Sohma Family Curse: Broken?

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Kasey jumped slightly as he changed form. She blinked a moment, then giggled softly. "Aww." She picked him up, careful not to hurt him, and carried him over to a glass of water. She set him inside, leaving for only a moment to get a bowl, setting him in the bowl of water instead. "That way if you change back, you don't get hurt." She said with a weak smile and a yawn. She picked up the paperwork again, almost finished. "Can you still talk in this form?" She asked as she starred another paper. She shifted so she was laying on her stomach, starring and moving papers with her left hand while her head rested on her right arm.
Hatori started to swim around and puffed out his chest "yes I can still talk though I much rather be in my human form while i'm taking to you it must be weird talking to a sea horse hu." He sighed and got an annoyed look on his face "if your tired you can go to sleep I don't want to keep you up." He swam around a little more and then just floated.
Kasey giggled softly. "First, I'm not tired." She said, rolling her eyes slightly, but she was still smiling.
She wouldn't tell him she was tired if she'd not slept in 3 weeks.
"And second, I think it's kinda cool to talk to a seahorse, not weird." She said, continuing with the papers and giving him a 'you're cute..' kinda look, glancing at him every once in a while, still working on the papers. It wasn't an obvious change, but every little bit, her eyes would close for a second longer.

After several minutes of this, her hand stopped moving. She hadn't spoke for a bit and her eyes were closed, though it was hard to tell with her head positioned the way it was. She was on the last file, but she didn't finish it.
She had fallen asleep.
The next morning

Mica had woken up first in the household and she got out of bed and put on her tiger hat with her pajamas and she went over to Hatori's room and saw that Hatori was still in his seahorse form she went down stairs and started to make breakfast which was a spread of rice, omelets, pancakes, and tea she went back up to Hatoris room and she shook Kaseys shoulder to try and wake her up softly.
Kasey only shifted, hugging her face with her arm. It took her a moment to fully wake up. She sat up, yawned, and stretched. Her jacket had fallen off her shoulders, the black tank top showing a little of her stomach as she stretched. She blinked lazily. "Hi Mica..." She said with a soft smile. She looked down at Hatori. "Good morning." She said, looking back at Mica. "Why did I need to wake up?" She questioned the young girl curiously. She glanced at the paper under her hand. Minor. She returned it to the stack. "Done." She added with a smile to Hatori.
Mica took a deep breath "Kasey its Tuesday don't you have class." She tilted her head to the side and she blinked a few more times and she kicked Hitori in the arm a few times to wake him up. "Breakfast is ready for when ever you want to eat." She turned and walked out of the room and went back down stairs and started to set the table.

Hatori yawned as he rolled around in the books and papers and he curled up in a tight ball and continued to sleep. He ground as he got kicked.
"Only Hatori's class." She yawned, then giggled softly. "I only have two classes." That comment was more a mutter to herself. She looked over to Hatori and shook his shoulder, a gentle but quick movement, the contact only a few seconds. "Hey... Wake up." She said softly.
Hatori slowly opened his eyes and sat up he maid a loud yawn and his long limbs went to eaither side of him as he stretched "we'll good morning everyone." He hissed in pain as he stretched his hips it felt like somebody had kicked him.
Kasey smiled. "Good morning." her smile faltered slightly. "Are you okay?" She asked, concern flickering in her eyes as he hissed in pain. Already she noticed they needed to change his bandages before they left for school. She couldn't wait to watch him teach and work.
Hatori say up and nodded his head "I'm fine mica just dosnt now how to wake me up so she usually just kicks me a lot." He blushed and looked down at his ribs and shock his head "sorry about that." He got up and held his hand out to kasey. "Shall we"
"Ah..." Kasey nodded in understanding. She took his hand, gently pulling herself to her feet. She stretched her back, yawning softly before she giggled faintly. "Let's go see what she fixed for breakfast, hmm?" She said with a smile, a faint blush crossing her own face.
Hatori nodded his head and he held open the door for laser and he stepped to the side to allow her go go through first. "It smells like omelets and rice." He sniffed the air again and smiled. "We are in for a treat if she made what I think she made."

Mica was sitting down stairs making sure that everything was perfect for break feast.
Kasey smiled and stepped through the door. "It smells delicious." She said with a small giggle and a smile, pausing for him to come out before starting down the hall towards the kitchen, smiling happily.
Hatori smile and he walked down the stairs to the kitchen and he stopped in his tracks "wow she really out did her self". He smiled as he looked at Kasey then he went and sat down at one end of the table and started to eat.

Mica was sitting in the kitchen making lunches for everyone she was even making a 4th lunch.
Kasey looked around. "Yeah...Wow." She first walked over to Mica, giving the small girl a hug. "Thank you." she said softly, kissing the little girl's head before sitting at the table to the left of Hatori. She glanced over before getting just a little and eating. She didn't eat a lot.
Hatori continued to eat and he glanced over at Kasey "so did you finish the paper work I asked you to do last night Mrs.Kasey." He raised his eyebrow at at her kept eating he needed more food than most males his age due to the fact that he could turn into a seahorse at any moment and he hopped that time wasn't going to happen soon. He enjoyed his human form more than a stupid little sea horse.

Mica looked out the window and saw the thunderclouds where rolling in and her ears lowered and she looked down at her hands trying to get her mind off the storm coming "hey Miss. Kasey do you think I can come with you to the pharmacy?"
"Yes I did, sir. All sorted alphabetically, serious cases starred." She said with a slight nod, not looking up as she finished. She looked over at Mica. "I guess so. I'm okay with it." she said, though her slight smile turned to one of concern and slight confusion. "Are you okay Mica?" She asked softly, automatically noticing the girl's movements seemed a little tense. Kasey hoped nothing was wrong.
Hatori looked outside and saw the weather "it's the rain shes scared of thunder storms much like her mother was." He didn't look over at Mica he new never to speak her name in front of Mica or all the memories he is trying to suppress in her self-conchies would come flooding up and make things harder for Mica. "I think we need you to learn how to handle bad situations like these mica." He new that he was being harsh on Mica but it was about time for her to face her fears.

Micas face went pale and she looked down at her hands that where shaking "okay i'm i'm sorry" she whispered out she was right on the brink of tears and she got up and set their lunches down in front of them and she hurried to her room where she sat in her bed and starred at the dark.
Kasey bit her lip as they conversed. She didn't say a word until she heard Mica's door close. "Is she still going to come...or...are we leaving her alone? In a storm?" She said, her voice quiet, her eyes on the window.
She was scared of storms, but not enough to actually show it. When she was little a storm blew out the power in her house and tore through the windows. Her and her brother lost practically everything, and since then she'd always been watchful, careful, and extremely ready during storms, but she never really acted different. She left it all in the back of her mind.
Hatori sighed and he looked down at his hands "we are going to leave her we don't need her changing in front of our customers I hate to say this but I cant trust her in this state." He got up and started to clean the dishes. "If you want to bring her along go ahead but shes your responsibility if you do bring her." He went up stairs to get dressed.

Mica sat in the dark rocking back and forth memories of her mother and father started to press against her skull threatening to flood out and destroy her mentally. Hatori was right she needed to learn now before things got worse for her family. Her family that word her she had no family Hatori wasn't even related to her except for by blood but that was a very slim reason..
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