angel," he said, taking a deeper breath and wondered what else there was to say too. He bit down on his lip.


Gwen continued to smile, all the while one of her hands were placed beneath the counter, resting on 1800s French dagger, just in case the youth had any ill intentions. Upon hearing his answer the old woman's grey browns rose, "Oh you poor thing. I can't imagine living like that, sounds like quite the hassle. As for the pay," the Gwenifred began to wrack her brain, she could just lie and have the blond youth pay her more than its worth, but Gwen was an honest business woman. She wouldn't like nasty rumors spread around about her shop, true or not. "Five dollars cash. Lucky you were given the cheap brand, and not the fine wine of rich-mans's blood. Not that hard to get the blood of the poor. Homelessness and poor folk are in no shortage in most places. Not to mention easier to get." there was a darkness in the last bit of her sentence, no one would miss a bum on the street, but many would become suspicious if a governor, celebrity or doctor were to sudden turn up dead, drained of blood. Gwen didn't take joy in killing for ingredients, she'd pay other folks to do the dirty work for her or simply buy it off the black market. Dull, old eyes scanned over the youth's appearance, blond spiked hair, unusual colored eyes, the gods blessed him with height that's for sure and and some sort of claw hanging around his neck. She was thinking, forming an idea. The youth, a vampire, a young vampire, but one none the less. She's come across a few in her life time, all strong and quick, even the younger ones were more powerful than the average human. If she's lucky, this one could provide what she needs. After her study, the hag would tilt her head slightly, "Why deary you've never given me you're name, not sure if you've heard mine the first time, considering just few moments ago you looked like you wanted to eat me." she gave melodious laugh, "I am Lady Blackfeather, but some call me Granny or Grandma. And what dot they call you, handsome young man?"


Pan's eyes gave squint, at first he thought his mind was playing games, but no, the man was becoming younger now looking that of youth in his late teens. The rat gave sniff, this man, this warlock, as he refers to himself, had some odd scent about him. One that he could only describe as magic, similar to Gwen's scent, but he carried a unique smell of his own. He's seen Gwenifred transform into an old woman plenty of times before, but Connor's magic felt different, he went from looking thirty to near twenty years younger. "I ain't young and you still look like a gramps, gramps." if rat's could grin, Pan's would reach from ear to ear. "And if you're a warlock, then you sure all levels of hades an old coot, have yet to meet witch or warlock younger than fifty." he continued his teasing, "Gotta feeling you might be too old for that lady of there. But Gwenny might take an interest to ya, since she's an old lady herself." Pan couldn't help but laugh before rubbing his face again, "What where you and this lady up to anyways? She doesn't look all too happy. What cha do to her, gramps?" he pointed his twitching nose to the woman in the room.
Gregory noticed that she was smiling at him, a very friendly gesture, but there was a certain edge that the woman was doing. A part of him noticed that her hands were not shown and that made him very nervous indeed too. " Well, it was, I didn't realize that my age was going to stagnant for that matter change at all. I thought I was trapped at six years old for the rest of my life. I do know that vampires have diffculty breeding, but not knowing if I will ever be old than six was agonizing to deal with or to bear either," he said, as he looked at him. Gregory didn't have a money issue and could probably pay for the rich man's blood and had been fine to be quite honest. His guardian ran a special place in town, so he could be fine either way too. He wondered if she was regarding the fact that he came into the store thirsty too. He knew that it was easy to get rid of a bum, but his guardian informed that the network was much more important too as he looked at her. He placed five dollars on the table and he wondered what she was doing. There was a sort of look that seemed to tell him that she wanted him to do. He looked at her and wondered if it was his hair or perhaps his eyes that seemed to give him away. He had gotten taller than most recently too. Ge looked at her and wondered what there was that made him stand out too. He was amongst the younger vampires who had even hit a triple digit too. He looked at her and but down on his lip. He remembered what Gabriel had always told him when he was ever asked his age by anyone who he didn't trust. Only offer a half truth and hope that they don't call you out on it. Her name was Lady Blackfeather or Grandma, but something felt off, but he couldn't place him. If he was better as a necromancer or even as a vampire, he have realized that she had a younger scent under the older one. " My name is Gregory Clark, vampire, sired by my father Gabriel after a particualry dark point in my younger life," he said to her too.

Connor looked at him for a brief moment and he looked wondered if he noticed that he was getting younger and that scent was special. He was one of three life warlocks that he knew, the other two were dead and were his mother and son who had not survived as he was scared not to die. He looked at the room and wondered if people realized that life magic was starting to become harder to learn as the few masters of it were dying. " Well, perhaps, you need an eye adjustment," he said, as his powers were flawless that even his scent had changed. The amount of young warlocks and witches had been dwindling as he put it. There was a few witches at this school, but she was an insane girl who did not deserve to be mentioned in his mind. He wasn't going to correct him when he said that he was too old for this lady too and he looked at the ground. " Gwenny, would that be your master, familiar?" He asked, as he looked at the rat. " Well to answer your question, I simply drop a year of two from her later life and she should be fine," he said, as he looked at the rat and over at the girl who was still unconcious for the time being too it seemed.

@Sir Binkleton the 3rd

Misery kept checking on the phone, sort of ignoring the world around her. That is, until she heard others in the dorms. She looked up from her cellphone to see that there were other students inside, most looking worried while some looked excited. She frown at the excited look on their faces. Really? This is no laughing matter. It's like being excited after she's set someone's hair on fire, which she thankfully kicked the habit of.

Amaryllis didn't know what was going on. She was scared, and she wanted her grandfather as soon as possible. She looked around to see that some people were already using their phones to call their families. She never got a cellphone, her grandfather seeing it as unnecessary. It would make contacting him a bit easier than their preferred method, praying. Melchior Noura? Grandfather? Please come and get me, there was an explosion near the school and I'm scared... She had her hands clasped together and knelt down in prayer, too into her prayer to hear the snickerings of some students. She felt a wave of calmness cross over her and she relaxed. He heard, and he was going to get her.​
Dorothy looked at her and wondered how come the students were all calling their parents. The school had some failsafes in it to make sure that nobody on the outside could enter if they intended to make to harm. She bit down on her lower lip and wondered what she could do to ease the students nerves. Some of them were excited while others were worried and she understood the range of emotions too. She helped that things would calm down.

A certain clicking was heard as a TV went on, which was weird in its own right. On the television was a blurred figure, a simple outline and he spoke out to the students. ' It seems that all of you has seen my first trick for this city, my first little bit of chaos, that explosion of the harbor and that was the only trick for today. Of course, this won't be my only trick for this city, far from it. If any of you are curious to him, I am...well, you can call me Crypt, I personally find this battle between heroes and villains to be the best when it is out of control. So, for my trick, a good friend of mine will allow you to get up and close with the past, but how do you ask? Well, that is a secret you will need to find out yourself,"he said.

Raveen locates where the enhancer were and saw a Cerin drop two Raveen changes a arm into a chainsaw and jumps at h swinging for his head.

Riken sees two people fighting over gold and decides to join in by turning the ground below Living Lighting and Twiggy into a bomb.
Cerin blocked out the attack and he looked at Raveen." There are sevnteen on the ground, yours is the far left one too," he said, as he looked at the ground.

Twiggy groaned as he hated that he now has the disadvantage. " Just take the damn gold, we are fighting over something else," he said.


Stashing her suitcase and backpack in a hidden spot, Alice looked around once more too check if anyone was watching. Seeing that the ghost was clear. She changed into her Glitch uniform and then removed her eye patch. Both of her eyes started glowing red and her left eye's pupil turned into the archer symbol. A surge of energy flowed through her body, making her feel lighter than air. A bow spawned in her left hand completing the job change.

"Job Change Complete"

She sprinted to the harbor and saw a battlefield. Twiggy was fighting the Living lightning next to the sinking ship. This was nearly perfect all she needed was midnight to arrive and things would be perfect. 2 million in the bag and no more school. Looking down at the enhancers, another thought entered her head. If she could snatch a few of those she was sure she could make a pretty penny, especially since Cerin did not seem interested in all but two of them.

Running down to the harbor, she stopped and picked up one of the enhancers that rolled away from the super villain. Then she turned to him wondering if he was going to retaliate. She gripped her bow tightly ready for an attack but she did not say anything, choosing to remain quiet.
Meanwhile, there was a certain alert going off in a computer in a mansion that seemed to be informing someone of the chaos that was taking place at the harbor. It watched the chaos and offered a grin, as it had little bots watching everything. There was of course, one that seemed to glitch as it would seem, but he couldn't do anything about that since it was out of control. He groaned and took a deep breath too. He needed to keep his cool, everything always worked.

All in due time, due time, the voice thought.

Back at the harbor, the enhancers were being moved. Some were being pushed forward and closer to everyone, while one of them was practically rolling into the ocean, barely missing it by a foot. Robert wasn't sure what was happening, but chaos was happening. It seemed that there was a certain air that was happening, there was a new person arriving on the scene too. It seemed that they had a certain maturity and were slowly descending, it couldn't be him.

At the Academy was a boiling room and standing in it was someone with a bomb. They managed to wire it in such a way that it would take a good amount to detonate itself or to be more precise, it had a counter of 7 days and 0 hours. The person setting it up pressed the button on. ' It is done,' someone said into a watch.

@Unyielding @Autumn
Harkam stopped breathing fire, shouting at the intruder, "Then get out of here!" The halfling had enough of the angel. He kicked the shield, pushing the intruder towards the front door. Whatever it might have been, Harkam wanted him out. Growling, he slammed his foot into the ground, which in turn actually slammed through into the basement. "ARGGHH" he roared loudly, so loud it could be heard a mile and a half away. His mother was going to be home soon, there was a hole in the floor, and burn marks around the house. Things were not going to be swell with her.

Jason wasn't too happy when his shield was lowered and he was practically pushed out of the door and that made him feel like a failure. Hopefully, the god of desire wouldn't use it to take advantage of it. After a few moments, Eros walked into the house and leaned casually against the wall. " I did warn you about primal desires, but I was referring to things like this, nearly destroying the house when your mother is on her way home. Perhaps you like some help. If you desire it, I can grant it, so if you desire for the burn marks and the hole to be fixed, it will be," he said, not mentioning the catch of feeding him.

Gregory noticed that she was smiling at him, a very friendly gesture, but there was a certain edge that the woman was doing. A part of him noticed that her hands were not shown and that made him very nervous indeed too. " Well, it was, I didn't realize that my age was going to stagnant for that matter change at all. I thought I was trapped at six years old for the rest of my life. I do know that vampires have difficulty breeding, but not knowing if I will ever be old than six was agonizing to deal with or to bear either," he said, as he looked at him. Gregory didn't have a money issue and could probably pay for the rich man's blood and had been fine to be quite honest. His guardian ran a special place in town, so he could be fine either way too. He wondered if she was regarding the fact that he came into the store thirsty too. He knew that it was easy to get rid of a bum, but his guardian informed that the network was much more important too as he looked at her. He placed five dollars on the table and he wondered what she was doing. There was a sort of look that seemed to tell him that she wanted him to do. He looked at her and wondered if it was his hair or perhaps his eyes that seemed to give him away. He had gotten taller than most recently too. Ge looked at her and wondered what there was that made him stand out too. He was among the younger vampires who had even hit a triple digit too. He looked at her and but down on his lip. He remembered what Gabriel had always told him when he was ever asked his age by anyone who he didn't trust. Only offer a half truth and hope that they don't call you out on it. Her name was Lady Blackfeather or Grandma, but something felt off, but he couldn't place him. If he was better as a necromancer or even as a vampire, he have realized that she had a younger scent under the older one. " My name is Gregory Clark, vampire, sired by my father Gabriel after a particularly dark point in my younger life," he said to her too.

Connor looked at him for a brief moment and he looked wondered if he noticed that he was getting younger and that scent was special. He was one of three life warlocks that he knew, the other two were dead and were his mother and son who had not survived as he was scared not to die. He looked at the room and wondered if people realized that life magic was starting to become harder to learn as the few masters of it were dying. " Well, perhaps, you need an eye adjustment," he said, as his powers were flawless that even his scent had changed. The amount of young warlocks and witches had been dwindling as he put it. There was a few witches at this school, but she was an insane girl who did not deserve to be mentioned in his mind. He wasn't going to correct him when he said that he was too old for this lady too and he looked at the ground. " Gwenny, would that be your master, familiar?" He asked, as he looked at the rat. " Well to answer your question, I simply drop a year of two from her later life and she should be fine," he said, as he looked at the rat and over at the girl who was still unconscious for the time being too it seemed.
As the old woman took the cash off the counter, she listened to the youth as he properly introduced himself. "Well, then, Mister Gregory Clark, thank you very much for your business. As you can see, my little shop is rather empty. Its yet to fully take off in this city since I've moved here. Not that I can help it really, being as old and slow moving as I am. It's quite hard for me to get the ingredients and items I need." it was the half truth, she was not old nor slow, but it is certainly a lot of work to gather and restock. "I have a familiar, he assists me in getting what I need, but try as he might, he is only one little rat." this, was the complete truth though she would have worried it differently if she wasn't putting on this sweet-old-lady charade. The little brat has the attention span of squirrel and the memory of a goldfish combined, hardly gets anything done, too busy sight seeing and pranking to do his job right, would have been the actual words that would have left her lips. "Oh it seems I am rambling now, my apologies. What I am trying to say, is that I need some assistance, you seem young and spry, certainly more than me." she chuckled before quickly lifted a hand as if to halt whatever words that might leave Gregory's mouth if he were to reject. "I only need a few items from a list that I have." riffling through a hidden pocket beneath her cloak, she pulled out a small piece of paper with scribbled words on the front. "Hair of a young, virgin maiden. Tongue of a rich-man and..." she paused her reading for a moment to eye the youth with a quirked brow, "the scale of a dragon." the witch then quickly added, "For a potion, my dear Mister Clark. A client of mine is in desperate need of it. If I brew this potion, they will spread good words of my humble shop, perhaps attract more customers for this ol' granny." she didn't give out what kind of potion or too much information, as it was a poison she had promised to concoct. Not just any poison, but one so powerful, so nasty it turned one's insides into mush, the person in question would have an agonizingly slow death that could take days before they meet their demise. A special order from a very upset client who was was betrayed by their spouse, an affair can truly bring the ugly out in people. "I will pay you of course, I have a nice stash of blood in storage to offer, certainly be convenient so you're not out constantly hunting. Unless there is something else you'd prefer, I'm willing to bargain." The hag of a businesswoman waited patiently, hopefully for a positive and accepting reply.


"Fine..." the rat echoed the man, taking another look at the unconscious woman, "Sure, she'll be fine. And yeah, Gwenny is my 'master'." He stuck out the tongue when he mentioned the last word. He never liked that term, master, made him sound like some sort of pet. "You wouldn't like her, I'll be honest, gramps, you're more fun tot talk to than she is. Ha! She's probably cursing me as we speak, I was suppose to be running an errand for her." as Pan chuckled, his whiskered twitched, "As old as she is and as long as she's known me, you'd think the old lady would have known better by now to expect anything but timely delivery from me." he gave shrug, "So... anyways," Pan would hop ever so closely towards the man, nose wiggling. "I'm guessing you go to this school? Or at least work here," their was a mischievous glint in his squinting beady eyes, "know where I can get some good laughs 'round here, gramps?"
Looking back out of the crowd, she could no longer see Ali and although Emilia felt a slight twinge of guilt for leaving her newfound friend alone, she knew it was safer this way. 'I'll find her later.' She thought as she broke away from the crowd and entered an alley. With people panicking, no one cared to look at where she was. She quickly brought out a black hooded jacket as well as a mask of the same color. Zipping up her leather jacket made it so that her clothes wouldn't be seen. 'I'm glad I'm wearing jeans today.' Majority of the world's population wore the same jeans she wore today which wouldn't be something to go on if anyone cared to take a closer look at her outfit. She had a belt with multiple pockets where she placed her things inside. She kept her string in hand knowing that no doubt she would be faced with an opponent quickly. 'It's not as if explosions just magically happen.' Pulling the hood up and putting on her mask, Midnight was ready. Unlike her normal persona, Midnight didn't smile. 'Time to make up for lost time.' She already lost plenty just ensuring that she completely lost Ali.

With that in mind, she left her suitcase in plain sight. That way, she could say that she left it in her rush to videotape the action happening in the harbor. 'I'll hack and blur a CCTV camera's video.' Moving quickly through the rooftops - because, well, it'll take hours just maneuvering through the crowd - she arrived just in time to hear Twiggy's comment about gold while fighting Living Lightning. Although it would seem that he wasn't the only villain. In fact, it seemed as if there was a gathering of villains in the harbor. She couldn't help but wonder why until her eyes fell on what appeared to be enhancers. 'Of course. It skipped my mind that those were the items being shipped.' There were plenty of things she could do at the moment. One would be to help Twiggy fight his opponent while another would be to go for another villain. 'Well, I suppose it would be more useful to go after them one by one.' With that in mind, she jumped down from the building - it was a small one, just two floors - and quickly threw the other end of her wire to wrap itself around Living Wire's leg and if successful, trip him to give the other hero a chance at finishing that fight.
Seeing midnight enter the scene, Glitch's felt like her dream was about to become a reality. She had both heroes in clear sight. It also helped that Cerin did not seem to care about her thus allowing her to focus on her own goal. Glitch attached the enhancer safely in her belt and grabbed another before sprinting to fight scene, following midnight. While she did not care for the clash between the heroes and villains, she knew that things would go by much easier if Living lightning won or could at weaken Twiggy. While running took a deep breath to help focus for she did not enjoy what she was about to do. Then she pointed her bow towards the end of the whip, which was flying towards the living lightning, and materialized an arrow. The arrow flew from her bow hitting the tip of the whip and causing it to miss the villain.

Then she fired an arrow at Crimson after seeing him do something to the docks. Giving his character profile, she knew he could make things explode but she was unaware of the requirements. Honestly she preferred to stay away from crazies like him but in this situation, she did not deem it necessary to see twiggy dead as she doubted that she would be paid for finding out the identity of a dead hero. That was even given she could make something out of his burnt corpse. Shortly after firing the arrow at Midnights wipe she fired one at (though it would not hit because it was just a warning shot to get his attention) Crimson hoping it would stop him from further interfering in the fight.

Then her bow grew into a longbow and she planted it into the ground. A much bigger arrow spawned in her hand as she drew it, aiming it at Midnight but ready to turn it to Crimson should he charge back at her. Though she did not know how the hero and villain was going to react, she planed to halt any aggression towards her or the living lightning to give him a fair fight.

Who knows, maybe they would start fighting each other!


Misery was still texting on her phone, talking to her parents as they were driving, though that didn't seem like a good idea. Texting while driving that is. She didn't care. Her parents were definitely worried. Even if they had been living in this city for a while, it was still kind of newish to them with all the superheroes and stuff. Plus, this academy was the only school that would accept her powers, no matter the cost.

Amaryllis was still waiting for her grandfather when the news feed came up. Her eyes widened in terror. Oh no, so he was the one responsible for the trouble. And she didn't like him talking as if he was doing a magic show for little kids. It worried her to no end. She started noticing the wave of wrongness that came from the tv, scaring her more. What was going on? And next trick? What did he mean by next trick? Grandfather, please come soon, she mentally pleaded as people around her talked about the newscast.​
Raveen Rush's to grab some enhancers after he was told where they were and then dives into the water to pursue the sinking gold.

Crimson backs off as a arrow lands in front of him and looks to the archer that fired at him he grabs a small rock from his pocket and turns it into a flash bang and tosses it up in the air before rushing off In search of drug's.
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Gregory had this strange unnerving feeling that he couldn't shake as she put the cash off the counter. He had noticed that the shop was empty, which made him feel very strange about coming here to get over his blood drainage. He noticed how old she was and wondered how she got everything that she needed for her shop and restocking, something felt off to him but he couldn't place his finger on it either as he looked at her and wondered what she meant that it was hard for her to get items that she needed. It almost as if she was about to offer him a deal, perhaps one that he couldn't refuse. Had coming in here been a giant mistake or was it destiny like his father would call it. He wondered why the old lady needed his help if she a familiar that seemed to be in her charge, he had learned a lot about these creatures and they often had to follow whatever task their master had given to them without a single question and he looked at her,wondering where this was going to be going, he knew better than to trust a witch,but a good deal with someone was something that rarely happened. He was indeed young and spry and he was about to reject but she had already put a hair close to his mouth and he knew what that meant, no was not an option. It was the illusion of choice that he had seen in along time and he looked at the small piece that she pulled out of her pocket and that meant she wanted him to get things too. He could hear her out if she was offering something good in exchange for what he was to bring her, even if it was something small. It was hard to hunt nowadays as he would be told. He paused at each item that she told him about and he thought about the level of diffculty it would be to get some of these items too. The hair of a young maiden was easy since he could just go for a younger girl who was an angel or some other pure form of things. Starlight City had no shortage of rich men as they often made their money through legal and illegal methods as he would often tell people, it was that last item that was going to be hard for it. Dragons were rare in this city, they avoided this place like the plague and often hid themselves. It would not be easy to get that dragon scale and it was not impossible. He knew that potions would be dangerous and that was saying a lot as he looked at the ground too. He knew that working for a witch was a bad idea too, but she suddenly made him an offer he couldn't refuse, blood was what he needed to survive and a stash of it for obtaining such simple items was too good to be true.
Connor looked at him and decided that the rat was fine with him and he decided that he wanted this damn broad out of the room. He moved his hand and a ice statue on the floor formed into a full grown human male adult." Orion, get our young friend out of the room while I talk to this rat," he said, as he looked at the rat and wondered how a witch could be boring but he didn't doubt it in the slightest as he would put it either. He looked at the rat and decided to look at the ground and wondered if the rat would ask how he had gotten here, everyone was coming here and it was never questioned. " I go to college here, they didn't make it so easy to access when I was young and especially to children of witches, it was hell," he said, as he was very careful to how he answered the next part of the rat's question. " Well, my dear little rat, I do know a place, the school has a dorm room and seeing some of the guys freak out would be gold," he added.

@Sir Binkleton the 3rd
Dorothy turned her attention to the TV and that was very strange. It seemed that a mysterious figure was claiming the bombing of the harbor and promised that there would be more chaos and unnerved her. This city already thrived on chaos and it wasn't bad at first, but the deeper it got, the more it seemed that people would be getting broken. It seemd that the announcer had caught someone's attention too as it would seem.
The TV flickered on once more and the static was showing footage of the fight. ' I thought you all would like to see the footage of all the fun everyone had been having, everything scrambling for these gems to simply survive. Heroes and villains are such funny creatures when you control the environment around them, so easy for the others to- what the hell? This can't be- he was not part of my plans and neither was she- well, then, enjoy the show anyway," it said. Something seemed to have thrown the voice off too it would seem.


Robert noticed that something else was happening as the figure arrived on the scene. It seemed that somebody else was watching what was happening and he looked at the camera with his glasses and analyzed what the camera was recording and where it was coming from too. As his glasses did that, they showed that they were recording the whole fight and there was nobody who seemed to be it. Whoever had programmed this camera was a professional. They had some sort of background in hacking or for that matter, technology. It didn't take long for Robert to assume that this person was a technopath and a good one at that, one who had mastered their skills many years agos and who was very well versed in working cameras and rigging a bomb. It seemed that there was a third person who was pulling the strings from the background and that bothered him more than he cared to admit too. He only met one person who was that good of a hacker and they were dead- or for that matter, had no memories of anything besides their. It wouldn't make sense for it to be him, but who could be controlling this?

Living Lightning could deal with Twiggy, he and the hero were evenly matched if they fought each other solo and it made no sense for him to get attacked by anyone else, the other hero was never seen by him and he looked around and prepared for a bolt to shock him, as long as he hurt him enough then things would be a lot better than they had been before. He was happy that no other villain had tried to help him. That had never worked well for him and he could deal with alone. Hopefully the enhancers were indeed enough of a distraction for the heroes to want them more than him. These were the illegal enhancers, the type that the military made for him and the others and make thing happen perfectly. He took a deep breath and hoped that he could survived and then he heard it, a small cracking as someone seemed to be heard as someone landed from a building, things were about to go south and fast as they often did for him. He didn't have enough time to react to the wire in his own merit. However, before the power whip knocked into his leg taking him down, an arrow knocked it away from his body. His advantage was back, at least for now.


There was so much chaos happening at the scene that nobody noticed that the drugs and some of the grenades had vanished, taken by some unforseen force. It was good as the enhancer was picked up by Glitch and nobody seemed to be ready to enter the fight scene too and the heroes and villains would notice that a change in the atmosphere had changed, almost as if someone was arriving or was appearing at the scene before them. After a few seconds, the atmosphere returned to normal and people noticed that a much older man arrived on the scene. For some of the older villains,he was recgonized mostly with shock and disdain. For the younger villains and heroes, the level of shock would also be there as most beleived this hero was dead. Standing before them was one of the city's earliest heroes, Shadow.

Shadow took a deep breath as he took in the air. It had been a long time since he had been in his hero outfit, but it seemed that it was made for him. He didn't immediatly pin anyone or for that matter, stop anyone from what they were doing. He was going for Cerin. " Aren't you getting too old to be playing supervillain to these young vigilantes?" He asked him calmly.

Twiggy was in shock and lowly muttered " Dad," he said to himself.


Half of the gold was submerged and the lowest pieces of gold were gone, missing. The top pieces were very retriveable for the moment. " Aren't you too old for playing superhero?" He asked back.

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Misery looked up from her phone and started paying attention to the news feed. Her eyes narrowed at the man. So he was the cause of all that mess? Well screw him! She began to smile a little at his hammy behavior, then outright laugh when he became shocked about some people not being a part of his plan. "Guess he didn't really think that through," she snickered before turning back to her phone. Her parents were a few minutes drive now.

Amaryllis remained scared as the man showed footage of the carnage that occurred at the harbor. She couldn't make sense of it, why would the man do such a thing? There were probably innocents at the harbor that got hurt! She couldn't really stand for it, but what could she do about it? She nervously bit her lip until she felt something like a wave of calmness wash over her. She instantly relaxed and slipped away from the crowd, running across the school grounds to the source of it. Her grandfather was here, he was finally here. She quickly hugged him and told him about everything that happened as they flew away.​
Gregory had this strange unnerving feeling that he couldn't shake as she put the cash off the counter. He had noticed that the shop was empty, which made him feel very strange about coming here to get over his blood drainage. He noticed how old she was and wondered how she got everything that she needed for her shop and restocking, something felt off to him but he couldn't place his finger on it either as he looked at her and wondered what she meant that it was hard for her to get items that she needed. It almost as if she was about to offer him a deal, perhaps one that he couldn't refuse. Had coming in here been a giant mistake or was it destiny like his father would call it. He wondered why the old lady needed his help if she a familiar that seemed to be in her charge, he had learned a lot about these creatures and they often had to follow whatever task their master had given to them without a single question and he looked at her,wondering where this was going to be going, he knew better than to trust a witch,but a good deal with someone was something that rarely happened. He was indeed young and spry and he was about to reject but she had already put a hair close to his mouth and he knew what that meant, no was not an option. It was the illusion of choice that he had seen in along time and he looked at the small piece that she pulled out of her pocket and that meant she wanted him to get things too. He could hear her out if she was offering something good in exchange for what he was to bring her, even if it was something small. It was hard to hunt nowadays as he would be told. He paused at each item that she told him about and he thought about the level of difficulty it would be to get some of these items too. The hair of a young maiden was easy since he could just go for a younger girl who was an angel or some other pure form of things. Starlight City had no shortage of rich men as they often made their money through legal and illegal methods as he would often tell people, it was that last item that was going to be hard for it. Dragons were rare in this city, they avoided this place like the plague and often hid themselves. It would not be easy to get that dragon scale and it was not impossible. He knew that potions would be dangerous and that was saying a lot as he looked at the ground too. He knew that working for a witch was a bad idea too, but she suddenly made him an offer he couldn't refuse, blood was what he needed to survive and a stash of it for obtaining such simple items was too good to be true.
Connor looked at him and decided that the rat was fine with him and he decided that he wanted this damn broad out of the room. He moved his hand and a ice statue on the floor formed into a full grown human male adult." Orion, get our young friend out of the room while I talk to this rat," he said, as he looked at the rat and wondered how a witch could be boring but he didn't doubt it in the slightest as he would put it either. He looked at the rat and decided to look at the ground and wondered if the rat would ask how he had gotten here, everyone was coming here and it was never questioned. " I go to college here, they didn't make it so easy to access when I was young and especially to children of witches, it was hell," he said, as he was very careful to how he answered the next part of the rat's question. " Well, my dear little rat, I do know a place, the school has a dorm room and seeing some of the guys freak out would be gold," he added.
The hag cocked her head ever so slightly with a questioning stare and sweet smile. If he agreed, it certainly be a lucky score for her, dragon's were dangerous creatures and she has yet to find one to willingly give on of their scales away. They were expensive in the black market, such a high price for one item no matter how big or small the scale in question was. She could see the youth was thinking carefully by his eyes, at least he wasn't stupid, or at least seemed to be. She's come across others, who would have said yes right off the bat with no questions asked and in return would ask for something even cheaper than poor-man's blood. 'Perhaps I should ham it up a bit.' the witch thought before slowly turning her back on the youth, now concealing the dagger beneath her clothes. "Oh I do understand if you're a bit wary of this task. Of course I can't imagine getting a dragon scale to be easy, but I truly do need those ingredients my dear." she said this with a hint of sadness in her voice, if anyone get pity, it's an old woman. "Truly it is hard for me to make a living, not much use for an old bird such as myself, I'm only good for making potions now." Gwenifred would sigh as she observed her shelf of potions and items. Slowly she turned her face towards Gregory, being sure to give her pitiful-granny look. Unbeknownst to her, the blue dyed hare's tail, , that hung around her neck exposed its self as it now swayed freely from her black cloak. She had enchanted the item with a transformation spell that gave her this current appearance. If removed, it will reveal her true form, "What do you say Mr. Clark? Will you help an ol' granny?" she clasped her hands together with a sickly sweet grin, but it quickly vanished upon feeling the soft fur of the hare's tail, finally realizing her mistake. She could only hope the youth was ignorant to such thins, if he were a witch or warlock, the item, especially with its unusual color could be easily given away to what it truly was, but she wasn't sure if many vampires had such knowledge, she only hoped this youngster did not.


Pan watched with with awe as a man was formed from an ice figure to carry the woman away. No way could Gwen do such things, she wasn't best in the elements, last time she messed with any sort of element was fire and that nearly burned her hair off. His attention snapped back towards Connor, his ears perked with interest as he spoke. It was hard for him to imagine a place like Starlit to be a bit on the prejudice side when it came to witches in their schools, since the city had all sorts of creatures from all walks of life. The next words that left the warlock's mouth made the rat nearly jump with joy, "You don't say, well, mind pointing me in that direction?"
Raveen Reach's the sunken gold and begins to feel his duffle bag full before swimming back to the surface.

Crimson grabbed some enhancers before making his way to the edge of the docks.
Dorothy noticed that the news feed was very random in its alignment, almost if the hacker was purposely making his work to look horrible too. He seemed to want it to appear that he had some low level of hacking, but something about that seemed off. "Even the greatest of supervillains are foiled by something so simple as an unexpected guest appearing too. She looked at the TV and then something changed in the air again. That was not good.

After Amaryllis and her grandfather left, a loud burst was heard again. Someone had turned on the shields of the school and nobody outside of the Academy could get back inside the campus, the reverse was also proven to be true, nobody inside of the campus could leave the campus. That meant for the time being, Robert, Twiggy, Midnight, Lorenzo, Glitch, Living Lightining, Hakram, Eros, Jason,Nicholas Star and Nicholas Harris, Amaryllis,Cerin, Gregory and Gwenneth along with Razor and Crimson were locked outside of the school. Trapped inside the school included Nathan, Julienne, Misery, Pan, Connor, Dorothy, Lucifer Junior, Alec Jackson, Ryan and Feival were trapped in the school. Of course, there was the option to find the Shields and turn them off.


Gregory wondered why she was giving them this creepy smile and he hoped that it wasn't worrying. He wondered if she knew that dragons were a rare creature even in this city. He knew that most dragons guarded their scales with their life. Lesser supernatural creatures had been killed off trying to get these things for other witches and wizard who needed these things for these people. He needed to think this over to make sure that nobody would take advantage of him easily. He knew older vampires would have done it for less and Gabriel had always told them that people were more than meets the eye. He expected her to try to trick him if she was indeed a witch, she might try to ham it up for him and he expected that. He listened as she mentioned that she truly needed the dragon scale. He looked at her and noticed that she had put a hint of sadness in her voice, he had worked with some of the best assassins in this side of the city,his sire was one of the better known ones and he looked at her and wondered if she was indeed telling the truth or just trying to get his pity to make things easier on her. He wondered when she was going to bring up the point that she only made points and he noticed that she was giving him the pitying Granny look, the type that said she was trying to make him do this as a favor to her too.He noticed that she was wearing a blued dyed hare's tail and it had been a funny color. Gabriel had been teaching him about different objects that witches and warlocks to make things work better. He had told them that colored hair tails meant that she was an older witch hiding behind a transformation. He looked at her and offered her his own grin that matched her. " My sire taught me tricks of many supernatural creatures and the colored rabbit tail was one of them too. However, I am a nice kid and going to pretend you are a feeble old lady and do your task. I also need that blood to survive. Now hopefully, things .. . " he gave pause and looked back at his phone to see the school was locked down. " Will go well. It seems that things have changed.
Connor noticed that he had been amazed by the fact that he had made a man out of ice and he wondered if Gwen could do these things or was a weaker witch. Life Warlock were such a rarity because other witches feared their powers and what they could do. He gave pause as something clicked and the door was nearly locked had Orion not held it open for now. He looked over at the rat and decided now was a good to mention it. " I do hope that you don't have any plans to go home soon, it seems someone had put the school on lockdown, but I can transport you to the dorms to cause some chaos on top of the chaos," he said, gesturing for Pan to crawl into his hand.

@Sir Binkleton the 3rd

The remaining gold sunk to the bottom of the ocean, vanishing fully out of view. Sitting on the edge where Raveen emerged was the remaining guns/ bombs/ grenades.

There were a total of three enhancers that Crimson could grab. The edge of the docks held a pack of imported cigarettes.

The fight with Living Lightning could have been finished then and there with the number of heroes being more therefore putting the villain at a disadvantage. Unfortunately, it didn't happen as she thought it would. Then again, when does anything ever go accordingly to plan? 'Never.' She thought with a mental sigh as she looked to the direction of where the arrow came from and found, who she could only assume, was another villain. 'And just when the day started so well!' It's not as if she could have expected the rest of the day to go her way. That just isn't how fate works, especially in a villain infested city or in this case, harbor. 'Really, there's like what, three? Four?' She didn't really bother to count them earlier, having immediately gone to help Twiggy. An action which she somewhat regretted. Her guardian would be disappointed at her lack of awareness.

'I hope he can handle Lightning alone.' She thought as she decided to focus on the archer for now. Well, if he's lasted before she came then he wouldn't fall now. Just before she could maneuver through the surrounding cargo to put the archer at a disadvantage, there was a flash of light nearby. Seeing as her attention was on the archer, it barely affected her. She didn't look to see who threw the bomb - she'll deal with that later, 'One at a time,' she told herself - but instead, remained on guard and rushed towards the blinded archer. 'I don't know how long the effects will last. Best make it quick.' She kept away her weapon, deciding to use close combat to knock out the archer or at least incapacitate her so Midnight can tie her up and go handle other matters. Having a petite body, she was a lithe person and covered the distance quickly. She swiped her leg, hoping to trip the archer.