Questions for the Men

There's a range.
It also depends on how well she keeps herself.
Know what, It's too dependent to say yes or no.
I want to know why guys like hitting each other in the balls. My friends do it all the time, even my cousins and sadly my brothers. Is it to be a dick to each other or just for some weird amusement?
#41: Do women get sexier as they get older?

Maybe. Depends what one defines as sexy. If you imply youth, physical beauty, obviously not, but like any good liquor, a woman only gets better with age. Wiser, more experienced.

Beware though. You are what you seek. If you pursue temporary pleasures that fade with time, an avaricious nature will follow in the people you keep, and in the end, you will be alone.
#42: I want to know why guys like hitting each other in the balls. My friends do it all the time, even my cousins and sadly my brothers. Is it to be a dick to each other or just for some weird amusement?

I honestly have no idea why it persists in modern culture either. In older societies it made sense: One man challenges another to a competition of endurance, and whomsoever proves to have the higher pain tolerance "wins" the greater prize of stature, which acquires a greater horde of wealth and females. Bravado, macho mannerism, "I am tougher than you so therefore I am better than you."

Something tells me it persists because modern day first world middle class men (especially teenagers) don't really have any other way (that's legal) to prove their mettle, aside from joining the army and becoming part of the meat grinder. Yet, in every man there is still the swirling whirlwind of testosterone and adrenaline. To describe that feeling, imagine every physical success (working out, throwing good punches, climbing things, sustaining injury without flinching, etc) released a chemical in your mind that's akin to a neurological stimulant, so potent that you could compare it to a sexually gratifying experience. That is testosterone and adrenaline pumping through a man's mind, pushing them to do physically gratifying shit, even if it's stupid.
I want to know why guys like hitting each other in the balls. My friends do it all the time, even my cousins and sadly my brothers. Is it to be a dick to each other or just for some weird amusement?
I don't know. I don't like touching other guys' balls. Except for work (<--physician), then I have to.
I want to know why guys like hitting each other in the balls. My friends do it all the time, even my cousins and sadly my brothers. Is it to be a dick to each other or just for some weird amusement?
I don't know anyone who enjoys inflicting that sort of pain on others. In the case of the people you know, perhaps they just want to be dicks to each other. >;/
Preference question: Shaved/waxed, trimmed, natural or don't care?
I missed a bunch, accidentally and purposely. All of these answers are from me, I COULD be all sociological and answer for men everywhere, but I don't see the need

#1: When you're looking for the mayo (or other refrigerated condiment) do you never move anything out of the way to see if it's behind something?

Not always, I like simplicity, that means getting what I want without changing things. I know where things are in my fridge, cabinets, and drawers, if I move things out to get to something, my precious system stands a chance of failing.

#2: Why do you insist were the prettiest first thing in the morning with our hair destroyed and possibly makeup everywhere?

Natural beauty, a girl without makeup or a proper hairdo is her as she is, not hiding behind something she might not be. If a guy likes you for how you look without preparing, you have a definite keeper.

#3: Why the fascination with poop?

I have a large distaste for toilet humor and anything related. Honestly I would ask other guys that same question.

#4: Are fart jokes really that funny?

Toilet humor once again, it's not funny to me. That being said, the occasional fart at an inopertune time can be funny, more for the social embarrasment rather than the fart itself.
What's the fascination with other guys' penii and dick jokes?

#5: What are the rules that determine what makes a good explosion

Now we are talking...

Well, there are a few factors that determine a good boom, I'll do my best to write down as many as I can think of.
-Noise, something that draws your attention and the attention of others.
-Aesthetics, the more color the better, actually creating fire rather than a simple !Bang! is nice, and creating things to enhance the visual of the explosion. This is not to distant from a love of art.
-Presentation, think of it like a short show, there needs to be a good build up, a climax, and a satisfying end.
-Collateral Damage, Because things getting wrecked due to your own creation is awesome

#6: Do you prefer...bacon or breasts?

I'm an ass-man myself, boobs are great, but the shape of a woman is much more attractive that what she has out front. I will confront the bacon topic at a later time.

#7: Does it matter what kind if underwear she's wearing before you get lucky?
Not entirely, I'll be ready to go no matter what, but what she's wearing will have some kind of effect for sure. If it's something really spicy, I might get the feeling she's into this sort of thing more than some other girls and I'll go out of my way to show her a good time and please her. I'll put more effort into it essentially.

#8: What's your ideal kind of first date?

#9: Do you guys actually like to talk feelings?

Yes, love it. For one, I like it when a partner tries to understand me, and my internal thoughts, so I don't mind sharing feelings. Secondly, a girl who talk about her feelings to me has made my life much easier, because most if not all girls I know have kept their emotions behind tightly closed doors. I just want to understand.

#10: What about cuddling after sex?
The girl has to initiate it, but sure! Just remember that we sometime get tired afterwards, and you might not like me dozing off while in my arms.

#11: What's the thing with men and feet?!

Hmm, not too much. Feet are weird.

#12: Who would you rather in the bed to sleep with: your woman or your dog?

Woman, my dog is an unstoppable machine of destruction, I don't want that in my bed.

#13: BBQ sauce or ketchup on your meat?

#14: Mayo on your burgers...and why?
Nope nope nope

Get to the rest later.
Are you a boobs or a bottom man? Come on. You want booty or boobs? :P

This is just a general question.
Are you a boobs or a bottom man? Come on. You want booty or boobs? :P
This is just a general question.
Boobs are ok, but the overall booty will always win out. The majority of girls I've been with have had small boobs, so I always had dat ass.

And bea, I think anything's fine as long as it's clean. Now, a forest is too much, but i'm ok with a little bit down there.