School of the Mystic OOC&Sign up

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@Vinyl Yay! I'm going to read it now X3 And are you kidding me? Inkie is just so adorable! X3 I like how this is becoming awkward for them both XD We're so mean...
Just don't take over all of the thread ;) not everyone has had a chance to post or has had time to react to others.
It of course definitely is alright to go back and forth a few times, so I'm not calling you to a halt, just, don't over do it ^-^
Writers are sadistic by nature

The whole dorm is just full of cute xD Oh god....

@Olissa: Ahnd ooops, sorry ;n; frndjkgsd
like I said, I'm not calling a halt just yet, just keep it in mind ;)
@Olissa .....can I reply again or should I let time pass/other people reply 0.0

hm... I tend to be very very iffy around 'unable to die' types of powers in any way shape or form... I'll have to think about this for a little while, but I'll get back to you
hm... I tend to be very very iffy around 'unable to die' types of powers in any way shape or form... I'll have to think about this for a little while, but I'll get back to you
I thought her being "Absolutely useless at actual fighting of any supernatural sort" is compensation enough.
Plus, dying hurts, you know.
I know, I know, I have an all powerful yet absolutely 100% useless in a fight character as well, it's the undead/undying/revival part I'll need a bit of thinking on.
I know, I know, I have an all powerful yet absolutely 100% useless in a fight character as well, it's the undead/undying/revival part I'll need a bit of thinking on.
Do keep in mind that this is not instant revival, you kill her and she stays dead for from a minute to over ten minutes (depending on how... dead you made her)
So its not like she can just die, stand up and get back to ... err whatever got her killed.

Plus dying REALLY hurts.

(Not to mention her clothes get burned in the revival process)
In what universe is 1-10 minutes considered long?
anyway, as I said, I'll get back to you on that.
Full immortality via constant rebirth I will not allow.
Longlevity, aging till a thousand years and beyond I can condone with ease, but immortality I do not.
For this, I will grant you that your character be able to be reborn after death, but, I shall require of you a way that she could have been killed, permanently. Be it age or removal of magic, something must be found at some point. It will not be used here, but it is what I must request in order to approve of this immortal circle.
@Deadwoman Bacon is love...bacon is life...I don't know if my legs will touch the face of a bacon hater D:!
@Vinyl I guess it's still okay for you to post one since she did say she hasn't called a halt just yet :3
@Vinyl Yala is in her room by now so she won't be the one to reprimand Jacquelline, so a birdie messenger might drop by to tell her that she is to clean up her mess and report to the Headmistress, or Yala if she prefers to be thoroughly scolded beyond any kindness XD her best bet might be the headmistress, she comes across far more kind than Yala does >.>'

And yes, Ali, I was planning on posting today, but had a 35km bicycle ride to do first ^^ (no not because I as forced to, because I simply didn't want to spend the money on the bus fare)
35k nice nice :D My mom does biking like that -granted she's a little obsessed- but she just recently started making 70k+ trips...I don't see how you guys so things like that Q_Q I'm just happy going to the gym X'D
Full immortality via constant rebirth I will not allow.
Longlevity, aging till a thousand years and beyond I can condone with ease, but immortality I do not.
For this, I will grant you that your character be able to be reborn after death, but, I shall require of you a way that she could have been killed, permanently. Be it age or removal of magic, something must be found at some point. It will not be used here, but it is what I must request in order to approve of this immortal circle.

I thought its pretty obvious she is not fully immortal, after all she is merely possessed by a phoenix, not one. If you somehow get the phoenix out of her (there's probably rituals for this), she would once again be the perfectly ordinary Human she was before.
That was not obvious dear.

Even if she can be split from the Phoenix, the power in and of itself is still considered extremely overpowered, and as such dangerous to the roleplay.
I still do not agree that she's only dead for one to ten minutes, as that is a serious short time for returning from the dead, being completely reborn and able to get up and go again. I see no limit in that, at all.
Dying after all is not always painful, and being gravely wounded is painful to anyone as well, which has nothing to do with whether or not they die afterwards.
So you will have to come up with better limitations for this incredibly powerful gift. Pain, burned clothes, and a 1-10 minute respawn time is not a true limitation.

If you have a better limitation to her, then I can allow the character into the roleplay, but under the condition that you keep her in check.
If I catch you making her too overly powerful multiple times, I will require of you to leave this roleplay, or split with the phoenix.
Those are the conditions that Ali and I, the GMs of this roleplay, have set for this character.
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