Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Heavenly Virtues OOC/Sign-ups

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@JTJ The Phenom⭐™ I have no idea how this skipped my mind but I just realized I didn't collab any sort of relation with the guy my character is supposed to be "partners" with - -;; Do you have time right now or would you like to finish things (character sheets) up first?
Hm, not sure how to start my girl out in the IC tbh. There's no solid ground or an idea of what's going on lol
@JTJ The Phenom⭐™ I have no idea how this skipped my mind but I just realized I didn't collab any sort of relation with the guy my character is supposed to be "partners" with - -;; Do you have time right now or would you like to finish things (character sheets) up first?
XD I didn't even realize either. I am working on his cs tomorrow can talk then^^ lol. I forgot.
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Hm, not sure how to start my girl out in the IC tbh. There's no solid ground or an idea of what's going on lol
Probably best to wait for @YuriLucien to post up their bios since YC is being held captive or something?
Or maybe shoot them a PM discussing what your first post can entail/how they envision the start of this rp?
If you already haven't done so.

Also wondering if the others whom have reserved Sins/Virtues, yet have not kept up with this thread (or posted CSs) are still interested?
Not that all roles need to be filled to get the ball rolling, of course, but "the more the merrier". Could just be the holiday season in effect.
@Shayla @Quintessence You guys still game for this?

@ObsidianNyx We're working on it. My character can still go out and about; she just has bodyguards. I'm still trying to think of a post haha!
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" there is nothing better than the art of giving. "
the virtue embodiment of charity

Virtue: charity
True Name: raguel
True Age: as long as man existed
True Appearance:
possessing two forms as raguel, one resembling man's idea of angel and a white feathered bird most closely resembling to a dove. As an angel, raguel possesses an androgynous appearance and does not use neither gender pronouns. Long golden hair with the signature white feathered wings yet it's face remains a mystery- often left blurry or unclear leaving it up to a person's perspective.
Earth Name: holly manfredi
Earth Age: twenty-five
Occupation/Role: social worker
Earth Appearance:
reborn into a female, for sympathizing with their empathetic and compassionate nature. as holly, she has dark long tresses and dark brown eyes standing at the height 5'5" ft. originally, she had white porcelain skin however due to her work, she had gotten lightly tanner. she is usually dressed sloppily, though it is not noticeable holly has a kind of beauty that you appreciate only over time and when you look deeper but she has never been particularly vain and due to her personality and time with work- holly does not have time to take care of herself.


With a beautiful heart of gold, holly gives more and takes back less, if not at all. she is greatly empathetic to people's hearts and it does not take much to make her cry to someone's story, making her naive and easily tricked. she strongly believes in peace and equality- doing all that she can in order to uphold them. she drags people to her pace- dragging people with her whims either she is conscious of it or not. holly is hardworking and could be considered to be a role model citizen unless of matters concerning herself. she tends to be oblivious to herself, putting others first and herself second- unable to take care of herself and very indecisive when making independent decisions towards herself. she often ends up collapsing from exhaustion and would have died from hunger without her family looking out for her from time to time.

  • mind-reader
  • easily loved by living things
  • comes from a well-off family
  • resourceful
  • open-minded
  • pacifist nature
  • putting others first
  • oblivious concerning matters of self
  • accident-prone
  • extremely strong empathy
  • sweets
  • helping others
  • justice
  • equality
  • bitter food
  • inequality
  • injustice
  • cruelty

Preset Ability ; Extra Ability:
bleeding heart ; telepathy
bleeding heart, an ability to bless a target of her choice-may it be humans or other virtues in extreme conditions (has not been tested with sins as of the moment) with whatever of her choosing may it be to improve their wealth, fame, health, even speed or healing abilities. over years in time, as a raguel, man had been blessed from it over and over again- helping them perform supernatural feats such as saving a child from fire, carrying the weight of something thrice their size, bringing someone back from the brink of death. she has the ability to bless them, but it is also possible for her to take it back. it may last forever or it is possible to be a one time thing. there are requirements for holly to be able to use this power: the target of her choice must either be within her sight, or must know well enough in both personality and appearance; she must fully accept target and the purpose of the blessing.

telepathy, an ability to receive or transmit thoughts. a skill that she unconsciously develops with her strong empathetic nature, she has become sensitive with other people's thoughts and emotions until she has been able to read them. often, she tries to avoid using it as she believes it extremely rude and invades people privacy. therefore her ability to use it often happens unconsciously and while she can read people's mind at will, it is difficult for her to enforce her thoughts to others.

Main Ability: * * * *
Extra Ability: * *
Stamina: *
Endurance: * * *
Cleric || Necromancer: n / a

general skills:
  • multitasker
  • enhanced senses
  • adaptability
  • observation
  • jack of all trades ( she is able to them but to do it well, is the question )

History in the Heaven ; History on Earth:


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@euphoria Please check to see if it's ok with Quintessence that you take envy. They reserved envy first.
ohhh, i'll go for charity instead if otherwise reserved as well
Hey guys! I'll be finishing my CS tomorrow and will be write up my opening post! <3
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Sorry to say this, but I'll have to pass on actually getting into the games. Sucks because I made a character and everything, but I need to learn how to manage my rps better and since I just opened one up, it's better for me to drop than not know whether I'll be able to fully dedicate myself to this rp or not. :(
Sorry to say this, but I'll have to pass on actually getting into the games. Sucks because I made a character and everything, but I need to learn how to manage my rps better and since I just opened one up, it's better for me to drop than not know whether I'll be able to fully dedicate myself to this rp or not. :(
CO-GM, WHY??? *falls onto knees* No, I know it can be hard. You don't have to post everyday. Even a few times a week is fine. :3 Would that work better for you? #weloveyou
Loss of a GM aside, how is everyone else feeling about this roleplay as of now?

Since so far things appear to be unraveling a bit. I'm attempting to remain optimistic, but in truth tend to not place much faith in group rps for such reasons, so I am now on the fence.

Just being honest.
Loss of a GM aside, how is everyone else feeling about this roleplay as of now?

Since so far things appear to be unraveling a bit. I'm attempting to remain optimistic, but in truth tend to not place much faith in group rps for such reasons, so I am now on the fence.

Just being honest.
I will making my opening post today. :3 I'd like to still see this rp through.
Humility's post is up and I'll get his CS up soon! It's on my other computer. XD
Loss of a GM aside, how is everyone else feeling about this roleplay as of now?

Since so far things appear to be unraveling a bit. I'm attempting to remain optimistic, but in truth tend to not place much faith in group rps for such reasons, so I am now on the fence.

Just being honest.
I'm feeling good about it. We've still got people actively posting on the OOC and the IC is getting started. I think we can get this one going!
By the way, I noticed that I neglected to provide a history on Temperance himself. Allow me to remedy that.

Temperance was always, as his title suggests, a very restrained entity. He rarely ever interacted with the other virtues, let alone humans. What little he did interact with the world was nothing more than a quick (albeit thorough, lest Humility gets after him about it) sweep of the planet for issues, before returning to the cosmos. He didn't dislike the other virtues, or humanity, for that matter, he just wasn't very keen on being social. In recent years, however, he began paying more and more attention to a certain city, ripe with conflict and... well, sin. So, reluctantly, he began the possession process on a cleric he found within the city, only to find the end of a pistol in his face when he opened his eyes, a terrified woman to his right. Stopping time, he disarmed all of the black-clad men around him, removed the woman from the area, and left as time resumed, wondering what was next.
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True Name: Luscendance

Earth Name: Flint Lockhaurte

True Appearance:

Earth Appearance:

True Age: Has existed since the creation of the universe

Earth Age: 23

Personality: Quiet, Intelligent, Shy, Sarcastic, and Compassionate

History in the Heavens: Originally the one to decide whether a mortal soul that has passed on was worthy of being accepted into the heavens

Earth History: Patience being reborn into a family with deep faith ended up going to church often befriending another child who is now a priest. His current family is also very compassionate which filled him with much joy.

Strenghts: Master of all martial arts
Plane walker(Shift into other planes of existence-10 seconds max)
Blue Light Special(5 meter radial flash that disrupts the balance of foes for 10 minutes. Can only be used once a day)

Weaknesses: Pacifist, Imsomniac, Easily Distracted, Arachnophobia, and Terrible Liar

Likes: Cooking, Helping others, Fluffies(Animals), Scifi, and comics

Dislikes: Hurting others, Impatient people(haha lame joke), people eating his food, and uncleaniness

Preset ability: Void Eruption

Extra Ability: Chaotic Mind Warp (illusionary power of divine level that creates realistic yet harmless environments)

General skills:
Marksman (Tranquilizer Darts only)
Tranquility (Calm under any situation unless spiders are involved)
5 Star Chef
Medical Expert

Childhood friends with the priest
(Insert others here/lemme know if you would to include a relation to Patience)

Chemist(home made medicine)

Just something to start off my CS. Will update more and make changes here and there.
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