Sekirei - Beauty of Truth - OOC

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If I may offer up a critique Raz you could have explained how the two sekirei decided to pick on Kagemura instead of the sekirei the boss man sent them after.

Also Rare it's all on you now.
Posted. Sorry for the wait and how bad Sayo's post is compared to Rei's. I couldn't think up of anything.

since you kind of alluded to Sayo reacting to Kagemura, why not just kiss him and get the power up to help push the 67 and 79 back

that would be the next post from you, and showcase Sayo specifically doing badass things
Would you two like me to post Izumi vs Azami?

i will likely get another post this evening as well pertaining to the shira/yora/sayo/rei/kagemura/sora fight

unlikely to post tomorrow or friday for the holidays, fyi
it's thanksgiving no problems boss.
If you post tonight, I will be able to post tomorrow. I was planning on her being awakened in the next post.
Well guys I just posted the Azami v. Izumi fight. And I want to pick what Izumi does...

Does she let the girl go? Or does she end her? I'm offering this because I'm curious to see if you guys want to see Azami more in this roleplay. If Izumi ends it right here then we will likely never see her again.
Hey guys! I just saw this RP, I am a bit familiar with the Sekirei manga and have read it for quite some time. It was fairly interesting. I would be interested in making a character which most likely would be an Ashikabi. :-)
That would be really helpful if you could make someone my man.
I didn't quite understood that line but it was funny nevertheless, but from what I understood I can create my character, right?
Yes you can.
Awesome, will start making it shortly.
Best case Aka and Rare get time to post and you get rei as a sekirei.

Semi-worse case is Aka leaves and you get Sora as a sekirei.
I got my character almost finished, one question though. What location is the RP taking place in? Would it be a made up town of sorts? And if so does it have a name?

On the other hand I would very much would like to get Rei as my character's Sekirei. :-3
Name: Shin Haruto

Nickname: /

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Sexuality: Straight


Special Skills: Martial Arts, Weaponsmith, Long-Range Shooting, CQB

Personality: Quietly forceful, original, and sensitive. Tends to stick to things until they are done, extremely intuitive about people. Well-developed value systems which he strictly adhere's to, uncomplicated in desires.

History: Born in a family of mixed parents his mother was American while his father was Japanese. His mother came from a rich family, her father and mother were both business leading people running two separate companies that grew into large conglomerates over time, her father led an oil conglomerate which is in operation to this day and currently is ranked as the world's second supplier of oil and gasoline. On the other hand her mother developed a successful electronics company specializing in military grade computer software and hardware and are currently contracted with the U.S. Army and its sub-divisions. His father comes from a long line of martial artists that originated in Japan, their goal was to achieve martial arts supremacy by training their bodies to know each and every martial art that existed and every so often continuously working on perfecting them and advancing them to the point where their bodies changed drastically, their kin was more often born with well-developed muscles and some instinctive knowledge regarding martial arts. The family has proof they have shown that their family has been around since the 1165's or commonly known as Feudal Japan but before that point it is unknown from where exactly did they come from, currently they own several family estates over Japan and have increased influence in the major companies such as Mitsubishi, Kawasaki Heavy Industries and the Yamaha Corporation.

His mother met his father during her vacation on Mount Fuji in Honshu, his father was the local tour guide there that was stepping in for a friend that couldn't come to work. They quickly fell in-love together and two years later had Shin after which in short time they married. He grew up in Tokyo with much of his time spent with the family there, training martial arts like his relatives did for so many generations, his elders and father himself were amazed to how quickly he managed to take grasp off all the martial arts they taught him and in five years they managed to pass all off their knowledge to him. In his last test with his elders was to challenge his father to a duel; naturally it was only to test his strength and limit but all were shocked when he managed to defeat his father. While his father showed no signs of defeat he ceased with the challenge, making him think that he proved worthy... but he managed to prove more than that. The elders were slightly worried about him but the only thing they could do was hope that he would come out as a good human being. At the age of 11 they moved with his father and mother to the United States to live with his grandfather and grandmother, they lived in Missouri for quite some time before his father and mother moved to New York for business reasons and left Shin in Missouri with his grandparents to live a calm and serene life in this small town. His grandfather being a soldier in WWII wanted to pass on to Shin some thing's he was taught in the army, in short time that sparked Shin's interest in the military and firearms... with the free time he had before he had started school he quickly grasped the ropes of long-range shooting, CQB and combat tactics. His grandfather surprised at his knowledge wanted to send him to military school, but his parents disagreed harshly, they wanted Shin to start in a normal school and be a normal child. Starting school very late he was much older than the other kids, but that did not prove to be much of a problem he had a handful of friends but he was content with that. He finished school quickly due to his knowledge and then by his own wish returned to Japan where he lead much of the families business there, in short time he purchased his own house located just outside the city.
this will be taking place in a custom tokyo. It's mostly similar to how it is in the anime with few changes here and there like there being mob bosses and triads as well as HMTAI.

I'll allow your character assuming no one else has any problems with it at the moment. That being said with two military types in this rp it makes Brandon a standout in the sense of normality.
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