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Epic Magitek Fantasy Roleplay - Character Index

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Charlotte Henriette
Vampire (Nosferatu)
Somnus, Autrea

Bio: Charlotte is a golden-haired girl of reasonable height, standing at 5' 5" or about 165cm. Unlike her peers and siblings, she is personally active for a vampire. Foregoing the popular vampire pastime of pulling the strings from the shadows, cautious and risk-free, she has a personality that drives her to journey about, meddle directly with things, and put herself in harm's way while doing so.

A daughter of the Blood Devil Elizabeth, she still nonetheless belongs to an exclusive class of elite nosferatu and commands her own influence within the circles of vampiric society. She has a large property in the countryside of the Bendorn Imperium, where she maintains a stately house and vineyard staffed by slaves and fellow vampires, which she visits from time to time to faff about and drink wine in between her escapades.

Like others of her class, Charlotte is elegant and refined, and a master of subterfuge and social interaction. Uncharacteristic cautious in regards to her appearance, she puts substantial effort into maintaining a human appearance, using high level magic and wards to keep the appearance of a young, green-eyed human girl on her adventures. Only a select few individuals of non-vampire blood know her true origins.


  • Sanguine Arts Practitioner
  • Swordmanship
  • Espionage, subterfuge
  • Royally fucking shit up
  • Being nosy
  • Agriculture
  • Winemaking
  • Nosferatu passives
Magitek Items:
  • Brendorn Magitek Side-sword; custom, made to order; elementally unaspected
  • Magitek Pistol; compact and built with a lightweight material. Has a small magazine of bullets, and used whenever Charlotte feels like it, because she has a lot of better things to use.
Israfil - Divine Justicar
A Seraphim residing in Celestia. Being a high-ranked Justicar, Israfil is one of the few powerful enough to borrow their power to the the Crusaders of Bumi's Inquisition. Israfil herself is conveyed as a dutiful and rather serious individual - albeit a tad idealistic.

For those enjoying Israfil's Blessing, while accepting towards the ways of the Infernals, scum like pirates, thieves, murderers, and alike are supposed to be hunted down with the same conviction as any heretical cult.

Ruu - ???
A Dragon Youkai with temperament working on Yellow Beard's ship. Despite her child-like appearance she has earned the respect of her fellow pirates.
[fieldbox=Saône, #8083B7, solid]




"Oh, it appears you've been flanked. Unlucky."

  • Name:
    Saône Goldenwood​



    The City of Reilus, Armerium Council​
  • Personality Traits:

    Short Biography:
    Saône Goldenwood was born on the northern shores of Autrea, in a port city named Reilus, located within the sovereignty of the Armerium Council; thus by all accords one could consider Saône as a outsider, a woman that isn't represented by either of the major powers of the known world. But it didn't start that way. With a storied history of following her instincts and travelling as the world, Saône has found herself comfortable with a majority of people she has come in and out of contact with. But such things are the results of experience, Saône's childhood was much different.​

    Saône was born to Théodan Goldenwood and his wife Méiri, following a storied career as a privateer. Some months afterward, Théodan moved their place of residence from the airship he had served on (HYPERION) to the City of Reilus, located in the sovereignty of the Armerium Council. It was in Reilus that Saône would spend half of her childhood in, learning from her parent's lessons before ultimately discovering she had a talent for comprehending advanced things and solving puzzles—a talent that would continue to develop to a fascination with how things work and eventually how to make and unmake them. This affinity for engineering would lead her at a very young age to be sent half-way across the nation to the prestigious Solar Academy.​

    It was here at the academy where she began to realize what was her purpose in life was, a magnificent technological gift that her affinity allowed her to gravitate towards. What was this gift? Magitek.​

    However, despite finding her "calling", it was not met with acclaim by her peers (or even some of her mentors) due to the racial stigmas that crawled through the halls of a place of learning that for the most part was intrinsically eruvian. But such stigmas and hushed whispers were not ones that deterred her for long; she was good at comprehending magitek despite not having any affinity for a magical element of any kind that could be discerned; a talent that the eruvian's themselves didn't quite understand. Upon Saône's graduation she discovered that following her studies that she had little interest in returning home for long---she found the world fascinating and developed a sort of wanderlust. It would be a trait that her mother would remark as something she inherited from her father.​

    It has been some time since Saône left the ports of Reilus in search for adventure and her purpose beyond magitek.​
  • Skills:
    Dexterous Combatant: Whilst not being a "martial artist", Saône is fully aware of the rules of combat and how people really don't like it when they get shot. It is due to this knowledge that Saône has developed a way of fighting with and without her guns in close quarters combat. Utilizing her natural reflexes, speed, and perceptive wit she has refined a style that is efficient albeit imperfect. Dodging was her first lesson, she's good at it.​

    Weapon Expertise (GUNS): As a gunsmith and sharpshooter it is safe to assume when Saône has a firearm in her hand she is most at home. She's quick, accurate, and surprisingly non-lethal due to the fact that Saône as a person abhors actually killing someone without legitimate justifications for it; she shoots to maim, not kill.​

    Weapon Expertise (IMPROVISED WEAPON): Anybody can hit someone with an oversized wrench!​

    Academic Education: Saône was educated at the Solar Academy since she was old enough to attend, often trying to outwit her eruvian classmates in what some perceived as "their" field of god-given expertise. Saône's knowledge therefore comes from an eruvian perspective and is well cultivated as a student of the liberal arts which includes history, language, theology, culture, and art. However, this does make her seem like an outsider to her own kind as she doesn't really think from a "human" point of view outside of what her parents taught her.​

    Competent Alchemist: The Solar Academy is, unsurprisingly, one of the finest places to learn the arts of the elements as well as fundamental chemistry and how it pertains to magical technologies as well as nature. Whilst not really having an "affinity" for an element, Saône knows the components quite well and has committed the eruvian table of elements to memory.​

    Inventive Savant: Saône was admitted to the Solar Academy due to her aptitude and supposed genius in the field as a child, much to her eruvian classmates' dismay. She has studied magitek of old and new, and is an expert craftsman when it comes to magitek tools and firearms. This expertise has only been refined since leaving the academy and travelling the known world.​

    Tyche & Coeus: Forged by Saône's own two hands, Tyche and Coeus serve as the only real methods Saône holds to defend herself with against any opposing force and as with most pistols they are meant for relatively short range combat rather than far range sharpshooting. As a gunsmith, savant inventor, and eccentric scientist of sorts it is safe to presume these magitek weapons are remarkable designs in their own right and would be impressive devices to any individual in the field. Unlike conventional "spell slingers" of magitek firearms, these guns operate on a mundane system rather than an arcane one—as the clockwork mechanism loads custom alchemical projectiles into a firing chamber the mechanism uses a vial of erchius to cause a magical reaction before firing the projectile from its chamber. A versatile, different system.​

    Saône's Tool Belt: As an adventurer of sorts, Saône needs to have the ability to be inventive on the fly. As a magitek engineer she tries to keep all the tools on hand she needs in a tight situation. This includes vials of erchius, bullet casings, basic tools, and a device that allows her to move around the field using a clockwork grappling mechanism.​

    Saône's Ammunition Kit: A kit holding a variety of specialized and unspecialized bullets, generally ones that Saône has engineered herself.​

  • TBD​

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[fieldbox=Sonya Faero, #0059b3, solid, 20]

[Thief from Dungeon Fighter Online]
"Psh, piece of cake. Idiots didn't even try to lock the door."

Name: Sonya Faero | Race: Rothmer, Drow / Dark Elf | Birthplace: Venesia​

Venesia was supposed to be the place that Sonya Faero's parents were supposed to get a second chance as merchants. Unfortunately, labels and stereotypes don't go away just because you want them to. What started as a simple dye shop soon evolved into poison, then a contact point for assassins in Venesia. The stand was mobile enough that people couldn't locate it unless they knew where to look. Enough people looked away from that stand that they could almost operate as a network in itself.

It was then that Sonya was born. She began to run some minor courier work when she was young, as a child Drow walking around town wasn't necessarily complete cause for alarm on the part of the guards. Sonya became good at navigating the city, and plied her hand at pick-pocketing. The thrill of taking something without anyone knowing was addicting. Naturally, Sonya became good at it, picking people she didn't like first and then fat wallets second.

However, her parents had other plans. Sonya knew how the ins and outs of assassination operated, and naturally her skill at theft and stealth indicated some kind of skill for the profession. So she was sent out to eliminate an easy target, and succeeded. Sonya didn't feel like it had the same thrill of knowing the other party's reaction. Plus, it was messy and gross.

Sonya started putting on the no killing marks rule shortly after her first job, as she figured that it would be no better than assassination work if she killed left and right. Plus, there was a chance she'd be hired for assassination work. Since she was a drow, it would be probable, and Sonya had left that behind for thievery.

That was when Sonya started working for herself and left home, leaving behind only a note that said, 'stealing lives isn't fun. I'm off to go find some better fun in this city.' Her first few jobs netted Sonya her current equipment as well as funding for her activities. Mainly, she targeted people who seemed like a fall from grace would entertain her the most. Humble people who rarely put their pride on display were ignored, but merchants always want to show off the most expensive thing they own for status.

She was no Robin Hood, however. Sonya always kept the money for herself and never worked with others because then she'd have to split profits. But, a job to rob the Doge soon arrived at her feet via a group of tight-knit thieves who needed her skill to help them break in. After some time of trying to persuade her, Sonya agreed if she could take the most valuable thing for herself. She even got the chance to ruin the Doge's day, no less. However, as time passed she became more and more suspicious of her new 'allies'.

Naturally, she nearly was arrested when the group proved to be a trap sent by the merchants she'd stolen from. Of course, when the group set off the alarm intentionally, Sonya hung them all out to dry by ruining their escape plan after using it herself before they could and wrecking everything nearby. Of course, now that wanted posters with her face on them in Venesia would be made because of her 'compatriots', it was time to leave the city and nation for good.

The timing of the Lughanta Company sign-ups couldn't have been more fortunate in that regard.

Naturally, Sonya told them she was a scout, not a thief.

  • Hand To Hand Combat: despite what he picture would have you believe, Sonya opts to fight with her fists more often than her dagger. She claims it's harder to kill someone that way. It might also be that she doesn't want to have to clean the blade of blood.
  • Elf Blood: Even Drow have some affinity for magic. However, Sonya only knows how to throw out basic spells, her default go to spell is a blast of telekinetic force. Sonya has a dislike of mages because of their 'damn enchantment trickiness'. Sonya refuses to elaborate, but apparently one enchanted trap transformed her into a rat for a day.
  • Thievery: Pick-pocketing, stealth, lock-picking, trap finding/disarming are all within her skillset. She also uses her racial ability some and a specialized magic for lockpicking through telekinesis. The magic is useless in combat due to its strength and can only be used on simple locks and through touching the lock or staring at the lock for the duration of picking it. Sonya works on these skills above any other skills in this list.
    • Pick-pocketing
    • Stealth
    • Lock-picking by tools or magic. The magic is weak telekinesis magic. Sonya calls it 'Knock'.
    • Racial Shadow Stealth Ability
    • Trap Finding and Disarming
  • Advanced Acrobatics: The ability to do several back flips and be agile enough to move across the city via rooftop and/or city stalls. A must have if you want to do all the work of stealing and showing off as you escape.
  • Sketching
  • Can Sleep Anywhere
  • Sarcastic, Even In Terrible Situations
Magitek Items:
  • Wrist Mounted Grapple Gun: Enchanted tip allows for it to stick to walls after deployment and support up to two people. It cannot retract quickly if there are two people on the line. It can stick to anything that has a solid flat surface. It can also spring out hooks for slicker walls, and Sonya can also stick the customized pommel of her dagger onto it to launch her dagger and have it return to her hand.
  • Sonya's Dagger: Most of it is nothing special, just an ordinary dagger that Sonya slings across her lower back. The pommel of the dagger is modified the fit the hook part of her grappling hook in order to not let it slip off.
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Doctor Kamov


"Bleeding again huh? Third time this Week.. If I didn't know better I would say you like my Company."

Name: Josef Kamov
Race: Human
Birthplace: Eustia, Fraulia Divine Kingdom

Born in the Capital city of Eustia Josef spent most of his childhood near the border with the Empire in the town of Black Forest, son of a Witch and a Human married as Maria and Johan Kamov, the trio ran a herbalist shop specializing in gathering herbs and creating potions. A rather simple middle class existence. Though not all was perfect in his early childhood his mother developed some form of sickness, while the cause remains unknown, not connected to her race nor to general medicine, she has bouts of physical weakness and pitched fevers, often busy taking care of his wife the young Josef tended the store. Given his father's origins as a Alchemist Scholar, the man wasn't exactly always suited to this task.

Given his worries over the family health Josef waited until his mother was in one of her better states, using his father's connections to the Capital to attend the Royal University of Magic and Medicine. Only having latent and limited magical abilities, his understanding of medical science and Alchemy was top notch. Impressing enough he became a medical assistant and in a few years time an instructor and doctor of the campus, specializing in trauma treatment and the implementation of arcane Alchemy coupled with Magitek technologies. Raising to the rank of Senior instructor he had fame, fortune and more than a hint of his mother's charm when dealing with members of the opposite sex.

Until one day at least; Investigating the disappearances of some corpses and students Josef would find a trail leading to forbidden Alchemy, sanction by the Dean no less. Researching what was going on he felt a compulsion to act. Gathering some trusted students Josef had a simple plan "Let's go in, start punching people in the face, see where it takes us." While ultimately successful in shutting down the experiment a few friends were seriously harmed and a couple had even died.

Given the nature of what he had discovered the head dean was removed. Josef for his part in not going to the proper authorities, deaths and injury to students under his charge was fired from his post, disgraced and stripped of titles, but with his fortunes intact. what happened that day was largely hidden from public eye. The attempt of creating Chimerea's and Necromancy happening beneath their feet would only have lead to public panic, needed to be silenced and erased from the offical records, an experiment gone wrong was the listed cause of death and injury. Disillusioned the Doctor took to the streets, eventually finding himself back home.

That was when he would meet the most odd of girls, one whom was leading a mercenary band and offering favorable terms for his services, he partly pondered if the girl was informed about his firing in advanced, but there was no point in dwelling on it, accepting the offer he's been with the Company ever since.

Over time the man has developed a rather sarcastic and insulting personality with a mix of charm and refined dignity as needed. Often berating his patients that seem to get injured because they did not think things through fully and never bringing up his history with the Royal College. While a bit of a womanizer he seems professional in his work and tends to get along well with Witches of note. Curiously keeps a bottle of whiskey under his desk, while not an alcoholic he has at least a glass or two every evening. He tends to send money home as he researches his mothers condition.



Imperial Guard Commander: Daedalus "The Ashen Knight" Thanatos.


"My Honor is my word. All hail the Empire."

Race: Human, Imperial

Bio: Born on the outskirts of the Empire Daedalus is a somewhat young if not highly skilled, honorable and loyal soldier of the Empire. While a very skilled swordsman his true power lays in his mastery of fire based magic. Typically he wears black armor with a red trim in battle and a ceremonial black armor out of battle. His fame was chiefly gained from fighting off a bandit attack single handedly in a small border city of Rangriz in which he incinerated a large portion of the attacking force. Now commanding the Imperial Guard his reputation is marred somewhat by his young age and opinions among nobles of the court with scandalous rumors involving the Empress.

Status: Alive

Fist of the Empire: These five Warriors are among the Best in the Empire serving directly below the Ashen Knight as an Elite within an Elite.

Listed by weapon:
Spear user Tiberius, Pugilist Manlius, Sword and board Gaius, Katana Janus,
Double bladed sword Elsa



Race All Human*


Tiberius: A former Dragoon of the Imperial Army, he is a stubborn man with a harsh look to his face he is highly disciplined.

Manlius: Oldest currently serving member of the Imperial guard, rather prideful and proper spoken, he is said to have a beard and head of white. While an old man by most regards he is a master at hand-to-hand combat, even now training recruits of the Imperial Guard, given his polite manners he often moonlights as a butler in the Imperial Court unknown to most.

Gaius: A somewhat stocky and friendly man, with a hearty laugh he seems to enjoy battle having a known habit of taunting. Rumor has it he's a former farmhand, looked down upon by the nobility shortest member of the group. The others make jokes at his expense, but he is a strong and skilled fighter.

Janus: Known as Janus the Demon of the Silver Blade, he is a highly skilled swordsman who studied techniques from the Yokai lands, rumored to have the fastest blade draw in the Empire.

Elsa: A girl from the far reaches of Masyaf Sultanate, the youngest member of the guard she seems to have been a spy for the Imperial Army. Apparently wears some sort of magitek device along top her head to imbued her blade with elemental energy, lightning of note. Why she is bandaged is unknown she seems the most sarcastic if not unhinged of the group.

Status: Alive, Gaius KIA



Name: Abraham Anderson Alias: Father Anderson

Race: Human (?)

Bio: Hired at the suggestion of Kamov, Abraham is a rather solemn man with a sense of piousness to his very being often clear spoken and a good listener he is a man highly devoted to the aspects of Sol and Luna and serves as the ships spiritual advisor, where he mostly holds prayer, funerals and the occasional wedding. Before coming to the Lughanta, Father Anderson was a traveling Priest offering blessings and aiding the poor, he is rather strange for a priest in that he largely focused on battlefields and mercenary companies. Being a young adult there is no evidence he has ever taken an active part in battles, short of saying prayers over departed and wounded soldiers.

Kamov and Anderson are rather good friends that tend to drink together, though the Priest is not known to be a womanizer like Kamov. Both being from the Kingdom and knowing each other prior to current events Anderson while more sinister looking is in some manners the reverse of Kamov, a man of faith rather than science and much more kind with his words, if not impersonal and professional.

Somnus NPC's

Name: Gorgutz Orksen



Bio: A renowned Mercenary Captain that currently serves in Somnus under contract to a group that is causing trouble for the council. Gorgutz primarily fights with an Orc War Axe and spiked gauntlets. Skilled at Melee Combat, he seems to have no magitek devices and wears only light armor. A large powerful fighter towering over most humans, Gorgutz is faster than one would assume an Orc to be and is utterly vicious in combat, though he seems to follow some Orc traditions in his means of battle.

Gorgutz is notable among Orcs for a number of reasons, with a terrible pronunciation standard it's often ill advised to correct the Orc on his speech. Gorgutz tends to rather hate slavery believing men should live and die free, unsual for an Orc Gorgutz tends to hire from a wide varity of races on the spot than have an established company.

Of chief trouble in Somnus is the fact Gorgutz is a known child predator hunter, unusually kind to Children Orcsen tends to demand discipline from his troops in regards to civilian populations, forbidding rape and pillaging on pain of death. Gorgutz tends to raid Slavers in the city when he can get away with it, particularly those who deal with Children, because of his Martial prowess he's generally allowed to get away with this.

Unusual notes is that Gorgutz tends to scream his name in battle and to taunt the opposition, rather fond of chicken, he's know to carry around a portable coop from location to location with a handful of the birds for his own personal eating, barring the local employer having a steady supply. While one could say he's stupid in general terms, he is exceptionally cunning battle sense and seems to have great ambitions in regards to his tribe. Oddly he wears a black buisness suit at times with well kempt hair.

Name: Amilia Correa


Race: Human

Bio: Former Underboss/Hitwoman turned slave, Amilia is an object lesson to all whom have lived in the city or know of her during the last several years. During a failed attempt to raise above her station at the expense of the Cabal she lost all that she owned and was made into a slave. Feared throughout Somnus Amilia also serves as a display to the Cabal's power. What can be given can be taken away.

Generally it is said her words are those of the Council, which they are for the most part. When she speaks even in rags others are well advised to listen. Generally she is greatful to be rid of her former work and primarily has learned to use magitek communications devices and sensorts fairly well. Being a mouth peice and spokesmen, her arm and freedom were a small price to pay, and she hasn't been used for more nerfious purposes. Truthfully however she hates the city and worries about her position to live as comfortablly as she's currently allowed in light of past services.

Name: Mersha Kharlan


Race: Abyssal Infernal

Bio: A rather powerful woman in the world, she wields a giant greatsword and the power of great fire magic. Overall her true nature is rather dubious, commands great power in the name of her Grandfather. More details to be added ICly at a later date.

Npc Banners thanks to Stros, maybe others later.




later npc

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"Pirate, Mercenary, Hired Sword, I go by all names, but I be the Spartan! I live to fight!"
Name: Spartan
Race: Infernal (Spirit of War)
Birthplace: Netherworld


A child construct straight from the netherworld, washed ashore on the Azuran continent with an insatiable thirst for blood, Spartan became a legendary murderer until captured. However, one notable thing can be said about his victims, they were skilled, wielders of blades and firearms, and physically able. Captains, Knights, and Heroes alike fell to his blade. He was unstoppable until he came across a man, he never learned his name, he didn't need to, but he knew that he made short work of Spartan. And he bore a symbol, a cross with a gem in it.

For reasons unknown to the world, Spartan's murdering spree stopped then, but he had decided he would train his body to be able to best a man like the cross-wearer in battle. So, Spartan trained tirelessly to perfect his swordsmanship, all the way into his adult life where he was then captured and jailed. He awaited his death sentence by the Azuran tribe that had captured him, but was rescued by a pirate group looking for more men. When offered a chance to fight, Spartan was able to easily contain his thirst for battle in great anticipation for each coming raid and attack of their own. Sides? Reason? That didn't matter! He longed for the fight, he was bred for it! Spartan became a fearsome and known pirate throughout the fleet and eventually joined the elite ranks.

His time as a pirate became quite the bore. He rarely found challenges in his opponents and he even became bored of the fights, the same sword techniques, over and over, no one provided him any reprieve from habituation. That is until John Herald came along. John burst through the roof in a fiery explosion and was fully prepared to take on three men all on his own, Spartan quickly claimed his target, and no one dared to stand in his way. They fought a constant back and forth battle, but John was inventive, at times forgetting his sword all together. Spartan was defeated by this man, but not only that. This man, he bore a cross. Inspired by yet another cross wearer and being spared by John, Spartan set out to become a better swordsman.
In doing so, he met many other fellow swordsman and founded a group of hired swords.

The group not only specializes in killing, but it has been hired for training men, and known to be merciless towards its prey. They have become known as assassins, but their strategies follow the path of warriors. Spartan has since commended the cross-bearers for his growth as a warrior and has vowed he will live on and fight. It is, after all, when he met John that he gave himself his name.
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"Aye, cut our head off and we'll keep on fighting and fucking. We'll still be here when yer long gone."
Name: Venrid Großel
Race: Human Mixed Breed - Half Infernal
Birthplace: Northern outskirts of Autrea. Near Somnus and Lunara Forest

The circumstances surrounding Venrids father and his relation to his mother are a mystery due to the very woman who loved and raised him. Being one to ignore the topic whenever it came up, and requiring much effort to do so given her frail state, it's not a surprise Venrid knows nothing of the man who abandoned them. Had he known there is no doubt he would personally track the man down and murder him for the hardships they endured. And it was likely for this very reason that his kind-hearted mother, compassionate to a fault even when it befell her otherwise, never told him a single detail.

While not always frail, Venrid's birth had been a tremendous endeavor. Encompassing days of agony, sleepless nights, and severe dehydration. It left Venrid's mother permanently feeble until the time of her death when he was sixteen. Despite that and the years ahead of her, she often told Venrid as a boy that the moment she held him in her arms and he looked up at her with his little sky blue eyes made it well worth it.

As Venrid grew his nature slowly began to seep above the surface. Tending to act brashly and go against the words of his elders he often stayed out late, never did what he was told nor expected, and often found his way into trouble. Though, the weak determined figure of his mother. Naively forgiving and genuine caring in her flood of tears always seemed to wrestle within him the will to make amends. This was exceptionally so when he ran away from home due to argument and only returned a week later to find his mother bed-ridden from worry and exhausting having searched the whole week to find him.

The sight alone clenched his heart and made his body quiver, riddled with guilt. And it was as if his being changed entirely when the rowdy thirst for danger and adventure seemed to all but disappear. Frightened out of him by the sight of his dying mother, she of all people seemed to realize the fault, but Venrid's stubborn mind would not adhere to her encouragement otherwise. Devoting his time to helping her recover and improve her living conditions. He took to hunting several times a day, more so than what was necessary in order to turn a profit. Selling pelts and game at first to make an honest way in life he soon turned to thievery and stealing game from noble lands when it wasn't enough.

Living on the outskirts of the Divine Kingdom, protection was lighter and crime significantly higher. Though this was never made known to those back home as the corruption found its way into the guards and serviceman. While your village could be pillaged and its inhabitant tormented, the perpetrators if known could get off with the right bit of coin. Of course these types of deals were never made in the public's eye. Most took place days before or after and between representatives.

Despite all of this Venrid and his mother made due. After some time he was able to hire assistance to look after her so that he'd have more time to be earning. With this additional time he soon found himself again straying away from her, but unlike before whenever the realization hit him he would immediately pack his things and return home with souvenirs and tales to share.

Eventually, as all things must, she passed away on a breezy spring morning in the comfort of her own home and with him by her side. Left to attend to her burial and then himself, Venrid for awhile simply drifted through the tedium of his daily routines. Finding no reason to ground him in this life and his home village anymore, he gradually began disappearing from it to find his own place in the world. Though, before departing for good he did what he could to insure his mother's resting place would remain intact. Dealing with the corrupt guards and servicemen in what manners were available to him, he was soon outlawed but his village a better place for it.


Becoming a vagabond for life, he started out in mercenary bands and eventually found his way to Somnus. There among the filth and rejected of Bumi he would make a name for himself if only as a reliable field hand. Travelling the world when chance occasioned he'd visit the Lunara Forest, Brendorn Imperium, and go as far south as the Masyaf Sultanate. Learning much about the underworld along the way he would make many contacts and become indebted to more than just a few.

It is one such debt that he owed to Agatha Nightingale that would see him repeatedly in service to her and the Lughanta Company before becoming an established member against his better wishes.


Element Alignment: Dark
Weapon Expertise: Ranged(Bow, Pistol, Throwing Knives) and Non-Magitek
Melee Combat Focus: Jack of Blades(Axe, Dagger, Knife, Curved), Adept at One - Straight Sword
Unarmed Combat Focus: Deception and Dirty Tactics


Woodsman - An accomplished hunter, Venrid's talents lie in this field. Able to track just about any animal and human alike, his keen senses and seasoned observation allow few to escape. Often times relying on patience, and always on precision, his ability to remain still for hours and hit a bulls eye at 500 meters are exceptional. Tied with his almost heroic stamina and tenacity, anyone or thing caught within his sights faces a formidable pursuer.

Underworld Background - A regular visitor to Somnus, Venrid has significant ties to the underworld of Bumi. Not only that, he's also knowledgeable of the various trades associated with it. Thievery, assassination, espionage, smuggling, slave trafficking, just about anything dealing with Somnus he's had a hand in a time or two. It's partially due to this that he's developed a quick wit and high mental fortitude.

Fiery Will - A likely product of his infernal heritage. Venrid's brash personality makes for a natural guard against hypnotism and charm when he's aware of it. Only when it is not expected or faced with the highest degree of curses will he be unable to break free from their influence. On any other occasion he simply need to expect it, form the counter desire, and the curse can be broken. Consequently his tolerance for fury is scantly. Even with knowing its affects Venrid will succumb to his relentless rage.

Cooking - Despite his nature and appearance, Venrid learned much from his mother and the cooks aboard the various ships he's sailed with. Always being one to enjoy his food if able, even with the simplest of ingredients he can find a way to make the food just a bit easier to swallow.

Magitek Items:

Nightmare - A composite bow infused with the element of Darkness. Imbued arrows released from it are able to absorb mana from nearby sources and further upon direct contact.

Phantom's Cloak - A drab cloak, cut to the length longer than considered traditional. Imbued with the element of darkness it allows its wearer to conceal outer appearances by manipulating their silhouette. When active the cloth stretches to its absolute limit before wrapping around the users body. Once coiled it begins to swiftly shrink until snug, and then will emit a black mist which can be adjusted for utility. Appearing as a woman or twice the size of the original owner are easy feats along with after images of mist that detach and persist for a short while.

House Shoes - A pair of leather shoes, seemingly crude in make. Imbued with the element of darkness allow its user to nullify the sound of their footsteps even while sprinting. Once on and active the shadow underneath ones feet blackens and swells. Swallowing the owners foot up to their ankle it maintains this temporary seal which permits no sound to be generated. Curiously, when deactivated the shoes make a Pop! sound before the shadow vanishes.
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(Malevolence Mode Form)

: Voyd Umbridge
Race: Infernal (Harbinger)
Birthplace: Netherworld

Bio: The raven-black haired male, standing at 5'11, having a lean build and average weight, was born and raised under unusual circumstances, even for an Infernal. Having belonged to the race so feared by Celestials and Infernals alike, the once prosperous Harbinger raise was reduced to but a shadow of its former glory.

However, the succeeding rulers of the Netherworld realized the mistake of their predecessors. Instead of eliminating and ostracizing the Harbingers out of fear, they should have welcomed them as their fellow brethren. After the end of the Seraphic Era, the rulers of the Netherworld had began bridging the gap between the Harbingers and the rest of the Infernals, albeit in secret.

As part of the program, all Harbinger children were trained at a very young age to serve as bodyguards for the Great Houses of the Netherworld. Voyd was destined to follow the same path, but had to be pushed and trained tenfold after it was decided that he would be assigned as the bodyguard of one of the Daughters of the Caramitru Family, specifically the Eldest daughter, Erika Caramitru.

When the time came for him to be instated as her bodyguard, however, an assassination attempt on Elliana Caramitru took the life of her eldest daughter, Erika, instead.

Bearing the shame and guilt of his failure, he set out to Autrea on a self-imposed exile, vowing to atone for his shortcomings and return to the Netherworld when he has "freed himself" from the shackles of his past failures. Before he left, however, his father gave him the family heirloom, a sword named Yoruhada, and an instruction to at least bring home another like it when he returns.

Upon arriving at Autrea, he took on the job of a free-lancer, often times doing odd jobs for those with the coin to pay him. With his line of work, he could come across different kinds of people of varying races and cultures. His freelancing has introduced him to contacts both from the Brendorn Empire, and the Divine Kingdom, and even to ones from Venesia.

It was also unavoidable at times for him to work closely with contacts from Somnus, but has avoided working for them. Nevertheless, he views their existence as something that is necessary for the world.

Many people who have gotten to know, worked with, or generally encountered Voyd would describe him as a seemingly carefree guy but knows when to get serious. Has a level head, even in the most dire of situations, and very dependable specially when it matters. He also shows discipline specially when he exerts effort in sticking to a strict morning training regiment to keep himself in shape.

However, he can sometimes be too cautious and hesitant in battle, thinking too much before actually fighting, a clear indication that his past failure has humbled him significantly since he once fought opponents more recklessly than he prefers now.

After years of being a freelancer, he heard rumors of a reputable mercenary group that had recently opened its doors for new recruits. At the same time, he received a letter from his father that the elder sister of Erika was also in Bumi and was urging him to offer his services to her instead. It was a more direct and faster way of restoring his honor.

Not wanting to be tied down just yet and hesitant to face Erika's older sister, but also longing for company at the same time, he decided to apply for a position in the Company, not knowing that Sorina Caramitru was already a member.

  • Doppelganger - one of the two latent abilities a Harbinger acquires from the moment of their birth, Voyd's usage of it mainly revolves around turning parts of his body into weapons, or other useful alterations and shapeshifting to mimic the appearance of others. He cannot use both applications of this ability at the same time, however. Furthermore, he can only "archive" up to seven "references" for shape shifting before he needs to "discard" one in favor of a new "reference" Plus, when shape shifting into a person, he can only copy their appearance, but not their voice. Furthermore, he can only copy the appearance of people close to his body proportions, and even though he can also copy females, let's just say he can't copy everything about them, particularly their nether regions.

  • Void Bringer - the second ability of Harbingers, it allows them to create, manipulate and fashion darkness into practicality anything. Of course, the more complex the object, the more draining it is to create.

  • Maeburedo (Harbinger's Way) - a school formed by Harbingers who have mastered the way of the sword, it is a demanding style inspired by sometimes subtle, sometimes chaotic movements that represents the very essence of Luna's ideology. It is a school that can be described as flexible, as one is not required to perform a precise action to get results and can be modified by practitioners to suit the current situation.

    Yet mastery of the sword isn't the only skill required for practitioners. Being a style specifically tailored to Harbingers, it also incorporates the user's natural ability to manipulate darkness with each technique.

    Karmic Counter - the act of drawing the sword quickly to parry an oncoming strike and performing a counter within the span of 2-3 seconds. The counter's strength depends on how powerful the attack was.

    Shadow's Reach - it is said that no matter how fast light is, darkness would always get there first. As if to confirm that phrase, this technique allow's the practitioner to launch an early strike before even fully unsheathing his sword. Specifically, as soon as even a sliver of the blade has been unsheathed, razor sharp "shadow strikes" numbering up to 13 strikes can be launched towards the opponent. Although a seemingly powerful technique, it is one of the few Maeburedo techniques that can only be executed if done in a specific fashion.

    Nether Blade - the practitioner swings his sword and releases a crescent-shaped beam made out of darkness that slices anything in its path. Maximum range is 100 meters. This technique can be parried by a skill swordsman/swordswoman, however.

    Guillotine Burst - The practitioner crouches and positions his sword behind him and the blade facing outwards, channeling energy for a period of 5 seconds, before rushing in a burst of speed towards his opponent, unsheathing the blade from the sheathe and slicing anything in his path. Harbingers who master this technique can easily kill a dozen opponents with this move alone.

    Reaper's Strike - the practitioner steps back, parries an oncoming strike with his sword as he raises it in the process, and delivers a heavy downward swing. People who experienced the strike firsthand claim seeing a silhouette of a scythe forming around the sword as it came down on them, though the accounts are as few as the people who survived it.

    Hiken: Karasu no Satsujin (Secret Technique: Murder of Crows) - the practitioner moves from one point to another, faster than the eye could see. A few seconds later, anyone he passed by is cut viciously multiple times. Victims who survive claim being attacked by a murder of crows while experiencing the attack.

    Hiken: Shi no Sawagi (Secret Technique: Death's Lunge) - the practitioner prepares by dropping into a partial crouch, both knees bent, left arm drawn back and right arm extended forward; he grasps the endcap of the hilt of his sword with his left hand and rests the tips of the fingers of his right hand (usually the thumb) on the blade near the blade's tip. Afterwards, he lunges at his opponent in the blink of an eye, the force of which creates a shockwave behind him that propels him forward even faster, before stabbing the opponent head on with his sword.

    The move can be executed in a variety of ways, like a downward-striking attack or an upward-striking attack used to intercept an opponent assaulting him from above, done by directing his blade into the air instead of immediately forward.

  • Bajiquan Expert

  • Eye of the Mind (True) - is a heightened capacity for observation, refined through training, discipline and experience. A danger-avoidance ability that utilizes the intelligence collected up to the current time as the basis, in order to predict the opponent's activity and change the current situation.

  • Malevolence Mode: it is a state wherein his speed, reaction time, strength and defensive capabilities are greatly improved, bypassing the very limits his body could endure. While in Malevolence mode, he can also heal some injuries to the point wherein they aren't considered "fatal" anymore. However, the longer one stays on this form, the more he loses control of himself and his sanity. As a fail-safe every Harbinger child's capacity of accessing this ability is sealed and can only be used if certain conditions are met namely:

    1.) The Harbinger is in a near-death state.
    2.) The enemy must be more powerful than oneself
    3.) The battle must be one-on-one
    4.) The battle must be to live
    5.) The battle must not involve personal gain

    While the Harbinger can Activate Malevolence Mode by meeting at least one of the conditions, he/she cannot access the full power of this ability unless all 5 conditions are met.Working with that thought, it is assumed that for every condition a Harbinger fulfills, a 20% boost in power is added.

    Records say that a 6th condition was laid out by the Founding Mother, Mare S. Ephemeral herself, though knowledge of this specific condition has been weathered and lost through the sands of time.

  • Luna's Shroud
  • Minor Mental Manipulation (limited to suggestions or getting info, usually used for price haggling/trading)
  • Presence Concealment (not to be confused with Invisibility. He's just damn good at stealth and hiding his presence in general)
  • Survival Expert (vast knowledge of medicinal plants as well as edible substances and the skills to survive long periods of time in the wild.)
  • Jack-of-all-trades, master of none (while he is a fast learner, and is generally capable of doing anything decently, there are probably more people that can do a better job than him. He is confident with his combat prowess, however.)

Magitek Items:
  • Yoruhada - A renowned Katana known as one of the Five Great Swords, refined by Master Matsushiro during only the nights of a new moon. It bases its power in the dark side of the moon, thus it grants the user the power of darkness. Its sheathe is a dark shade of blue while its hilt is blacker than the night sky. It symbolizes the absence of the light of the moon and the dark side of the moon.

    However, Voyd rarely uses it as it consumes Erchius so fast, it can only be used for a couple of minutes before needing to be recharged, making it unsuited for prolonged combat.

  • Huginn and Muninn - Muninn serves as a sheath for Huginn, and Huginn itself can be shot hilt-first out of the barrel. When Huginn is unsheathed, Muninn's stock becomes more angular and shorter while the barrel extends, holding a greater resemblance to an actual rifle. Huginn's blade is red and is roughly average in length.

    While Muninn's stock is a dark red, the rest of its components are gray. The stock itself is rather long when compared to the rest of the firearm. The side of the forestock is decorated with a rose flower logo, Erika's favorite flower, serving not only as a memento of her, but also his past failure.

    As Huginn covers and blocks the barrel of Muninn, Muninn is unable to fire normally until Wilt is unsheathed. Muninn uses Erchius-infused bullets and is not designed to take in any other standard ammunition.

  • Magitek Coat Armor - the coat Voyd usually wears is actually infused with Magitek and adds an extra layer of protection in case he gets caught off-guard by surprise attacks.
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Name: Rurik Demyan

Race: Human

Birthplace: Eustia, Fraulia Divine Kingdom

Bio: Born in the heart of the Divine Kingdom of Fraulia, Rurik's early life was met with praise and pamper. As one of the few birthed with a natural affinity to magic, the boy responded to the high expectations set with determination to meet them. He could have pursued a path in many areas, especially in the capital, but ultimately Rurik decided to aim for a for an occupation in medicine and alchemy. It was his hope that he could use his abilities to help or save people, but ultimately Rurik would leave his schooling in order to enlist in the Fraulian military. With his studious nature and natural spellcasting too the boy could have easily become a great apothecary or doctor. However when asked about what brought on the drastic change in career path, Rurik simply remarks that an event he got caught up in during his schooling made him see things differently.

Rurik doesn't tend to speak much of his family, except his younger sister whom he travels with. According to him due to certain circumstances, he has become responsible for watching over his sibling and sought an occupation where he could make use of his skills, watch over his sister and travel. Any attempts to pry further are typically met with little to no progress. Furthermore, while Rurik appears to be dedicated to whatever work is set in front of him and has his heart in the right place, certain aspects of him simply don't add up. The relationship between his sister and him appears rather estranged to say the least and Rurik's combat skill and magical affinity appears rather honed for someone who simply spent a short time in the military. The young veteran as well seems to know the Lughanta's own doctor from somewhere, though whenever questioned Rurik oddly replies that Josef once "helped him".

  • Sword Proficiency

  • Some experience with Medicine and Alchemy

  • Dark Magic Proficiency
    • Armor Construct: Rurik's armor is not a physical equipment but instead is a manifestation of his magic in a physical, defensive form in the shape of raven-colored plate mail. This armor construct gives defensive bonuses towards arcane attacks, save for holy or light elemental abilities.

    • Wings of Dark: A manifestation of Rurik's magic in the appearance dark streaks expelling from his back, somewhat resembling the wings of a Celestial, albeit Rurik's appear less holy and majestic than the holy beings. Using this, Rurik gains the ability of flight.

    • Dark Tendrils: A defensive ability Rurik created. A shadow circles around his person as black tendrils composed of his magical energy rise from the shadow on the ground. These tendrils act as a further defense for Rurik, intercepting incoming attacks and counter-assaulting opponents within close proximity. Rurik is capable of increasing the radius these tendrils will protect, but larger than simply surrounding himself requires much more concentration, disallowing to actively combat others himself.
  • "Persuasion"

  • Tactician

  • Studious
Magitek Items:
  • Exterminatus: A Magitek blade forged for the purpose of aiding a spellcaster in harnessing their energy. The blade feeds off the user's magic for the purpose of enhancement of the weapon or expulsion of magical energy depending on the method of attack for a longer-range offensive ability.


Name: Lilya Demyan

Race: Human

Birthplace: Eustia, Divine Kingdom of Fraulia

Bio: Younger sibling to Rurik Demyan. A very silent young girl. Whereas her brother seems to hold an aversion to certain topics, Lilya appears to be unlikely to verbally respond at all. Her lack of communication seems to be due to more than simply a naturally cold shoulder or dislike for her current company. Rather, it almost appears as if the girl possesses an unfamiliarity or awkwardness in dealing with others, possibly pointing to a heavily sheltered early life. While such an upbringing isn't all too unheard of, typically it is accompanied with private educating and tutoring. However with Lilya's lack of understanding of even basic social cues, simple mentality and ignorance to the outside world, her behavior begs the question of how exactly she spent her childhood.
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"I used to be much better than this..."

Name: Oriana

Race: Celestial

Birthplace: Celestia, Otherworld

Bio: As a general rule, humans don't like it when you ask about their age. Oriana is the same. Oh, not because of vanity, but rather because of the implications of it all. She had seen a great number of things, many of which were deplorable and monstrous, yet was able to change none of it for the better.

In her younger centuries, Ori was one of the most promising members of the Justicars. Diligent, skilled, and just the tiniest bit fanatical, she was well on her way to achieving a grand position in its hierarchy. She was certain in her belief that the Order advocated by her faction was the true path for the world; it was the divine mandate of all Celestials to pursue this path and shepherd the mortals to their proper place. What little Oriana had seen of the Messengers back then never failed to rouse her into a furor; the very thought of any semblance of instability occurring within Celestia was high treason, even though the other faction had never made any overt moves.

Then the Seraphic Age began.

The lovely thing with time is, you stay alive long enough and your entire belief system crumbles before your very eyes. The Harbingers dismantled the tyranny that had been caused by her concept of Order, but Oriana was long gone. She had fled into the mortal lands, grounds which she had never surveyed before except from above. Then, she had felt like a vengeful hawk watching for the smallest sign of the field mouse. Now, escaping from the traces of her crimes, Oriana knew that the roles had been reversed. She spent her years on the move, flitting from Fraulia to the Brendorn Imperium to Venesia, learning as humanity and the other races picked themselves off the dust and began anew. She watched as Justicars, with the same hard gleam of defiance in their eyes that had been present in hers so long ago, waged war against the forces of Chaos. When she did, she burrowed back into her carefully disguised life and resumed helping her own way; a basket of medicinal herbs for the neighbor's sick daughter, 'accidentally' bumping into a drunk woman to save her from the carriage roaring down the street. It went on this way for countless years, and Oriana had resigned herself to her new creed.

Until she saw the Messengers.

She had never noticed them before, probably because that was their deal in the whole place. But she was still a Celestial and, even under the guise of a simple peasant girl in an equally inconspicuous hamlet, she could feel the essence of Sol at work. It was a long, arduous journey and her fellow Celestial was suspicious of her at first, but eventually she decided to return to the Otherworld and formally join the Messengers… A complicated gesture that was nearly as hard as abandoning her previous worldview. Worst, it was ill-received by many former allies and even by her potential companions. Oriana quickly returned to the mortal world soon as the formalities had concluded, and began the painstaking climb to return to her previous level of combat training. Little did she know she would need it within the decade.

  • Heaven's Ward – The essence of Sol is utilized by the caster to protect or heal a target. When defending, the spell creates a golden, opaque material with the flexibility of rubber and the consistency of glass, meaning it tends to shatter when faced with superior pressure. The radius and amount of protection given by this spell depends on the level of mana exerted by the caster.
  • Melee Combat – Ori stays on the frontlines to keep an eye on wounded teammates and to absorb damage in case it is needed. Her expertise with the greatshield allows her to act as an effective controller or vanguard, drawing in hostile attention and leaving opponents open for allies to finish them off. Of course... When she's taking the heat, nobody's going to get any healing done.
  • Unarmed Combat – She's capable of basic feints and counters, although her main tactic in CQC is beating the enemy into a pulp.
  • Enhanced Physical Capabilities – Due to her nature as a Celestial, Oriana has superior strength and endurance, the former of which enables her to wield a greatshield and wear heavy armor with ease. In combat, these traits are further compounded by her training and protective spells. And, of course, there's always the wings.
  • Sol's Aegis – Celestials are blessed with immunity to death by natural causes such as aging, disease, and poison.
  • Cooking
  • Housekeeping & Caretaking
  • Herbalism
  • Singing
  • Information Extraction (a.k.a Gossiping)
Magitek Items:
  • Solstice – A gift from a particularly ardent admirer, Solstice is a prototype flare gun capable of ejecting a magic-based bullet. Its inner cartridge has been fitted with a specialized compartment which allows for a single, refillable Erchius orb. It's worn down with time and nearly outdated by the influx of more recent models, but obviously well-maintained and treasured by its owner.
  • Penitence – A sword with an unusual quality to its sleek form. Divine in nature, the blade glimmers iridescent under the rays of the sun, and faint runes are etched onto the surface of the pommel. If you put the metal close to your ear you might hear something thrumming akin to music, and then it is gone.
  • Sariel – An exquisite triangular greatshield that is undoubtedly the work of a master, yet without the trademark of any crafthall. For sure, it is wrought from high-quality metal that can withstand or deliver extreme pressure without bending. It is capable of emanating a focused horizontal beam of light up to a meter from its surface. The light, while containing the elemental properties of Sol, serves little more than a distraction. The Magitek can be activated by turning the bar grip from behind the shield, and its actual effect takes no more than a second to happen especially when under sunlight. When this function is utilized, the supporting machinery within the shield overheats- resulting in the surface metal to become scathing hot- and requires a significant time to cool down before further rounds, meaning that its use requires tactical precision.
  • [Other] An understated suit of Celestial heavy white armor with minimal gold embellishments. Practically spartan in form, albeit made with a certain elegance, the suit is scuffed and marked in places. Oriana wears a dyed azure coat under the chest plate.
  • Added a reference pic of Oriana's armor. However, please pay more attention to the description than the picture itself.
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"I'm not that good, I'm just very lucky."

-----[ Appearance ]-----

Name: Tano Chokichi

Race: Youkai (Usagi)

Birthplace: Harukayama

------[ Bio ]------

Chokichi, like her many sisters and brothers, left the warren in which she was born soon as her parents felt the litter was ready to be out in the world on their own. Chokichi came under the tutelage of an older Usagi interested in gathering as much information about the world beyond their island as they could manage, storing the knowledge in scrolls. Chokichi was tasked with the continent of Azura, the continent nearest home. As she studied the people while among the friendlies, or on the outskirts for those less than friendly, the young Usagi developed a wanderlust to see and experience more.

She eventually resigned her role as watcher and chronicler to embark on an adventure to see the world. The first jobs she found were as a courier for delivery companies, where her natural speed and uncanny luck made her very successful. Being a girl of simple pleasures, she accumulated enough of a fortune to find and purchase her Magitek items that would allow her to move up from a simple courier to a mercenary/adventurer.

------[ Skills ]-------

  • Combat Training: Usagi Style Tae Kwon Do and Judo.
  • Weapon Expertise: Katana
  • Stealth
  • Elemental Expertise: Wind

------[ Talents ]------

  • Cooking(for Herbivores)
  • Gambling
  • Writing
  • Sketching
  • Dancing(various local forms, ballet equivalent)
  • Musical Notation
  • Expert Vocalist
  • Keen Hearing
  • Exceptional Memory
  • Vocal Mimicry
------[ Magitek Items ]-------

Blaster Gauntlets: When loaded with a cartridge of Erchius they can enhance her punching power with powerful gusts of wind. Even without a cartridge they still afford her enhanced damage to her punches.

Velocity Blade: A katana with a slot in the hilt to insert an Erchius cartridge. With that in place the blade gives her the ability to manipulate the velocity of an object that is at least a foot from the blade. This can be used to either bring a target onto the sword's edge at high speed, or defensively to repel them. Chokichi can also alter her own (or others in close proximity) velocity to fly. Without the cartridge it is just a regular katana.

-----[ Fun Facts About Chokichi ]------
  • She is indifferent to carrots.
  • She loves peanuts and cashews.
  • Her ears are physically sensitive. Unwanted touching will trigger a reflexive kick to the chest.
  • At a height of 6ft 7in, she was the tallest of her siblings.
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"If you aren't living, then might as well be dead."
Name: Merrelien Thedove
Race: Armer/ High Elf
Birthplace: Maiev Communion

Bio: The Thedove family name is one well known in Armerium Council for their expertise in the field of Magitek, and their devotion to creating different uses for Erchius. Merrelien's mother,Phelorna, followed in the footsteps of his Grandfather, becoming a scholar from Solar Academy and aiding in the development of Magitek over the last few decades. That's where she met his father, Maeraddyth, who was much older than her. They began as rivals in the industry, with different philosophies of how Magitek should properly be put to use.

Phelorna was a firm believer of using Magitek to aid the medical industry, and further the life spans of species who don't have the unique quirks that most Eruvian's have. Maeraddyth's beliefs completely countered hers, with the development of shields through the use of Magitek, war on Bumi would be no longer. Of course this wouldn't be the case, because with the development of shields came a demand for weaponry, leading to further warfare. These ideas will come to clash during meetings, so much so it became a weekly routine between the two in the conference room.

But things wouldn't stay that way, soon enough they were paired together with another group of scholars, that would be sent out on an exhibition to Masyaf Sultanate. There they would be escorted to the largest reservoir of Erchius in all of Bumi to run some tests on the glistening purple gold crystals. During those months of running tests deep in the purple glistening cave systems, overwhelming with the brutal heat of Masyaf's unforgiving desert, they would constantly work side by side slowly getting to know one another.

Soon after things became serious, than nine months later Merrelien was born in his Father's family home in Maiev Communion. There both families would meet one another, Phelorna's family were foreigners standing beside those of the Thedove name. The low class met the very high class, a family of traders and scholars, standing adjacent to store owners and farmers. It was a sight to see, but surprisingly, the Thedove family was very warm with their welcome. That night Merrelien was introduced before them for the first time, and there his name was announced to all. Merrelien Thedove was born, and he will continue the family legacy. Or, at least that's what his father believed.

Merrelien's childhood was a harsh one. Being born into a family of high class Eruvian's, specifically Armer, was hell on earth for any child. After his birth, his parents traveled back to Armerium, in a mansion where his father resided whenever he wasn't off at work doing research. Since the time he learned to walk, his schedule was packed with events. At a young age, he would be forced to involve himself in many activities. Lessons on how to play Eruvian instruments,classes on sword wielding, and all the while going to one of the toughest academies in all of Bumi, Solar Academy.

By the time he was an older teenager, he grew tired of having tight schedules and zero free time to do what he pleased. When he wasn't subjected to go to those god awful events with his parents, he would be taken to one of his classes, all of which he grown bored of. One day he had enough, and with a friend from school, ran off for a couple of hours. Those few hours of liberty, was the best time of his life. But after returning home, he would receive one of his father's long lectures. He would always begin by saying, "Life as a Thedove, means giving back to society in a civil manner". But during that moment, as he spoke, Merrelien became callous to those words. They held no true meaning to him anymore, he had received his taste of freedom, and he wanted more. That night in his chambers, as he laid in bed facing the wall, he formed a plan. A plan to get away from Armerium, away from his family, and begin a life of his own as an adventurer.

He did just that. He remembered hearing about a group mercs that traveled on one of those huge airships runned by Erchius. The Lughanta Company. It was ran by a Nightingale, a name familiar to Merrelien considering the Thedoves had some business with them not too long ago. So one night on the way to his class, he was seated behind a carriage. He memorized the path that the driver was taking, the same path he since Merrelien was a little boy. So he analyzed his surroundings and then timed it perfectly. His plan was about to commence, he can't back out now. He calmed his nerves, and began to count.


The carriage went over a bump and he rolled right out, landing on the cobbled floor unseen and unheard. He wiped himself off and without haste, ran to the house of a friend who lived nearby. He was able to get past the butler, convincing him that he was there for tea, and met with the mischievous boy in his room. He was a human, unlike him, but they got along well. His name was Ryder, a strange name for a human, but it fit him well. Ryder helped him in gathering some supplies, including money and some burrowed closed before being pointed to the right direction.

"Alright, leaving Armerium isn't an issue, the issue is getting to Fraulia. You can't take the train, you never know how quickly your family would notice your disappearance and then send out a search party. So here," He placed a map of Bumi flat on his desk adjacent to his bed, "You go east, towards the mountains, don't try going over them unless you wanna be eaten by wolves or robbed by bandits. Head south until you're in between the mountains to your north and forest to your south." He was marking down the trail with ink as he spoke. It was obvious Ryder had taken this path before, and probably without his parent's consent.

"Once you get out of there, you follow the river heading south and sure enough you'll be in Fraulian territory. Move fast, without haste, if you don't want your parents catching you." He rolled up the map and handed it to Merrelien who tried to process everything at once.

"Ryder, I appreciate this," He said tucking the map into the bag of supplies his friend had given him. Just as he turned to leave out the front door he grabbed his shoulder.

"Don't go out through that way, Herman (the butler) would get suspicious about the bag and once news gets out that you're missing he'll put two and two together. Climb out the window and use the cherry grove to get out through my backyard. Then head towards the gates." Merrelien nodded, giving his friend one last handshake, before doing just that.

He snuck out of the house, and with as much stealth he could conjure, he stepped foot outside of the Armerium as his own person, first time in his entire life. He meticulously followed the exact directions that Ryder gave him, and on the path to Fraulia he met a kind man, who lived on the outskirts of Eustia. His name was Kishimoto, such an alien name to Merrelien. The man would later explain that he's from Harukayama, and moved to Fraulia in search of adventure but instead found love. Merrelien would tell him about how he himself is looking to live a life of adventure, and that he's going to attempt to sign up for the Lughanta company. Kishimoto's eyes lit up, feeling the same passion he felt during his younger years, and promised to help Merrelien reach the Lughanta recruitment center in Fraulia.

Their journey back took a few weeks, maybe even a month, but they soon grew close. Kishimoto spoke about his life as a farmer, and how he had a lovely family consisting of his wife and three kids. He hasn't seen his home, Harukayama, in years and he deeply misses it and how one day he hopes to show his kids about the culture that lives forgotten in their blood. Merrelien told him his entire life story through the long walks, and the man listened in awe. He couldn't believe someone who's rich could live such an unhappy life. But for Merrelien it was quite the contrary, he never knew that you could live happily without having much of anything.

When they had finally made it back into Fraulia, it was dusk. The recruitment center was closed for the day, and Kishimoto offered him to stay the night for a warm meal and a bed. Merrelien happily agreed, glad he wouldn't be sleeping in a tent for another night. Kishimoto was bringing home a large bundle of supplies throughout the journey, and it turned out to be seeds that he would receive a lot cheaper from a trader he knew up near where they met rather than purchasing them from Eustia. That night, Merrelien met Kishimoto's wife and three children. They treated him kindly, and the children were in awe. They seen elves before, but never an Armer, especially not this close. They bombarded him with questions, all of which he would answer with a smile. Finally, when they were put to bed, Kishimoto had a talk with him.

"Merrelien, do you have your own Magiteck weapon?"

He shook his head, "No, I never found the need for one."

Kishimoto smiled, stood from his seat and disappeared into a room. He came back a few minutes later with something that was in a bundle. He handed it to Merrelien, who was puzzled by the gift. "Open it."

When Kishimoto did, he realized it was a sword. Not just any sword, a sword infused with Erchius, this was a Magitek weapon. Merrelien's smiled at his friend, who smiled back at him and that night was considered one of the most treasured moments of Merrelien's young life. The next morning, they got up early at dawn so that Kishimoto could escort Merrelien on one final trip into town.

Kishimoto brought him into the city's walls where they talked for a final time outside of the recruitment office. Kishimoto admitted when he first saw him, he believed he was nothing more than a criminal. With the features he had, the glistening red eyes, a bored look pasted across his face, and even the pale skin, he believed he was nothing but trouble. Merrelien laughed it off, and thanked him again for everything he's done. Before Kishimoto left, he told him anytime he sees his way back into Fraulia again, to come and visit him sometime. Merrelien happily agreed and there they parted ways.

He hoped that his analytical skill, his sword handling, and even his strong urge to adventure the world would earn him a spot on the Lughanta. Time would only tell.

Weapon Expertise: Broadsword
Elemental Affinity: Lightning​

Racial Ability: Armer Solar Power
Musical Expertise: Eruvian Instruments
Natural Charisma
Unnaturally Calm (Unless Physically Hurt or personally knows someone connected to his past)

Magitek Items

Jankusodo: This was a weapon given to him by his friend Kishimoto, a human descendent from Harukayama. The way Kishimoto puts it, this sword is legitimately named "Junk Sword" as an inside joke by his father who passed it down to him. He found no use in the weapon anymore, and while he did plan on giving it to his first son, his wife refused to even allow the boy to touch it. So it was handed to Merrelien, an adventurous boy just like Kishimoto in his younger years.

This sword is as far from junk as could be, infused with Erchius, when swung about the sword forms lightning that could be used to strike your enemies. Kishimoto said this weapon was forged by one of the best blacksmiths in Harukayama that has since passed away. While it still has retained his features after all these years, it isn't as powerful as it once was. One thing is for sure though, it gets the job done.

Seeing sights
Cool Weather


Theme Song:

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" Some would say I went to hell and back. But it wasn't that bad. "
Name: Ino Saibat (ee-no sigh-but)
Race: Lilim
Birthplace: Somnus

Ino grew up with a loving Lilim mother and an equally loving Drow father. They just loved her separately... Away from each other...

And so when she was young she spent a lot of time bouncing from place to place, living with her mother for a little while only for her father to want a turn, and vice versa. In hindsight it could have been a lot worse. She could have no parents that loved her, or just no parents at all! But it was because of this upbringing that she learnt a wide range of skills, from magic one day to thieving the next. It was fair to say that she never got bored with learning something new every time she swapped guardian, but it did mean that she never really got any expertise in one particular thing.

Luckily though both her parents did have one thing in common. Their devotion to Luna. Ino could name distinct times that her parents had said something had gone right only because of Luna's influence. The success of a convoluted spell, the nights greatest heist! or even just the fact that Ino herself had been born, and such it was her biggest dream, to one day step foot inside of the Netherworld and witness it herself.

And when she came to the age for Ino to finally become independent she did so, sailing her way over to the gate with nothing but the clothes she wore and supplies on her back. It was there she learnt of the most twisted and strange things, every day she was alone in some foreign, twisted land with only her wit to get by. But when she returned to Bumi she was truly and adult. A woman that could stand on her own, independent.

And so Ino could be seen as rather isolated and stern. But it wasn't because she 'hated everyone'. Simply for the fact that after spending so long having only herself to rely on, it became harder to open up to others and allow them into her life.Though as far she saw, actions spoke much louder than words.

  • Martial Style: Spellsword
  • Tactic Expertise: Hit-and-Run
  • Sneaking
  • Larceny
  • Keen Observer
  • Tea Brewing
  • Survival
Magitek Items:
  • Waga - A sword either payed for or stolen by her father (she never asked) That can either be fueled by Erchius or her own mana, using both more efficiently than most Magitek items. But with her own magic Ino is also able to cast spells on Waga to buff it within the limits of her spellpower.
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"My world isn't just Harukayama."
Masumi Taiyoko
5'6"(168cm), 121lb(55kg).

Harukayama, Masumi Territory.


Hailing from Harukayama, the young girl is a free and curious spirit, wishing to know more of the world around and outside her home town. Through the years, she has traveled across the landmasses as both an adventurer and performer, mostly staying at Venesia and performing with her Guzheng, the Youkai typical instrument which she carries with her. Although young, she is to inherit and lead the Masumi clan later, and wishes to change the ideals of both Harukayama and the Masumi Clan, often stating that the world outside can be advantageous and as beautiful as Harukayama is.

Due to this, she was allowed by her father to take on the challenge of showing him this fact. Ever since then, she "escaped" from Harukayama and has roamed across the landmasses seeking something that proves that there can be a beautiful world outside of her home town...

Harukayama. The mysterious island to the Northwest of Bumi. It is filled with mysteries, legends and myths. This is where Taioyoko hails from. A land dominated by numerous clans. Hers was the Masumi Clan, represented by the symbol of a large flower, typical to the North of Harukayama. Due to their isolationism, they greatly despise interference by the other races, even if these are done to acquire higher commercial power. Since they are formed mostly by the most elite of Youkai, they are an impressively arrogant Clan, that strongly advocates against outside interference in both economy and politics. However, when towards their other Youkai brethren, they tend to employ the use of diplomacy and economical weapons to overthrow them and control other clans. A recent example would be the engagement and marriage of Taiyoko's Father, Yasuhiro, with a princess of another clan. Experts of the political game, they often find themselves involved and informed of most happenings of Harukayma, being strong opponents to anyone who fights towards a more open involvement towards the other races outside Harukayama.

Competitiveness is a strong aspect of the clan, and not just through physical means either. Through plays of politics, alliances, rivalries and merchant business, they became one of the most influent clans of the Youkai society. Headed by the Daimyo Yasuhiro, Taiyoko's father.

Born to a prestigious family, she had been gifted with the ability to naturally control magic, which granted her some attention by the clan, as if being first daughter of a Daimyo wasn't enough. The young girl was extremely pampered, but at the same time carried the heavy responsibility of surpassing a Daimyo that managed to become the leader of the clan at an incredibly young age.

Because of these reasons, Taiyoko was often pressured and well-taught on many things regarding the Masumi clan, and even such as cultural to philosophical aspects of the Youkai society. She had anything but a carefree youth. Not only did it affect her personality, but also made it much harder for someone of her social status to make any friends or trustworthy mates. She had a difficult early life, secluded and isolated, specially considering her free spirit and how she wished to know more of the world outside.

As she grew older, Taiyoko was given more and more freedom around Harukayama. Visiting other clans, making powerful allies, impressing others with her magical abilities and her words, she'd often be used as a means to further the clan's already impressive influence, although she too enjoyed the shows. It wasn't until she was already almost an adult that she met someone that was not a youkai. A young human merchant that had come to visit them. Obviously enough, this did not happen on Harukayama. It happened during a visit to one of the colonies in the west.

Dear Taiyoko was fascinated by the diversity around her, and had grown to enjoy discovering more and more of them. She seemed more intrigued with human and outside society than her own, which showed that the girl knew little of her own world. Her father, on the other side, approved of this curiosity of hers, mainly as she would soon know that few things compared to Harukayama's ways. And so time passed... With Taiyoko growing more and more curious about the world outside, the Masumi and Yasuhiro himself, grew to understand that holding Taiyoko was just prolonging the inevitable. The girl desired the freedom to know more of the world outside, and few things would stop her.

No matter how many gifts and pamper she was given, nothing compared to Taiyoko's curiosity. The world outside fascinated her and she wasn't going to stay, even if she enjoyed her life as the Princess of the Masumi clan. Eventually, time decided that she had to have a chance. Thusly, she was given. Her father and her arranged a way for her to escape the Masumi clan and make it seem as she had ran away, however, he would keep his eyes on her, through whatever ways possible. Even now, the young man awaits her decision and understanding that Harukayama is her home and that nothing compares to it.

Ever since her "escape", Taiyoko has already run through many different situations. It has been years now since her arriving at the main continent, and she has accidentally created quite the reputation. This is mostly as a performer of the Guzheng, which she did perform many times in Venesia. Because of how exotic most Venesians found the performance, she grew reputable around Venesia, becoming a widely know and rare performer on Venesian theaters. Aside from that, the young woman's desire for Order often finds her in positions where she intervenes for the weak and protects them from scum such as bandits and even lower. Due to this, the Warring Adventurer has gained a reputation of a damsel that goes through the continent, often taking notes and learning more of the world that so much inspires her or performing across the theaters and enchanting any person that hears her songs.

  • Magick Wielder: Taiyoko is an expert at wielding magic to her advantage, she even has learned to dispel this magic with ease. Her main element is fire and thus she has almost complete manipulation over the element, managing to both create and control it with relative ease. Often, however, this is combined with the element of Wind imbued in her Fans, allowing her to make very destructive combinations of attacks. Controlling is often an easier task than creating flame itself. Overusing this consumes Taiyoko's mana, and will eventually exhaust her. She also has mild wind control, that allows her a limited form of telekinesis. She does so by controlling air currents or air compression, resulting in much more precise tasks.
  • CQC - Kitsune Wing Chun: A minimalist form of martial arts employed mostly by Kitsune assassins in Harukayama. It focuses in close range combat, and resumes itself in synchronizing both defense and offense in the same movements. Taiyoko was trained by one of the few monks that still follow it's philosophy and though she has broken it more times than she dares to say, she still retain some of his teachings.
  • Weapon Expertise - War Fans: Taiyoko was given her Sen'nokaze Fans while very young. Because of this, she was taught how to wield them since early youth. Being an expert at the use of the Fans, she can, currently, easily concentrate to make use of it's special properties and magical capabilities, meaning she can cast precise spells with her Fans, she also possesses minor knowledge of other Harukayaman weapons, but these are rarely found outside the isle, and when they are, they are even more rarely sold, being considered mostly artifacts to be kept in museums or a rich people's collections.
  • Enhanced Senses: As a Kitsune, Taiyoko's hearing and smelling capabilities are beyond that of a normal human. She can hear things from behind thick walls and from larger distances. She can also discern smells much more precisely than normal.
  • Enhanced Reflexes/Agility: A trait shared among all Kitsunes, agility and reflexes are among the most impressive. They often put this to use through their espionage and may sometimes even assume the role of secret assassins. Taiyoko has been trained to gain as much as she can from this natural trait.
  • Fox Spiritual Guardian: Taiyoko's Spirit Guardian is a small-framed Corsac Fox, kindly named Shiro due to it's bright furs. Shiro is a sly creature that will often prank and fool others for it's own amusement, sometimes getting Taiyoko herself in trouble. However, it is also very intelligent, and can operate precise orders with relative ease.
  • Magick Sense: Taiyoko can precisely sense Magick. This allows her to appraise Magiteck items and even other artifacts. In combination with her Archeological Expertise, this makes Taiyoko specially capable of analyzing pre-Magiteck items and how they work. Such artifacts, however, are rare to come by.
  • Archeological Expertise: The Masumi Clan greatly value old civilizations and what they can grasp from them. Because of this, Archeological teachings are a basis of all the most elite members of the clan and are taught to them since youth. Taiyoko, specifically, adored the teachings and took upon her to study herself about it. She is knowledgeable of many ancient Harukayaman civilizations, but also of some civilizations from outside as well. However, she possesses a large amount of knowledge of the first artifacts and first mages, meaning she knows much of the ancient Magic Artifacts that weren't akin to Magiteck.
  • Political Etiquette: Taiyoko was raised by an elitist group of Kitsunes, who thought that cultural knowledge and power were the most important parts of being a member. She was taught much of etiquette, and knows her manners in a court.
  • Rogue Arts: Since Kitsunes often possess a naturally good agility, they are often trained in the path of the Rogue Arts, which resume in avoiding direct conflict and combat, as well as multiple other abilities surrounding the technique of subterfuge, resulting in Kitsunes often becoming assassins or spies of their clans. This makes Kitsunes great spies and infiltrators. Their ease to charm and fool others thanks to the mysterious appearance and sexual appeal is a trait passed down by generations and heavily required in the political games of Harukayama. While not comparable to the allure of a Succubus or Incubus, they can do much without the need to use any form of magic at all, often through sheer theatrical capabilities and exotic allure.
  • Gifted Musician: Being taught to her by her mother, Taiyoko plays a very specific series of instruments named Zithers, which are instruments utilizing strings and a large wooden box that serves to resonate the sounds. These instruments are usually long, board-like objects with strings on top of them divided by bridges. Taiyoko is a specialist at playing the Gezhung, an instrument rarely utilized even in Harukayama itself. Because of this, she is considered a masterful musician that can play any Harukayaman string instrument, but even then, this skill is very limited since such instruments are rarely found outside of the island.
Notable Items:

  • Sen-No-Kaze Fans(Thousand Winds Fans): A set of two fans that are adjustable in size, but still manage to be large, even when unfolded. Usually strapped across her back, this is a gift to Taiyoko by her father, a magick artifact as old as the Masumi Clan can remember. Such weapons are often given as gifts to any magician or Magick Wielder, specially since they can only be wielded by such. The Sen-No-Kaze Fans were Taiyoko's weapon of choice, as they go well with her ability to control flame. Naturally, the weapon draws power from the user's very mana, so doing unbelievable feats may require her to employ large amounts of concentration and may leave her exhausted after doing so. It's size, in full bloom, is comparable to Taiyoko's frame, although slightly smaller. When only slightly, open, however, the size is that of a slightly larger battle Fan.

    Made from a material that looks ornamental but is actually incredibly resistant, the Fans are more than fit for combat. The tips are bladed, resulting in it being a good close range combat. It can release gusts of wind that will push enemies away, bring them closer and generally control the flow of combat. It's beautiful ornamental appearance does not show the weapon that they truly are, but in the right hands, these two can easily slaughter enemies and bring them a quick end if they're not careful.

  • Ornamental Guzheng: An ornamental instrument that Taiyoko carries with her for the sake of performing. Often she takes more care with the Guzheng than with anything, replacing strings and carrying it in a large leather box for the sake of it not being hurt. It is generally difficult to carry around, however, and most of the time she leaves it somewhere safe when going adventuring. During performances, Taiyoko infuses the Guzheng with a higher sonority, allowing it to reach higher volumes.

  • Masumi Pendant: An heirloom she carries with her. The Masumi Pendant is given to specifically elite members of the clan and is considered a symbol of pride and importance. It draws power from Sol and Luna, serving as a Mana pool that can be accessed at any moment by the wielder. Often takes 2 to 3 hours to fully recover, but can be drained almost completely in two or three spells. Can also be used to charge Magiteck items. When fully charged, the pendant glows brightly a blue hue.



"Why thank you. I'd accept your offer, but I'm having too much fun toying with these pathetic beings.."

Evangeline Gremoir

Nosferatu (Purebred)

Victrix Imperial Colony, Azura

Evangeline, or rather, Eve has a very selfish attitude, but to a point. She is extremely observant, cunning and revels in schemes by manipulating others around her. You could say she's maybe a sadist. She would rather not lift a finger even if she is capable of doing so. Always has a rather sheepish or a smirk plastered on her face, and has a knack for provoking others. Pushing their buttons by instigating a conflict, or rather an issue where her target would make the first physical move, or action. She is the type to pry and can easily annoy someone, but honestly, she doesn't care if her target doesn't like it, or tells it to her outright. She would rather laugh in your face if anything.

Eve is passionate, and embraces what she is and in what she does. It is absolutely difficult to earn her trust. She always has and always will keep her cards close to her heart. Having such a playful expression on her face, it is very difficult to read the vampiress. Other than her playful side, she can easily switch to a rather more, elegant attitude. Speaking and behaving in a professional, or rather, a princess-y manner but even then, she would be up to something. Scheming in her mind or behind the scenes. But how would you know? She is after all, extremely hard to read.

Other than that, she is a trickster, and enjoys playing games with people who pique her interest. If you want answers, you may have to do something for her, or give her some of your time where the both of you can have some fun, but in all honesty, it is only Eve who is having the fun here. She doesn't trust anyone fully and perhaps never will. The vampiress would rather be ten steps ahead if anything unusual may occur. Lets not forget that if she wants, she can work with others despite not trusting them. Interesting people are always that, interesting.

Her name is Evangeline Gremoir, but is mostly if not only known as Eve to the people who know of her, or have heard of her. But in the vampire society, those of her kind know her as Eve. Like her dear siblings, she is a descendant of Elizabeth, the Blood Devil. The vampiress has plenty of experience and influence, and thus, has a coven of her own. It consists of both vampires and humans. She has an underground network that is spread around the world of Bumi. It is used to obtain information, or to be used as a resting place when she does visit one of her underground bases.

Other than that, she is an active vampire, and does not shy away from enjoying the world around her. May it be Azura or Autrea. The vampiress can almost be considered a wanderer, but she isn't really. She travels a lot, but thats pretty much it. Stays in one of her underground bases from time to time. Visits her favorite humans if anything. Enjoys the taste of fresh blood. She has an appetite but has full control over it. Eve has a castle in the mountains closest to the Novus Fraulian Colony, but she also has an estate in Autrea, in the Divine Kingdom of Fraulia, right next to the Mreta Ocean.

Sanguine Arts Practitioner - Like her siblings, she inherited the ability to manipulate blood at will, and has been honing her skills for many, many years. She can use it to create a bloodsword if anything, but can also manifest other types of weapons as well, but that does not mean she is just as skilled with them as she is with a sword in general. Lets not forget that she can also harden her blood in the shape of a bullet, or other means of projectiles like an arrow, or a lancer for example.

Swordswoman - Eve has practiced with the sword for quite some time, but her style is similar if not identical to fencing. It is safe to say that she has enough experience in using a sword during a fight. She prefers using a rapier though, having the most experience with one.


  • Cooking
  • Violinist
  • Flexible
  • Espionage
  • Nosferatu Passives
  • Puppetmastery
Victrix Pendant - A magitek pendant around her neck. A jewel in the shape of a triangle. Activates Mind's Eye, allowing her to see through illusions and enhancements, among other things. It obviously needs Erchius to function.

Rapier Sword - A Victrix custom made magitek Rapier for Eve. Imbued with the element fire. Quite ironic for a vampire.

Hell Raven - A demonic creature she has a contract with, but it is nothing but a mere tool. It is used for reconnaissance. To obtain information for Eve. However it is not a sentient being. Eve can see through its eyes, and thats how she can obtain the neccessary information. It pretty much looks like a normal raven, with the exception of its eyes. They are red. She can see what her raven can see with her left eye, while the other is still focused on whats ahead of her.

Black Cloak - Something she always has with her in order to hide her unique features in some cases. Being an active vampiress, it is wise to hide ones true identity. during constant travels.

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Name: Mare
Race: Harbinger
Birthplace: Netherworld

Bio: The firstborn child of the Chief of the Harbingers, Mare, much like everyone else, seemed destined for the same fate as much of her kind; to be nothing more than a guardian to the children of the Higher Houses of the Netherworld. And while most of the children her age obeyed this principle and accepted their fate without question, Mare, however, would have none of that, often speaking of her dreams of travelling the rest of the world by becoming an adventurer instead. Her parents saw nothing wrong with their daughter's behavior. Why would they? She was an obedient daughter, a kind and caring older sister to her younger brother, and a child prodigy. They would dismiss her ramblings as nothing more than the manifestations of a child's playful imagination and they were willing to give her all the freedom she wanted as long she delivered.

And delivered she did. At the young age of 8 years old, she had already become one of the most proficient practitioners of Maeburedo, a sword style created by the Founding Mother herself exclusively for the use of Harbingers. Not only did she become a master of the Single Sword Style, but she also managed to become highly skilled with the Dual Sword Style, a feat that normally takes up to a decade for the average Harbinger to master.

Being the perceptive girl that she is, however, she quickly took notice of the telltale signs of oppression that her people had suffered ever since the Celestials and Infernals joined hands in regulating their race. Not only was her race cut off from the rest of the netherworld, families were also compelled to abide with the single-child policy with the sole exception of the chief, and their children were forcibly trained at a young age just to become protectors of the nobles. They would only be released from their "contract" after putting in 13 years of service to their employers, assuming they do not die within that time frame...

Fed up with the way her people has been treated, Mare decided to take matters and her fate to her own hands by running away from home. She vowed never to serve under anyone and has since made a reputation for herself as a respected mercenary with her own crew, mostly composed of Infernals, that operates mainly around Eustia, and word has it that the Eidolon of Luna is one of her main clients.


NPC's Section Two, the Electric Boogaloo. Part one the Train has no brakes, is here CHARACTER INDEX - SKYWARD MIRACLES - Character Index

All bios in brief to come over time or tomorrow.

Allied Captain
Captain Misha Orissa


Race: Human

BIo: Misha is a former Imperial Admiral who's age is held in question she seems to be on the younger side of adulthood. Normally a person with a very happy personality she has a threatening way of speaking and loves adventure, keeps tabs on a surprising number of figures and organizations across Bumi. Known for a trademark laugh of the region of the empire she is from, the woman posses an unnatural strength. An able captain her personal Airship operates as a typical warship of unaligned status. The exact details of why she left Imperial service remain unknown, of note is her preference for full clothing and a long facial scar across her face. Unlike most mercenary captains her focus seems to be on special jobs and threats that need direct naval combat, thus her crew are more like typical naval personnel than ground pounders or to be trusted with overly delicate work.

The Demolisher: A Devastator Class Battleship formerly of the Imperial Navy, while it's systems are contemporary, her main armaments and hull are somewhat old, possessing newer secondary armament, her anti-flyer armament is also in lower number though newer Magitek guns. Misha took the ship with her upon leaving Imperial Service, while a thorny issue the ship wasn't considered worth pursuing or pressing back into Imperial Service. While easily slower than the Lughanta, and a bit smaller than the Draconus. Unlike the later however she is fully manned and armed, skirting if not outright defying the legal limits on armaments allowed in private ownership. Possessing two forward dual superfiring turrets, the aft gun was removed for a flight deck for three scout fighters that posses unconventional weapons to focus on attacking other ships rather than for air dominace.

Eleven Air Defense positions dot the ship. Of note is the two large smokestacks at her center mass, used to deploy a smoke screen for friendly forces. Ten secondary guns sit in her midline. Heavily armored, it could be said she can still keep up with larger ships, even if lacking in the firepower of some later designs, her ship attacking fighters help even these odds slightly. Armor protection is arguably heavier than it needed to be, reflecting the nature of it's dual use as an ocean going platform.

Masyaf Sultanate
Prince Assam Jahanshah Farahi


Grand Duke Dilawar Ekhtiyari Farahi


Otto Gunther; renowned bodyguard and Mercenary

Kharlan NPC's

Masyaf Field Commander "Count" Cloimor


Imperial NPC's Duex



Hahaha, not so fast Criminal Scum, did you think I would give you hints to the next chapter?
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