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"...There aren't servants. This is it. I... don't mind it. I like small places. It's cosy and... and it has a nice atmosphere, Echo. I prefer home, of course, but this is nice," he disagreed, frowning over at him for his evidently superior outlook. It was maybe where they differed, because Eden, contrarily, much preferred small, quiet, cosy spaces with no servants bothering him. An apartment like this was small to him, and he enjoyed the fact he could go to a room and not be bothered by servants every few seconds, asking him what he wanted.

"You two are very close, it's... adorable, really. I wish I had a brother. Jasper doesn't have any-- or Theodore. I've always wanted one. Seeing you two that close makes me jealous," cooed Kamil, hoping his infectious smiles would rub off on the admittedly rather creepy teenagers. They seemed nice enough, given the circumstances, but Kamil was a tad creeped out by their deathly appearances and the strange language they spoke. Theodore was the only demon Kamil had ever gotten to know, and he was so fun and playful that he was comfortable around him.

It was difficult to warm up to these boys when they looked and acted like they did.

"...We're twins, it's... partly why we're this close, I suppose. We share a bedroom and... and sometimes a bed, it depends. Echo's... alright, I guess," the more polite twin smiled, deciding that Kamil was... alright, for an angel. He was sweet and he could see why Theodore seemingly loved him. "...Will the baby be my father's? I... don't mind if that's the case, but he never mentioned it."
"Well not biologically, but I think he may view her as his, but the baby's mine," Jasper replied with a smile, rubbing Kamil, stomach before looking back at the stomach, eager to meet his little girl. He couldn't wait to be a father. And while he was nervous as hell, he was growing more and more excited as he thought about it. A baby, a little girl. She was going to be his sweet little angel.

Echo stared at the couple. He was relieved to hear it wasn't his father's but then he heard his father might view the baby as his own. "...So the baby is going to be like Papa's?" He spoke in English, actually speaking to the two. "...Why do you think he actually likes you two enough. Papa only loves us, and that's a fact. The only other person he's other loved was this Vincent guy or whatever."
"Y-Yes, well, that's... complicated and I'm not sure if we can... tell you. It seems like your father hasn't told you much b-but he... he loves Jasper and he loves me and that's probably what I can tell you at least. I... I like your father a lot. He's the only... demon I've liked since... Vincent, and... it's very complicated, like I said. Your father should be the one to tell you all of that," squeaked Kamil, nervously holding his new red cheeks at feeling like he'd just interjected himself into what was a private family matter. Frankly, he felt awkward that Theodore even had children.

Sure, he was having his own child with Jasper, but it wasn't the same. Theodore had been there all the way through it, so he was as much a parent as Jasper was, and, assuming they were going to give this strange relationship scenario a shot, then Kamil was happy -and eager- to have Theo take up parental responsibilities too.

Him having children already complicated things. Where did they fit into all of this? Would they be causing issues when the baby did come and Theodore chose to see her as his daughter too? Would the twins take their anger out physically on any of them? These were all questions Kamil had to think, and of course it scared him. It may be selfish, but he didn't want them around that much. They were nice enough, but... he wanted it to be just him, Theo, Jasper and their baby-- not these sullen, creepy teenagers who ruined his little family scenario.

"...Don't you have a father in Hell you could stay with?" He asked as subtly as he could manage, smiling quickly to hide his desperation that the answer was yes. Resting his hand over Jasper's, he proceeded further: "I mean, you... you must have a father alongside Theodore--"

"He didn't give birth to us. He had a surrogate carry us and then she died after we were born. Papa killed her, of course, but that was the plan. She sacrificed herself, it was all very easy and well organised. So no, Papa's all we have," smiled Eden, appearing oblivious but, inwardly, was fuming with the question. He saw right through Kamil, after all. "He dislikes us. He wants us gone, I... I won't be kicked to the side because we're ruining the dynamic. I... I won't be abandoned. Papa will choose them, won't he? He... He didn't even tell us he had a place here, he... he'll abandon us, Echo. He will! Don't deny it. He'll choose them and that baby and we'll be sent to Hell and ignored a-and I'll have nobody. We'll have nobody."
"Papa loves us, he wouldn't just abandon us, Eden." Echo defended. The mere thought of his loving father abandoning him nearly causing tears to his eyes. "Papa's not going to choose them. This angel is just being a little brat. He doesn't even know us and he wants us gone.Does he think Papa loves him enough to even choose him? That's bullshit, Papa loves us more and if Papa knew, he'd have this little angel punished." He viciously spat, now glaring at the angel, just so he knew he was talking badly about them.

Jasper was grimacing a bit at his boyfriend. Why would he ask that? Maybe it was the hormones. Yes, these kids were a bit creepy, but they were Theo's. Jasper was glad to get to know them if they allowed it. Eden seemed like the nicer of the two, so he' work on getting to know him. "Well, you certainly look like your father. You're both adorable-"

"Ew, are you flirting with him? Eden doesn't like boys like you. You're too ugly." Hissed Echo, hugging his twin protectively.
"...You think we look like him? I... I think Echo looks more like him than me. I'm sort of... creepy. Even demons are scared of me and I'm not the scary one. Echo's the scary one," replied Eden slowly, unable to stay unresponsive. He was caught between the desire to ignore the human, and reply to him just to please and honour his father's wishes. Eventually, the latter won over, leaving Eden awkwardly replying even if that was the last thing he wanted to do. He didn't like the two, not now he'd seen through Kamil and easily assumed Jasper held the same desires.

Eden wasn't eager to be a part of the little family, but if Theodore was here, he of course wanted to be where his father was-- and he didn't like Kamil's apparent desire to kick him out of it.

"I don't think he's scary," said angel began, guiltily smiling in response to the scowls and glares. "I... I'm happy for you to be here, but Theodore didn't mention you at all-- not for months--"

"He didn't? Why not? We... We're his only children, he should have mentioned us-- see? See, he... he'll abandon us. He didn't even tell them about us, Echo," he whispered urgently, his almost-white eyes widening again. "I... don't like this. I don't like the nasty angel or the human and-- let's go out. I want to go and... and have fun with you. If Papa's out having fun, we can do that too."
"Stop talking like that. He didn't mention us because he doesn't care about them. They shouldn't be in his personal life. They aren't that special, Papa didn't tell Tyler about us either. And now look at Tyler? He's dead. They aren't special. Papa loves us, we're his special boys. Don't forget that." Hissed Echo, crossing his arms, refusing to believe anything Eden said about their father. Echo was a Daddy's boy. He adored his father.

Jasper looked between the two, before looking at his angelic boyfriend. It was tense, and he was wondering why his boyfriend was acting this way. "Kamil, stop being rude. These are Theodore's kids. A part of him. If you love Theodore then you should love them as well." He whispered to him, grimacing. "Would you want someone being rude to our daughter and trying to get rid of her?"
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"Well, no, obviously not-- I just-- didn't see them being a part of our lives and I... I'd planned all these cute scenarios in my head and I just got... a little upset-- but I'm fine with it! I-I'm not cruel, Jasper. I... I don't mind them being around, I... they have more right being here than I do, so... so don't be mad at me? I don't like it when you look at me like that-- oh! Oh, come and see the baby stuff in the spare room," the angel beamed, at least hoping to distract Jasper from glaring and tutting at him, especially when he was genuinely horrified by his own behaviour and wanted to forget about it all as soon as he could.

"We can go shopping tomorrow for more stuff, just us. Theodore's as much a part of this as you are, but you haven't bought anything which...is my fault for not being brave enough to tell you, but now we can! We can get all sorts of cute stuff and... and I'm gonna decorate the room with angel stuff, I think. Even if they strip me of my wings, I... I'll always feel like an angel, so..."

"Are you having a girl?" Murmured Eden cynically, now being the brother who was glaring angrily at the two when, previously, he'd tried to be nice towards them. "...My father doesn't like girls, he's always said he'd hate to have a daughter."
"We are having a girl...And I'm sure Theo would love her. I hope you guys can come to love her too. You know, I'm pretty hungry, why don't we order some pizza. Do you guys like pizza?" He asked as he pulled his phone from his back pocket, hoping to bring the tension down in the room.

"Pizza? Isn't that peasant food?" Asked Echo arching a brow as he looked down at his nails. "Papa only feeds us the best, because he says we're the best. The best boys in the world. He loves us so much. You know for our birthday he had all of Hell celebrate it like a holiday? Everyone brought us presents."
"Pizza isn't peasant food! I mean, I love it. Human food is the best food. You know, Heaven's supposed to be a paradise, but they don't even have ice cream up there. It's pretty rubbish compared to this place. You're telling me you don't like pepperoni pizza with a stuffed crust and... and maybe some onion rings with a good glass of fizzy cola? I refuse to believe you," tutted the angel, almost immediately coming to life with his eyes glittering happily once food was mentioned. It was his main passion in life and, over the time he'd dated Jasper, he was always cooking for him. He adored cooking and would spend hours watching the food network, obsessing over meals and learning how to cook them for himself and for Jasper too. It was difficult to do that now in the condition he was in - standing and cooking for hours on end wasn't so fun when his ankles and feet were majorly swollen.

But he could at least sit back and enjoy the taste of food, which he fully intended to do with some good pizza and ice cream.

"...Echo and I want pizza, he... he's just stubborn. We'll have it. And... And maybe we can stay here and get on with you guys, I... I just want my Papa happy. He's gone through a lot, it's not easy for him to open up and... and let people in," sighed Eden, holding his knees to his chest with a faint, but at least visible, smile. "...My Papa's a really special guy so... so don't hurt him or Echo and I w-will... will hurt you."
"I can tell you two love your father a lot. And I promise we'd never hurt him." Jasper smiled, happy he was able to at least speak a little to them. And they liked pizza which was great. The rest of the night was spent with the group eating pizza and watching horror movies. The twins had gone to a bedroom they picked out, to sleep.

Echo was laying in bed, it was probably close to three in the morning, and he was still awake. He was laying next to his twin, holding his hand tightly as he stared at the ceiling. Looking over at his twin he rolled on his side to look at him properly. "...I want Papa to be happy and find love. I don't want him sad...If those two hurt him, I will hurt them. I mean it I'll find a way." Whispered the boy grimacing lightly.
"...I know. I agree. But Papa must be happy with them or he wouldn't have just left us here without him around, so... so we'll be nice, but we'll be ready to strike if they dare hurt him," the boy replied with a firm nod. Eden was a demon and obviously he followed some of the hobbies Theodore himself adored, but he was often seen as the gentler twin; the one who didn't react to violence with violence - not because he didn't want to, but because he doubted he could do it as effectively as his twin brother. He often left his twin deal with idiots, while he stood back and watched. It was their dynamic-- but he was quite happy to break that and hurt that angel or human if they dared upset Theodore.

Speaking of the man, Theodore did arrive back from his urgent shift at the club at 3am, tugging his expensive heels off and tossing his diamond-stuffed jacket aside. Whilst he'd have adored to snuggle up with Jasper and coo over how adorable Kamil was, his children came first, and he knew he needed to spend the night with them after throwing them into this situation with little explanation.

Finding their chosen room, he smiled happily at them in the dark and slid into bed with them both, letting his horns and tail slip out. He wasn't going to have that appearance around Jasper, just to avoid scaring him, but when he was with his sons, he obviously didn't care - they knew him best when he looked like a demon, after all.

"How are you both? Do you like Jasper and Kamil? I... I hope you got on well with them," the man grinned, leaning over to snuggle in closer. "I... I'm going to live here, permanently. I can visit Hell every day for an hour to... sort things out, but this is where I want to be, boys. I... I like it here, with them-- and I want you here with me, duh. You'll like it, I promise."
Echo instantly turned into a Daddy's boy when Theodore arrived. He cuddled into him, purring happily allowing his own true form to slip. Holding him tightly, he looked up at him, his red eyes big and filled with love for his Papa. "...They are odd, but we were nice enough, right Eden? We didn't even yell or snap at them." He mumbled, closing his eyes as he nuzzled into his father. "...We'll stay if you're here Papa. Eden and I wanted to go exploring tomorrow. We can do that, right?"

The young Princes not only had a pampered life, but they had a well-protected life. Back at home, they were never without guards, maybe because Theodore was an overprotective father. Echo hated that, having guards breathing down their necks. But up here they didn't have guards, and what would they need them for, they were humans here. They could easily kill a human. "We'll be good. We'll go shopping, Eden and I need some new clothes, right Eden?"
Theodore's parenting style might not be everyone's. He was clearly close to his sons to the point of happily sleeping in beside them even if they were 18 years of age. He was their best friend in many respects, often gossiping scandalously to them about maids and servants who had acted irresponsibly. So of course he was always going to put them first - any paranoid thought from Eden that he'd be abandoned was borderline ludicrous. Hell, Theodore would put them before his relationships and his work because he'd gone through so, so much to get them. He'd been lonely and in a pretty depressed place 18 years ago and decided randomly one day that he wanted to be a parent, though didn't want to lose his figure at all, given his job at the strip club in Hell. He spent months, tirelessly interviewing and searching for the right woman or man to do it for him and, when he did find her, and when he had the boys in his arms months after that, his life genuinely got a whole lot better.

They were literally his everything, so the fact they were both willing to take such a culture shock in moving to this apartment in New York with him made his eyes fill with tears.

"I can give you as much money as you want, as long as you just shop. Now, you know what'd be nice? If you bought Kamil something for the baby and maybe bought Jasper something too - it'd make me happy if you gave them a little gift like that."

"...I don't... I mean... s-sure, if Echo wants," agreed Eden, appealing to his brother for approval like most days. "Can we do that?"
Echo didn't want to get his father's lovers anything. He said he'd be nice, but that was just too friendly. But he didn't want his father to be disappointed in them. "Of course, we'll get them something." Smiled Echo innocently. He'd get them something, and make sure it'd be something they'd both hate. He'd get the baby something, but he'd actually get it something nice. That way it would look like he really did try. He wanted to bug the two, but make it look like he didn't mean it at all.

Echo was sneaky like that. He loved being sneaky and manipulative. He was like his father in that way. Glancing at his twin, he held his hand tightly, smiling brightly at him. "Shopping tomorrow will be fun. You can get a diamond choker. I think you'd look really cute, Eden."
The thought of his two sons genuinely adopting the idea of a normal human life surprisingly pleased Theodore. Of course, he wanted them to continue acting like demons, but they could go to Hell to gt out any demonic urges they had. Here, in New York, he wanted them to just have a fun existence, shopping and fooling about and just being free. So, sure, he'd gladly give them thousands of dollars to go and do that.

He also wanted them to try and enjoy the family dynamic he was developing with his new boyfriends, which was why he hurriedly introduced his sons to the kitchen table the next morning. The scene was a cute one; Kamil was busy in the kitchen, cooking up a storm with various pans on the stove full of different things. He had bacon and eggs in some, pancakes and waffles in the other, with toast popping up in the toaster and the kettle boiling nearby as well. The fact he was doing all of that with a smile on his face was commendable-- especially when he was pretty heavily pregnant and usually whining about it. He couldn't really be moaning or grumpy anymore though. The sun was shining, the radio was playing... and he had Theodore and Jasper. What more could he really want?

The contrast between him and Theodore, who had moved to help him cook, was striking. Theodore was in his signature black silk gown, his heels on and his lipstick already perfectly applied. Kamil, on the other hand, was in a pink fluffy dressing gown, with matching fluffy slippers, with his blonde hair ruffled and messy from rolling out of bed. Together, despite their opposite personalities and appearances, they were a cute match - especially when Jasper was added into the equation.

"The boys are heading out shopping today," began Theo, smiling over at his sons to ease their awkwardness. "And I don't start working until 6, so I'm free all day. Jasper, take the day off work and we can all do something fun."
Jasper couldn't have been happier that morning. He was in a regular plaid pajama pants with a wife-beater shirt on, watching his lovers cook in the kitchen. It was such a beautiful sight. Kamil cutely dressed and all pregnant. Theodore looking so damn sexy. They were just the perfect sight, and he couldn't believe they were his. And it seemed like he was getting on with the twins.

"You want me to take off? Sure I can do that." Smiled the man, happy to stay at home with his boys. He wanted to be around as much as he could with Kamil ready to pop any day now. "What do you have planned for us to do all day?" He asked leaning on the counter, stealing a piece of bacon while Kamil wasn't looking.
"Well, Kamil here isn't going to want to go take a long, romantic walk, is he? Let's be real. He whines just getting up to go to the toilet. So, we could just start decorating the nursery together? I'm hardly a domestic goddess. I like paying people to do work for me, but I'll get my hands dirty if you two help. It could be fun. I'll be drinking champagne all day, of course, but... well, it's a normal thing to do, isn't it? Some decorating work with my boyfriends," the demon drawled, catching himself by surprise at uttering the 'b' word. It felt strange to use its plural form, and it felt weird just openly stating he was dating two people he'd loved for a long time... but it was the happiest moment in his life since the birth of the twins.

Theodore was actually happy with his life for once. He had boyfriends, his sons, a fabulous apartment and a great job... and he was looking to welcome a child into the mix too. He didn't quite understand why he was bestowed this happiness when he hardly deserved it, but hell, he wasn't going to argue with Fate's plans.

"Oh, that's great! We didn't decorate because I didn't know where I'd be living-- but we could so decorate together now we're all here. I've got it all organised, I know exactly where I want everything," the angel added, as organised and strategic as usual, in contrast to Theo's more relaxed, casual approach. Plating up the various meals easily, Kamil settled on a simple orange juice and yogurt for his breakfast, easing himself onto the stool by the kitchen island. "It's all going to be in pinks and whites and... oh, I got this adorable angel mobile that plays classical music and I honestly cried when I saw it--"

"He did. Burst right into tears at the checkout. See, that's why I didn't carry my children, darling. Me and emotional tears don't mix," laughed Theo, tapping the ash of his cigarette into the ashtray casually. "...How were the boys last night, anyway? I didn't get to ask. Were they behaved?"
Jasper laughed hearing Kamil cried at checkout, it sounded like something he would do. He was so excited for this new life to be brought in. Yesterday he was a nervous wreck, but today he was so happy with his life. He was so in love with his boyfriends and so happy. Taking a sip of his coffee, he blinked at the question, before finally answering, "They were fine. We got off to a rough start, but I think they were pretty good the rest of the night." He answered.

"They spoke highly of you. Saying you made their birthdays national holidays back at home." He laughed lightly. "It sounds like something you'd do, so dramatic. But...They didn't speak much to us. Just to each other in this...Weird language. I've never even heard it before. But it was nice seeing siblings so close."
"Oh, they were speaking in that strange language again, were they? I've told them that it's creepy, but they do it so the servants don't know they're gossiping about them-- I find it rather adorable, personally--"

"You mean it's not some demonic language-- you don't understand it either? That's..."

"Mm. Strange, right? They created it when they were toddlers to stop the servants listening to them. I think it's rather clever of them, even if I wished I knew what they were saying. I guarantee they were gossiping about you both, but the fact they haven't killed you means they're at least... on their best behaviour," smiled Theodore casually, the topic of his beloved sons making him sigh happily. Children weren't his thing... unless they were his kids. Then he was a protective, loving father who saw his kids as his best friends.

"...Eden's the easiest one to get along with," he continued as he tore his attention away from his sons, pulling his cigarette from his lips in the seductive motion that was typical for him these days. "Echo's more like me. Stubborn as hell. He'll come around though, just trust me on that. We're not going anywhere, so they'll have to get used to it-- and they'll love you both just as much as I do~"
Jasper smiled at his more wild lover, nodding lightly. He'd never seen him so happy before, and so loving. It was nice seeing him like that, it meant he truly loved his children, and he was willing to get to know his children. He hoped they could all get along one day. He had a plan to get along with them. He'd approach Eden first. Eden was kinder and far easier to get along with. Hopefully, Echo would just come around when he saw that his brother was being nice to him.

Eden and Echo went out that day. Like they said, they were going shopping. In some high-end store, Echo was trying on a stylish new outfit. "You know, Eden, I think this outfit I have on would look great on you two. Let's get matching outfits~!"