Road Trip!

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(Haha I'm sorry I wasn't sure how exactly to reply xD)

Katrina laughed again "C you're wasted as fuck" Katrina said as she went to pull back. She get the girls hands on her chin, pulling her into another shorter kiss this time. Kat couldn't deny a good kiss, no matter how wrong it was. She was always a flirt and when a hella fine gil kisses you, you can't just say no. "Caroline you're smiling that means not only are you hella wasted, you're a completely different person. Kat said in between her giggles. "We haven't done that because I respect you as a friend" She said trying to talk to her distant friend.
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"Friend, my dear lady, is an ambiguous term." Caroline smiled. The pills which she had stuffed into her back pocket dropped to the seat, there were the smilies faces, panda faces, peace signs, and everything stereotypical of ecstasy pills, right there on the seat. "I would like to redefine our definition of friendship."
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Jayson sat on his beach chair watching his friends in the water, He took out his phone and texted his father 'Hey dad sorry haven't texted you since i left, at the beach right now'
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Katrina watched the pills fall from her pocket and plucked one off the ground. "Caroline what the fuck did you do?" She asked inspecting the pill. "ecstasy? Really?" She asked with a raise eyebrow. "Oh right you get all hippie and theological when you're high." Kat said nodding as she leaned back into the old seat. "Redefine? C you're not thinking straight love" She said, stroking the girls cheek.
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"It's my 'don't kill yourself' drugs, my Therapist put it as 'Anti-suicide pills'. My therapist gave them to me." Caroline nudged her arm with her head, slightly cat like, "He said it was that or the mental hospital." Caroline said it so calmly. Caroline looked outside and wondered where the others were.
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Kat was somewhat shocked at the girls calm manner. "Jeez C you've never been this open with me before." She smiled and helped the girls head in her hands "caroline it's ok.. you can trust me I promise" She said and kissed the girls nose.
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"I'm as open as birdhouse. Come on in and ask me whatever you want." Caroline smiled when she kissed her nose. It had been several hours since she had taken the pills, they wouldn't be in effect for too much longer.
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Kat smiled at the stoned girl. "What's on your mind C?" She asked with a curious look at the girl as she sat on her legs.
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( Hah... Emotions.)

"Lately. College." Caroline looked up at the ceiling of the van. The swirling made her smile, but the smile didn't last long, "College. I thought I was smart, even though I didn't do well in Highschool." Caroline felt a sudden surge of sadness, "I wanted to get into College. But I didn't." Another swing of sadness, "I feel stupid. Everyone else got into great places. I'm just going to end up a failure. Drug addicted." Caroline felt herself returning, the drugs were waring off faster than they usually do. She figured it was because of the plowing into her thoughts, "I'm just going to die of O.D. like all those famous people. Except I won't have any of the happy parts to keep me warm." Caroline felt a tear drop down her face, the emotions started boiling over, like a can of soda packed full of too much soda and shaken up by the things around it.

"I wanted to kill myself so bad. I was tired of being an emotionless bitch who is going to end up no where with no friends and I'm gonna die man. I'm going to die." Caroline looked at Kat her eyes full of tears. "And now I've dumped this all on you. I wanted you so bad. Sure I liked other people. But not like you. And now I ruined it. I fucking ruined it. I fucking ruined it."
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Katrina's smile faded, quickly. She watched the girl crumble under a waterfall of tears as she poured her emotions out onto Kat. Katrina's arms wrapped around the girl and she brought her to her chest. She cradeld the girl as she whispered to her. "Shh Caroline you're so smart. You're so smart and important." She said over and over again. She tipped the girls head up and looked into her tear stained eyes. "We can work on us.. Trust me I want you too." She said with a soft smile as she leaned down and kissed her on the lips softly.
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"No no. You don't want me. I'm fucked up. I'm stupid. I have so many problems and I'm not a safe person to be around. I cry all the time and I feel like killing myself all the time." Caroline cried. "I'm not good for you man." Caroline held her tight."
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"Shhh stop it. You're a beautiful smart funny sassy girl, who I would love to love" She said honestly. Her hans stoked the crying girls hair as she tried to give Caroline a little bit of comfort.
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"You're just saying that. You don't actually believe that. Why would you?" Caroline sobbed into Kat's chest.
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Kayla stands there in the lake, looking out into the distance, she felt the smooth grasp of the breeze and inhaled its illustrious beauty. For once in her existence, she felt a calmness within her and life perfectly stood still. Kayla hadn't felt such peace in such a long time, even the unnerving animosity between the others began to desist. After looking around and walking aimlessly in the water, Kayla took a quick breathe and dove swiftly into the clear crisp water.
"So far things seem to be working out at least a little bit... we still haven't even made it to Texas. I hope Boy's sobriety kicks in after we camp and refuel. I hate that I'm looking like the mother of the group... trying to take care of everyone and run everything. I also really hope that Caroline and Katrina are okay... it sucks being the only girl out here in the lake with the guys. It's not like I'm dating them or crushing... I don't even really need to be here with them. I should go with the girls but right here is nice and cool."
Boy watched Urban swim away angrily and rolled his eyes. Great, he had done it again. Quickly smoking the rest of his cigarette, he took off his clothes and jumped in the water in his boxers, quickly swimming over to Urban before dunking him under. "Come on man, don't be mad." He said. "What did I do now?"
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Growling, Urban punches him and resurfaces. "First of all, I have lung cancer. Secondly, I'm as much of an addict as you are, maybe even more, and you know that I'm suffering from... " He lowers his voice. "Heavy, heavy withdrawal. From alcohol and heroin and cocaine, not to mention marijuana, but most of all from nicotine. I know that if the roles were reversed I wouldn't tempt you like that."
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"Alright, alright." Boy said. "I'll stop temping you, but you can't expect me to to just quit everything in a day and you don't have lung cancer yet. There's only a possibility that you'll have it. I'm not going to let you die, I'm not that much of an asshole." He sighed and swam away, getting out of the water. He walked to the van and noticed Caroline and Kat hugging and crying or whatever. Great, this trip was already starting out perfect. Trying to keep his cool, Boy just got the mini grills out of the van and the cooling box with some meat. Everyone just needed some food, that would make everything alright again, hopefully.
Onxy just lazily drifted around on his back. The sun felt good, there was no fighting, he felt wonderful for the moment. As he floated he just let his mind wander, off into the depths of himself. Onxy's muscles tensed up as his mind went to a memory of his first year at school. "HELP!" he shouted as he started to sink below the surface, not remembering how to swim and unable to relax.
Boy turned around, just having lid the girl when he heard a yell. He turned around just in time to see Onxy disappear under water in the deeper part of the lake. "Urban!" He shouted and looked at his friend, asking signaling the situation before jumping back in the water himself. Urban was a bit closer to Onxy, someone had to help. Boy swam towards Onxy as fast as he could, hoping that someone would be in time before his friend drowned.
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Urban swims forward, taking a huge breath and grabbing Onyx, pulling him to the surface quickly and dragging him to the nearest dock. "What the hell, O?"
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