Rowan High School

She peeked from her hideout. He seemed to be suffering. But everyone suffer so it's none of her business. She continued hiding.
As he calmed down he got up, he took a breathe and walked around the tree, towards his car
She froze as she heard him coming around. She's annoyed. She doesn't want anyone to see her here.
He saw her in the corner of his eye, was she frozen because he walked passed?
He chuckled "don't worry, I'm won't tell anyone you're here. Thanks for helping me earlier."
That's all he said, before continuing to walk to his car.
She didn't answer. Instead, she took out her drawing pad and drew a sketch of him with the trees as background. She called it, "Sufferings"
He took some drinks out his car and started walking back, as he passed her he smiled friendly and out a small bottle of soda next to her, without a word, he figured she wouldn't want to talk.
She took the soda and shrugged. It was her favorite flavor she realized. She smiled as she drank it.
He smiled and sat back down on the other side of the tree.
She began to draw again. This time she draw the soda can. She got lost in her drawing that she wasn't nervous with the guy anymore.
Brendan secretly peeked around and watched her draw with a smile.
She continued drawing. She feel more happy when she draw. She added color into it.
He smiled and whispered "that's really good."
She jumped in surprise. "Why are you looking at my drawing!" she said as she packed her stuff.
He came from behind the tree "I'm sorry, I just.. I just noticed, you're really good."
She looked at him straight. "I know. But I won't get flattered. Flattery are for fools." she said. "Thank you for the soda." she said as she went off.
He stopped her "what? Why are you so angry? I was just saying.."
"Why is everybody so grumpy at this school.."
"I just don't like interacting people unless necessary." she said shrugging.