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"...Theo bought everything. We have it all in one of the rooms here, and... and I read a lot about babies and stuff, b-but... but most of it says you just learn as you g-go along, so it isn't a... a big... worry. I... I'm sure it'll be fine." Kamil began, quietly pursing his pink lips at how tense the atmosphere was. Jasper, admittedly, was taking it all very well, but it was still a horrible atmosphere to have to deal with-- and Kamil didn't know how to break it. The only way he knew was to bring out his wings, to at least show that he wasn't lying-- and because, deep down, he wanted Jasper to see him as he was before the wings were corrupted and made black to signal he'd Fallen.

They'd still be beautiful, he had no doubt about that, but they wouldn't be the wings of an angel, symbolising virtue and inherent goodness. For now, he still had those, and he wanted Jasper to at least see them before... the inevitable happened.

"...For the record, Kamil is the only angel I've ever liked," piped Theodore, observing the wings with an approving smile. "And Kamil once tried to have me killed, so it's a testament to how much I like him that I'm over the whole murder plot-- you can hate me and blame me for this if you'd like, but not Kamil. You guys are... you know, adorable and you have a good thing about to happen to you, so... hey, look at me getting all sensitive~"
Jasper stared at the wings, his eyes wide. They were telling the truth at least. Kamil was an angel. Theodore was a demon. "...I don't hate you. I don't hate you, Theodore, I love you." He promised, after a moment of collecting his thoughts. He sighed a bit, running his hands down his face. "...Thank you for everything Theo...For heling Kam when I couldn't...I love you so much. And I love you too Kam...I...This is fucking crazy." He whispered to himself, looking at Kamil's stomach.

"...An angel, a demon, and a human...Sound like the start of a really bad joke, am I right?" He joked. Of course, Jasper would be the one to try and joke to lighten this terrible mood in the room. He got off his couch, walking to Kam to try and hold his stomach. Touching his stomach, he felt how rounded it was. He gasped softly. His baby truly was in there.
Kamil saw the approach and the smiles and jokes as the approval to inch closer to his boyfriend and offer a kiss, this time taking the leap into kissing him on the lips. The fact Jasper was just... standing in front of him, so close, rather than be halfway down the street in fear was... amazing. He'd cried himself to sleep many nights in fear that the truth would make him lose the man he loved. He had sacrificed so much being with him, and had spent years waiting patiently for the moment to see him - and he'd been worried all of that dedication would amount to nothing.

For once, he was very happy to be proven wrong.

"It's a-a girl. It'll be great, you know? We got all this really cute baby stuff-- in all colours, 'cos girls can wear blue and stuff too. A-And... And we bought these adorable angel figurines and... and I'm sure we'll be really good at this, Jasper. We can still do stuff together, like cuddle on the couch with pizza, but just with... a baby. It... I'm kinda looking forward to it 'cos babies are cute and I like cute stuff and... and you are the cutest guy I've ever met, so... so yeah! It'll be adorable, r-right? Me, you, the baby. That's... kinda all I need."

Being left out of the cute little speech did impact Theodore a lot, even if he barely showed it. He'd spent nine fucking months holding back Kamil's hair when he threw up, massaging his feet if he needed that, helping him conceal the biggest secrets-- and he was omitted from the speech without a second's thought? He was fine if Kamil didn't see him as a romantic option-- he understood that, inevitably, Kamil would love Jasper more when they were creating a family together. But to be left out even as a friend?

Sure, he was fucking pissed off with that.

"...You know, Kamil's just a boring angel," he muttered quietly, his eyes narrowing a little. "But I'm the fucking Devil. You know, I was once married to Lucifer. I ended up slicing his throat and gouging out his eyes when he cheated on me, and I took his throne. It's a wise idea not to piss me off, because I won't hesitate to do the same to your little angel if he doesn't show me some fucking respect and gratitude. I... I spent months helping him when I could be in Hell with Tyler and... and being fucking adored by my people. You do know that, don't you? And yet I'm barely thanked for that? Well, ain't that dandy?"
"Theodore, of course, you're in this. You...You've actually been here for Kamil more than I have...And I know that you love him...ANd I know you love him too Kamil I...I kind of saw the way you two look at each other. Listen, I'm not angry...I'm not angry at all if you two love each other...And Theodore I want you apart of this family as well, because you sure as hell deserve. Sure I helped make the baby, but you've been the one here for Kamil, buying everything for the baby and doing everything possible for him." He replied glancing at Theodore.

Then it began to sink in. He wasn't just a demon? He was the devil? Like...The ruler? He stared at him in shock as the words suddenly rang in his ears. Okay, this had all gotten super crazy. He shook the shock away and ran a hand down his face. "Theo, you'd never hurt me, that much I know, so...I'm not afraid of you. As I was saying I want you apart of this family. I love you, Theodore, I really do. I love you and I love Kamil, and...I believe us three can make this work and raise the baby girl together."
"And you think that's a feasible option, do you? That I can just hang around and be all cutesy when I have a role in Hell. Do you want hoards of angels arriving to physically drag me back to the Underworld? Do you really want that sort of drama on your doorstep, Jasper? I told you when we first met-- I fucking told you I wasn't a good guy. I said I'd done bad things, and that I needed to go Home. Did I not foreshadow the very mess we're in right now?" He grunted quietly, his lips pursed as he decided to simply deal with everything in the best way he knew how - by topping his glass up with more alcohol. It wasn't the wisest solution, but what did he care? It was better than going out and beating someone up, which was how he dealt with things in Hell.

"I have to go Home for a little while, just so the pesky little featherbrains don't get suspicious. I'm hardly family material on that basis alone-- as well as the fact I don't really like children. Never have. Vincent used to say I was perfect because I disliked children as much as he did," the demon laughed, casually letting his eyes stray to the city skyline from his window. "I don't think you quite realise the gravity of the situation, Jasper. I'd rather you shook with fear than simply gasp. I'm sick like that. I adore fear, you know? Tyler actually cried when I first told him. Wept like a little baby~"
Grimacing a bit, he didn't like the fact he'd be leaving him yet again. He was leaving just as he did all those years ago. Couldn't he stay? Just for a little bit? Sighing he looked at Kamil, moving to rub his stomach, feeling the baby inside. Everything was still so surreal to him. He was half wondering if this was all some crazy dream. "...So you told Tyler before you told me? Your best friend..." Mumbled Jasper.

He didn't know how he felt about that. It was kind of annoying to know that Tyler knew things about Theodore that he didn't. "...I...I can't this is too much...You...You talking about Vincent, and Tyler and...Leaving again...Theodore this is too much for one day, can you just...Stay and not talk about any of that. Just for today? Please do this for me, I don't want to argue with you, I don't want you telling why you're so evil and so terrible. I just...I just need a day of normal."
"...I didn't m-mean to... exclude you, I... just didn't want to say what I wanted to say when we... haven't even discussed how we feel-- I didn't want to just say 'oh, I love you too' when we never discussed that, or when I... haven't even told Jasper, I... I do love you. Lots, a-actually. I... I'm ready for them to banish me from Heaven, just to admit to you I love you, and... and I'll force you to stay i-if I have to. I'll... I'll lock you up or something. I'm not really an angel now, so I don't need to act... angelic."

"...Oh, like you could ever be a badass. You cried when you fucking stepped on a butterfly, Kamil. You don't have what it takes to be mean to anyone, including me. But... I can stay until the baby, how about that? Just to make sure that you're... safe and stuff. I know how to do this whole baby delivery thing-- a lot of the strippers I worked with in Hell had kids, it was a huge issue at one point," he casually remarked, albeit quickly when realised that the only human in the room apparently preferred to chat about normal things. Deciding it was best not to argue and prolong the awkward atmosphere, the demon slowly smiled and rested back against his favourite chair, his champagne still in his hand.

"For the record, I'm married so this whole little polygamous thing ain't going to happen. I take my marital vows very seriously," he began slowly, kicking off his high heels to at least try and relax some more. "But hey, that's fine! So, you two really ought to marry soon. I want an invite to the wedding, of course."
Jasper was only twenty-one...He got his inhuman boyfriend pregnant and was going to be married soon and his ex-boyfriend was a demon. Too much. It was just too much. So, the young human did end up passing out. But hey, at least he stayed awake for a while. He was handling it well for a while. But he was only human, and they just pushed on this information on him far too quickly, and with little preparation.

He was passed out for a few hours. When he woke he had a terrible throbbing in his head. He must have hit something when he passed out. His hand when to clutch the left side of his head, wincing as they brushed a small bruise. Sucking in air through his teeth, he let out a small groan, looking around, momentarily forgetting what had just happened to him.
Kamil was the first to realise that dumping all the information on him at once wasn't such a great idea. It had been Theo's plan to just get everything off their chests and end the secrets, but the manner in which he'd gone about that wasn't particularly... subtle. As soon as the human fainted, Kamil went into a panic, flustering about in an effort to at least get his boyfriend onto the couch to recover from his shock comfortably.

He then spent the hours watching over him like a worried nurse, all without the company of Theo who'd randomly decided that he didn't really care and much preferred heading out to, in his words, 'do something more fun'. Kamil hardly had that option, but he wouldn't take it even if there was. Jasper was his everything, and he'd happily live in a cave with no possessions if it meant having his boyfriend safe and healthy.

"..A-Are you alright? You fainted, I... I didn't know... what to do, I-I... panicked," the angel began awkwardly, despite the relieved, teary smile that grew on his face. "T-Theo just... l-left and he might not c-come back and that's sad because-- a-anyway, it doesn't matter! You're... alright and that's the main thing!"
Rubbing his head, he looked at his boyfriend and just offered a small smile nodding. "...I'm fine love...I'm just...This is all really crazy...I should be asking if you're okay. I mean it is you who are about to pop...And he just left? How...How am I supposed to help you give birth of I don't know the first thing about it?" He grumbled nervously, looking at his lover afraid. "What if I mess you and the baby dies or you die or...I dunno....He just needs to come back."
And, despite the fear that the demon wouldn't return, Kamil was delighted to see Theodore enter his apartment after just ten minutes of waiting. It was strange to admit that he loved a demon (the Devil, no less) but he did; he adore Theodore just as much as he did Jasper, so seeing him enter after believing he wouldn't return was a great moment-- at least until the demon hurriedly explained that he needed to go to work and couldn't stop to hang out.

"You guys stay here though, okay? Get comfortable, I'll bring takeout home-- pizza or something nice like that. Now, look after Eden for me-- he won't be any trouble. His brother will be along later, so let him in-- his name's Echo, he'll be no trouble either-- though if they act up, just tell me and I'll ground them or something--"

"Wait. Wait, who... who is this?" Began Kamil, her eyes locked on the teenager who as stood awkwardly in the apartment while Theodore rushed to collect his outfit and various other little bits ready for work. The teenager, around 17 or 18, was quiet and, Kamil noted, didn't look well. He was as pale as death, with dark rings underneath his eyes. He looked almost like a corpse, even if he was surprisingly cute with that deathly aesthetic. "Theo, who... who are Eden and Echo--"

"--So they'll be good and-- they'll probably be in their room the whole night, I wouldn't worry about it. Right, I really need to go. You rest up and don't fucking move a muscle. You too, Jasper. I don't want you fainting again," cooed Theodore, pulling the human into a deep kiss, and then Kamil, without asking to do so. Nothing had yet been explained or decided upon when it came to their feelings, but he sort of figured that things would work out - they all liked each other, so what was the issue? Theodore's relationships were never conventional, so of course he'd be happy being in a polyamorous relationship. The more, the merrier, right?

His hurried exit from the apartment left the teenager stood even more awkwardly, his light blue eyes silently staring at the two on the couch before perching uncomfortably on the armchair.

"...My brother will be along in a moment, we'll go to our room and... leave you both in peace," he murmured, his chapped lips pulled into a frown. "My... father never mentioned we'd be having house guests, but he clearly... likes you both, so I won't complain. My brother, Echo... he'll complain and he'll be rude, but he... he'll get used to it..."

Father?....Father?! Theodore had kids?! Okay, so there was clearly a lot about Theodore he hadn't known. For one. He was the Devil. And two, he supposedly had kids, and he didn't even explain himself and left again. Did this mean he was staying? Did this mean they'd all be together? When he came back would he tell them everything? Ugh! He hated this, not knowing anything. He had been gawking at Eden for a while, completely shocked until he realized what he was doing.

Clearing his throat, he smiled a bit, running his hand through his hair. Having Eden there really made him realize that Kamil and Theodore weren't human. Jasper was only twenty-one and Theodore didn't look much older than him, but his kid was close to his age. "You don't have to go to your room, I mean unless you want to. I'm Jasper...This is Kamil. It's great to meet you. Sorry um...You found out about us this way...Is it odd for you to meet us like this?" He asked, completely confused by the entire situation, but he didn't want Eden to feel uncomfortable.

(Want me to play Echo?)
"...I don't think so. Echo might. My father's always done what he wants to do, he doesn't shock me anymore," admitted Eden, though despite his light tone and jokey words, his smile barely lifted, or even appeared. He acted just as deathly as he clearly looked, even if he wasn't all that rude or cruel like demons perhaps ought to be by definition. He was quiet and awkward and, despite his appearance, really rather polite and welcoming, even in spite of the very awkward situation he was thrust into so suddenly by his father who hadn't had time to explain.

"...Your name's Eden, that's--"

"My father's attempt at humour. He said Echo was named because his screams and cries echoed around the castle, and he found it funny to name me after the Garden of Eden in the Bible and... a demon named so religiously is apparently hilarious to him," the teenager continued slowly, his almost pure white eyes flickering back at the couple.

"I don't feel awkward," he confirmed quietly, wringing his hands. "I... would have preferred a warning, but... it's... fine. I... I'm not the confident, outgoing twin-- though neither is Echo. We're both sort of losers, so... so don't be worried about us, we're... as intimidating as kittens, really."

Oh sure! I don't mind that at all, you can roleplay him out if you want c:
And just as Eden said that Echo knocked on the front door. Jasper jumped a bit, before hurrying to go answer it for the boy. Swinging it opened, he looked down at the teen, who looked up at Jasper confused. Echo looked at the number of the condo, seeing it was the correct one. So who was this human? "Who are you?" He asked in a rather rude tone. Sure he wasn't intimidating as Eden said, but he was a rude little fucker. He just didn't like surprises, and this was one.

"I'm your father's friend, come in, your bro-" But before Jasper could say anything, Echo slid past him, walking to his brother, grimacing at the sight of an angel. So there were more surprises? He hurried to his brother's side, snatching his hand before viciously whispering,

"Who the hell are these two, why are they here?" Echo was just as pale as his brother. And like his name, he wasn't exactly quiet. Jasper heard his whispers and offered the politest smile he could.

"I'm Jasper, this is Kamil. We'll be staying here for a while. We're your father's-"

"I didn't ask you, human."
"Don't be rude to them, Papa... he kissed them both and they're all staying together here, I think. I'm not sure. Papa went to work at that horrid little club and... and he left me here, he said that we'd be safe with these two," began Eden tiredly, his dark-ringed eyes peeking over at his twin, accepting his hand eagerly. It was the only familiarity he had right now, considering the other two in the room were little more than strangers; one was an angel and the other a human, so that was difficult to accommodate to too.

So, inevitably, he graciously accepted his brother's presence and pressed close, holding his hand tightly until his knuckles turned white.

Unaware what was being said in the strange language Eden seemed to speak, Kamil forced himself to smile in the effort to be nice to the two. If they were Theodore's children, he was obviously going to be nice to them - he loved Theo too much to be rude-- and hell, Kamil couldn't be rude anyway. It didn't suit his personality, even when it concerned demons.

"Do you two want something to eat? I... I bought donuts earlier, I don't mind sharing, if... if you want. Jasper can go and get them and we could watch a... a movie or something until your Dad gets back?"

"...Papa wants us to be nice to them, a movie at least means we don't have to talk to them that much," muttered Eden to his brother again, smiling awkwardly. "I... a movie is good, I... I mean... can we watch a horror or something? I like those."
"Well, I'm not talking to them at all. Not until Papa tells me what's going on...And we have to stay here? It's so small." The condo was anything but small. But these two were Princes of Hell. They lived in a grand castle, so this was pretty damn tiny to them. "I'd like the donuts, please." Grumbled the boy, holding his twin's hand tightly. He too felt out of place and awkward. He didn't like it here at all.

Jasper nodded and went to get the donuts for them. It was strange. Theodore's children were so...different from him. Theodore was flamboyant, cocky, and loud. He knew he was gorgeous, and he did whatever he wanted. These two were quiet, and awkward, and from what he learned a little shy and two themselves. He came back with the donuts, handing them to the twin before turning on the tv for them. "So horror films? Which is your favorite?"
"...We like the Saw stuff. Papa brings us films to watch in Hell, we... we don't get to come to this world a lot. Humans are weird and they smell like... peaches or apples or something, and it makes me feel sick," grunted Eden, unaware that it could be rude-- and when he did realise what he'd said, his eyes widened in the horror that he might have offended him. Normally, he wouldn't care about offending some silly human, but he had heard of Jasper before. He had heard his father whine about someone he loved called Jasper who didn't love him in return - so to at least see them kiss now gave him hope that his father would be happy.

Which meant he didn't want to start offending the person he liked, even if it was slightly awkward that he was a) a human and b) just a few years older than him and Echo. But if his father was happy, then Eden had to put up with it.

"I didn't mean to say that, I... we don't see many people. We stay in our home a lot, we don't... talk to anyone but Papa, so this is... strange," he continued weakly, trying to relax by moving to lay down and resting his legs across his twin's lap, forcing himself to smile at the other two. "...Echo isn't speaking to you but I... I want to be polite. Papa said to be nice to you both."
Jasper put on the third Saw movie, he never really like the first of the second, so he rather just start from the third. Playing it, he glanced at the demons, smiling a bit. "...It's fine. Sorry if I smell funny to you and he doesn't have to speak if he doesn't want to. I mean...I know this can be odd." He was only a few years older than them and was dating their dad so yeah, it had to be odd for them. Plus there was Kamil, who was also dating Theodore, and was pregnant so...Yeah, it was odd, but they loved each other.

Sitting with his boyfriend, he rubbed his stomach, his heart fluttering when he felt a few small kicks. Echo watched, before mumbling, "Who do you think this angel is pregnant by? The human or Papa? This is so fucking weird...Papa...Papa is married to that asshole back at home, so who are these two?"
"...I hope it's the human's. I don't want some horrid little baby brother or sister, do you? I have you, you're all I really need. You and Papa, anyway," began Eden in return, critically glancing over at the seemingly happy couple without any such happiness on his face at the cute scene. He was miserable and gloomy and downright difficult to please even with his own family, so like hell was he going to erupt into a smile for these strangers. He was on best behaviour just because his father told him to be. If he hadn't, he would be making the two as uncomfortable as he possibly could.

"That asshole back home won't be around long, I heard Papa talking with servants about poison. I assume it was for him. I... guess Papa must like these two," he sighed, tugging his hood up and at least offering his twin a rare grin. "It means we get to stay here longer and I do like it here, Echo. Humans are easy to manipulate."
"They're gullible indeed. That must be why Papa likes it here so much. What shall we do then? I want to go exploring, and trick some humans and ruin their life. I've always wanted to trick some human couple into killing each other. Wouldn't it be funny?" Smiled the other with an equally rare smile. He only ever smiled at Enden and their Papa. He was like his brother, hard to please, hard to get along with, and hard to get to know.

But he did enjoy twisting other's minds. However these two were off limits, so he couldn't mess with them. He wouldn't want to upset his Papa. He did love Theodore, so he'd wait until he was home so that they could leave and go explore. He doubted his father wanted them on the streets yet. "Papa brought us here...He must want us to stay here for a long time. You think this small place is home? Where are the servants?" He mumbled glancing around annoyed..