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Forever Bound to Him
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Advanced
  6. Prestige
  7. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Romance , Heated , Modern , Historical , Fantasy , Fandom , Flexible to any kinds
Long ago, a lethal virus spread across the world, wiping out most of humanity and setting the world in ruins; only children under the age of 13 would be able to survive, they said. A new age was born. Vampires, demons and angels were no longer only story characters. With humanity almost going extinct vampires took this chance to enslave the human race, feeding off of them with the excuse of providing them protection from the monsters that roamed around the now ruined world. But not everyone was captured. A group of humans called in the help of demons and angels to fight back and take the world back as their own. Now , the battle between the un-dead and living will commence and in the end only the strongest will survive.. And yet..

Who is truly the most wicked in these games of war? Will they be the ones to Rise or Fall?


Within the silence of the hallowed halls of the Vampire Realm as everywhere held empty and with great silence. For all had been gathered to draw forth to the great throne of their people as darkness held to the dimly lit space as Nobles held in huddles within their seating with audible whispers as the said speaker vividly described what action and persistence needed to be taken against the humans. From behind the speaker , Queen Valarian held to her throne with a growing smirk held tinted to her lips as she knew all to well that these words were falling upon deaf ears.. Leaving little to no want to heed the words spoken as they truly didn't find the situation to be serious. Humans to all nobles had been seen as mere livestock that they could easily crush and yet.. That was far from the truth itself. With an irritated sigh , she rose from her stationed seat upon the throne and cast a look to her guards as they drew in behind the speaker and led them away as they gaffed at the approach of what was done. Valarian stepped around the unraveling scene as all the Nobles came to instantly silence in the space of the room whilst her look parted over the gathered throngs of individuals as she spoke calmly and unmoved."

My Subjects... It would seem that you all have begun to underestimate the abilities of our enemies. It is true , they are mere livestock but... They are livestock with the intent to defy those who are held superior over them. They have killed vast amounts of our kind.. Dabbled in Dark Arts forbidden to be held by their race and yet , all of you held here mocking the notion. If this careless behavior proceeds to be.. I can ensure you will lead to our fall. That is why , I will make matters simple in the orders I will proceed to give tonight. We are going to war with the humans.. We will remind them of how little they are to us.. That they are but cattle to be harvested from. In us , they will learn of true suffering and pain and will cease to undermine us. Our kind will be the triumphant." She said firmly as vast echoes of cheers and praise rang clear within the space of the room as her paled crimson eyes glowed in pure delight to the events that were to come and unfold.

In that moment , she turned upon the heel of her boot as her crimson cloak flurried behind her with the steps she took as her guards came to surround her as she spoke to the head of them with eased quietness in that moment."Send word to Lucien and Satia at their current locations and enlighten them to the current events and that I wish for both to begin their journey's to the front lines of defense. Give them the order that their Queen wishes for their killing to commence. Leave no stone unturned.. I sense both will meet great opposition in the days to come." Valarian finished as he bowed his head and dismissed himself from her presence as they proceeded their trail to her private quarters and above all.. To set in motion her pieces for war.


"You question why we are doing this aren't you Lieutenant Colonel Takimuto?" General Aiso asked standing straight and attentive at his side as the both looked down from the observer deck window. Eyeing down something only known to them and those down below. Hearing the sounds of painful cries and screams of agony mixed with maniacal laughter. "No General." LTC Atsuya spoke as he somewhat forced his gaze down at what was being held below. His nerves on this matter not as steeled as the General. Mild conflict stored within him under the consistant militaristic discipline he had been gifted with over the years. "I am simply....adjusting to what needs to be done for us to ensure victory against our enemy. We have traveled and grown thus far due to the sacrifices of others and only through that will we survive these terrible calamities."

"Well said Colonel. You have done your job well and I nor any of the others in high command have any reason to doubt your resolve. Which is why you even stand where you do today. You know what we fight for and have the discipline to take, understand, and follow difficult orders. Keep it up and you can be a general in just a few more years. But...besides showing you this. I have some concerns to bring up to you. That new team of yours... Team Talon. It has a mix of concern. Specialist Midorikawa holds minor mental concerns but mainly inexperience and illogical aptitude. PFC Suzuma had severe depression and suicidal tendencies at one point in his life." Aiso went on before Atsuya turned his gaze to the General stopping him before he went on. "Yes Colonel?"

"I only wanted to clarify that both of them have showed great potential and combat prowess despite their records and Private Suzuma was brought in by myself and has since passed his psych evals with ease. Both are dedicated and read soldiers. Neither will be any concern." He said confidently before the General smirked and continued. "Yes...I see...and you would not allow just anyone in the Moon Demon Company now would you. I am merely voicing the mix of them into....well...two others I have actual concern for... PFC Hawthorne has OCD and Emotional difficulties....while I can appreciate that last trait in most cases it can be a cause for concern especially considering she shot through one of her own allies to secure a kill. She can be seen as either a wildcard or a deadly weapon depending on how you and her other superiors wield her. Which leads me to.."

"My brother." Atsuya spoke in frustration before recovering him composition. "Forgive me sir."

"No no. You are quite alright.. But yes. He has been an excellent soldier but I have noticed he holds some defiant tendencies. His mistakes have been overlooked as his missions have still resulted in success but when it comes to your orders or others he finds to be incorrect or not optimal he decides to take his own way. As an officer that can be dangerous...But I am very confident in you Takimuto. I would hate to see you act too ambitious with this mix of new soldiers....as well as one of our own. Their Squad Leader. Need I say more?" Aiso asked before giving a soft chuckle and guiding the Colonel out by the shoulder. "Get your men ready for their missions. I will need them ready in the months to come. Soon enough we will be ready to hit the vampires where it hurts....start causing some serious damage.

Leaving the building and stepping out a few steps from the door behind him Atsuya stopped and sighed not needing to look over his shoulder. "They toss you another treat for your obedience Sir? I know you can't tell me...nor would you. But there are times leaders need to stand up and not obey blindly." Kazuko said boldly as he approached the Colonel stopping directly in front of him. "Lieutenant..." Atsuya warned. "You are stepping over a few lines I would warn you not to cross. You need to behave more like the rank afforded to you. You have not earned not reached the ability to understand exactly the full burden's and officer and commander needs to undertake."

Kazuko only narrowed his gaze at his older brother's words and Atsuya looked down emotionless at him. "Kazuko.." He began before they began to fall into another heated argument which within a few moments led them into a training field not longer after. Weapons already drawn. By the end of which Kazuko's bow laid on the ground tossed away as both soldiers were catching their breath decently exhausted. Kazuko's body was sore but uninjured and his gaze bore darkly and with undying spirit across the field at his brother who held a cut across his cheek but otherwise Atsuya only chuckled. "Looks like you are improving....and look...I even got you to use your weapon like you are supposed to Kazuko.." He said to which Kazuko spat on the ground and slowly sheared his crimson black blade as the dark shadow flames around it sealed back into it's sheath along with it before he turned without a word to retrieve his bow. "I only use it on those that actually need me to take the effort.....or people that really piss me off. Sir.." He said taking his stance to leave the arena to head towards his team. Only looking back to say one last thing.

"There may be more things I need to learn...but you still have yet to decide for yourself if you are going to treat me as your brother...or as your subordinate. Until then Colonel. Focus on your team and command...and get off of my back."

Before another word could be blurted or spoken between the pair , the main entry door's began to chime loudly in alert to the entering of other members as the pair seemingly parted and straightened there attire to the point it would appear little to nothing had occurred. Itsurei came to enter the space of the room with the rest of Atsuya's team held behind her as she beamed a warm smile back to the group in a light hearted mood as her look instantly struck back to Kazuko with a knowing frown. She knew him well enough to know he never showed up for these things early and only did when he knew he'd be able to get a jab in against his brother.. If she were honest , both men drove her insane for vastly different reason and yet both held a contributing trait to them that she often found irritable dislike in. Their stubborn pride. With a low bore sigh , she gave Kazuko a knowing look of warning that they would speak later whilst the rest of Atsuya's gathered around him with broadened grins and talk to their fearless leader as Itsurei faced Kazuko with a firm look and her hands now held at her hips."You'll be the reason I go insane , do you understand that? I swear.. For once could you show up to these things early without having a constant fight with your brother? I'd like to have my second in command back in one piece if possible.. Unless you get knocked on the head and gain some more sense then try to refrain , Tiger.." She stated with calm play to him as both knew they'd have to wait for the remainder of their team to arrive as Commanding Officer , Labana called out to them with a bob of her blonde head."Keep held tight here , Kids.. Just need the rest of your team to arrive and then we can begin the briefing!" She beamed with an undoubtedly scary and yet peppy smile marked to her lips as Itsurei happily kept standing besides Kazuko in hopes they'd arrive soon. God knows , even as Team Leader that keeping Team Talon focused and on time was harder then anything she usually had to deal with.

Tsubaki awoke with a start as she realized she needed to be at the training grounds. Today was the day that she would meet members of a team that she was being set up with. Oh, she absolutely could not wait! She probably didn't know any of them, but it would still be a very exciting and very stimulating experience! She was sure of it!

As she fully awoke and put on her uniform, she felt invigorated. Today was the day she'd get to show off her skills and be the best in the team (With the exception of the commanding officer and probably the most senior member as well)! Tsubaki looked in a mirror that she kept under her pillow and grabbed her special gunblades. She held them up to her face and rubbed the side of the knife on her face, feeling the coolness of the metal. "Mmm~ There really is nothing better than the feeling of cold metal on your hot body after a nice shower~"

Tsubaki was practically rubbing her gunblade on her face all the while she walked to the training grounds, practically purring as the metal moved across her cheek. Oh, she hoped no one else would see! Oh how embarrassing it would be to be caught rubbing her special gunblades across her face! Oh the embarrassment, but oh the pleasure~

Before arriving at the training grounds, she could hear a commotion coming from inside them. She observed the people inside as her commanding officer and someone she had not met before. She had only seen and heard her commanding officer once in a completely unrelated area, but Tsubaki did not forget them. After all, Tsubaki was a pro when it came to information retrieval and reconnaisance, so memorizing people and their voices was one thing she needed to be amazing at.

As she walked into the room, she practically had a skip in her step. Approaching the two already in there, she leaned forward a bit to introduce herself. "Specialist Tsubaki Midorikawa, reporting for duty." She lifted herself back up and gave a cutesy salute with one leg up, almost as if she was doing a dance move.
Golden Eyes
Arashi Makoto


Ugh. No sleep. She rubbed her hands over her face, glaring out into her room. Makoto was sitting up in her bed with her back against the corner of the wall. There was no winning. If she slept? Her dreams become nightmares, plagued by Kamiko's constant taunting. If she didn't sleep? She was tired until she could sleep again. Most of the time she'd even choose to deal with Kamiko, if only she could just sleep.

Mouth twisting in an unhappy frown, she reached over to switch off her alarm before it could even start beeping. "No use worrying about it now," she murmured to herself. "There's a briefing today."


Showered, dressed, and recently fed, Makoto was back to her usual cheerful self. She was doing her usual teasing of her teammates as they made their way to the training grounds. Seeing the LTC and his brother gave her a brief pause, brow furrowing. Deciding it wasn't worth bothering about at the moment, she glanced at the kid introducing herself.

"Specialist Midorikawa, huh?" She heard Labana speak, but most of her focus was turning to Eisen. "It's either a true mission or we're babysitting," was her prediction. Her fingers drummed against the cursed gear on her left side.

Her arrival into the battlefield was punctuated by an explosive boom that reverberated across the battlefield, an eruption of cheers and applause breaking out across the Vampiric forces as Satia burst across the front lines, engaging the human resistance alone. With her Naginata in hand the weapon spat red from it's blade as the weapon arced to cut a bloody swath through the human defenses, paving the way for the rest of her forces to bleed through and break the resolve of their opposition. Of course the humans attempted to withdraw and rally for a counter push but Satia had already planned ahead, attacking with a second battalion from the south. The humans perished within hours and those who survived and surrendered were rounded up to be taken to nearby prison camps where they would be relocated into blood farms. It was just one of many victories for Satia that would follow before the humans sought a deal with the Demons which halted their advance, conflicts turning from massacres into lengthy confrontations.

It mattered not for the cunning Progenitor as for her it meant only a few extra details in planning, but of course their forces had to withdrew to assess the situation and many meetings followed within the council to discuss the next step in dealing with the human confrontation over the next few months. It wasn't until she received word from their ruler herself that Satia was instructed to once again proceed with the war, which of course she was obligated to oblige. The messenger that brought her the order was one of the royal guard and Satia's blood red eyes observed him carefully as he stood neatly, awaiting orders while she looked down and read the message written within a letter wrote personally by her majesty. "I see" she eventually spoke, causing the guard to straighten himself visibly. "Ma'am?" he replied, receiving a some what amused expression from Satia who stood from her seat behind the desk in her study. "Inform her majesty that I will proceed as ordered, that'll be all" she said, the guard giving a bow of his head before turning promptly to leave.

Once the guard left her presence the vampiress turned towards the window that looked out over her estate, the location given to her under her status as a Progenitor. A small sigh escaped her as she closed her eyes and considered what would follow in the coming months ahead, more battles and the continuation of war. "When will it end..." she muttered to herself, having long ago come to the conclusion that perhaps winning the war wouldn't be as fruitful long term as they would like to believe. Satia of course had always had a mind for strategy but it fell far beyond the mere confines of war alone, there was a much bigger picture and Satia often wondered what the end of this war would mean for whomever was left standing. Had things been different, had the leaders of each race had the foresight to seek coexistence in favor of war, perhaps so many lives would have been saved from the fighting. But hindsight was never something which could be considered useful and not in times like these.
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A warm shower was what Hector needed before he could start his day, that, and his cigarettes of course. He would be meeting his the rest of Team Talon today and had no intention of smelling like crap if he could avoid it. He reached his hand out to the shower handle and turned it to the side to stop water from running. He shacked the water out of his black hair as he stepped out the shower and looked at himself in the mirror that was directly across. He raised his neck and looked at the scars left behind from his botched suicide and smiled. "Tsk, guess I'll be living with these for many more years to come." He said to himself in the mirror. "Well better go meet this team of mine, hope they aren't a bunch assholes and idiots." He cracked his neck and grabbed the towel nearby off the sink.

Hector had dried off, dressed and was making his way to the training field to receive the first briefing with his team. He was sporting the standard uniform issued to most soldiers of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army. On his side, he carried Padre, his trusty .44 that even Vampire knew to fear if they weren't stupid. On his face was a pair of black rim glasses with two spares stashed in his coat pocket along with his smokes and lighter. Strapped to his back was his Cursed Gear, a spear with the demon Barairo sealed inside. Hector had some trust in his demon, Barairo was always upfront with Hector, and always told him the cost of power if he even decided to give himself over.

He reached the training ground and saw a few people already present, good, Hector hated waiting if he didn't have too. It was best makes a decent impression if he was to be working with these people. He stepped up next to Tsubaki and introduced himself to all within earshot. The only one who should know him was Colonel Atsuya, you know, the man who brought him one in the first place. "Hector Suzama, Private First Class, reporting for duty." he said calmly while adding some bass. He wasn't planning to bow like the girl beside him had, that was too much for him.

Hector was visually distinct from most soldiers, you could tell by looking at him he wasn't entirely Japanese. In truth, Hector was from Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. He thought of going home someday, but home is where the heart is, and that heart ceased beating the day the virus struck. It's not like cared much for what was there, his home was probably ransacked and destroyed anyway.
  • Love
Reactions: Dante

PFC- Lilith Hawthorne

Lilith had been awake for hours. Her intense need for everything to be in complete order didn't allow her to be one to sleep in. She had a strict routine that need to be followed properly before she would even leave her room. All hygienic's were handled first, followed by detailed cleaning of her room, and then preforming cleaning on her pistol, knife and lastly Levi's rifle. Once all that was finished she would retrieve her freshly pressed uniform, strap her handgun to her right thigh and her knife to the left. Before picking up her sniper rifle and securing it properly to her back.

With one final look over her room and to herself, Lilith gave a small nod of approval before she left her room. The walk to the training grounds was a simple one, Lilith wasn't one to bother with unnecessary socializing. So getting to her destination was normally not a problem for her. Now Lilith's punctuality was always up for debate. Some would say she had an habit of being late but Lilith's simple response was that precision takes time. Time that she wasn't willing to rush for anyone.

Upon entering the training ground Lilith took notice that she was once again the last to arrive of her team. Making her way over to her team Lilith's amber eyes glanced around. Quickly noting the number of people, as well as all access and exit points. Once her observation was made and mentally stored she looked over to her new team. "Private First Class, Lilith Hawthorne." She stated simply. Her eyes carefully flicked over each member taking notes of anything she deemed necessary.
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Having been up a majority of the night Eisen found himself hanging from the ceiling with one arm. Blades stabbed into the concrete he left a noticeable imprint on where he scaled up and down to fix the small generator affixed to the roof. Wiping the sweat off his face he felt like someone who in the old world would scale poles to hook up power lines. But, he didn't need to worry about being electrocuted, he was always charged. Sliding off the gauntlet on his right hand he shoved it into place within the machine.

Reaching down and into a bag slung around his body he pulled out a bottle of WD40. Shaking it up and sprayed it into the joint holding a cog to the base of the machine. Moving it around several times he was sure to work the substance in. Once he was pleased with how smooth it moved he pulled the gauntlet out causing the machine to shutter. Pursing his lips he let out an annoyed grumble. Gauntlet reforming on his hand he placed the palm of that hand against the generator.

Giving it a massive jolt it started up as if kicked in the ass by him. Watching the gears moving within the casing of the generator he closed the panel before climbing his way back down. Touching down he adjusted the bag before beginning to walk down the corridor.


Appearing entirely disinterested with those gathered in front of them he seemed focused on what could only be described as a low rumbling noise. As if something somewhere was skipping, misfiring or.. the belt was loose. Shivering at the last thought he let out a sigh of relief as Makoto spoke. Yawning he stretched before looking over. "Huh?" He asked pouring through the background noise he heard over the last few minutes.

"Yeah, babysitting." He repeated almost as if he wasn't paying attention but was hellbent on not being rude. "Do you hear that?" He asked Makoto. He doubted it, it was a noise that he knew all too well but doubted anyone else gave a shit about. The mind blocks out things it finds irrelevant. "Sounds like something trying to force itself into our world." he spoke before beginning to laugh.​
Ray feeling energetic had gotten up a couple of hours early, read his astronomy book it's a gift from his sister and fairly old but to him it's something he can't throw away ironic for a guy that's meant to be cold and uncaring and all else that follows. He puts his book to the side then gets undress out of his pj, then puts on his dressing gown and slippers then heads to the shower.
Once in the bathroom he neatly took his slippers off by the mat and then took his dressing gown off and hanged it behind the door. He then adjust the shower then got in the shower, the temperature feels great on his skin it's like he was in heaven.

He gets his flexible cloth back washer and puts his special herbal awakening mix on it and rubs it together then Ray washed his face after a couple of minutes rinsed his face and neck, he then moved to the top of his back and his shoulders and slowly made his way down his body repeating the steps.
Before he forgets he changes over to a conditioner/anti dandruff and made sure to lavar it in properly, Ray left in for a few minutes before he washed it out.

Ray had turned off the shower and quickly used the big towel to dry off his body, he got out wiped his feet on the mat and put the big towel back neatly also makes sure there's no mess in the tub and seen as there is none quickly nods tro himself.

Ray went over to the sink and grabbed his medium sized towel and wrapped it around his head,then got his tooth brush and puts some toothpaste. He made sure he did the last steps of his morning routine and after the five minutes is up ray wash the brush in hot water then puts the items back in the rightful places . He headed into his room and grabbed his clean clothes, it isn't long before he is fully dressed.

He had done one last last check to make sure then he exited his room and locks the door, he didn't keep watch per say but being a speedy guy it didn't take him long to get to the briefing room he looks around and sense an odd mix of mood so for now he decides it's best not to say anything.

' i hope the mood doesn't rememain like this i had a great night sleep and i'm in a great mood' ' I'm curious to why team talon is here but it shouldn't be long before i find out'
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Sergeant Itsurei Hiragi ~ Commander of Team Talon

Itsurei held in a walk alongside that of team Viper as she kept her hands twisted in a twine behind her back as her paled orbs glowed in amusement as she listened to Labana chatter to those around her whilst Itsurei's sister , Namori dipped her head back on her shoulders to catch Itsurei's look in that as she spoke firmly to her."Well.. Are you ready for the briefing today , Kid? Can't promise you're going to like what is said or that your team will but it is your objective to ensure that they take it for what it is and go through obediently. Understood Itsurei?" She said firmly to all but have Itsurei clench her fists behind her back away from sight as she beamed a confident smile to her sister."Why of course , Sister. I know if I did anything different that the family would have my neck for it.. Now wouldn't they? I recall father's warnings well enough now if you will keep in mind. This part of my life is to remain unknown to my team as agreed , Correct?" She asked in finalized questioning whilst her sister spared her the single look of knowing as she nodded and Itsurei beamed a pleasant smile in reaction to her look as she proceeded ahead of her towards the great doors themselves as Namori pinned in the designated code with the rest of team Viper held there.

The main entry door's began to chime loudly in alert to the entrance of team Viper with Isturei at their side. Itsurei came to enter the space of the room with the rest of Atsuya's team held behind her as she beamed a warm smile back to the group in a light hearted mood as her look instantly struck back to Kazuko with a knowing frown. She knew him well enough to know he never showed up for these things early and only did when he knew he'd be able to get a jab in against his brother.. If she were honest , both men drove her insane for vastly different reason and yet both held a contributing trait to them that she often found irritable dislike in. Their stubborn pride. With a low bore sigh , she gave Kazuko a knowing look of warning that they would speak later whilst the rest of Atsuya's gathered around him with broadened grins and talk to their fearless leader as Itsurei faced Kazuko with a firm look and her hands now held at her hips."You'll be the reason I go insane , do you understand that? I swear.. For once could you show up to these things early without having a constant fight with your brother? I'd like to have my second in command back in one piece if possible.. Unless you get knocked on the head and gain some more sense then try to refrain , Tiger.." She stated with calm play to him in that allotted moment as she took that moment to jab him hard in his side as her look went to a sinister cold nature to him." Now , play nice or I'll have to challenge you to a battle and should we recall who was on the floor that last time when he decided to be stubborn and test my given kindness and underestimate my skill? There is a reason I am in charge , Mister" Isturei said as she beamed him a warm smile in turn.

Her attention soon drew away from him to the entering of their team as she beamed a happy smile to them and waved her hand over to them in the urge to join them as the seasoned team was in the corner prepping for the briefing to come. She gave Kazuko a slight tug to his uniform as he seemed to fall in step behind her as she neared that of Tsubaki , Hector and Lilith introducing themselves to the higher up as they bowed their heads in respect , whilst others held a more guarded demeanor and a few grinned and waved happily in greeting to them. Itsurei gave them a pleasant smile as the seasoned team turned their looks back to their work and she stepped up to her group."I trust you guys are ready for what lies ahead for today and all? I know you all have been left decently in the dark about this all and what I can say is that you all are finally going to finally see real war zone time. I'm not sure where to in the city but , I assume you all are ready for whatever their going to throw our way, Right?" She chimed in question to them as her paled crimson eyes fleeted over them as she felt Kazuko finally approaching behind her as team Viper readied to begin the meeting that would change their lives for good.
[fieldbox="Lucien Velmore, red, solid"]

The Progenitor sat in a sturdy wooden seat of the office space within the mansion he had taken residence within. Surprisingly enough the structure was still by all means intact even after the events of the last eight years. Lucien was not one to care for the details around the home but it served as a good enough outpost for him. He was not far from the more recent areas of conflict or one of the vampire dens should he need to get in contact with anyone of importance.

As he sat he was reading a book oddly enough to illustrate the sheer lack of excitement he had undergone as of late. Ever since his last engagement he had been held away from the battlefield. He was a noble so combat was not always dished out to him first even when he deserved it above all others! His last fight made him itch to test the cursed iron the humans have obtained further. It was a massacre....as always...then that squad showed up to drive him back and rescue to the few men still living. That soldier with the red hair and discolored eyes fought desperately and showed Lucien actual excitement for those few fleeting moments. It was odd and intriguing. The man did seem to understand the difference of their power yet held him off with all of his power. Has the vampire tried harder they both knew the outcome would have changed. But no. Let him return and grow stronger...bring forth an army of enemies able to stand against him. It was a near desperate dream of his.

Feeling a hand over his shoulder he turned his head up to Eralia and offered a pleasantly surprised but bored smile. "What is it my darling Rose?" he asked and of course was greeted with her gaze moving from his at the mention of the unique name he offered the vampiress that would cut even himself at times. Despite that he could still notice the hint of joy in her gaze at the names utterance no matter how well she tried to hide it from him.

"Lord Balor..." She said with a mixture of emotions that he would not pry at when it came to Balor in particular. "Wishes to speak with you sire.."

Lucien's gaze grew with interest but lacked any hope that this call would be anymore than a check up as he let her place the communicator in his palm. "Well well....what a pleasure." Lucien said setting down the book and lifting his feet up to rest on the mahogany desk before him as he leaned back ready to get this call over with.

"Must you always address me so informally Lucien..." Balor said with a sigh before an audible chuckle came from the line of his voice. "Let me get to the point...dear friend. Queen Valenia has made her decision. One I think you will find great contentment with. War is truly beginning to brew and you have been ordered to return to the frontlines. Lady Satia will be joining us there as well"

Lucien was already standing on his feet with a awaited smirk over his lips. O how the Queen knew how to excite him with such a simple command. "Has she now. I will be there soon then. With Satia and yourself there I expect to be at the heart of many engagements. Otherwise...I might get a bit cranky at this rate."

"Trust me. Your potential and power will be used to the fullest. I will personally assure that. Regardless...the Queen's message showed more than just orders. She has...concerns over the livestocks new toys. As absurd as that is I only bring to you her majesty's words." He said with something in the underlines of his tone. The man holding back but still screaming unspoken thoughts towards their Queen and her decisions. "I will see you soon. I know I can count on you..." He said with a heavy amount of pride and something else that Lucien cared not to notice.

Handing the device back to Eralia he sighed in a relaxing sense of calm as he moved over to the large glass observatory window that had a view of the crumbling city ahead. "Finally...." He said beginning to crack his knuckles. On the single crack of which burst open the glass ahead of him and knocked back everything in the room as if a tornado just moved past them all of a sudden. His two attendants standing at his side unfazed and expectant of such power by now. Sylvania giving a small clap to the display. The room now in ruins and the walls cracking and weakening from the force. "Let's move. At long last we can all have a bit of fun again.."

[fieldbox="1st LT Kazuko Takimuto, blue, solid"]


Still inwardly fuming from his brother he was satisfied enough with leaving a wound on his cheek. It was not much to anyone who would witness it. But between the brothers it meant all the much more. Besides...Atsuya would perhaps underestimate him much less next time. For now he would push aside his personal issues as his squad was lining up ahead and he looked to Itsurei with a small bladed smirk. "I keep out of the eyes of the Army when I decide to properly train. Not even the Hiragi's know" He said in a insincere tone as he had no doubt someone would always be watching him, especially early this morning when he was up before the sun. "I can handle myself" He warned and groaned at her jab as he stepped to the side from the 'playful' blow.

Hakuro slowly flamed into existence. Invisible to all but himself as he circled Itsurei slowly looking her over with an amusement twisted by his now dark demonic nature before he came to Kazuko's side and leaned his arm on his shoulder. "I rather enjoy her... she pressed your buttons even better than I. Perhaps you should have used me in your little bout...instead of being.." Kazuko began to speak to shut up the demon at his side from going further and acted as if nothing supernatural was going on to his right side.

"I did not provoke a challenge from you out of underestimation. I don't make mistakes like that. I did it out of curiosity and a few other things." He said before stepping to her side. "I do not desire to take over your authority. But...if you want to ever want to fight again you only need to ask. After All...I remember only using my bow during that fight. I hope you know that is not my actual weapon." He said before following her towards the troops. Inwardly cursing himself as a bit of Hakuro's arrogance had seeped into his words. The demon was all the more invasive after bouts with Atsuya...where Kazuko was at his most vulnerable to emotion. Put that on top of his lack of sleep and he knew he needed to head his own words better from here on in. "Lead on Sergeant." He said softer as they had now approached the team.

"Nice to meet you all, Midorikawa, Suzuma, Hawthorne. I am 1LT Takimuto. You can call me that, LT, Sir, Kazuko. Take your pick. We are all going to be better acquainted anyways in the time to come. I am the team's executive officer, the second in command to your commander" He said motioning to Itsurei and speaking in a formal and authoritative tone. "Staff Sergeant Itsurei (Her fake name). You are to follow our orders to the letter but she will be making most of the major decisions of this team. All in all you have been brought to this team for a variety of reasons but each of you will be held to a high standard that neither of us will tolerate you falling behind on. Your school life is over and every step ahead will be more taxing and difficult than the last. Understood?" He said awaiting their replies before looking to Itsurei again for her to go further on with their orders.

His thoughts on each of them on their files at least were mixed. One was saved personally by his brother. One was simply an oddball and the other was...somewhat concerning but he knew all to well as long as each of them were directed well a functional team could still be made. In the short time he had met with Itsurei he was still to witness how she would command. No matter the case he would be strict and demanding as any leader should be. He would not have a similar incident to his last team.​
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Tsubaki Midorikawa, Specialist, reported for duty, but was only given a simple greeting despite her effort to make room for more conversation. She huffed a little as the others gave plain introductions of themselves. This was no fun at all, listening to formal introductions and all. Tsubaki listened to her commander and the second-in-command make their appropriate comments to their small group. Excellent. It was all excellent. Super excellent. The most excellent gathering/briefing/first mission that she had ever been on. NOT.

Tsubaki grew a little impatient, wanting to get onto the battlefield as quickly as she possibly could, but she knew she couldn't defy her commanding officers... For now, anyway. "Well it's excellent to meet both of you, Commander Itsurei and First Lieutenant Takimuto~ It'll be a pleasure to work with you for such important missions I'm sure~"

Tsubaki then turned to her comrades and gave a sly smile. "Nice to meet both of you as well, Private First Class Hector and Private First Class Lilith~ I hope we can work together in a wonderful fashion~" Tsubaki then turned back to the Commander, not caring about the reactions of her comrades. "So when do we begin the briefing? Because I'm ready to get out there!" Tsubaki rubbed her gunblade against her cheek once more, exclaiming in ecstasy once more.
With Talon now assembled, their commander Sergeant Itsurei spoke to them. The Sergeant had one question for them, where they ready to enter the war zone? Hector thought this was an odd question, they wouldn't have came here today if that wasn't the case. If anyone was to chicken out at the last moment, then they were wasting their time from the moment they started training, no room for the weak on this team. "Of course we're ready Sergeant Itsurei, we're all out for vampire blood here." He responded speaking for everyone. What he said couldn't be wrong, prey hated their predator with an absolute passion.

Their second command 1LT Takimuto introduced himself. He was the younger sibling of Atsuya, better remember to show him some respect, his brother was a fantastic man, a real lifesaver. Kazuko asked them a question similar to Sergeant Itsurei, were they ready? School life was over and they wanted to be sure they had a full understanding of what they were getting into. Hector was confident in his power, intelligence, skill and more importantly his resolve, but he was also aware he could die or end up a vampire's meal. "Understood Lieutenant Takimuto. I have no intention of turning back. I think my cursed gear proves that." Was his reply while remaining respectful to him.

He then heard a female voice speak his name. He looked her way and noticed how quickly she looked away. "Formalities eh, I can't blame her, we barely know each other. Just remain polite Hector." He thought to himself before responding. "What's-" Hector then notice that Midorikawa was rubbing her face with her bladed guns. "I hope she cuts herself...deep." The rather bitter thought pooped into his head after seeing such carelessness. It was a tad bit of Hector dark side that manifested in humor as well "What's up, hope to do good work with you." He then turned to the other private on Talon. "Same goes for you too Lilith."

He then returned his attention to his commanding officers. "Would it alright with you two if I light up? A smoke helps mellows me out." He too wanted to get out to the war zone already, actual combat was what he's been craving for years now. Smoking always helped him chill out and recompose himself, he also was addicted, but he'd never admit it out loud. He was expecting a yes, he wanted a yes. He made sure to tell Atsuya to allow cigarettes at all times, write it off as a medical need or whatever.
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PFC- Lilith Hawthorne

Lilith watched quietly as the Sergeant questioned their readiness. While the Lieutenant informed them of what was expected of them. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes Lilith just continued to stay quiet. She might of been placed on a rookie team but Lilith was far from it. So to be questioned on being ready was slightly insulting and their expectations were the basics. So why even bother mentioning them? So far Lilith wasn't impressed with the start of this briefing. She would not voice her dissatisfaction though, since the terms of reinstatement clearly noted she need to interact better with this team then her last. And stating the pointlessness of her higher up actions normally never ended with anyone thanking her. People just can't take good criticism anymore.

So Lilith would just stay quiet and wait for the useless pleasantries to be over. Well that was the plan, before the other two members of the team started speaking. The young Specialist's overly hyper personality was bound to cause issues. Lilith's believed that those types of people tended to act without properly thinking things through properly which caused mistakes. Mistakes lead to failure and failure...well that wasn't an option for Lilith. Lilith was brought out of her thoughts when the specialist said her first name so casually.

She might of not held the same rank that she had once before but Lilith still believed that formality was a sign of respect. Plus using ones first name so freely was like a sign of friendliness and Lilith didn't plan to be friends with anyone here. It would only cause unnecessary problems that Lilith didn't plan to be a part of.
"It's Hawthorne."
Lilith stated. "Calling one by their first name so casually leads to the thought of fondness or friendship. Which our two things I have no intention of being a part of. They are useless traits that cloud one's judgment and performance. Plus getting attached is ridiculous since the probability of ones survival is low." Lilith announced calmly, as if she hadn't basically said 'you're most likely going to die so no need to get chummy'.

Lilith then turned her gaze from Tsubaki toward Hector. Hopes to do good work together? What type of statement was that?
"My work is always satisfactory. I would only expect to be placed with others of the same caliber as myself or else this will have been a waste of my time." Lilith responded before she then turn back towards her commanding officers. Yup, Lilith was definitely not impressed with this new team placement. She could only hope they were better on the battlefield. That or it wouldn't be long for her to be placed on another team once this one got themselves killed.
[fieldbox="GM POST, red, solid"]
Team Talon's second in command maintained his bearing despite the initial lack of proper response from his team. He would not complain, they had no time for any of that. He had no say in the assembled members and he knew each of the five members had their issues and the only way forward was to adapt, progress, and overcome. He had his concerns but he also could see potential in each of them. It was their mission as leaders to make the best of their skills come to light and burn a dent into the enemy faction.

Tsubaki showed a lack of discipline but through that she seemed to be a positive attachment to their team. One able to get along and communicate well with others and her skills with her gunblades of course have not gone unnoticed. Kazuko himself was wondering since he laid eyes on the weapons in the ceremony room who would be able to cull and claim such interesting offensive tools. Skills he could refine and Discipline would be earned through experience. As long as the job was done that was the main goal in the end.

Hector he had to keep an eye on as he was told specifically about his previous attempt on his life and possible lingering remaining trauma. The Lieutenant Colonel still had high hopes for the man and praised his prowess in combat. Seeming friendly and cooperative enough he was on the side of taking Atsuya's word on this. Giving a small nod to him and his weapon. "You taking up a cursed gear proves little to me Private Suzuma. But you will have your opportunity here soon enough to show us just what you are capable of." He said strongly before he asked about cigarettes of all things. Kazuko looked to Itsurei for a moment before returning his look to him. "Just stay polite with your proximity to others when you smoke and not a word will be said. I do hope you will be able to cope without the luxury though should we remain in the field without the chance for you to obtain more." He said before his gaze continued on.

He had been warned about Lilith. He had some concerns but like the rest he took them as they were and would let their actions decide their fates from here on in. About to move on Kazuko stopped and stepped in front of Lilith looking down seriously into her own cold orbs. "I will not ask you to enjoy the company of those here outside of your military duties. But I will make a needed correction to what you said immediately. The five of us are going to be a family. The most important kind considering if any of us fail we put the rest of our team in mortal danger. Fondness. Friendship. Simple words really but to treat them as foolish or useless is something I nor your commanding Sergeant will allow. I won't have a repeat incident of what brought you from your previous team either." He said whispering the last part for her ears alone before stepping back and folding his hands behind his back in the form of a parade rest. "Finally...if you think your chances of survival are low I would advise seeking to be removed from this team. This is for all three of you. Pleasantries and the like are dull but is something to kick off the bonds of trust we will all need to form with one another...I do not know what your impressions are or what you have discovered about myself or Staff Sergeant Itsurei and her team but our standards and expectations are higher than any of your previous commands. I will not accept failure, distrust, hesitation or overconfidence. If you have any complaints say them now before the briefing begins." Kazuko finished. Their work had not even begun...

*Ahh what a delightful group you have this time….I can't wait to see their fates..* Hakuro mused.

The room filled with the loud chatter of the younger team as team Viper watched with mingled expressions to them with different opinions held in a clouded sense to their looks. Some looked upon them as the new radiating hope for generations to come whilst the others believed they were careless teenagers that weren't going to last and would get themselves killed. Labana held near to that of Atsuya and Owarmi as she smiled soft between the pair and adjusted her tie light against the material of her uniform as she spoke in a low toned to the elder group."Now.. Now… Don't be looking upon them as if they are to be the downfall of our unit. They are still kids but above all.. They are kids who in this world have to have a little joy blossom in their lives. Let's give them that small chance that we were denied." She finished as one of her own unit scoffed and she shifted a cold gaze upon him instantly without hesitation."After all the shit these kids will be put through , I'd say they have earned the right to be given some faith. Am I understood?" She paused in question as the soldier nodded briefly and turned his gaze elsewhere whilst Labana beamed a warm smile to Atsuya."Care to knock out the introductions and welcome speech before I get into the details , Mister?" She said playfully to him in a way he had known all to well since their childhood as her arms folded behind her back as she met his gaze and left one to wonder why one like her held the rank she truly did.

Atsuya beamed a smile to his team now finally assembled once again. "Rise and shine to the lot of you." the LTC said as he crossed his arms and gave a genuine chuckle. "I would not tempt the storm of Colonel Hiragi. But shit is a occupational hazard is it not. Anyways...my speech right. I think the three of you can be spared from that today. As for your bit of guesswork it's a bit of a yes to both things. But I will let Major Satsumi have the fun of giving you more of the details." Their commander said scanning each of them over. Holding a lighter stance today with the knowledge of what lay ahead. "I swear Eisen..sometimes I wish you could learn from Ray and keep some of your oddness to yourself" He said purely teasing before snapping his finger and motioning over to the center of the room with his hand. "Anyways let's get this show on the road. Meet up with Team Talon and listen to the Major's briefing." He said before giving her a sarcastically sweet smile. "They are all yours. The floor awaits your boundless wisdom." He said following them from behind and going over a few details with the files he held in his hands as both teams would come more to the center of the room. He could practically feel his brother's gaze over him in a passing moment as he was surely not going to enjoy the bit of quality time the two teams were about to undergo together.

Labana smiled brightly to that of Atsuya in that moment as she beamed the same smile over her shoulder to the remainder of Team Viper as she would be joining their ranks for this round of fun. She thought silently to herself as she nodded to Atsuya as she snapped her fingers in memory of what she had been told as Labana met Atsuya's gaze."I forgot I was meant to pass on word about the said groups that were captured to you.I know I'm the last person you wanted to hear this from but , Mischa was among said ranks captured in the midst of the battle.. She was assigned by Kuromo to oversee that of the mission and her assigned team had been captured alongside her. Their tracking devices confirm such , I thought it would be best to keep this quiet due to Kazuko's attachment to your wife and including your own.. Don't let your heart get in the way of your mind in this mission." She warned lowly with a sympathetic look glazed to her features as she gave his shoulder a soft pat before departing to the center of the room where Talon had gathered their ranks and now had found their seats with the remainder of Viper. Labana came to walk behind the large table with Atsuya held behind as the information she provided had finally found his gaze in the next file report where Mischa's name laid in bold print beside that of her picture and information. She knew he would never show the worry but , it didn't take her much to know it was there as she focused to those ahead of her and cleared her throat."At fifteen hundred hours two days ago on the outskirts of Hokkaido. Team Ranger and Silver-Fang had been personally assigned a mission in which they were to infiltrate a Vampire Den rumored to be held to the underground basis of the abandoned train stations. It was there they were to free and escort a mass hostage situation of humans being held there as personal livestock that would be then transferred to the main vampire city. We had been held under the knowledge that this mission would be a simple task for both teams and the skill levels that both carried.. Our last contact with the teams was held in this voice recording and for those of you whom hold friend's in these teams.. Do not let this cloud your mind or throw you into the depths of your emotions." She said softly as she clicked the small remote in her hand to play the message.

Loud crackling noises began to echo as several sounds of gunfire mingled with the loud cries of commands being thrown echoed. Grunts and the sounds of bodies collapsing held to their hearing as a single piercing scream could be noted until cut silent with a gurgle followed by a thump. Suddenly , a female voice came to enter the mic itself."Come In..This is Acting Commander Mischa Takimuto.. Our teams are being overrun.. We encountered and eliminated the vast amount of their lower ranks only to be divided and encounter several high ranking nobles.. I.. I don't know how many are dead but , send help or leave us behi-." The voice quickly ended only to hear Mischa curse in Russian as the resounding call for her demon rang in the mic to all but hear several thuds and the mic go completely silent.

Labana kept her emotions masked as she clicked the button again and images of the members came to scatter across the large screen with the commanding officers held to the center and that of Mischa to the top of the screen as tension could be felt among several in the room. With another click of the button , several slightly blurred and clear images scattered to the screen to reveal the vampire nobles that had been encountered as Labana spoke."
From our current intel and last information sent by commanding officer and former major Mischa Takimuto. Within this last intel the names of these vampire nobles arose. Lucien , Satia , Eralia , Sylvania and Tomen. It would seem that these five were being held there for precautionary security that had been unknown to us. All of those that have been listed are of Red Rank which all of you know to be High Grade Level Threats. These are Nobles that are not simple kills or those that you can easily engage without our aid. On this rescue mission there is no doubt in our mind that you will be encountering these monsters so remain on your highest guard to the situation. The mission stands to be the same. Save the hostages and free the humans that they are keeping for livestock. At all costs , avoid engaging with these Nobles because they are the reason these teams didn't make it back. Everyone is to be ready within the hour and prepped to meet at the vehicles to begin the mission immediately without argument. The lives of all in this matter rest in the hands of Viper and Talon and failure is not acceptable. Save as many as you can and if all cannot be saved than move forward with those you have successfully set free. There is no doubt in my mind that they have locked the minor soldiers away with that of the human hostages and that the commanding officers will be held in their torture areas to gain information. Now , gather what supplies you need and head to the vehicles for immediate departure. Team Viper and Talon will be assigned for this mission. You're dismissed soldiers." She ended firmly as all gave firm nods and everyone seemingly began to scatter as she turned her look on Atsuya as he stared at Mischa's picture on the screen as he seemed distant in that moment."Atsuya.. You and I both know Kuromo sent her on purpose to lash out at you.. You also know that if this is a life and death situation that you must be prepared for the notion that Mischa is the kind of person who will die to protect and keep whatever intel she has under wraps. I know she is yours and Kazuko's weakness but… You need to be prepared for the worst outcome in this even with the knowing that she is one of the best in the company." Labana said lowly to him as she watched his team disperse to ready their things and depart to their vehicles.

Atsuya held a loosening grip to the file in his hand with his gaze locked to the screen. Almost to show weakness. The entire reason his wife was pulled away from all of this was to be kept safe and not put such a high ranking officer in this distress or worse leave their children without a mother. Out of the corner of his gaze he could see rage….pure rage in the eyes of Kazuko. His younger brother had warned him of just this sort of action but still. "I will...be fine and do what is needed to return her and the others. For now Colonel Kuromo…." He stopped himself and shook his head. He could not voice such things out loud. Especially around or to any Hiragi. He would talk to Kazuko if he would allow it after this...he had to save her. The LTC had not quite prepared himself to the reality of losing her.

As the teams would depart to the vehicles Kazuko held a fierce aura of determination as Hakuro sat on the hood of the vehicle to his eyes alone with a growing smirk. *Finally….looks like you and I will get to enjoy ourselves a bit together..* The demon said as the red demon blade burned a black and blue flame inside of its sheath.

Waving the comment away Eisen enjoyed his sense of oddity. It was what made him, well who he was. Standing silent for the next while he seemed to focus in on the noise. Pondering where it was coming from he didn't hear a damn thing being said in the briefing. Well, he picked up what he felt was important but was blissfully unaware of all the chatting between them all. Standing like an idiot he finally snapped out of his concentration. Seeing every shifting he heard that they were being dismissed. Taking that opportunity to figure out where it was coming from he finally broke away from the group.

For the next while Eisen was missing in action. While not one to hold anyone up he seemed to be focused on the noise. Finally reappearing by the cars he began to scratch the side of his face with his talons. While this would normally attract attention, he did this so often and never cut himself that his team would likely pass it off as nothing. Taking his claws off he set them into the vehicle before stretching. He felt like passing out in the back for a time. Glancing at them all he nonchalantly climbed onto the back and sprawled out. Leaving the seats free for his team mates he seemed more than comfortable riding in the back.

"If something happens... well I don't think I will fall asleep so nevermind." Eisen spoke letting his head rest against the back of the car. Adjusting his positioning he grabbed one of his claws and shoved it under his head as something to buffer the bouncing of the car.​
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Ray attaches his weapons to the side of the jeep so he can quickly grab them up with the wire he face palmed himself as he sits in the back with his medical kit he always has on him and says" I get your sturdy and pretty fast but i still don't think it's the best idea in the world to be taking a nap right now one never known when they will be under attack, maybe it my uneasiness given the mixed team but I've always found it best to be prepared as possible". Ray pauses for a minute then says" I don't mean to seem rude but you seem more spacey today, should i give you something to re focus your attention".

' ray's mind starts to remember his old team and he can't help but gently sigh as he forces the bad image out of his mind his demon' '
ray you should have more faith in your team you've been with them long enough to know they won't die so easy, and remember if
completely break down break down i'll take your soul and because i have no need for a weak master'. Ray inwardly grins and says back and says back to roana it's times like this when i need to practice what i preach i didn't live though that hell to be taken over so easy, and as bitchy and blunt as that was it's a reminder that i have to remain strong so i can keep living, but i got say this time is well kinda awkward to say the least'. ' then again most things worth while in this world take time that's something my sister used to say before that day'. ' i'm going to save humanity even if means i'm called a traitor because i'm tired of losing what's dear to me even though i don't openly show it'.

' Rona gently chuckles and says' you got me there but i'm glad your my master, i don't think i'd deal well with mrs emo and the air head and mr i'm so important because of my rank, i could also sense that things in that room where becoming a bore fest so i'm happy to be finally doing something productive'. ' also that girl lillth has some serious damage and her people skills suck i wonder what the cause of her issues are on second thoughts it doesn't matter most times you won't be around her'.

' the others seem alight good kids i just hope they don't die thinking about combat and combat it's self are two very different things, i just hope that they make it so they can help from inside the walls just as you are'.
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Watchin' Our Every Move
Arashi Makoto


What she assumed was the rest of the other team trickled in, her gaze sharpening on the blonde who entered last. Her attention returned to Eisen as he responded. She tilted her head and tried to hear what he mentioned, but Labana spoke to them then. Her words brought an amused smile on Makoto's face. Kids? No one who could remember before could be considered a kid. They did, however, deserve to feel safety among their team and their peers. She was the first laugh at Atsuya's non-attempt at a speech and easily moved to join with Team Talon for the briefing, finding herself beside PFC Hawthorne.

Makoto blinked in shock at the recording. Her gaze darted towards Atsuya before she dragged it back to Labana. Beyond that, she kept her shock well-hidden; only those who knew her and were paying attention would see the way her left hand's grip turned white-knuckled on her belt.


Unusually, she found herself not the first one to be waiting around the vehicles. She had needed more time than expected to clear her mind and ready herself for the coming missions. Babysitting was the easy part. Usually, so could the rescue mission. Both together, however, on top of facing Red Ranks? Makoto was troubled and the lack of sleep was evident in how long it took her to find her usual mindset.

She arrived to see Eisen making himself comfortable and Ray's following admonition and question. If the short burst of laughter she let out sounded a little more strained than normal, no one but herself could tell. "Come on, Ray, don't be unkind. If Eisen needs the help, he'll ask for it," she said, removing her cape and tossing it to Eisen. The look she gave her friend dared him to contradict her. "Your claws are not comfortable enough for that." Makoto placed her bag with her spare grenades on her seat and leaned comfortably against the side of the car, ready to go when everyone else was.

Her voice when she spoke again was quiet. She didn't want any of Team Talon to overhear her. "We can't screw this up. We can't let them get sidetracked. This is the first mission they're getting as a team so they won't know how to work with each other instead of despite each other." Makoto smiled a little self-consciously. "I'm sure we all remember our first try at working together."

Tsubaki watched as the other two of her team members reacted sourly to her introduction. Hmm, it wouldn't be nearly as easy to get into their heads as Tsubaki thought. Tsubaki knew that if she wanted the others to be comfortable with her going off on her own and leaving her alone that she'd need to get them to trust her, even if it was created as a complete pretense. It seemed she highly overestimated how quickly she'd be able to build up the trust with her teammates. She also seemed to be the only one who knew how to have a good time, even when they were faced with some real shitty circumstances.

Tsubaki smirked as the second in command seemed to take an interest in her. As Tsubaki rubbed her gunblades on her face, her face may have displayed a look of absolute pleasure, but she was no sharper just because she was felt herself losing her personality to the cool metal and the sleek, dangerous feel of knives against her face. Oh! It was almost all-encompassing, but she would not let herself underestimate these other two. The second in command seemed to have a watchful eye and slammed advice down the throats of those who needed to have their mindsets be 'fixed'. At least, that was her interpretation of his... Advice.

Tsubaki smiled as she faced the second in command. "Do not worry second-in-command, I don't plan to feel I'm in danger of dying anytime soon. And if I do... It'll be to help out the team." A plain lie, of course. Tsubaki wasn't going to die to the others here. If she was going to die, it was going to be for her benefit. Although... She had no idea what those circumstances could be, as dying itself was a giant disadvantage.

Tsubaki looked over her two comrades and said, "Alright, well, I'm ready to start working whenever you two are." Tsubaki pointed crossed her gunblades as she held them above her head, popping her knee in addition, to give a cutesy pose to the others. "But you better hurry, otherwise I'll get impatient~" Tsubaki winked at them to finish off her small contributions to the conversation.
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"I want to make something perfectly clear..."

The two squads of vampires straightened as Satia spoke, dressed in black overcoat uniforms dressed neatly with weapons sheathed and concealed out of sight. All of Satia's subordinates were well trained and well dressed in neat uniform as per her request. She didn't mess around when it came to the efficiency and performance of those serving under her and it was common knowledge that she would hand pick those who fought in her company. Each one of them was known to Satia by name and each one held her in high regard due to earned respect from how she treated them, which was rather well in comparison to some of the other high ranking Vampires.

"It is imperative that we take the incoming forces alive and kill only as a last resort. You may question as to why I'm asking this of you, but allow me to ask you all a question first" she held her hands behind her back as she spoke, regarding them each individually as he blood red eyes swept over them. "What happens when there are no humans left?" the question was rhetorical and not one of them opened their mouth, merely listening as they stood straight at attention. "We starve, therefore it should be common practice that humans be killed only when necessary. Many would argue that there are more than enough to warrant killing on sight... those people are morons".

Satia was well aware some of the people she was referring to were other progenitors and high ranking individuals among their kind, but the Vampiress was well known for her backbone and lack of restraint in conveying her opinions. "When the human units arrive we will surround them and force them into submission, if any of them become too much to handle or appear to be getting the better of you, only then will you have my blessing to remove them from this world" she gave them one last look before she finished, "Are we clear?" she paused as both of her squads answered simultaneously with a resolute "Yes ma'am!". Satia nodded, "Then assume your positions and await my order to engage". The two squads moved out without question.

The humans hadn't stood a chance, the Major's forces crumbling quickly under Satia's plan as they were surrounded, cut off and herded into a position lacking advantage. The fight between her units and the humans didn't last long and Satia herself walked among the fight without her weapon, merely observing the fight confident in that not one of them possessed the ability to be a threat to her. Any human that attempted to engage her was quickly side stepped before she would grab and throw them back towards her subordinates to deal with, moving around the battle like a referee of a football game. Bullets would miss her by inches as she moved at impossible speeds to avoid them, sometimes aiding one of her men here and there without really being involved.

When they eventually surrendered the humans were herded together and forced down onto their knees with their hands on top of their heads. Satia watched them closely before inhaling as she would address them, "It was foolish of you to think you could come here and walk away without consequence, while I would usually opt for leniency It's come to my attention that you're all in possession of some knowledge about our forward operating base... unfortunately this means you will not be set free. Instead you will join the others you came here to rescue" she spoke like she was sentencing them, which wasn't too far from the truth. "Behave yourself and perhaps some of you will be taken as slaves or servants to households, the rest.... will likely be taken to a blood farm" she so hated that name.

Turning to one of her subordinates she gave the order for them to be taken to the holding areas with the rest of the captured humans while the rest would set up defensive positions. She wasn't convinced the humans wouldn't send more once they discovered their mission was a failure, humans were victims of becoming attached and surely wouldn't leave them to a rather unfortunate fate. "Prepare yourselves... I doubt this is over" Satia announced as the rounded up humans were lead away into the train tunnels to join the others.
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Before he had the go-ahead he was already smoking. He would be sure to mind the smoke, but to the assholes, he might blow some their way on 'accident' of course. "Thank you, LT. By the way, I'm not all talk. You'll get to see some of my fire on the battlefield for sure." As he continued listening to his Lt words, Hector decided he liked Kazuko, at least for now. He simply laid out what he wanted and it couldn't have been better. He was aware of the faults of being overconfident, a flaw one most erase if they want to live long. You must always go in with a plan and a team when facing fangs.

Once Kazuko finished, their CO Labana took over and began their debriefing. She explained that two teams such as themselves were sent to rescue hostages from a den of fangs. She then played the audio from their last contact as it didn't sound good. Right there Hector decided they were all dead or on its door. Poor bastards, hopefully they slew a fair number before they went down themselves. She then informed them of the Vampires they would be facing, all vampire nobles making Hector more cautious than before. "So either I'm going to die or get the satisfaction of killing Nobles, worth the gamble I suppose. Might be awhile too before the chance turns up again." They would be facing at least 5 of them, won't be a cakewalk, that's for sure.

They were soon dismissed and were told to return in an hour. Hector was mostly prepared, but he did need to grab his flashbangs. He was positive that they would in handy, even Vampire need to see. It would not only help him, but his team as too if they keep their peepers shut. He also planned to get something to eat, Cinnamon Oatmeal would suffice, or maybe some bacon and eggs? He had plenty of time to decide anyway so it wasn't a pressing concern. "Okay then, see ya in an hour." He said as he exited the room and walked to his room smoking in the halls.

The time quickly arrived and Hector was in the vehicle with the rest of the team. He had the gear he'd brought with him earlier and his flashbangs hanging from his belt on the opposite side of his .44. His breakfast ended up being ramen with egg and chess on top, pretty good actually. He was in the mood for another smoke since he might not get one during the mission. He best save it for after the mission, let it be a reward for a job well done. Hector wasn't nervous at all, that would only serve in getting him killed.
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