Roses and Hellfire

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Razuul bursts out laugh as she storms from her room, and flips over the couch, hiding behind it, with just his head poking out. "Come get me! I was kidding when I said that stuff burns, as an Angel I would drink it all the time. I can't ingest it at the rate I used to, but I can stand it hitting my skin." He makes quick jerky movements like he is going to make a run for it, trying to trick her.
she goes the other way nowinghis stupid move."I am not stupid and realy i didnt know that. ok then i give up" she said throwing it at him. Still opend. She then starts to walk to the kitshion with an evil smile. she hoped he didnt follow her becus she may get a chanch on cuteing off his balls. as she got to the kitshion she starts to pull out fish for her cat and some malk she pourd the malk into a bol and put it on the ground. s starts next turning on the stove and putig the pan on. she takes a knife and start to cut the fish
Razuul ducks under the bottle and watches her take out the fish. as she set's it down and prepares to cut it, he wiggles his fingers in it's direction. The fish looks up at her and begins to talk. "Please don't kill me!! No! Please! I beg of you!" it said in a gruff voice. "Please! Just don't feed me to the CAAAATT!!!!!" it cried and begins sobbing. Meanwhile, the Demon is using his magic and giggling, trying to suppress his laughter.
Raven scearms and freaks out. Throwing the fish away. she was freaking out even more. She could hear his stupid giggling. she gabbed a biger kniffe and looked at him. "you must real want to die again Ass hole" she said raisen the knife a little highs.
He bursts out laughing and maked the fish stop moving. He fold his wings around him and moves them away, revealing Black armor with silver lining and gold designs. "Na na na na na, naaaaaa!" he mocks, dancing around like an idiot. "Can't get me now!"
she trows it near his haed. "you want to say that again" she grabbes wo more and gts ready to throw tham. "my fathr made me take fancing someone showed me how to throw a niffe i know how to shot a bow from an arrow and I am pissed off right now" she trows onther one again.
He stands there in a heroic pose as the knives bounce off his armor. He slowly advances toward her, one step at a time, slowly closing in.
She hissing at him. trying to walk by him to get some peper spray. she then grabbs another knife ready to stab him if she had the guts to.
Razuul leaps forward, and a single swift movement delivers a well placed kick, knocking the knife from her hands, and ends with him grasping both her wrists as she struggles against him.
"God i hate you Razuul" she hissed at him then spits in his face still trying to get out of his grip. then she remembers a man weak spot. "maybe you should let go now" she smiles and kicks him in the balls hoping that wound make him lt go
The armor blocks it, and he continues to hold her. "If you would just stay still..." he moved her hand together and held them in one hand as he used the other to remove his helmet. He pulled her closer to him and kissed her passionately. He pulled away from the kiss. "You need to learn to lighten up, babe. It's all in good fun." he said, and kissed her again.
she was abut to say something but he blocked it with a kiss 'Oh my hells' she was about to kiss back till he pulled away from her and spoken. she as about to say something again but never mind that he aready kissed her. 'damn it why did he have to be such a good kisser' she said to herself
He pulled away from the kiss, hesitantly. "Now calm down. I was just trying to have a little fun, is all." he holds her close to him, holding her arms so she does not try to kill him again. That, and he just liked holding her.
she breaths in then out then looks at him. "i still hate you" she said with a small smile. she pulls at his armor to get hi closer to her "you know you hurt my feeling you should be ashamed of yourself" she looks at him displeased "I Dont like it when someone hurts my feelings" she dosent look at him
He tilted his head and made a pouty face. "How did I hurt your feelings? I'm sorry. Can I make it up to you?" he asks.
"well you watched me change when i didnt want you too and you know that" she said a little more upset. then hugs him "just dont do it again and a kiss would do just fine" she said smiling
He looked at her, confused. "Why would that hurt your feelings? I wanted to watch because I find you extremely attractive. Like I said before, you're frickin' hot." he said, and leaned in to kiss her.
"dont be a suck up Razuul that can be your down fall" she said with a smile as she pulled away just to come back kissing him. she puts her arms around him neck. 'I couldn't be anywhere better then in his arms'. she giggled when she though of how cheesy that line was.
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Razuul smirked at her comment. "I'm not being a suck-up, I'm telling the truth." He kissed her back as she kissed him again. He smiled at her. "Wanna hear something funny?" he asks.
"If its about me no but if its abot you go for it" She said with a smile. then move her arms off his neck and pulled him to the sofa.