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Epic Magitek Fantasy Roleplay - Character Index

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Venesian NPCs

"The sky is not the limit!"
Name: Agatha Nightingale
Race: Human
Birthplace: Venesia, Nusantara Archipelago

Bio: The brunette human female measured 165 cm (5'5") and weighs 58 kg (128 lbs). A cheerful and upbeat young woman, Agatha was both owner and captain of Lughanta, a custom-made airship outfitted for high-speed travel and intense maneuvers. Together with her loyal crew, she traveled the world, offering various services such as delivery, transport, search and rescue, hunting pirates, etc. The company's fees were above standard, but their expertise and efficiency made up for it, as such, her clients were usually wealthy merchants and noble families.

The Nightingales was one of the prominent Patrician families in Venesia. However, she was the 3rd child out of five siblings, making her rather unimportant in matters of inheritance and family politics. Hence, she was free to pursue her own path in life. Since she's but a small child, her thirst for adventure was impossible to ignore, curious and active, Little Agatha often insisted on going with the Venesian merchants in their trips all across Bumi.

On the side, she learned martial arts using a quarterstaff as her main weapon, self-defense was absolutely necessary for an adventurer after all. She's a decent fighter on her own, but by no means a true front-line combatant as her main talents lie in piloting and leading.

  • Element Expertise: Wind
  • Weapon Expertise: Quarterstaff
  • Unarmed Combat Focus: Feints and Counters

  • Airship Piloting
  • Leadership: Admiralty
  • Negotiation and Haggling

Magitek Items:
  • "Badai" Magitek Quarterstaff: Venesian-made, infused with the Wind element.

  • Adventuring
  • Airships
  • Pubs and Taverns
  • Spicy Food

  • Pirates
  • Sleeping
  • Plain Water


"Orders received, Captain."
Name: Aster Alburn
Race: Human
Birthplace: Regnum, Brendorn Empire

:Born as the son of a librarian mother, and engineer father, Aster lived a normal life for as far as he knew. He went to school, helped his parents when he was able, and earned some extra pocket change until he found himself a little job. It was a good way to live, but it was also unsatisfying. Not for himself, but because Aster realized from a little age that life was unfair for a lot of people around him.

Despite growing up without tragic past, he was well aware that the world had its problems. Poverty, sickness, injustice, racism, fighting. Sure, it wasn't his fault that it was like this, but it would be his fault if it continued to be like that. And if money could fix some of those problems, why not start there? With his father as the initial teacher, Aster picked up a fondness for magitech and decided to keep learning what he could about it. It turned out that he had a talent for it, even if he isn't a genius at this field. After learning all he could from his father, Aster applied for a job in a magitech laboratory, where he acquired the knowledge through his tasks to create his very own weapon, hence surpassing his father at somewhat young age. In the following years, Aster was accepted by a mercenary guild and began refining what he learned. He was given small jobs only at first but occasionally got the chance to spar with adventurers with actual experience.

Now as an adult, Aster developed a handful of valuable skills thanks to his guild experience. But without a guild, his options were limited. Mobility and support were factors he couldn't be successful without. He was about to try his luck with the knights of the Brendorn Empire until fate brought him into the Lughanta Company. Thinking he had found his calling, he signed up as soon as he had the chance. He now served the Lughanta company as Chief Engineer and Agatha's second-in-command.


"No mercy, no respite."

Name: Camus Lombardi
Race: Human
Birthplace: Venesia, Nusantara Archipelago

Bio: The owner of the Draconus Mercenary Company and captain of the titular airship. Camus was a no-nonsense captain who handled his men as if they are soldiers instead of sellswords. Possessing the largest airship among all Venesian mercenary companies, Camus was the island nation's 'military general' in all but official position. Wherever the Draconus sailed, pirates and criminals quaked in fear as the battleship's shadow loomed over them like a gigantic eagle over its prey.

Imperial NPCs

"The Empire's Glory shall touch every corner of Bumi."

: Kyrie Regina Brendorn
Race: Human
Birthplace: Regnum, Brendorn Empire
Bio: The Flame Empress, The Red Tyrant, her titles are many but her rivals few. Kyrie is the absolute monarch of the Brendorn Imperium. The Empress was both loved and reviled by the world. Seen as a savior and heroine of Bumi by her people, she continued the legacy of the Brendorn family of defying the machinations of Infernals and Celestials. A pivotal figure in mankind's struggles to forge their own destiny, no longer would mankind be controlled by the so-called 'Divine beings'.

However, her detractors saw her as no different than tyrants of the past, megalomaniacal individuals who wouldn't rest until the whole world bent their knees to her. Kyrie was a firm practitioner of 'paying evil unto evil' as she didn't shy from subjugating and enslaving those who opposed the Empire, particularly non-humans. Whether one loved or hated her, one must agree, Empress Kyrie was one of the most powerful influential individuals in Bumi.


"I don't necessarily believe The Divine One is everything there is in the Universe."

: Olivia Amaryllis Brendorn
Race: Human
Birthplace: Regnum, Brendorn Empire
Bio: The golden-haired blue-eyed delicate beauty looked nothing like the Empress, but she was, in fact, Kyrie's little sister. Olivia was a very private person, preferring to let her older sister take the spotlight as she hid behind her books and research. Gifted with great intellect and combined with her reclusive nature, rumors ran about her. Some said she was actually the brains behind the Empire's successful expansion campaigns while some said she was no more than a philosophical scholar.


"Power without control is worthless."

Name: Emilia Augustus
Race: Human
Birthplace: Victrix Imperial Colony, Azura

Bio: The golden-eyed woman serves as both Kyrie's advisor and Judge Magister of the Empire. She provides a second opinion to the Empress when Her Majesty needs to make a decision and is the chief administrator of Imperial Laws, enforcing the Empire's rule in its territories. Born in the Empire's largest colony, Emilia is no stranger to foreign cultures. A talented negotiator, she has a knack for convincing people to see her way. She doesn't shy away from using 'gunboat diplomacy' if necessary.

While not listed in her official role, she also serves as the last line of personal defense for the Empress should Her Highness finds herself assaulted. Skilled in wielding her magitek twin scimitars and combining fire with lightning, Emilia is no slouch in combat herself.

Fraulian NPCs

"The Divine One trusted me to represent Its Holiness and nurture Bumi."

: Ivanova Vladmirna Justinia
Race: Human
Birthplace: Eustia, Fraulia Divine Kingdom
Bio: Divine-Queen of Fraulia and Head of the Divine Seat, Ivanova was widely believed to be the Divine One's Vicar in Bumi, asserting Its will upon the blue pearl. Worshipped as the current reincarnation of Tindharia, the messianic figure written in the Sacred Texts, Ivanova was regarded as a living goddess among her people. Whether her 'divinity' was true or not, Ivanova wielded powers unseen anywhere else but herself, she was the only known individual in Bumi who could naturally wield Pure energy, the perfect harmony of Order and Chaos. Possessing the abilities of both high-ranking Celestials and Infernals, including Sol's Aegis and Luna's Shroud, the Divine-Queen was a powerful sorceress in her own accord.

However, in recent decades, the people's belief in her began to wane when Fraulia couldn't hold back the Imperium's warmongering across Autrea. She managed to halt Brendorn's advances in the end, but it was a tense truce and the damage was done. Was Ivanova truly the Vicar... or was she just a false prophet?


"My body and soul, all for Her Holiness."

: Maximilian Milkov
Race: Mixed-Breed (Nephilim)
Birthplace: Eustia, Fraulia Divine Kingdom
Bio: Grandmaster of the Azure Crusaders, Ser Maximilian is a devoted knight in shining armor, sometimes literally. Born from the rare union of a Celestial mother and human father, he inherits some of his mother's angelic brilliance. While not explicitly forbidden, Celestia as a whole frown upon such marriage and thus, Max faced discrimination during his childhood, however, it was not exactly a surprise for mixed-breeds in general.

He didn't let his blood determine who he is as Max proved himself to be a shining example of a Fraulian Knight. Joining the esteemed Order of Azure Crusader since a young age, he quickly attained his full title, knighted by the Divine-Queen Ivanova herself. He was a pivotal figure in the defense against the Empire's conquest, resulting in him being promoted as the Grandmaster after the war.

Divine Seat NPCs

"Why can't these children just get along?"

Name: Diana
Race: Celestial (Archangel)
Birthplace: Celestia, Otherworld

Bio: The Right Hand of the Divine and Eidolon of Sol, Diana was an Archangel serving the Divine Seat as one of its two Eidolons. She ran day-to-day activities of the Divine Church's affairs alongside her Luna counterpart. True to her Celestial nature, especially one so high-ranked, Diana saw the mortal races as unruly children needing a shepherd to guide them properly. She occupied the highest position in the strict Celestial hierarchy and as such, both Justicars and Messengers answered to her. In a way, she embodied their philosophies as well, being harsh and gentle at the same time, the Sol Eidolon wished all races in the world to be properly at peace and worship the Divine One as it should be.


"Come now, children won't learn if you don't let them play~"

Name: Elysion 'Ellie'
Race: Infernal (Abyssal)
Birthplace: The Netherworld, Otherworld

Bio: The Left Hand of the Divine and Eidolon of Luna, Elysion or 'Ellie' was an Abyssal serving the Divine Seat as one of its two Eidolons. At first glance, Ellie seemed to be the 'slacker' of the two as Diana was the one who often kept things in order. However, that was exactly her role in Bumi, she was Luna's representative after all and as such, she exerted Luna's will. Ellie often traveled the Bumi, going from places to places, whether as herself or disguised, driving innovations, eradicating stagnancy, and stirring things up in general. Unlike her Sol counterpart, Ellie wasn't immortal but a new Eidolon of Luna would be chosen by the Primordial Force each time the current one passed away.

Celestia NPCs

"Those who succumb to the ways of Chaos are doomed to perish."

Name: Zephiel
Race: Celestial
Birthplace: Celestia, Otherworld

Bio: A member of the Justicar faction of Celestials, Zephiel is a staunch warrior who is always ready to protect Sol's faithfuls. As a Justicar, it is to no surprise that she prefers diving into the fray, meeting her foes head on. Hard-headed and bearing fanatical zealotry, Zephiel believes that civilizations can thrive better without the meddling of those infernals.


"Have faith and march forward. We'll always be there for you, close behind you, ready to catch and support you should you fall."

Name: Ariel
Race: Celestial
Birthplace: Celestia, Otherworld

Bio: A member of the Messenger faction of Celestials, Ariel is a caretaker of Sol's faithfuls, nurturing them to make sure they can live their life to the fullest. Unlike her older sister Zephiel, Ariel prefers to stay behind the scenes, observing the people so they can grow strong on their own. She is quite open-minded for a Celestial, it is not unusual to see her conversing with Infernals in a routine basis.

Kindred NPCs

"Lies and deception? I prefer to call them... 'Convenient Truths'."

Name: Cuderia 'Noir' Henriette
Race: Nosferatu (Purebred)
Birthplace: Somnus, Autrea

Bio: One of the few members of the Kindred's Elite class. Cuderia, like her fellow Purebred kindred, can trace her lineage back to Elizabeth the Blood Devil herself. Lady Noir, as she's preferred to be called, is a quintessential example of a Nosferatu. Charming, influential, and possesses innumerable connections within Bumi's higher class. Preferring to stay back in the shadows and out of spotlight, Noir let her eccentrically adventurous older sister to take the public stage.

An interesting fact about her is that she's not actually much younger than her sister yet their physical appearance suggests otherwise. One must take care not to mention this disrepancy in growth or they will risk the ire of the Coven Mistress.

Coven NPCs

"Finders keepers!"

Name: Jezebel Soeile
Race: Lilim
Birthplace: Port Artemis, Armerium Council

Bio: Young, spirited, and adventurous, Jezebel's spunk can only be matched by her magical talents. While arcane abilities come naturally for the daughters of Lilith, the tomboyish witch seamlessly combines it with kinesthetic skills. The gray-haired girl is adept at maneuvering on her stereotypically broom-shaped Magitek ride that can match the best of fliers.

Never one to stay in one place, she embraces the Infernal nature in half of her blood, travelling far and wide across Bumi, Of course, her free spirit un)fortunately comes with 'flexible' morals as Jezebel doesn't shy from rather questionable endeavors such as perusing items, treasures, and artifacts owned by someone else. She's wholly convinced that if the owner in question doesn't want their items taken, they should have taken better care of them.

Deceased NPCs

"What's the best thing in life, ye say? Arrr! Florins, florins, and more florins!"
Name: Yellow Beard (Real Name: Edward Avery)
Race: Human
Birthplace: Victrix Imperial Colony, Azura

Bio: The towering man possesses a magnificently thick blonde beard hence the title which he grew to embrace. Formerly just a coastal guard for the Imperium's colony capital in Azure. Edward became disillusioned with his lot in life. Why must some men be wealthier than others just because of birthright? It didn't sit right with him. Florin is deserved by those who can take it! With his natural charisma and leadership skills, Yellow Beard managed to gather like-minded individuals and started his own pirate band, targeting small merchant airships before moving on to larger treasure airships. He chose his targets carefully, using his contacts with Somnus to obtain information on convoy schedules and details. In particularly, he seems to favor targeting Venesian airships and other minor nations here and there. Perhaps, even a pirate knew that directly pissing off the Imperium and the Divine Kingdom was tantamount to suicide.

Strong, brutish, intimidating, and charismatic. Other pirates flocked to him, making him a constant thorn in the Doge's side. Come what may, he shall be ready with his Magitek Great Cutlass and Hand Cannon.
Slain by the Lughanta Crew during the battle on his own ship, the Golden Midas.
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PCs List




@Click This










Retired PCs
NOTE: Repurposed into NPCs by default

Deceased PCs
NOTE: Returned to the Flow. Rest in Peace.


Note: Died honorably in battle, protecting her comrades.


Note: Fatally wounded by the Traitor during guard duty.
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"Yes yes. I know. I'm incredible~"​
Name: Magiranika Ruu Meevin. Or Marumei for short
Race: Lilim
Birthplace: Armerium Council

Bio: Which version would you like to hear? The one where she is the promised child that was born for the sole purpose to entertain the whole world one day? Or the one where she was born as nothing but a humble girl in a big city, and found her destiny after a circus performed in her hometown? Or how about the one where her master planned to abuse her, yet she found a way to overtake their body and enjoy her newfound freedom to the fullest? In short, no one knows. Whenever Marumei is asked about it, she makes up one story after another.

What is known about her reputation as adventurer and entertainer. Both of which come from how she presents herself though, rather than a notable success rate. Wherever she appears, things turn into a whimsical wonderland with sparkles and fireworks. Yet it's not always just show. Some towns currently spread the story that a hard to miss Lilim provided needed medicine, as well as feral crowd control to them.

However. As it turned out, Marumei was imprisoned as she and the son of a noble had... a couple differences. Imprisoned, she was already working on freeing herself, but it turned out that someone else was roaming the prison. With her charms, she talked that person into freeing her, and after a pleasant little chat, she decided to join that person, and soon enough found herself joining the Lughanta Company in the process.

  • Spell combat using Performance, Fire, Telekinetic, and Healing spells.
  • Remotely controlling her Guardian Cards
  • Herbalism

  • Storytelling
  • Deception
  • Instrument Performance: Violin and Flute

Magitek Items:
  • Guardian Cards
    Marumei's close to mid range weapons are her Guardian Cards. She enslaved rogue familiars using magic from before the time of erchius discovery, making her previously plain paper become deadly weapons. When it's quiet, some can hear the familiars begging for the comfort of their former partners.
    ...That's a lie. They are actually made from Erchius infused paper. These cards can fly, stretch and widen at a moments notice, allowing Marumei to use them to flatten her foes, slice them apart, use the cards as shields, or quickly set up spellcircles. Their overall hardness level varies from wood to iron depending on the card, and Marumey can control up to 6 cards at the same time.
  • Sealed Books (not to be confused with Grimoires)
    On her waist, she carries 6 books. On her left back is her spell encyclopedia, on her left front is the heavy book she uses for flower pressings. On her right back is a book made of oil blotting paper, and on her right front is a super pop up book that is said to open with the storm of a raging river. On her back is a portal book that links her to the postal office (but she doesn't allow anyone to use it), and at her front is actual, knowledge infused layer cake, which makes one smarter the bigger the bite is.
    ...All of those are lies. In truth, these books are linked to her and allow her to remote cast spells thus increase her arcane damage output by a factor of 6 should all 6 books be used at the same time. This is very taxing however and meant as an emergency plan or final attack.
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Unlike the picture, she is wearing her hair in a long, elaborate braid.
"May my words please the ears of the Divine One and may my actions always follow the guidance of the Creator."

Name: Ádalé Jertan

Race: Mixed-Breed. Exact heritage unknown.

Birthplace: Fraulia Divine Kingdom. Exact place unknown.

Personality: Almost always wearing a gentle smile, Ádalé is perhaps best described as caring and motherly. At first glance, she is a gentle soul who is there for everyone whenever they need them, a loyal comrade whom one can always count on. There are, however, limits to her charity. She will draw the line when she needs to, not to mention that she came come across as quite harsh and strict when dealing with people whom she does not agree with. She is just as venomous towards her enemies as she is kind to her friends, though the latter will also get a lesson if they greatly displease her.

Ultimately, her greatest personality flaw is the mask of peace and kindness she keeps up until the last minute, at which point she will crack and unleash her restrained emotions. Whatever they may happen to be, Ádalé will bluntly and mercilessly thrust them into one's face, often causing more harm than good with her words. She is also prone to playing off her own issues as unimportant, including the wounds she receives in battle, which can lead to several problems. Otherwise, her teamwork is nothing short of excellent and she always tries to do her best.

History: Nearly two decades ago, someone knocked on the door of an orphanage. By the time someone made it to the front, whoever had been there was gone, leaving behind only an infant with a simple letter attached to them. As it was not the shelter's policy to turn the helpless away, they took in the baby without any question and started to raise her to the best of their ability. So begins the story of Ádalé, a young girl who never got to know her parents or where she was from. Not that she knew it: the orphanage she was dropped off at treated her as if she was a part of their family.

But whereas her life may have started off as normal, it quickly became obvious that there was something different about Ádalé. First of all, she was freakishly strong despite her small body. Even as a young child, she could easily carry around a bucket of water with only one hand without as much as breaking a sweat. If she put effort into it, she could break thick pieces of wood and bend metal with her bare hands. Second, strange things seemed to happen around her at odd times. Whenever she was particularly distracted or focused, people swore they saw subtle plays of light around her.

This lead to the orphanage to seek help from the local branch of the Truthful Voices, a small, but dedicated order of knights with a lot of worldly and magical knowledge. Just as the orphanage staff, they were baffled by Ádalé, however, they offered to take her in to teach her. She would make a fine knight, they told the orphanage. The little girl was originally against the idea as she did not want to be separated from whom she considered to be family. However, as the knights showed her around and told her that she could still spend her time at the orphanage, something in her blood called out to Ádalé. She ended up joining the Truthful Voices in the end.

That happened when she was eight. The knights immediately put her through a gruelling training regimen, driving the girl to exhaustion more often than not with their combat and magical lessons. As befitting her physique, she was pushed much harder than the other volunteers, which resulted in no small amount of complaining for her. But as the years dragged on, Ádalé slowly realised that she was indeed more than capable of much more than her peers. Her strength only grew along with her body and it was not long before she could lift bulls.

While she was not above her peers in other matters, such as her intelligence or her strategic skill, Ádalé's extraordinary physical prowess was nothing to scoff at. Even as a squire, she was included in the war games reserved for fully-fledged knights and she performed well in them. The order had high hopes for her and they were delighted to hear that she accepted the honour of knighthood at the age of eighteen. After the celebrations subsided, Ádalé quickly became a respected member of the local garrison.

But her blood started calling out for her again. Growing ever more restless by the day, Ádalé went before her superiors with a request: she wanted to become a free knight of the order. Though she had only served for six months as an actual knight, her conviction along with her excellent results elevated in the eyes of the Order. Her request was carefully considered, then granted with a simple clause attached: As she was still young, she was to seek the tutelage of the more experienced whenever she could and return to the Order in a year with a list of her accomplishments to prove that she deserved the title.

Melee Combat: Ádalé is quite good at using her hammer and no ordinary soldier can challenge her when she wields it. For someone with such a gentle demeanour, she fights with a surprising lack of mercy as she exploits nearly every advantage she can in combat. This approach often requires her to try new techniques, which may develop into a unique fighting style over time. She can also use swords, shields, spears and daggers on the level of an average soldier.

Basic Magic: Ádalé is not a wizard or a prodigy, but she definitely has affinity for magic. As a result, she learned some basic spells to heal injuries and help navigation. It is likely that she could learn rudimentary combat spells too, if she put the work into it.

Small-unit Tactics: While not an expert or an experienced war veteran, Ádalé has a good handle on the art of tactics and teamwork, especially when it comes to small groups.

Singing: Ádalé can sing very well in the mezzo-soprano range, but she rarely does so despite her beautiful voice.

Etiquette: As a requirement of knighthood, Ádalé is well-educated in matters of professional conduct during conversation. She also knows the rules of proper behaviour one should observe when in the presence of nobility.

Strength Beyond Measure: It is safe to say that Ádalé's greatest asset is the tremendous strength hidden behind her slender figure. She is capable of incredible feats and has the bone structure to match them; she can punch through some walls with her bare hands or rip heavy doors off their hinges. Her safe limit is lifting somewhere around one ton, but she is able to lift heavier objects if she risks injury.

Notable Possessions:
Ceremonial Dress: An elaborate piece of formal attire, this is the dress which Ádalé got when she was knighted. Good luck getting her to wear it.

Knight's Armour

Alris: A beautifully crafted battle hammer gifted to Ádalé when she became a knight. Almost as large as the woman herself, its sheer weight means that only she can use it in combat. While it does not have any exceptional properties, it is crafted from high-quality steel, not to mention that conventional armour is almost useless against it.

Theme songs:
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A frail, petite, raven-haired, unexpressive Neko girl that doesn't command much presense.
Name: Yumi
Height: 143cm Weight: 38kg
Race: Mixed Race- Moon Elf/Youkai
Birthplace: Technically Somewhere over the Hindia Ocean

This mysterious figure was the illegitimate child of parents she will never know. Born on a ship's return trip to Harukayama, Yumi began life from nothing. Her mother abandoned her since conception. Yumi spent her earliest moments with total strangers, only motivated by a handsome bribe to resolve the manner quietly. Fortunately, the strangers were at least kind enough to see her to the Eustia orphanage which Yumi would quickly abandon once it was clear that she had no chance of adoption.

But, unusually self-reliant for one so young, Yumi managed to carve out a life on her own. Despite no shortage of reasons to distrust others, Yumi found herself inexplicably drawn to others, so long as she found herself at a safe distance. In her early years up until her early teens, Yumi always managed to provide for herself through her freelance work. Yumi was such an observant child that she reliably noticed areas where people struggled in life, and she would help them in whatever capacity she could. In this period of her life, Yumi worked as a shrinekeeper, errandgirl, marketer, hired gun, storehand, librarian, and many other jobs. A fresh change of pace from her days in the orphanage, Yumi finally started to make friends. While her heritage proved a constant barrier, her uncanny ability to help people in their time of need made her beloved by the local community. She even had a brief romance with a young influential girl named Lyra. Brief, because Lyra took her own life, leaving Yumi her prized possession.

After Lyra's untimely end, the father, in a scheme to retrieve the Timelord's Truesword, implicated Yumi as the murderer, but Yumi was already wise to his plan. With a heavy heart, Yumi left Eustia, living off the land with the various skills she learned in town. Living a nomadic lifestyle, Yumi did not trust people quite the same anymore. She bypassed cities and villages on a number of occasions, only stopping when the circumstances required it such as getting new clothes or tools.

However, Yumi was still too kind-hearted for her own good. On her travels, she saved numerous people. Be it from bandits, beasts, nature, or just poor choices, Yumi saved countless people from tragic mistakes. As a result, there are some tall tales circulating about her as a folk hero of sorts. Giving into her loneliness, she started travelling alongside other adventurers. She has spent every moment up to the present travelling Autrea by foot. And now, Yumi caught word of Lughanta Company. Longing to be a greater force for good in the world, Yumi entered the guild branch office nearest Solar Academy, and the rest is yet to be discovered.

  • Dagger Proficiency: Yumi wields a single dagger. She lacks strength, but she makes up for it with speed and deadly precision.
  • Elemental Proficiency: Sol


  • Survival: Yumi has survived on her own since a young age. She can hunt, track, and cook like nobody's business.
  • Level-headed: Yumi can keep her cool, even in situations that seem completely unreasonable. No matter what the adventure brings, Yumi keeps her wits about her.
  • Scouting: Yumi excels in sneaking around and gathering information. She can size up armor, weapons, weak points, and other critical information.

Yumi seems like a kind girl, if not a bit shy. On many occasions, she seemed to allow people to walk all over her. She carries the vibe of a child not just in her appearance, but also in the way she carries herself. She tends to differ to the judgment of other people and avoids asserting her own opinion, even when it leads towards a worse outcome. While she has shown herself to be capable in her own right, Yumi seems to shine most when paired as a duo, often pulling off feats of synergy that would ordinarily require chemistry and practice. Despite near constant interaction with the members of the crew, Yumi tends to lack any sort of distinguishing expressions and tones apart from a pervasive shyness when she initiates interactions. There are rumors that she was abused as a child, and those experiences still carry weight with her.

Magitek Items:
Timelord's Truesword: The final parting gift of Lyra, and the finest piece of equipment Yumi has ever held. This weapon allows the user to create a time anchor that lasts for fifteen seconds. At any point, the user can return to a time anchor. However, the user must wait 30 seconds between anchor drops. The skill is set to trigger automatically should the user die though it renders the weapon useless for 24 hours. The weapon itself is soulbound to Yumi like a familiar and will remain so until her death.

Important Notes: Yumi only has the physical characteristics of her race(specifically, cat ears, cat tail, and purple eyes), failing to inherit their racial traits. She does however possess the typical lifespan and physicality of her respective races. As a result, Yumi can't gain much muscle mass, even in spite of daily training, but has extremely potent pattern recognition and speed.
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"You think you can match a powerful dragon like me?"
Name: Miyamoto Saki
Race: Dragon Youkai
Birthplace: Harukayama

Saki left home almost without a trace, several years ago. She intends to eventually return "once she's stronger", but she does also wonder if her family or dojo would be particularly welcoming when she finally does. She has written the occasional letter to indicate she's still alive, but has rarely remained in one place long enough to receive a reply. Her family would certainly not approve of the modification of her weapon with magitek.

Saki, like many Youkai outside of her homeland, is a wandering adventurer. She left her home of Harukayama to see the world, and what better way to do it than from an airship? She didn't start as part of the Lughanta Company, although she did make her way as a mercenary and adventurer before signing onto the crew. Her goals seem to be primarily to accumulate money, and to advertise her school of swordsmanship.

She claims that the blood of dragons runs through her veins, and isn't particularly shy about her heritage, to the point that it's often the first thing anyone really knows about her. The truth of her claims of being related to any true dragons is suspect at best, according to conventional wisdom. Her interest in money is in part an attempt to emulate dragons as they are in many stories.

Her spirit familiar takes a typical six-limbed draconic shape: four legs and two wings, and is about the size of an eagle. Saki usually doesn't demand much of her familiar, beyond assistance in scouting, and help in keeping vermin at bay. He certainly doesn't seem to mind the freedom to do as he pleases most of the time. He tends to happily share his own opinion of most situations, usually with sarcasm and only occasionally with almost parental concern.

  • Skilled swordswoman
  • Draconic Ice Breath
  • Mithral Current Kenjutsu
  • Elemental Expertise: Water

Aligned to the element of water, the Mithral Current school embodies its many forms and ever-changing nature. It favors fluid, dance-like motion and swift, iaijutsu strikes which begin and end with the blade sheathed. A skilled practitioner moves with measured grace, striking with the force of a tsunami, and as elusive as the receding waves. Defensively, it focuses on evasion and lightning-quick counters. A very mobile Art, many of its maneuvers involve moving in some way or another, dancing around the battlefield from target to target.

Specific techniques/maneuvers:
Quicksilver wave - A rapid draw of the sword creates a shockwave of shimmering silvery energy which rushes forward to cut down targets even at range.
Rippling current - A basic iaido strike which is so quick, it can easily catch opponents unaware.
Flowing River - A counter against magic. When attacked with magic, if the effect is resisted, move adjacent to the attacker and strike at them.
Mithral Flash - While Mithral current usually focuses on mobility, sometimes one must intercept an opponent's blade with one's own. A rapid draw of the sword attempts to block and strike in the same swift moment, fending off the incoming blow and striking at the attacker in the same moment.
Crashing Wake - Moving like a wave across the battlefield, the mithral current practitioner rushes forward, striking at every enemy within their path. Foes so struck do not even realize they have been cut until the strike ends and the practitioner sheathes her sword.
Ride the Current - Strike an opponent as you dodge away from their attacks, moving a good 10 feet away. Most notable as a way to break combos or multiple attacks.

  • Object Appraisal
  • Foraging
  • Tea ceremony
  • Expert dancer
  • Natural flight ability

Magitek Items:
  • Drive blade katana - A magitech modification of a traditional Harukayama weapon, Saki's katana is equipped with a revolver-like chamber and firing mechanism, to load magically-charged cartridges, which can be discharged to provide additional magical effects to the weapon's attacks, most often in the form of enhancing attack power and adding an elemental attribute.
  • Drive blade ammo - Without it, a drive blade is just a sword.
  • Sleeping on money
  • Dragons
  • Green tea
  • Friendly sparring
  • Wizards
  • When food gets stuck between her teeth
  • Wasting time overthinking things
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"Relax, I'm not gonna take nothin' off you… long as I don't get a reason to, anyway."

Name: Drayton Vance
Race: Human
Birthplace: Venesia, Nusantara

Bio: A product of his environment. Drayton spent his early life in the bustling marketplaces of Venesia picking pockets, praying on the goodwill of others and thieving things that seemed of value. Drayton wasn't alone, he had his father, however his old man viewed his son as a worker rather than blood and their relationship would only go as far as how many valuables he could get for the pair to sell off. His mother was likely either some prostitute that didn't want the trouble a kid would bring, or she dumped him on her husband and beat it. So for the first part of his life, he had to deal with a greedy father and no mother. As could be expected, as people began watching out for the little swindler, his job grew more difficult and when his spoils began to dwindle, he was cut loose.

Now an actual urchin, Drayton wandered the hub of commerce and lived a short while off his usual activities, until the day came where he found a small shop operated by an old man. What was interesting about this shop were the interesting pieces of magitek the man kept, a couple of curved blades, one traditional-looking adorning blue-glowing inscriptions along the blade and another with a clean line of blue lining the sword. Naturally, the young Drayton attempted to relieve the old man of his items, which led to getting whacked a few times by the man's cane and put to work in the shop to work off his crime. The old man gave little reason for taking him in over handing him over to what authorities there were. Said that jail wouldn't stop him from being a thief or living off others' expense. To give him some incentive, the old man said he'd teach him, both in morality and body, and that if he could ever take the blades from him, he could keep them and leave.

Going forward, Drayton's time during the day was spent dealing with patrons and spotting thieves like he used to be. When the doors closed, he would be taught and have his ass handed to him by the old man until adulthood. He never once bested the old merchant. He simply managed to grab the blades and run when he finally wanted to leave. Many would likely shake their head at Drayton's reliance on theft to get what he wanted, yet again. However the elder only said that he had to take them, not best him. Besides, he was tired of playing shopkeep, tired of stealing and tired of being stuck in the same place all his life. So, he began to travel and took up mercenary work, wielding the two magitek blades for the following years of his life. Sure, he put his lesser-approved talents to work as well, but only to people who he saw deserved it. He hadn't been completely rehabilitated—but it was an improvement at least. Finally, he came upon a recruitment poster in-between work. Living on a flaming airship seemed kind of fun.

- Expert swordsman
- Skilled Pugilist

- Bartering
- Lying
- Pickpocketing
- Drinking
- Enduring

Magitek Items:
Tempest: A traditional-looking curved sword with glowing blue inscriptions adorning the blade. Tempest is infused with the element of wind, allowing the usage of wind elemental attacks from someone without magical ability.
Steelrune: A silver curved blade holding no alternate color except for a glowing blue streak along the weapon's blade. Steelrune possesses no elemental enhancement, however the sword vibrates at a high frequency so as to aid in piercing through armor.

"Why fight if not for fun?"
Name: John Herald
Race: Human
Birthplace: Azura - Swiss - Small kingdom in the mountains

Personality: John is first and foremost a curious person. Nothing will sate his hunger for discovery and this is why he is so determined to explore the world beyond the "Rock Fortress". However, there is more to him than his dream. He grew up on morals; there is a good and there is an evil. He is strict about them too, he would prefer not to kill an enemy if he could beat them into submission, and he does not believe that violence solves anything despite being a capable fighter himself.

All the pacifist talk aside: John does not take threats. Even though his mind says its wrong he will be quick to grab his blade and defend himself. However, John never acts out of anger, there is always cause in his actions, otherwise he feels there is no need to act. This discipline is something he learned in the mountains, you get up, do what you have to, and respect your elders. Its meaning has obviously evolved to incorporate the opinions of "outsiders".

John himself is perceived as a happy guy, most of the time he is smiling, the exception being when he is utterly bored. He speaks comfortably around others and is confident enough to look someone in the eye when he speaks to them. If he can help those in need, he would gladly offer his services. Though he is not a naive person as his loving smile and warm greetings would lead others to believe. The Guardian's duties have taught him to be mindful of a person's behaviors.

John is young however and being human comes with flaws. One of his happen to be his curiosity. He is courageous enough to fear no situation and explore any land, but not wise enough to know when it is time to be afraid. Fear, despite its bad rep, keeps us alive. Men like John, aspiring heroes, die if they can't learn to fear. This goes without saying that he is reckless. John is quick on his feet, but not in his head.

He is decent at the skills he was taught. His strong suit lies in communication and combat, things key to acquiring information about the world, but spending most of his time brawling and standing around talking, he never spent time on skills that required one to "think and then do" rather than "do and think". So, he gets a C+ in the brains department, he's passing.

Bio: John is a man of old ways. Since a child he has been surrounded by men going to work and woman doing housework. Though, in a cave there weren't many flowers to attend to. Yes, John grew up in the safety of a mountain. His people utilized their knowledge over nature to carve a city out of the landscape, further fortifying themselves should invaders come. Here he learned the trades of metalwork, alchemy, and swordsmanship so that he could play his part in society. However, like many before him, John wanted to explore the world despite the warnings of his elders.

His early studies were actually dedicated to learning the sword as any person with a hand and a brain could swing one. It was later when his mind was more developed that he learned the harder things like how to make the blade, how sharp he could make it before it broke, how the metal had to be melted, the amount of blue liquid he had to poor into the other liquid and vice versa, and then on top of all that relearning how to swing a sword. It was not the work load meant for the type scared of some hard work and dedication. And believe it or not, John survived his school years and actually started apprenticing as a swordsman.

He trained under a guard and learned about the outside world and why his people were so scared of it. He learned about politics and negotiation, he was taught to pay attention to the subtle things, and discretion when using his blade. He was also taught how to fire a gun, that was the best lesson he was taught, but the point of this is: nothing ever happened. So, under the apprenticeship of the guard John learned a ton about the outside world and how to fight. It only egged on his wish to see it. He then set his mind to it and made sure to cherish every word the guard told him about the real world.

Of age and able to swing a sword, nothing could stop John on his journey to explore. Thanks to Magitek he didn't have to walk the perilous journey that adventurers in days past would have. Nope, instead John hightailed it through the forest on a "skipper" and made it to the next city, taking the title of Guardian with him, and continued hopping until he could see Azura's shores. That was when John felt his stomach grumble and realized he needed food. No money and not wanting to go back home he looked to his sword. He offered his services as a sword for hire, only to find, not many people wanted some novice kid swinging his sword around. Dissapointed with the outside world, but still with a thirst to move on, John hitched a ride on a small skiff crossing the water.

John entered a port town from there and was greeted with a piece of parchment offering something out of a fairy tale to him (or nightmare depending on how you perceived his grandfather's stories). His hope in discovering what the world truly had to offer had been renewed with the small piece of parchment. He felt the words on the page had been written just for him as they described him perfectly. He was determined to meet this crew.

Swordsmanship: Expert
Kick-Boxing: Expert
Marksmanship: Novice
Political Knowledge: Expert
Tracking: Intermediate
Weapon Repair Crafting: Intermediate
Magitek Items:
Swiss Guardian Amulet - The amulet can be used as a light source or to access a simple ranged fireball attack. However, despite its lack luster power the amulet is very efficient. Not relying on ammo or magic it is able recharge itself with the energy of its owner or by absorbing attacks of the same type.

Notable Possessions:
Guardian's Blade - A broadsword, wielded with two hands. Its moderate weight makes it a sturdier blade and it has been made so that it has the potential to be enchanted beyond the use of an amulet, but even in your hometown you have to pay for things, so John never bothered with it. However, given the materials he could make something like his amulet.


Swiss - Brief
A metalworking kingdom located in the mountains. It has a capable military and a population to match its size. Its founders were those who feared invasion and used their skills to create a masterpiece to encompass their small population. However, over the years Left Ridge and Right Ridge were created as people expanded its population. Society favors strong and agile men, but appreciates the work of the brains. They have very little Magitek knowledge and items, but have acquired many Erchius crystals to learn about it themselves. They are a closed door society and consist of mainly humans however there are some "Drows" among them.


Swiss specializes in Metalwork and the Way of the Sword. The title John carries, Guardian, is reserved for only the best of Swiss' men, it is not possible for a woman to earn this honor. It is not possible for a woman to join the military either. Woman serve strictly as a support role in a man's life in Swiss. It is a way of life that says men are able-bodied and weak-minded while woman are weak and wise. Although, women have been known to play many of the supporting military roles. Many are doctors, blacksmiths, or alchemists and have the pleasure of working directly with the military.

Swiss uses the same currency that can be found in the trading islands. And being left alone their economy is stable allowing for the continued building on their glorious kingdom. They have trash collectors, plumbing, police and fire rescue. Taxes are, of course, a thing at 3% of income. However, they lack any foreign policy and are probably not recognized as a kingdom or even known depending on how severe their isolation has been.

In terms of magic, it is seriously lacking in Swiss. There are few who know how to use it and not many books or information on it. It is not that it is seen as bad or forbidden, there is just no information they have on it. What little they do have come from Guardian's who learn about the world and then return home to tell about it. The Erchius depository is an example of this. Trial and error is how they learned about Magitek crafting. The few successes they have had they made sure to share with the people.

The kingdom also known as the "Rock Fortress" is a kingdom that has made its home in the side of a mountain. Favoring a more stable design, the people of old who built the masterpiece leveled several acres of the mountain and dug down into its lava heart. There are three pieces to Swiss:

Left Ridge is a place where the leaders of Swiss reside and make laws. Here is also the largest depository of Erchius crystals in Swiss. It is a labyrinth of doors and locks, heavily guarded, and routinely checked as it is not just Erchius they hide in there, experimental weaponry is also developed. Left Ridge is just above Midguard, stairs on the side of Midguard's entrance lead to it. Soldiers can be seen running up and down these half a mile staircases.


Midguard, or Mid-Ridge as locals call it, is one of the main living areas for Swisslings. It holds up to 300,000 people with only half of that number occupying it. Most everyday things are done here and it is, as the name suggests, in between Left Ridge and Right Ridge, but its entrance is located deeper and closer to the magma than the two other parts.


Right-Ridge is also a living quarters but for military. As the military of Swiss is completely defensive as they don't wish to conquer the entire force resides within the mountain, this is the only known part of Swiss that they continually build on the mountain for, to encompass the many warriors that are trained to protect their home. You can probably guess, but this is the biggest and safest part of the kingdom and even though it is mostly a barracks, overflow of people enter and live as blacksmiths, alchemist, and doctors within its walls, keeping Midguard where it is today.

"You ready for this?"
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"The world is my oyster, and you're my pearl!"
Name: Fay Corndale
Race: Human
Birthplace: Venesia, Nusantara

Bio: Fay was born to a rich, and pristine family known as the Corndales. During her youth, she obtained an education, and learned her family's trade, cargo transportation. One day, while serving her father, as a cargo inspector, she experienced her extreme luck. A boatload of boxed cargo happened to stumble upon Fay's whole body, due to the rope snapping. Her luck let her survive with only several broken bones, and a concussion.

After the event, she was never the same again, as she feared cargo boxes, and general shipping. Then, they found her, which represented yet another form of Fay's luck. Two suitors, who desired wealth above all else, sought to claim the fair fay's hand in marriage. And so, the two forced Fay to experience the outside world, despite her traumatic past. They succeeded in doing so, as Fay became absorbed in the suitors lives, as they often told Fay of their various travels as merchants. She decided that she wouldn't let her past hold her back, and she promised to travel the world, just like her suitors. When she finally reached a choice on who to marry, the two suitors ended up as lovers, since they both loved each other's spunk and desire to travel.

Unsure on what to do next, she talked to her parents, who were at first reluctant, but later agreed, if Fay brought along a magitek staff. Her parents told Fay that the staff was passed down in the family and it was an important magitek item that contained a protection spell. Thus, the young Fay set off with her staff, to travel the world. Fortunately, the staff protected her from the harsh cold of night, as she later burned the staff to keep herself warm, on her first day of travel. Her luck, just kept on coming.

Before she reached a small town, she was mugged by several bandits, and thus she was left with no money. Yet this event was her luckiest break ever, as now, she decided to serve the Lughata company, upon realizing she could make some money, while traveling. It was killing two birds with one stone for her, and so she set off to find the company.

  • Lucky: Fay's luck and intuition aid her, whenever harm comes her way; however, her luck's not all that.
  • Earth Element: She doesn't know it yet, but Earth is the element that she has a high affinity with.
  • Improvising: Sometimes life hands you a pan, and you need to bash enemies with those pans.

  • Cargo Transportation: She's familiar with cargo due to her youth, but sometimes she fears boxes, when her past trauma gets the better of her.
  • Economics: She's an excellent economist, due to her education.

Magitek Items:
  • Burnt, Broken Valphion: A magitek staff that no longer works, but Fay keeps it, in case another fire is required to help her remain warm.
  • Grace: Grace is an amulet that Fay always wears. It doesn't contain special properties yet, but there's a mechanism inside the amulet that allows magitek materials to grant the amulet explosive properties. In essence, once Fay fixes Grace, which will take a while, she can do explosion magic. She's also unaware of Grace, as it's just an amulet in her mind. She obtained it from her grandfather.
Extra Notes:
Quirky: She acts a bit unusual due to an early concussion she experienced as a youth.

Comment: I can't find Fay's banner, so does that mean I don't use one?



"Eiiiiiii. *yawn* Been out long?"

  • Name:

    "Yo. Name's Herman. Herman Schmid. *hic* Wanna know how I got my first name? Wehehell, let's just say the ladies have a thing for me. My catchphrase? "Herman is 'er man"."


    "Definitely human here, fam. As if Bumi had enough of us lingering around 'er, eh?"


    "Well, the family business of making arms and armour thrived here on Venesia the moment I was born... So uh, yeah. I've been here all my life."

    Physique and Stature:

    "Uh... let's see 'ere... a hunkalicious, five-foot-seven, hundred-forty-six pound ass-kickin' love machine. Here's my number."

  • Hailing from Venesia, Nusantara, the young lad named Herman Schmid perceives the world of Bumi with indifference. Born to a blacksmith father and a seamstress mother, it was inevitable that the family business would focus on making weapons and armour; their workshop (aptly named "Schmid Arms-and-Armour") being one of the most established for their superlative wares. Encouraging Herman to follow in his footsteps, his father educated him every nook-and-cranny of the ways of a smith at an early age; treating every material with utmost care, determining which material to use, the materials to be combined to create an improved and refined material, all of it. Eventually, he was able to craft his very first weapon, a pair of steel-enforced tonfas.

    However, Herman grew dissatisfied of just hammering all day. Wanting to break the status quo, he decided to take a break from the family business, much to his father's discontent but eventual approval, with a bit of help from his forbearing mother. Letting him be, Herman's father suggested that he should go visit his uncle Qrow, a retired Capoeira-style martial artist, who is willing to teach him techniques that would probably save his ass in the long run in case of, say, an imperial invasion.

    Bringing his prized tonfas, Herman began to train under his uncle's tutelage. He was entirely surprised, considering the complicated lower-body movements and the fact that it will be difficult since said style was incompatible with his upper-arm weaponry. A long and grueling two months befell upon him, learning gradually. Even as a human, such a fast, versatile, and most definitely uncommon martial art was quite the challenge to grow accustomed to. After some time, the young man threw the towel in, deeming it a big hurdle to surpass.

    With nothing more to satiate his boredom, Herman returned home. Every now and then, he and his group of friends wound up at the local tavern every other day, drinking all night. He still helps out at his family's workshop, but the passion for smithing or even martial arts were drained from him. Apart from that, he became lazier and lazier, much to his father's dismay. Herman felt as if there was nothing more to do at that boring ass island but drink, sleep and have fun with friends all day, so he's just gonna have to make do with it until his death. That remained so, until a fateful day...

    An important task was given to Herman by his father, which was to deliver arms to an adventurer from the distinguished Nightingale family, one named Agatha. However, by that point, Herman has become way too indolent and unbeknownst to his family's honor, asked said VIP client to take it from him at his favorite hangout spot rather than delivering to them personally. Herman's irritated (albeit justified) client arrived at the tavern he addressed her to, and finds him drunk, half-asleep, and astray from his purpose. A heated argument between the two caused the easily-agitated drunkard to lash out with his blunt weaponry. The female adventurer kicked Herman's ass with little-to-no effort, showcasing the difference between their strength. Taking her goods, Agatha imparted a little advice.

    "Rather than sitting on your ass like a drunkard all day, why not join our company? You know you want to, don't you?"

    Throwing the recruitment paper on his dazed face, the female left. Realizing that his "boring but safe" mindset was a load of bollocks and is eating away at his life in general, it wasn't difficult to persuade the lad. He knew he wanted more than just being stuck on ol' boring Venesia, dangers be damned. Herman returned to his uncle, all fired-up and more willing than ever to learn.

    After a few more months of rigorous training (and gaining his uncle's merit), approval from his parents, obtaining a new pair of Magitek booster boots from his dad, and upgrading his tonfas into tonfa blasters ejecting explosives with a little help from his dad's Armer associate, Herman Schmid joined the Lughanta Company. He was ready. Ready to take flight, explore the world of Bumi and find damsels in distress!

  • Herman is a very laidback individual, uncaring about the issues of politics or articles of the norm in Bumi. Initially wanting to secure a "boring but safe" lifestyle, he values peace among other matters. He is also neutral towards the ongoing military conflict between the Empire and the Divine Kingdom, stating that as long as they purchase his family's wares, he isn't biased towards any side, and that their money is what matters.

    However, after being enlightened by a certain individual to loosen up and escape from his dull life, Herman became much more open-minded, despite retaining his bored and lazy expression. He now wants to utilize his youth by exploring the unknown, while sharing good memories with his comrades.

    As a casanova wannabe, Herman loves dames. What kind of man doesn't? He is a proud pervert as well. However, he takes pride in chivalry, as he treats women respectably. Herman would seduce a duchess, but he would never spoil a virgin. Despite his rather slothful disposition, Herman ends up being the most talkative of his friends. Starting the conversation with a sip of beer, and ending it with a good laugh, is Herman's specialty.

    + Damsels
    + Beer
    + Exploring
    + Learning new things (apart from complicated shit)
    + Sleeping
    + Welfare
    + Capoeira Martial Arts
    + Casual gossip

    - Politics
    - Girls getting hurt
    - Complications
    - Trouble

  • Herman is a friendless loser. Coming soon!

  • Skills:

    > Element Expertise: Fire (Explosives) <
    > Weapon Expertise: Dual Tonfas <
    > Unarmed Combat Style: Capoeira Martial Arts Style <


    > Smithing - The fundamental knowledge of weapon and armor smithing, as well as turning materials into metals, were all drilled into him by his father. <
    > Acrobatics - Experienced at the arts of Capoeira, Herman is very nimble and fleet-footed. His movements are fluid, graceful and most of all, unpredictable. He hits hard with a series of rapid kicks and tonfa strikes. <
    > Alcohol Tolerance - Herman takes quite a beating in the chugging department before dropping like a log. 'Nuff said. <



    > Rocky and Road (Steel-Enforced Tonfa Blasters): A pair of green, heavy and blunt customized arms that also serve as long-ranged weapons, firing explosive Erchius bullets from the fore-head. But let's face it, they're damn Bazookas. <


    > Magitek Boosters: With the help of an Armer, this pair of footwear are Herman's prized possessions (apart from his tonfas), given to him by his father. Using Erchius as fuel, the boots utilize the air-fuel ejected from the thrust nozzles to thrust the user upwards. This allows Herman to thrust or boost into the air indefinitely, though extreme care for observing the fuel capacity is a must if the man doesn't want to fall straight to his fucking death. This forces Herman to land. However, the fuel cells strapped to his boots can be replaced in case of the worst-case scenario, and Herman is always prepared with extra Erchius fuel rods. <

  • "Dangers be damned!"

    "Now lookie 'ere, gentlemen. Little 'ol me has already been told countless times of the rising tensions, the urge for military supremacy and all that bullshit. I'm tellin' ya right now... I don't care if yer' Red or Blue or whatever... yer' Florin 'ere are all green ta me."

    "Every woman is a treasure. Make sure ta treat them with more care than you can treat yerself."

  • e1nwT0P.jpg

    "Aye, aye, Cap'n~"

    Face Claim:
    Gray from Fire Emblem

    Voice Actor:
    Hiroyuki Yoshino


    Speech Color:

    Disclaimer: I do not own any of the artworks shown. Credits to their respective owners.

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Name: Sorina Caramitru - Race: Infernal (Blood Devil) - Birthplace: Netherworld​

Biography: Standing at 5'2" (157.5cm), of thin frame and light weight, born as the second Daughter of Lord Stelian and Elliana Caramitru, of House Caramitru. While Chaos may reign true in the Netherworld, a sense of order and defense must be allocated against the other powers should the need ever arise. The Family controls one of the Fortresses defending the Gate to the Neither World, the group of Blood Devil's have inherited the fortress for generations, a mark of martial prestige and honor.

Because of this duty, the Caramitru Family tends to send all of it's son's and daughters to the outside world, to learn about enemy capabilities and gain experience in combating various potential threats, to serve in the fortress, it's support camps, or to be married off in the Netherworld's inner politics. Sorina as a result is rather versed in politics, some military matters and is somewhat disciplined and educated as far as Infernal's are concerned, given their own idea's on war this still means she holds many of the traits of her race. Though this upbringing has some negative side effects in term of her personality.

When she came of age, Sorina would embark upon the same journey as many of her kin before, if she were to take the reigns of the fortress or at least some form of officer posting as her birthrate, she must learn to be a seasoned soldier. Lughanta Company was her own choice, either she would fulfill her duty and return home in a few years to fulfill the family interest, or abandon her posting and become a wanderer. A few months have passed since she joined the Company that claims to be the best.

While seemingly odd for one of such a life to join a mercenary band, her Family believes highly in gaining combat experience and their children gaining life experience that training cannot give. Also given the limited number of Camps and the solitary Fortress they cannot hand positions to all of the family. Those who return are given Staff positions, used in political arrangements or inherit the Fortress. Others who stay in the world are allowed to live there own life, but are disowned by family politics. Very rarely does a member of House Caramitru not return within a few years. Carrying with them a wealth of experience, and forging on with the works of the previous generations.

Personality: A bit of a princess sort, she can be rather classist, snobbish, and down putting of others, if not a bit insulting of those below her standing. Primarily concerned with her own amusement and disrupting order she finds negative or boring. Very much a high society type, though she posses the traits of her own kind, often being whimsical and mischievous with some of her dealings. While not as impulsive as most of her kind, she can be angered and prone to impulses in regards to her thin physical frame. Seems to take a form of casual enjoyment in battle, more so in regards to ambushes or feints. Prefers bloody meat, or just blood from sentient beings, disliking cooked food.

On the flip side she is surprisingly generous to those who earn her favor, treat her well, or are allies in good standing. Often curious of others she is a silent, if plotting observer. Preferring Chaos to order, she does see the need in social stability, and while pompous is known for charitable acts, surprisingly agreeable under orders, or following others if it seems to catch her amusement. Seems to think highly of her family and position, and while a bit twisted, has her own sort of honor, tending to honor agreements, though one must be careful to have it in detail, rather than to interpretation.


Sanguine Arts Practitioner: Having a more direct connection to the ability Sorina has a better control over it, able to form throwing blades in the air around her, typically forms a lance of blood to battle with, though other weapons and seemingly wings for short flight are possible.

Polearm proficiency.

Grappling: In spite of her small size, is rather skilled in close quarters defense and reversals.


Luna's Shroud
Superior Strength
Enhanced senses
Horseback Riding

Chess player: Seems to enjoy a game of chess over tea.

Etiquette: Knows court protocol and manners, at least to her own people's standards, tea making and some minor musical instrument talent with the harp and to a limited extent the Piano and pipe organ. Knows how to dance somewhat, though it does not suit her personality.

Notable Magitek Items:

Reservoir of Sanguine: The small gem like item around her neck is magically compressed blood, kept at a stable temperature it acts as an emergency food source for energy usage.

Magitek Defense Cloak: Her ornate cloak is as valuable as the rest of her armor, providing a measure of defense against magical attack.

Scarlet Thorn A Magitek lance, looking much like her blood lance, this one noted for having a metallic sheen with the same overall arrowhead design. The weapon seems to be enhanced durability wise and can channel her limited energies into a form of aura like blasts freeing up her blood for other uses.*



"Ehehehe, be grateful Peasants!"

Opinion on other characters: TBD (maybe)
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"I will fly! Even if it's impossible, Ill make it possible!"

Name: Helen Fabularis
Race: Lilim
Birthplace: Venesia, Nusantara Archipelago.

Bio: Helen was born to a merchant family in Venesia as the second youngest of six siblings, fortunately, her human father was more than wealthy enough to support them all in moderate luxury. With her mother as teacher and father's purse supporting her experiments, she quickly developed her magical abilities to a competent level.

When she was a young girl Helen witnessed a celestial take flight and was immediately enrapture by the graceful movements, that day the young girl decided that she too would fly like that, on wings of her own.
The next eleven years were devoted to her studies into that topic, at the end of which she created her first fully functional wing prototype.

Worn as part of a sort of metal vest, the wings did indeed allow her to fly, though they consumed Erchius rapidly in the process and she was nowhere near as graceful as a natural flier.
Driven by her goal of perfect flight, and unable to learn anything more at home, Helen said goodbye to her home and decided to travel, both to learn whatever she could to improve her project, and strengthen her more natural abilities.

  • Capable Magitech Engineer
  • Novice Pilot
  • Elemental Proficiency: Wind
  • Lesser Elemental Proficiency: Fire

  • Eidetic Memory
  • Trained Haggler

Magitech Items:

Seraphic Liberators: The artificial wings Helen created, as well as flight they work as effective melee weapons and/or shields and can even release their stored Erchius in a blast that usually fries them.
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13/4 :
Transferred to Character Index, Added Theme Song, Added Likes/Dislikes, Added Opinion Towards Other Characters(TBD)
14/4 :
Changed Widower(Now able to penetrate airship shields)
26/7 :
Replaced Widowmaker with Pillow
Added Dolphin
Added some Opinion Towards Other Characters

[fieldbox= Silvania Sloan, #808080, Solid]


[Silva from Granblue Fantasy]
"Target locked, firing at your command."
Name: Silvania Sloan
Race: Human
Birthplace: Eustia, Fraulia Divine Kingdom

Bio: Born into a family of gunsmiths, Silvania has been around guns since she was a little girl. Her family taught her everything she would have to know about their craft: how to design, craft, assemble, repair and take apart a gun as well as how to shoot one. When she came of age, she joined the Fraulian military. The skills her parents taught her and her own talents made her raise amongst the ranks very quickly. She became famous on the battlefield as the 'One-Woman Rifle Brigade'.

But, her service did not last long. She was married to one of her men, which caused a lot of backlash. She loved him with all of her heart... until one certain incident that lead to all of her squad dying in a battle against the Empire. Silvania felt responsible for the deaths of her men, including her husband and she retired from service.

A few years later, she stumbled across the Lughanta Company's recruitment poster. She felt the call of adventure once more, and while her husband's death still haunts her, Silvania decided to join the mercenaries in an effort to forget about her past.

  • Weapon Expertise : Rifles, Pistols
  • Lesser Weapon Expertise : Daggers
  • Elemental Expertise : Thunder
  • Gunsmith
  • Capable Alchemist

  • Eagle Eyes
  • Heavy Arms
  • Interrogation

Magitek Items:
  • Widowmaker - An oversized Magitek rifle, the rifle used a special bullet named "Widower", but it could use a regular bullet, just not as effective as using "Widower". The rifle itself is fueled with Erchius fluid. It shoots high speed projectile with a devastating impact. Due to it's high power, it needs to recharged after each shot.
  • Pillow - A re-designed Widowmaker, with a new finish (blue/gold). Designed by Silva's younger sister, Shion. The new design gave it a better cooling mechanism, providing a faster cooldown on each fire. An ammo clip for ordinary non-erchius fueled bullets with a Semi-Auto mechanism were also added for quicker cleanup of non-vehicular hostiles. Shion named this rifle, Pillow. Despite the cuddly name, it is a deadly weapon.
  • Widower - A special bullet made for the Widowmaker/Pillow. When used, it caused a laser-like attack(think Misaka's Railgun from To Aru) that were way stronger than using a regular bullet. The downside of using the Widower is that the recharge time is also longer. This bullet can penetrate airship shields.
  • Dolphin - If it's one thing that Silva's younger sister, Shion loves to make, it's pistols. The Dolphin, as Shion would call it. Is a 6-rounds revolver that packs a lot of punch. It could fit a special Erchius bullet that made the shoot lobs out a grenade. Creating a good amount of explosion on a medium scale.
Picture References


- Her Widowmaker
- Guns
- Sightseeing
- Family

- Mushrooms
- Badly Designed Guns
- Dirtyness

Theme Song : Character Intro , Battle

Character VA : Aya Hisakawa (Silva) (And yes I know I'm lazy)

Sorina - "I still feel a little guilty about shooting her a while ago."
Aster - ". . . He's a good person, hearing whatever the hell I'm spouting..."
Cera - "Certainly a person I believe would get along well with me, never really got the chance to get along though..."


"Shall we?"

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"I am the Iron Hand of Justice."


Name: Laura(Lau-ra) Delain
Race: Human
Birthplace: Eustia - Divine Kingdom of Fraulia

Born in the line of duty to an unimportant Inquisitor pair the direction the young Divine Knight's life would take was set in stone the moment she was born.

Dedicating her entire childhood to The Cause Laura became a loyal Inquisitor in no time - valuing hard work and nourishing her abilities over the generally more enjoyable activities that life offers... like making friends.

Working under the Branch Order named 'Kreuzzug', whose norm it is to have their Divine Knights be in a close Relationship to certain Seraphim, Laura is in close commune with her Guardian Angel: Israfil.

Not uncommon for Seraphim to be able to see the past, present and future it came to no surprise that the young Inquisitor was ordered to join the Lughanta. Commanded by her Guardian Angel, Laura strongly believes that by being on the ship an opportunity to exercise Justice will present itself.


Shining Link - Staying in close commune with Israfil, Laura enjoys the virtue of a handful of divine traits: Granting her passive enhancements as well the ability to work Divine Magic.

However, such borrowed power doesn't come completely free. To let Laura bask in Israfil's Embrace the Seraph needs to exert a certain Dominion over wherever she may be. Meaning, for example, Laura's feats of power would be more potent in Celestia than the Netherworld.

As Laura exerts Israfil's will however, a link usually exists even in the most isolated places. Like a torch carrying Israfil's lights even in places where the concept of fire doesn't even exist.

Laura's extent of her divine power is further influenced by Israfil's mood, as even a Seraphim is sentient to a fault, as well as depending on the situation. Shining Link's efficency is further influenced by Laura's dedication to The Cause.

Radiance - Laura is a candle. Radiance allows Laura to literally shine, emitting a light that unveils deception. This skill makes it harder for deceiving skills like illusions and invisibility to work while also providing a light source and maybe even blinding some enemies. Furthermore Radiance blesses Laura with a certain immunity against bright lights, making it harder for her to be blinded.

Destiny-Manifesting Method - With a Seraphim able to see the future, Laura's destiny is already set in stone. Which can't be easily changed. Effects that would cloud her judgement - or mind - or simply just have deleterious effects on her are ineffective.

Rather than outright nullyflying such effects it merely reduces and slows them. Her mind can not be immediately altered in ways which would change her ideology and personality in too extreme ways.

Furthermore, no matter how fatal or permanent a effect may be, Israfil will generate a condition by which the Divine Knight may shatter any curse. The condition itself could present itself in just a few days or even just years. Even then, the Fated is not bound to know the condition to lift her curse, even if it exists.

Shining Force - Laura is capable of manifesting a pair of radiant wings on her back. Sustaining them for too long usually costs too much of her Mana; though she could still fly around like a real Angel and exercise aerial combat. Generally the Inquisitor uses them to give her short-bursts of acceleration to close gaps or generate a height-advantage in an attack.

Arcadia Union - An 'ultimate skill' of sorts. Using the unique properties of her Executioner's Sword together with Shining Link, Laura is capable of transforming her Mana into offensive energy, channeling it into the weapon and releasing it. Essentially the Inquisitor is capable of firing either a huge beam of justice light or make a devestating combo attack to bring destruction onto one perperator.

Unlike Laura's other divine gifts, Arcadia Union is something to which the Seraphim wont give her cooperation lightly.

Limiter Release - Using Laura's own body as a Vessel to create a projection of Israfil herself the Divine Knight is capable to give herself a huge boost in all combat abilities. This boost, however, is only of limited time as her human body isn't made to withstand the brilliance of her Guardian Angel for too long. Furthermore, using Arcadia Union with Limiter Release will kill Laura on the spot.

Unlike Laura's other divine gifts, Limiter Release is something to which the Seraphim wont give her cooperation lightly.

Swordsmanship - Having been thaught the way of the blade since young Laura is capable of wielding such a weapon, even different sizes, with high efficency.

Martial Arts- Even without a weapon an Inquisitor should not be defenseless. While Laura is no match for a dedicated follower of such an art she would still easily have the upper hand against random street thugs.

Talents: Riding, Preaching, Gear Maintenance, Dauntless, Burning Heretics, Interrogation

Magitek Items:

Executioner's Blade
A divine weapon created to purge all evil.

Without even as much as a fancy title the weapon doesn't look like anything special. The Executioner's Blade is in deep attunement with Laura, her own Mana flowing freely inside the weapon. With each strike the weapon tries to force its own arcane energies onto its opponents. This makes this physical weapon a natural enemy against Arcane Beings.

While generally more of a passive effect, as the amount of Mana used and consumed is irrelevant, Laura can actively push Mana into the blade to increase the deadliness of her weapon.

Examples: Beings that can't be damaged by physical means but through Arcane (or get bonus damage). Ghosts, certain Demons and Summons, Wraiths and so on.

Barrier Jacket
The standard issue Barrier Jacket is a Magitek-device made to combat magicians. In essence a piece of clothing that can be pushed Mana into to create a protective barrier. The garment is equipped with an Erechius Mechanism to make it run on both sources.
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Ver. 1.0

Added a Tech List (pretending it's a Tales Game)
Updated with a Status Screen
Quotes Added
Character Voice Added
Moved into the RP's IC Archive

Equipment and Tech updated for Chapter 1

Character Image Restored after host transfer.

Equipment and Tech Updated for Sonmus chapter.

[fieldbox= Seven, Maroon, Solid]

Core section:


"Yeah, whatever. Just get me the hell out of here."

Basic Info:
(According to Submitted New Hire Form)
Name: Seven
Race: Human
Birthplace: Regnum, Brendorn Imperium

The person handling new hires was utterly baffled by the 'Name' that this person put on their application form.

Regardless, after running through the basic steps of checking their background, they weren't able to find anything of note - rather, they found no records at all. Nothing about him being a criminal, noting about him living anywhere, nothing about him even coming into town in the first place. Still, after hearing how much the Lugatha company moved around, and how this job promised that movement, the red haired young man named after a number: 'Seven', seemed dead set on joining as soon as possible. He possessed a special ability to 'tether' himself to things using an invisible Magi-tether. And he proved that the tether himself had considerable strength, able to hold up three different people while suspended beneath the airship. It's entirely possible that he could've taken on more, but no one else had the courage to take that chance.

Seven proved to be a reliable employee, taking on any job given to him without complaint. Though he's been mostly doing dishes, heavy lifting, and other menial tasks, the ships maintenance staff have taken an interest in him, after he found faults in the ship's fuel delivery system and brought it to the attention of the crew. He also seems to take avid care of his appearance - always wearing that dark suit even and looking completely comfortable doing heavy lifting or mopping floors in it yet looking spotless when he reports to work the next day. When asked about this he replied: "A Man has to be ready to deliver the best pickup line at all times, and look damn good doing it too." The crew member couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

While he freely comments on people about how they go about their work, to the point of occasionally getting on people's nerves, he seems to keep anything about himself under wraps. Typically launching that conversation into something ludicrous such as "what is the most appealing ratio for a short dress that seems to be the range among women these days?" Understandably, this has garnered him an unsavory reputation towards the other female crew members, but those who actually have spoken to him find that he seems more dotingly concerned with how well people are doing their jobs rather than the skirt chaser image he has among some of the others.

There seems to be more to Seven's story than what can be pieced together here. Will the crew ever see it for themselves?

  • Battle Resilience - Seven appears to have a good understanding of the use of mana in his body and his own physical capacities. Thusly, he utilizes both in a way to maximize his mana use and movement in the name of efficiency. In battle this translates his 'abilities' having the same longevity as his own toned physical stamina, even when under the duress of being used in battle.
  • Magi-Tether - By opening his hand at a direction, he can invoke a tether which forms an chjain that binds his arm to that object, allowing it to be manipulated. According to Seven, it's strong enough to hold up several people. The Tether can be 'anchored' to another object by having Seven point to that other object soon after. The tether can be 'retracted' by him forming a fist. While dissipating the tether is done with a wrist flick gesture.
  • Complex Reinforcement - Fighting primarily with his body. Seven uses a complex barrier overlap system to protect him in battle. He can also manipulate the form of this barrier to deflect (though not necessarily stop) projectiles coming at him. In passive mode, this armor is invisible to the naked eye, and it has a negligible draw on his mana. When in active mode - either done intentionally or when the section experiences force trauma, the reinforcement takes begins to glow, showing Mana being pumped into the visible section, making it stronger but also drawing more Mana in the process.

  • Navigation - Able to read the stars, and well versed in the geography of the world. Seven can typically tell exactly where the party is, so long as he has a general idea where they are. His intuition in regards to direction is pretty reliable as well.
  • Persuasion - Seven can be a smooth talker when he puts effort into it. There are times when a disagreeable guard or tight lipped barmaid are uncooperative. Seven walks up to them and whispers into their ears, and suddenly, they become much less hostile to the crew's requests. Whether he compliments their figure or describes in detail how he'll murder their entire family is up to debate.
  • Alcohol Tolerance - He holds the record for the number of cups of ale drunken by a single crew-member in a single sitting. He stopped not because he couldn't drink anymore, but rather because he got bored and wanted to go to the toilet.

Notable Magitek Items
  • Cipher Cryptocard - A Shiny but otherwise unimpressive looking card that Seven seems to value above all else. When shown to certain vendors and shop-keeps in towns and cities they suddenly become rather charitable towards giving him certain supplies and performing maintenance on some gear. Seven hasn't used it for much else beyond his own personal needs, much to the dismay of the crew and captain.
  • Over-bounder Rings - A pair of Magitech rings that allow Seven to manipulate his Reinforcement ability beyond the bounds of his own body, allowing for feats such as his Mana Tether to be achieved. It also allows him to form shapes with the reinforce ability. Typically hand-blades or a large sword that he uses in strike arts. While the bounder rings are considered obsolete Magitech, it allows for control and efficiency that in the hands of a proficient user, can be leagues more effective than newer models.

Optional information:
  • Character Voice: Uchiyama Kouki
  • Theme Song:
  • The Prohibited ORDER of Soldiers: NUMERAL

[fieldbox= RPG Style Status Page (for Fun), White, Solid]

"Captain, Nothing of Significance to Report."


Level: 6
Mysterious Nobody

An efficiency-minded young man taking up a new job. No one really knows who he is exactly, and he'd like to keep it that way.

Affinity Rating:
This person... Doesn't seem to care for you much at all. If they saw you in a burning house they'd probably briskly walk away while whistling a tune to drown out your cries for help.


Weapon: Genesis
Barrier Manipulation

A Pair of Basic Early Model Magi-tek Rings that handle Mana Distribution. Allowing for complex magic forms to be maintained for extended periods of time.

Armor: Marine Tunic
Medium Armor

Armor worn by soldiers stationed aboard airships and other large vessels. It's made with considerations to the environment these men typically work in.

Accessory 1: Nameless Blade
PHY +, Def +, Enables Critical Techs

A hefty looking sword made out of Silverite and a section of the Lughanta's broken Levitation Ring. The otherwise heavy blade is made more manageable thanks to the blade's shaft generating it's own lift.

Accessory 2: Plate Gauntlet
Def +

Fingerless Gloves with a Metal Plate Stitched into it. The plate can double as a knuckle duster when needed.

Tech List:
Azure Pulse (Neutral)
Medium Range, Projectile, Air

Tethers against an opponent, and sends a pulse of Mana through the tether to slam into them.

Cross Edge (Neutral)
Close Range, Wide

Form two hand blades and charge into a foe to perform a wide cross-cut.

Swallow Dance (Neutral)
Close Range, Air

A fast, strong series of kicks that can propel the user and foe into the air.

Wyvern Crush (Neutral)
Close Range, Crush

Swing around with one's fist and smash a barrier directly into them.

Sonic Faust (Neutral)
Medium Range, Crush

Drive one's fist forward with a force great enough to propel them beyond arm's reach.

Blade Thump (Neutral)
Close Range, Grab, Crush, Sword Only

Take hold of an opponent and jab them with one's sword.

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"Can you defeat the mighty Sun Wukong?"
Name: Sun Wukong
Race: Infernal
Birthplace: Netherworld

Bio: The young Infernal was born in the Netherworld, but never really felt at home there. Due to her family traditions in particular, she would only be given a name after proving her worth by her thirteenth birthday. At a young age, she left home in order to cause chaos in various Southern Azuran villages. It was limited to petty things like stealing food, agitating horses and the like, but she was ultimately halted by a human named Sanzang, who was training two other pupils at that time - an Infernal named Bajie and a human named Wujing. Sanzang saw great potential in the Infernal and believed that her talents were wasted on such petty mischievious actions that might some day lead to greater crimes. As such, he decided to take her in as a pupil.

Sanzang taught his pupils many things via a journey that lead them through the continent - a pilgrimage. This journey would lead them through the Novus Fraulian Colony, then Venesia, the Amerium Council, the Brendorn Imperium and the places and seas that linked them. During their journeys, they made many allies, foes and acquaintances, the most notable of these being the young Infernal's greatest rival, the Celestial Nezha.

At some point during this journey, Sanzang, learning of the Infernal's family traditions, decides to give her a name on her thirteenth birthday - Sun Wukong. In the tongue of Sanzang's people, 'Sun' simply meant 'monkey', while 'Wukong' referred to the awakenment to emptiness. It was not what Wukong had achieved at that time, but it was what he believed that Wukong was destined to achieve on her own.

Eventually, Wukong was ready to leave when they hit the Brendorn Imperium, as Sanzang could no longer impart any knowledge onto her. Wukong was ready to explore the other parts of the greater world that had not been touched during their grand journey, as well as where she will make new allies and possibly meet old ones. Ending her pilgrimage with Sanzang, she embarked on a new journey with the Lughanta Company, since her former Master had advised her to explore places that he cannot take her, as well as 'learn from others, so that you can learn about yourself'.

Physical Appearance: Wukong is about 160cm tall. She has a prehensile monkey tail that sprouts from the end of her spine.

  • Martial Arts - Wukong has great combat feats, learning from the best. She is a swift dodger and even swifter striker.
  • Luna's Shroud - A racial trait of Infernals that grants the user immunity to mind-affecting spells such as hypnotism, charm, and fury.

  • Heat Resistance - capable of resisting temperatures that par with volcanoes.
  • Increased Physical Capabilities - As part of her demonic heritage, Wukong possesses strengths great enough to lift the excessively heavy Ruyi Jingu Bang around her neck and in her arms. She is also noticeably swift and fast.
  • Prehensile Tail - self-explanatory.
  • Trickery - Wukong is skilled at fooling others and pranks. She uses this skill to create nasty traps.
  • Riding

Magitek Items:
  • Ruyi Jingu Bang - A semi-sentient staff-like structure that is capable of altering its length and girth with ease. It is very heavy, and is often worn on Wukong's neck outside of battle. Wukong claims that it was once a heavy pillar that supported the castle of the great dragon Ao Guang. The Ruyi Jingu Bang is efficient in Erechius usage, relying on it to expand and contract, and to some extent, move on its own. Even if it is reduced to a 'hunk of metal' and stuck in a particular form due to running out of Erechius, Wukong can still skillfully wield it.
  • Douyi Yun - a hoverboard that emits cloud-like smoke when used, as well as a trail of gold, hence a name that seems to hint at it being an actual cloud. Durable enough to be used as a shield against physical attacks. Wukong claims that it was a proposal gift from her old rival Nezha, but she rejected him eventually. This is probably a lie.
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"I'm an innovator! A genius! Ahead of my time!"
Name: Fukurou Taka
Race: Youkai
Birthplace: Harukayama

Fukurou was born, of course, in Harukayama to a somewhat well off merchant family. Their financial status depended really on trade, and since people from outside of Harukayama were constantly wanting stuff from their land, they never were poor. In Fukurou's memory at least. And he was being groomed to take over the business when his father eventually retired. So why then is he trying to become a crew member on a ship that will most likely briefly visit Harukayama if at all?

Well, you see, he's fascinated with magitek. They don't have anywhere near the same amount of it in Harukayama, and certainly not to the same scale. Magic, a power once thought to be only gifted by the gods, now at the disposal of anyone and everyone. Naturally, he couldn't help but want to mess with it, for lack of a better term. Erchius crystals were abundant and could be purchased in bulk for rather low prices. But fiddling with condensed magical energy is dangerous. He nearly blew a hole in the business one or two times while 'inspecting' the crystals, if your definition of inspecting involves smashing it with a hammer. This lead his parents to fear for the safety of their business, as well as their son's, and so cut off the flow of cash that supported his experimentation.

Now he's on the hunt for any job that will pay him enough for him to be able to afford enough erchius crystals to keep up with his demand. Or one that provides that amount as a bonus. Which ever one presented itself really. But on his travels, he got involved with the wrong group of people. Drow to be specific. Ones that wanted to sell his wings on the black market for a sizable sum. Long story short, he lost a wing. So he's looking for his missing wing on the side.

  • Skilled alchemist.
  • Skilled engineer.
  • Fairly decent shot with his rifle.

  • Very intuitive when it comes to puzzles.
  • Naturally good with numbers. A valuable quartermaster if nothing else.

Magitek Items:
  • Magitek lever action rifle. Each shot, thanks to the wonders of erchius powder, is imbued with magical damage. Now incorporeal opponents that would normally flat out ignore his shots will take notice. And when the proper catalyst is exposed to the bullet as it passes out of the barrel of the musket, the round can take on an elemental property, as well as any side effects of introducing an element. So far the only element he has really figured out is fire, and that's easy enough to do since he can just stick a smoldering stick at the end. This however causes the round to explode when it hits something, so he doesn't use it that often. And to top it all off, it can turn into a sword.

  • Along with his white hair, there are sporadic white feathers with black tips, identifying him as a Youkai. To further show off that fact, he has distinctly owl like tail feathers. These feathers often make sitting in full back chairs rather uncomfortable, but he can suck it up and deal with it. And on a minor note, his ears are lopsided, with one being higher up than the other. This allows him to accurately pin point the source of a sound even in the dark.
  • He has one white wing, the right one to be exact, acting as a cape. Like his hair, it's mostly white with an occasional black fleck here and there. Where his other wing would be is a scar.
  • His spirit animal that is linked to him is a snowy white barn owl. Though if you could hear him, he'd try to sell himself off as a snowy owl. He watches Fukurou's back and makes sure he's relatively safe as well as fetching small parts that he can easily carry. Bigger things will require Fukurou to get up and grab them himself. His name is Buras.
  • Character Banner
Last edited:
8/9 - Added the Persuader and Basic Ranged Combat
14/4 - Ported over to Character Index, added character voice, theme songs.
12/4 - Changed the Lying talent to Basic Acrobatics (too many started using it)
11/4 - Edited the Bio again (de-edged) and changed the Social Engineering term
10/4 - Edited the Bio
8/4 - First Revision

[fieldbox=Cera S. Regnier, #ff4f4f, Solid]
[Pixiv Fantasia by swd3e2]

"Think again."
Name: Cera S. Regnier
Race: Mixed Breed - Half Infernal
Birthplace: Venesia, Nusantara Archipelago.


A wandering sellsword who happened to stumble upon Lughanta Company's recruitment poster.

Cera's parents were once a part of the Divine Seat, her father being an Inquisitor and her mother as a priestess, before they decided to retire in Venesia and gave birth to her. She had a good upbringing, but unfortunately she inherited her Infernal father's explosive temper which caused her numerous problems in life. Realizing that Cera breaks more things than actually fixing them, her parents taught her basic ways of combat, before sending her to a renowned combat school in Brendorn Imperium that teaches both magic and swordsmanship. It was then she was gifted with Scarlet Princess, the replica of her father's Magitek weapon.

When Cera graduated and returned to her home, she joined the Crimson Dragons. Due to internal conflict, the reputable mercenary outfit was eventually disbanded and its members went to their own ways. After several months of taking odd jobs and short contracts, Cera stumbled upon Lughanta Company's recruitment poster. With the name Nightingale on the poster, and the fact that she could serve in a well-known airship, it was impossible for her to pass up what it looks like an early retirement ticket.


> Element Proficiency: Fire
> Weapon Proficiency: Swords
> Unarmed Combat Proficiency
> Basic Ranged Combat


> Basic Acrobatics
> Intimidation
> Enhanced Strength

Magitek Items:

> Scarlet Princess

A replica of her Infernal father's Magitek weapon, Red Queen. The two-handed Magitek sword has a built-in motorized system that sprays Erchius across the blade and the opponent, creating a fiery blow when the weapon hits. The system, known as Exceed, is powered with a vial of Erchius hidden within the sword's hilt. Exceed is activated by twisting the sword's hilt and pulling the trigger nearby. With Cera's element proficiency, it can do ranged attacks as well.

> Persuader

A sturdy, Enforcer-class six-shooter made by Sloan Armory, under Silva's request. The magitek firearm is a versatile weapon, capable of firing numerous variety of rounds that can be crafted by the users themselves. Whether be ice rounds that can penetrate armor or fire rounds that deal maximum damage against light armored targets, the Persuader can be customized to their own liking and requirements. However, the weapon has to be reloaded manually round by round, and as such it has a slow reloading time when ammunition is spent.

Optional Information:

Character VA:
Saori Hayami
Placeholder Theme Song:

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"Sorry. It's in my nature to be stubborn."
Kazanari Shinobu

Kazanari Shinobu is the wind, a lithe, tall women of indeterminable age. Standing at 5'10, her waist-length black hair and gray eyes give off the impression of a swallow, something that is only further increased when she activates her flight suit. A modest chest and a gentle demeanor makes her a stereotypical Harukayaman beauty, but she is hard to the touch, a slender frame hardened through the Imperium's physical conditioning. Callused hands and a perfect posture stand as small reminders of the hardy soul that lies within this beauty.

Short Bio
A human immigrant from Harukayama, Shinobu joined an experimental division within the Brendorn Empire, which utilized special gear and Dragon Blood injections in order to create soldiers capable of flying on their own at speeds faster than most fighter ships, while having explosive power akin to that of a Brendorn battlecruiser.

However, due to being highly incompatible with Dragon Blood, Shinobu was quietly discharged, allowed to keep her weapons and flight suit. Meandering with her full-class citizenship out of reach once more, she joined a mercenary crew on a whim.

Aerial Acrobatics
Imperial CQC
Firearms Usage

Highly Tolerant of Bullshit
Detailed Work, from Embroidery to Rune-etching

Magitech Items
WG-117 Flight Suit – The first Imperial combat suit of its kind, focused on flight speed and maneveurability instead of magically augmenting strength. A variety of synthetic materials give it some form of protection from physical impacts, while the Erchius core is kept over the solar plexus, under the implications that one should protect the core no matter what. Flight speed is to the extent that humans are incapable of effectively utilizing their mobility without Dragon Blood injections.

Thundercrack Mk II – Prototype Imperial firearm optimized solely towards using lightning runes to deliver projectiles at the fastest speed possible. Turns bombs into nigh-invisible bullets as it breaks the sound barrier.

Ensorcelled Bullets – Bullets engraved with intricate rune magic and soaked in liquid Erchius, to provide a variety of explosive effects upon impact. Can generate thunderous shockwaves, fiery explosions, or accelerate the bullet even further.

UNWORTHY ; Dragon Eater