School for the Supernaturally Troubled.... (Starting OVER)

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Tetskey looked at the female who had just entered the room and nodded in approval "Students meet the p.e teacher Ms Talal she will be helping me teach you guys every now and then." he said smiling.
Yukari sat there.(On the ground, for once) She wasn't really thrilled for anything.Can this class end yet? It's taking like, a year!...She thought.She was daydreaming about getting out of class, but she paid more attention after that.
"So uhm since the other teacher is here you need my help still sir?"
Nervous, yeah was a good way to describe how he felt right now, late on the first day what a wonderful first impression. He probably could have stood there all day, but where's the fun in that? Shaking his head and smiling at his nerves he stepped inside the class.
Tetskey nodded "I think we'll wait till another student joins us before i ask her for help" he said looking at the class then added "Alright everyone get ready and yukari stand up please?" he asked her
Seraphine wasn't quite sure what was expected from her so she continued to stand there awkwardly.
Tetskey looked at her then said "come at me" too her he just stood there waiting for her to obey "make it a walk though so we can show the others alright?" he asked ehr
Seraphine wasn't quite sure what she was supposed to do so she stood close to him and stared at him. She then decided that maybe he wanted her to attack him so she tried to punch him.
"Are you sure?"She said.She wasn't very comfortable with hitting anyone.
the moment The girl swung the punch at him Tetskey had already caught her arm "now students if you find yourself being attacked like so a swift reaction can block or catch the punch" he then twisted her arm a little trying not to hurt her then pulled his arm up making her flip.
Seraphine landed on her butt with a small thump. "Owwwie." She got up and looked at him...."How did you do do that? I want to try."
Yukari laughed a little when the girl fell on her butt."Fine."Yukari said as she swung her leg into the air and tried kicking him.
Tetskey sighed and acted like he was going to throw a punch "grab it" he said then with his other hand slammed the other girl on her ass "Don't attack me!"
Seraphine flinched and jumped out of the way even though she knew he wouldn't actually hit her as she watched Yukari try.
Class seemed to have just started, so Dante just hung back by the wall watching the action. His smile widened when the girl threw a punch at the instructor. He also laughed a bit when the teacher flipped her, he didn't mean to, Dante felt he probably would do little better . . . but it was funny.
"You don't make any sense, do you?"Yukari said as she got up.
"Yukari I did not ask you to come at me but since you seem so willing you and Sera vs me" he said getting a little cocky
Sera decided this wasn't playing fair since he was a teacher and tried to use her telepathy as a way to communicate with Yukari. :;I think we should try to attack him at the same time:: She waited until she thought Yukari understood her and ran at the professor hoping that Yukari could keep up and tried to hit him again.
"But didn't you say for me to get up and attack you?"Yukari said.I don't like this class one bit...​She thought.