Remnants - An Apocalyptic Roleplay - Signups

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Who said I don't want to wait lol xD.

I have more patience than any of you from herre ^^

- goes to lurks around the forum-
will do! though I'm not gonna be on much today.. I'm feeling sick :]
I don't mind waiting either, in the hopes that someone decides to take character 4 for Purekor.

I would have offered to play him too, but I'm not as comfortable playing male, plus I don't think I could add one more character to the list of plots I'm already involved in now. Sorry.
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Can I be character four?
I am number four~ (Heh, references.)
I'm interested in joining this roleplay.

Question: Besides Florida, are all the groups spread apart?

Would it be possible for my character (a loner) to join up with a group IF I find them?
@TheSignWriter Once I approve your character sheet

@MrBriWolf The groups are separated
If your character finds one they'd like to join and the group agrees to it that's fine

(No tattoos. Grey eyes, with a few bruises/cuts around his face. Biggest one is one across his forehead. 5'10, around 140 pounds, mostly muscle.)
A little about myself:

I'm Jason. Jason Rick Holdsworth. I'm a 23 year old male boxer.

I've been called all sorts of things, such as..:

Shady – Which, to be honest, is completely true. I've stolen before, and I don't feel guilty doing so.

The Hulk- Just a word of advice: Don't make me angry. Bad things happen when you do.

Overprotective- I don't want anyone getting harmed. I will always try to keep others safe, even if it costs my life or limb.

Kindhearted- I'm the type to give up all my food rations for the day to someone who needs it.

My past is a bit foggy:

Actually, it's really foggy. I blame my years as a boxer.

I grew up with my father, who was rarely home, and when he was, he was with at least 3 women. I was rarely fed; the little I ate was his leftovers and stolen food. I slept on the moldy floor with filthy blankets, and often woke up with the sound my father's drunken rants. I was his little punching bag.

In my later teens, when I was around 16 years old I believe, my father finally was killed in a drive by shooting. He left nothing to my name, so I decided to live on the streets. Life was hard, but at least I didn't have to deal with that old man anymore. On good days strangers would gift me with money and food. On the bad, it would be storming and I would have no cover, having to lay down in my soaked clothes. It was a way of living, though. For money, I joined up on a local underground boxing rig. I was a natural; knocking out foe after foe, jumping in ranks. Unfortunately, at the age of 23, just a day before the breakout, I got hit in the head hard enough to knock me out of the game permanently.


Fast hands- From years of boxing, my hands are extremely fast, along with good eye-hand coordination.

High Stamina- Also from the years of boxing. I can run long distances relatively quickly.


Headaches- I suffer from migraines so painful I can literally do nothing but sit down and wait until it goes away or pain pills kick in.

Things I carry with me:

Notebook with 3 number 2 pencils, and 1 black pen.

A bottle of ibuprofen. 37 pills in total.

Glasses. I gotta see!

I hope I got everything! I was very lost without a sign-up sheet lol.
Yay ! So you are chara Four ?@.@

As it is said I am very attached to you and hardly leave your side.. This shall be fun xD lol
An overly attached, hero worshipping girl and an overprotective, kindhearted guy... oh boy what a duo xd
I hope it's good enough! Just gotta wait for approval/disapproval.
May I have permission to have my character be a despot

Name: Hayette, Florian

Gender: Male

Age: 23 years

Birthplace: Pecs, Hungary

Appearance: Vladimir stands by all accounts at 5'9, however he is a very lanky fellow, more likely to use a sword or knife than a heavy machine gun. His eyes are stone cold blue, yet they are also full of hope. Living in Savannah, Vlad is normally found wearing a trench coat and combat boots, sacked from the harbor.


A Voice like Lenin- A great motivational speaker, he can rally men to his aid with simple words.

Radio Control- Having set up a small camp near the Savannah Radio Station, Vladimir has began to start broadcasting a radio signal.

Speaker of Tongues- Florian knows the following languages: Hungarian, Russian, Arabic, English. He can also read Cyrillic script, though depending on the region in context he may not full comprehend the meaning.

History: Florian grew up in Pecs, Hungary. At the age of 18, he moved to the American South to study economics and foreign relations. His father was, at the time, a highly respected Hungarian businessman, owning a lot of land around Pecs, Balaton, and Little Balaton. The family prided itself on being members of the old Communist Party Politburo, his grandfather even rallied with those in 1956, yet was replaced by Flo's uncle. The uncle took a liking to his brother and decided to nominate him (Vlad's father) for a high ranked Party position in the late 1980's. When Communism fell, the family was given large grants from the government, and Vladimir was promised a free ride to any college he could want. The family was, for the most part. handsomely rich.

Despite this over the past few months, Flori hasn't been faring very well. Stuck in Savannah, without much food or water, Florian has only his wit to survive. His English skills, also, are not the best.

Items On Hand:

FEG PA-63, Pistol
5 magazines, 15 bullets in each

Frommer Stop, Pistol
10 magazines, 20 bullets in each
Hungarian-to-English dictionary (from 1989)
Recording Device
Map of Savannah Power Grid
Map of Georgia
Backpack containing the following:
2 loaves of bread
4 MRE's
2 ounces of purified water
a small metal pan
a fork, spoon, and knife
a pair of chopsticks
spare batteries (4) for his recorder, plus 2 extra tapes. Can hold up to 30 hours of recorded audio.
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