If Theodore had an inkling that Vincent was the one behind the recent high-profile murders, he wouldn't hesitate to tell Lucifer that. As dearly as he'd loved Vincent, he wasn't going to sit back and allow him to murder his current boyfriend-- or him. He was high-profile and famous with immense power. He knew he was possibly targeted by this mysterious murderer too, so if he thought that was Vincent, he'd say so to protect himself.

But he wouldn't even contemplate that. Vincent was a soul (he thought) and they couldn't inflict any damage of the demons. Thus, Vincent wasn't even in his mind. He simply thought some rogue, deranged demon was thirsty for power, and despite the scary murders, he wasn't too scared. He had never been scared since he became the way he was, and he wasn't going to start worrying now.

If he had once disobeyed Satan himself, he wasn't going to worry about the threat that potentially was against him.

Besides, he liked hearing all the gory, gruesome details of the murders, and as soon as Pearl spoke up, his eyes lit up again and he leaned forward with his black-painted lips pulled into a macabre grin.

"Oh, do tell me more. Skinned alive, eh? Lucy loves this sort of gory stuff. It's like foreplay. I tell him some horror stories, and then we end up having sex. He's so fucked up," the demon purred, motioning the bartender to refill his drink. "Come and sit, Pearl. Tell me more. Don't skip out on the details. I'm a big boy, I can handle them."
"Eugh, yuck! It's not cool, or a turn on, Theo!" She whined, putting his hands on her hips. Behind her thick eyelashes that had ten coats of mascara on them was a piercing glare. "Theodore, it was a terrible sight. I didn't see myself, but his servants said they all threw up. And the most puzzling part was no one had even heard an intruder enter. This is serious! Even his children were brutally murdered. Children!" Pearl was obviously angry and frightened herself. She had a reason to. Her father was a nobleman. So this killer could potentially kill her.

"My father's thinking of taking us out of the royal city. Maybe to somewhere less...Hectic. Where this type of thing doesn't happen." She mumbled as she finished cleaning the tables before going to sit with Theodore. "I know you aren't scared, but I feel like something is really wrong here. Like...What kind of monster is doing this? What...What if it's an angel? What if they're the ones behind this?...No they would have just killed him. Not all that torturing...They don't like killing." She mumbled to herself, thinking about what kind of demon could be so powerful. Then she thought about it. Theodore wasn't scared at all. Could it be the King killing everyone for some sick game?

She glanced at Theodore, grimacing a bit. She didn't want to ask him and upset him, but the thought was swirling in her mind. It was the only thing that made sense! Who else was that powerful?
Theodore had known Pearl for a long time at this point. She was often invited to dinner parties he threw, or if he was just in the mood for some relaxation, it was Pearl he often went to to sip wine and gossip about things, which he did find relaxing when it was combined with a nice massage. Thus, he often knew what she was thinking and when she had something pressing on her mind, and in this instance, he seemed to know exactly what fears were running in her brain.

And it was fair to say he took offence to them, as was evident by his frown. Was Lucifer evil? Sure. But he would never torture high-profile supporters who were often his friends or advisers. He wasn't that insane.

"I resent that thought, Pearl. My darling Lucy isn't mad enough to start murdering the highest members of his society. He's crazy and he likes this gory stuff, but he hasn't done anything," he growled, pulling his pet back into his arms to give himself something to do, or he was likely to just get mad with his best friend and he wasn't fond of doing that. "...Apologise. Lucy doesn't need to know your little treacherous thoughts if you apologise for them."
"I-I'm sorry Theo! I just...I'm scared. People think stupid things when they're scared." Mumbled the girl in her defense. "It won't happen, again, promise." Mumbled the girl, looking down at her lap. She felt bad for suspecting the King, but what was she to think?! People were dying and it seemed no one really cared. It was troubling her really, and she wanted this to be over.

However the next few weeks, it didn't end. No, it only worsened, The killings got even more morbid, and the killings got closer to home. Pearl's father was dead, and the only reason why she was alive was because she wasn't home. She had left the royal city because she was frightened, but her family perished.

No one had caught the killer yet, but Lucy had obviously doubled up on guards around his palace. Like hell would he allow some deranged killer into his home. Everyone was afraid, and no one knew who was next on this killer's list. However, in the dead of night, the killer came into the castle rather easily. He just appeared in Theodore's room. He was instructed by the angels to kill the king's lover. And that's what he was there to do.

Things were progressively getting worse and far more frightening as the days went on. More murders were being committed, each becoming more sadistically torturous than the last. It became so worse that Lucifer himself was starting to grow nervous, for himself and for Theodore. He couldn't give a shit about anyone else, but himself and Theodore were his only priorities in life. He'd buffed up security and, normally, he wouldn't allow Theo to leave his side... but on this night, for one of the first times in their whole decades' long relationship, the two were in separate beds. Theodore was sick and he didn't want to infect his boyfriend, promising him that their security was strong enough to protect him.

He was clearly very, very wrong.

Stirring from his sleep at the mere strange presence in the room, he didn't panic at the figure in the room. It was dark and, from what he could tell, it was a demon stood in front of him. He hardly assumed this was Vincent.

"Took you long enough to track me down," he snorted under his breath, reaching for his black lipstick. He had no intentions to die, but if he was going to be murdered for the second time in his life, he wanted to at least look good. "At least tell me your name. I won't be attacked by a nameless shadow."
"Project Zee." He replied, his voice deeper than what it had been, but it still had that New York accent. He held up his arm, and it literally morphed into a sword. He then walked over to Theodore, grabbing him tightly by his neck. And his sword arm went full force to stab his eye, but...He stopped just before his eye. Vincent had never hesitated before. But...Once he got a better look at Theodore, he felt his heart fluttered.

He...He knew this boy. He may not remember him but...His heart surely did. Otherwise, it wouldn't be beating this quickly. He stared at him baffled with himself. Why didn't he just stab this demon, gut him? He was a dirty demon who deserved death, wasn't he? So he brought his sword arm back again, and did the same thing, however his sword stopped in front of his eye yet again. Not even cutting him.

Growling with annoyance, he threw him back onto the bed. "...This heart knows you...In my human life...I was named Vincent. Do you know who I am?" He asked, slightly curious.
Theo didn't have much time to contemplate the other demon's apparent 'name'. He briefly found it confusing and even interesting that he was, presumably, a 'project', but that time he needed to absorb that when he had a sword thrust in towards his eye - twice. The first hesitation did confuse him slightly, but the second made him grin to himself. He assumed that the demon had a bout of cowardice because Theo was the King's boyfriend, after all.

Except, when he learned the real reason behind the involuntary hesitation, his smug smile came to a swift, sharp end, leaving him staring in a mixture of horror and surprise at his ex-boyfriend, who clearly had no idea who he was. Equally, Theo had no idea who had done this to Vincent and why he was intent on killing so many people, but those questions were far less important to him.

He knew he had Lucy, and he did love him dearly. He had dated him for decades, while his relationship with Vincent had lasted just a matter of months... but their bond was and always had been just as strong. It left him tugging the man into a passionate kiss, soaking up the feel of his body again after years of thinking he'd never ever see him again.

"T-Theodore. R-Remember? I... We... I loved you, we dated. You... were human, I was human the first time. Then I became like this and c-came to kill you, and we... fell back in love! Now you're here to kill me. Funny how... how things c-change," he laughed tearfully, blinking his eyes quickly to try and dispel the tears that were building up.
Vincent didn't kiss him back or really react much to the tearful explanation. This Theodore happened to be a lover of his...He tried to remember that, but he didn't. Nothing came to mind. "....I do not remember you." He replied as expressionless as he had been this entire time. His arm morphed back into a regular arm as he stared at him. He had orders to kill him, but he couldn't. He would just have to tell the angels he failed this mission. That this body of his wouldn't allow him to kill the other. Maybe he just needed a few more tweaking. "...Mission failed." He sighed to himself, before turning away from him.

"I will spare you tonight. I am not well...But you have seen my face." He mumbled to himself. And this man knew who he was. That would cause issues. He'd just have to take him. "...You are my prisoner, Theodore." He turned back around, grabbing his wrist. YEt his grip wasn't tight as if he was being careful with him.
This wasn't the Vincent he'd known. He understood and knew that he'd come back changed to Vincent all those years ago, when he was first turned to a demon... but ultimately, he was still Theodore. He had still recognised and loved him, and he was still the same boy he'd fallen in love with. Vincent, on the other hand, was nothing like the man Theo had once known. He was cold, expressionless, and too different.

Thus, Theo wasn't even going to bother trying to win him around and appeal to his heart. He wasn't going to bend to the other and beg for him. Besides, he wanted Lucifer to remain safe, so not making a fuss and instead being taken by Vincent at least guaranteed his lover's safety for a day or two.

"Oh, I'm your prisoner? That sounds kinky. What are you going to do to me~?" He began to purr, doing so purposely when his wrist was grabbed. "Go on, hurt me. I know you want to. You're a failure for not killing me-- at least hurt me~"
"If that's what you want," Vincent answered before knocking him out. He then picked Theodore's limp body up, before taking him back to his hideout. Thee the group of angels waited to hear the success of his mission. Of course, they were surprised when they saw he brought Theodore back and he was alive.

"What is the meaning of this, Project Zee?! We told you to kill him, not bring him back alive!" An angel angrily yelled. His name being Ajax. He angrily crossed his arms glaring at the unconscious demon that Vincent just dropped on the ground.

"...I failed. I couldn't kill him. He said we were once lovers. I have no recollection of this." Mumbled the demon as he stared down at the demon.

"Ugh! Kamil! Tell him to kill him, he always listens to you!" Ajax growled.

"Stop yelling so much, you're hurting my ears. So this is Theodore Bonucci, is it? He's... very flamboyant, isn't he? He's wearing lipstick, that's... you wouldn't catch any angel wearing lipstick, not even the females," began Kamil in quiet fascination with the extravagantly dressed demon. He was the Devil's lover, and he had just found out that he was also Vincent's ex-lover too, but Kamil couldn't help but be morbidly interested in the strange demon.

He was a demon and, inherently, he hated him, but he could be equally fascinated with him too. He was nothing like any demon he'd seen, and that in itself was interesting. He couldn't help that.

Likewise, he couldn't help but be disappointed in the fact Vincent failed at his task. Kamil was sympathetic to the demon, and he had built up a bond with him that went as far as to admit he had caring feelings for him, but he was still supposed to do a job. Failure wasn't really an option.

"...You should kill him. It's your duty. He's a demon, you... remember what the demons did to you, right? Banished you, left you to be tortured by rogues and deranged monsters? We saved you, and... you should repay that with getting your... vengeance. This boy isn't your lover, he's the Devil's boyfriend. He's... evil."

He looked at Kamil, and then down at the demon on the floor. He turned his arm into a sword once again before trying to stab him. Yet he failed once again, just stobbing right above his chest. He stared at him, and sighed and shook his head. "...I'm sorry to let you down. I cannot do it...More time, please?" He asked, looking at Kamil. Vincent looked at Kamil the same way he used to look at Theodore. With love and affection. He adored the angel. Even if they hadn't even touched one another. He still loved him.

Ajax rolled his eyes and stared at the demon. "...Project Zee needs more training. Obviously. He needs those human-like feelings out of him. Tie him up, Zee. We'll kill him later." He grumbled and watched at Zee tied him up obediently. He owed these angels everything. They turned him into a powerful demon. A demon that could get his revenge. But...He disappointed them. Disappointed Kamil. Because he couled kill this demon.

He looked at Theodore's face, and felt his heart flutter again He felt a weird ache in his chest. He didn't know that this was called missing him. He'd missed Theodore, and he didn't know it.
"Stop being so hard on him, Ajax. He... said they were lovers. We know that Lucifer's little... plaything was human once. Clearly he and... Zee were... intimate once. His hesitation is understandable, but he'll come around eventually. A few days and the demon will be dead, just be patient with him," the angel began with a hopeful smile. Like always, he was more sympathetic to Vincent than he perhaps ought to be. They were, at their core, enemies, and they were just using Vincent's anger against the other demons to get their own way.

Essentially, he was a pawn at their disposal that they shouldn't care too much about, but Kamil did like him. He was far from being in love, but he harboured some romantic feelings for the man, definitely. Which was why he went out of his way to defend him, even when he failed at a task.

"...Did you see Lucifer?" He breathed with a sudden flush to his cheeks; not in bashfulness, but rather, fear. Lucifer terrified him. He'd never seen the man, but stories he'd heard sent fear in him. As a small child, Lucifer was a horror story told to scare rebellious angels, and it had caused a young, rebellious Kamil to stay on the good path his whole life. "W-Was he... scary?"
"I did not see him. But I don't think he'd be all that scary. If anything, I believe I have frightened him. He has doubled up on guards since my killings started." Stated the demon, looking at Kamil. "You do not have to be scared of him. I'll protect you." He promised, a ghost of a smile on his lips as he sat as close as he could.

During the night, Vincent watched Theodore sleep. He tried to remember his human life but...He couldn't all he remembered was how badly the demons tortured him. But he felt like he knew him. As he slept, some odd fear overcame Vincent. What if Theodore was dead? Vincent then shook Theodore quickly, his eyes wide and concerned. It was just like when Theodore had come back. Vincent used to shake him awake, making sure he wasn't dead.
Despite being tied up, physically removed from the home he'd spent decades in (and away from the man he was just a few weeks away from marrying) and being absolutely exhausted, the demon stirred from his slumber without so much as a pained groan. Lucifer had prepared him for situations like this. As his boyfriend and his lover, he was going to be a target. Despite how famous and loved he had become, it was always a possibility that he be targeted and while Lucifer's little lessons never really went perfectly (they always ended up fooling around before he could be taught anything), he did at least listen to him when he insisted Theo should never panic or show fear.

Besides, he was never going to fear Vincent. Even if he was a demon who had committed horrific crimes, he was just... Vincent. He couldn't fear him.

"Mm, morning-- or rather, night? Why have you woke me up, I need beauty sleep," groaned the demon as he pouted for emphasis. "...Sweetheart, untie me. My hands hurt and you don't want me getting hurt, do you?"
Vincent physically relaxed when seeing he was okay. "...I can't. I can't untie you, I have orders." He mumbled as he leaned back, staring at him. "...You said we were lovers right? Did you know I was in Hell? Or did you try looking for me?" He asked. They were questions that had been bugging him since finding out that this man used to be his lover...Well, he didn't believe it, really, but...He kind of did.

"I was in the Outlands for...I don't know how long...The demons tormented me in ways I wish to forget. They did horrible things to me...I was alone and scared and wished it would end. Why didn't you come help if you were my lover? And why are you with Lucifer now? In my notes, you are to be married correct? You've been together for years now...Lucifer is the one who sent me to the Outlands. That's what the Angels told me. Why are you with someone who put me through so much suffering if you loved me?"
Hearing just what he had gone through did genuinely horrify the usually unshockable Theodore. No amount of gore and bloodiness frightened him. Like Lucifer, he usually thrived of all that-- but not when it happened to someone he cared a great deal about. He knew that he'd been banished, but he had no idea that anything like that would have happened. If he did know, he wouldn't have just given up the hunt for him.

But Vincent's memory was clearly not all there, and he had absolutely no problem reminding him that he was in no way the innocent one in this. Sure, he'd been tortured horrifically - but he was also the man who murdered Theodore, too. And then committed suicide in front of him, which was horrifying to see.

"Oh, darling, you're not a victim. I tried looking for you-- then I remembered that you put yourself here. What did you expect, Vinny? You shot yourself in front of me, you put me through hell by shooting yourself and splashing me with your goddamn brains. Do you not remember you put yourself in this mess? Oh, and let's not forget you murdered me. I was sleeping next to you and you killed me and... Lucifer was there for me. He gave me a life and he was kind and... then I chose you over him, and you killed yourself. What was I supposed to fucking do? Refuse to grow close to Lucifer, who was there to support me again?" He grunted, his eyes rolling as he did his best to hold his emotions together, however difficult that was becoming when all he saw was a blank expression from the other man.

"It's in the past, isn't it? I don't want to discuss it, Vinny. You don't recall anything, and I don't want to talk to you when you're like this, it's so... upsetting."
"Why would I kill myself? And why would I kill you? You have to talk to me. I don't remember, but I want to. You...You make my heart feel funny. Feel it." He instructed, grabbing Theodore's head and pressing it to his chest. His heart was beating rapidly, and he didn't understand why. "It does this when I see your face. I don't know why, but...You're important to me. I don't wish to kill you." He let go of Theodore, sighing as he looked down at the wooden floor

"...Sorry for waking you. If you don't wish to tell me, it's fine. I can just...I can live without knowing. You're saying it doesn't matter. And it must not, you love Lucifer now. I love someone too." He replied letting him now that his human memories didn't matter anymore.
"Oh, you love someone, do you? I doubt that. I don't think you realise that you and I are meant for each other. But go ahead and lust after some-- angel, I assume? Go and lust after the featherbrained fool, but you'll come running back to me one day. I love Lucifer, but I have a special place in my heart for Vincent Levard, obviously. We ran New York, Vinny. I'd like to go back there with you, maybe with Lucy too. I like you both and he's always found you utterly adorable," he purred with a small wink, even if there wasn't much flirtation he could do without his hands. He was a very touchy sort of person, and he liked to caress a man's (or woman's) hand, press in close with a hushed breath... That was impossible to do now, though, so he had to make do with simple oral flirts.

"Shame you're on the wrong side. And you killed some of my dearest friends, skinned them alive. Burned them from the inside-- oh, and let's not forget your little experimentation with hydrochloric acid. I personally found that delightful-- as did Lucy. We praised you -not that we knew it was you, of course- and gushed about your antics, and this is how to repay us? You target us because some angels told you to? You're a demon, you're going against your kind-- but you love some horrid angel, so I suppose I'll never convince you."
"The angels are who saved me. Demons are who tortured me and made me suffer. And no, I won't go anywhere with you. I won't allow you to kiss me either, you're a prostitute. That's disgusting. I don't see how your boyfriend could be with you, knowing the vile things you do. And yes, I love an angel. He's perfect, and he's not a featherbrain like you say. I will always love him, and I will always take care of him." Vincent mumbled defending Kamil.