Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Heavenly Virtues OOC/Sign-ups

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Sloth is kinda done, but in need of fine tuning.
Wanted him out of my head before IC creation tomorrow.

~ Happy Holidays to everyone ~
Merry Christmas from Florida! :)
Merry Christmas from the Great Plains! Allow me to honor you with the song of my people.
Very late or really early (ugh time zones) but

everyone :)

And on another note I was wondering if any of the sins want to get together for some character relationship bonding//plotting? I imagine they've each known each other for quite a while (or have run into each other A LOT) so their bound to have some history together.

If anyone's interested in doing that feel free to hit me up with a PM ^^ (Future ref my sin is greed)
Is it required to post reservations?
Nah, I shoved in my character after working on it on google docs so post reservations aren't required (you can reserve roles and virtue//sins though)
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Nah, I shoved in my character after working on it on google docs so post reservations aren't required (you can reserve roles and virtue//sins though)
Alright, cause i have my sheet up on page 3 or 4 and claimed on interest check, just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything.
Very late or really early (ugh time zones) but

everyone :)

And on another note I was wondering if any of the sins want to get together for some character relationship bonding//plotting? I imagine they've each known each other for quite a while (or have run into each other A LOT) so their bound to have some history together.

If anyone's interested in doing that feel free to hit me up with a PM ^^ (Future ref my sin is greed)
Merry Christmas to you as well

I'm up for Sin relationships, yet after reading Greed doesn't like boring people
I figured he'd hate Sloth/wouldn't like him. Sloth isn't very personable, and keeps to himself mostly. xD
@Dante the Unforgiven Will you still be making Pride a politician? If so, could Humility be his manager? :3 I'm putting Humility into SUPER awkward roles for when he possesses the bomb-shell Cleric who'd been leading quite the corrupt life. XD

@Isomia.n There plenty of fun roles! You could be Gang Leader's right-hand person, you could a rising/rivaling super criminal, you an under-cover cop... ;3

And update!

@circe @HangeZoe @Dante the Unforgiven @Explodinator @ObsidianNyx @Isomia.n @Crimson smile @JTJ The Phenom⭐™ @Shayla @Blanidos

NPCs, Friends, Undead (that necromancers have resurrected), Blessed Humans, etc - You guys have permission to create any and as many of these you like/need. There is no limit. If the character is going to be frequent, a small CS would be great so we know what they look like, how they act, what role they have, etc. XD

Claimed and Unclaimed Characters - I will be claiming Humility, Gang Leader and the Priest. Charity and Patience are open. My friend who was going to play Patience has decided on a different role. He'll be playing a friend of the Priest instead.

Merry Christmas, my heavenly and sinful friends. ;3
@Isomia.n There plenty of fun roles! You could be Gang Leader's right-hand person, you could a rising/rivaling super criminal, you an under-cover cop... ;3
Ah I claimed a role way back in the interest thread for the "Right hand sin" for the detective. If it isn't open anymore I can just settle for being a quirky psychologist in the police station ^^
Ah I claimed a role way back in the interest thread for the "Right hand sin" for the detective. If it isn't open anymore I can just settle for being a quirky psychologist in the police station ^^

You claimed it hon. No one else has it. :)
Virtue: Chastity
True Name: Sybil
Earth Name: Daniella Cabrera

True Age: 1,762 years
Earth Age: 32 years
Rebirth or Possession?: Rebirth
True Appearance: Female Angel

Occupation: Prisoner of Underground Gang
Personality: Her silver tongue is bait and she is swift to call anyone out on a fault. Daniella feels that your mind rules over your heart. She is a calm and collected person, but her demeanor often leads people to believe she is a standoffish individual. This is farther from the truth. Daniella can make and create good conversation, so long as the person holds her interest. She is not interested, however, in any romantic or sexual relations.
History: TBD

Strengths: Analytical reasoning, Think on Her Feet, Use Diplomacy
Weaknesses: Attention to detail, Teach and Train, Handle many tasks at Once
Likes: Solitude, Indian Curry, Reading Historical Accounts
Dislikes: Drug paraphernalia, Backstabbing, Thunderstorms
General Skills: High Physical Fitness, Observation, Pickpocket, Ethical Leadership, Charm

Preset Ability: Mind of Truth
Extra Ability: Telekinesis

Detective (Alive, Ex-Boyfriend)
Pride (Alive, Enemy)
Greed (Alive, Familiar with)
Gang Leader (Alive, Enemy)

Other: None
You claimed it hon. No one else has it. :)
Ohhh I thought it was cancelled recalled? Seriously forgot the word because it wasn't on my role & occupation thing. Thanks for clearing it up though.

ALSO I updated my chara profile with a relationship tidbit with your character @circe feel free to check out; feedback greatly appreciated.

@YuriLucien May have changed a few things in the personality as well but nothing major just added words and actually coherent sentences.
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What do we put down? Where is everyone at?
@Dante the Unforgiven Will you still be making Pride a politician? If so, could Humility be his manager? :3 I'm putting Humility into SUPER awkward roles for when he possesses the bomb-shell Cleric who'd been leading quite the corrupt life. XD

I'm still deciding. Ill get back to you
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