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((that's better. Answer the next two questions in one post then))
Question 13: Even though you try to "love and tolerate" you sometimes fail to do so and give in to your emotions, and thus hurt those around you.
Question 14:
Would you like to go to "Psyren"? Dial yes or no.
Phil couldn't help but smile at question 13. Who ever this was, they were doing their homework on MLP FiM

Question 13: 2
Question 14: 1

Though I'd rather go to equestria... He thought when he pressed one on the last question. the library was empty at the time. In fact, the school was closed and the only reason he was in there was because he was friends with the librarian. He did one last check of the room before manifesting Twilight Sparkel and Princess Luna. "How you Mares been?" He asked with a smile at his only true friends, even if they were of his own creation.
Seriack sat there for a second. He didn't know how to answer the question... He had a good life here... But he always felt like he could do more. Then the thoughts of his brother hit him again, and how his parents reacted. He had actually lost a lot of good friends after that, they being afraid he would draw more troublemakers to them. He stared at the phone for a few minutes... Then...

Question 14: 1
Kyy waits for the voice to stop and thinks. "It could be a trap..." He lights up a cigarette and dials 1.
Vivian stared at the phone. It had dialed something again, and now asked something about going to Psyren. She hesitated for a moment. She had some good friends, but none of them in her class and they hadn't really talked for a while. And she loved her parents too, but they still felt distant. She vacillated for a while, then dialed 1.
Well, at least she wasn't being whisked away against her will. Once again, it took Tamsin some time to respond to the posed question, though she had known the answer almost immediately as it was asked. Finally, she pressed one. She was almost entirely certain that this was real, and although scared of the possible consequences, she had to admit that her desire to know the truth far outweighed her reservations.
Examination complete. We will contact you regarding the results.
The next sentence sounded like a real woman.
Now get moving or you'll be late for school!
The Phone makes a "click" sound and the voice remains silent. The Phone ejects the Psyren Card.
Kyy laughs at the response. Hs throws the card in his pocket and starts running to make up lost time. He quickly sits at his desk as the bell rings.
Seriack stared at the phone for a few more seconds. He had expected to disappear immediately. He had heard the rumours about the cards and people going missing... Then the last bit hit him. He was going to be late! And for the second day of school!

"SHIT!" He exclaimed, and grabbed the card, stuffing it into his wallet again and making a mad dash for school. He had completely forgotten about the lost phone, the questions and the thought of being late covering that memory. He could hear the bells ringing as he ran. He jumped over low flower pots and the such to speed things up.

As the second bell rang to announce students that the were late, he rushed into the door, panting heavily. He probably created a stir with this little display, but he didn't care. He walked over to his desk, the one in front of Nova, and sat down. Seriack pulled his supplies out again and set them on his desk, his thoughts still focused on the Psyren card and what had really happened. How had it known... About his younger brother and that he was going to be late for school. The voice at the end had sounded human... But it had been a recording up to that point. He shook his head to try and help clear it, and waited for class to begin.
Tamsin was already pretty spooked, and that sudden command only served to so completely freak her out that she barely found the time to place the receiver down and retrieve the phone card before sprinting halfway down the road. It was only later that she remembered that people couldn't reach out and grab you over the phone. At least, by the time she arrived at school, the redhead was just about composed enough to appear normal.
Vivian stared at the phone.`Wait, what was that about!`She dug her phone from her pocket and looked at the time. The womans voice was right, she was going to be late. `Damn!` Quickly grabbing the card and stuffing it in her pocket along with her phone she ran to school.

Vivian barely made it in time, she was almost late again. She collapsed on her chair completely exhausted. `I don't believe I've ever run that fast during my entire life.`She tried to stop panting and get her heart-beat down.
The class is more concentrated today. And there seems to be a reason for it.
Nova is not there. His place remains empty.

The teacher comes into the classroom, and luckily he did not notice that some of his students were late.
He checks the Attendance and notices that he is not there.
"Strange. Usually he at least calls when he doesn't come. Ah well.
Get your books out. We begin now."

Somewhere in town:
2 Men in black suits check phone booths. They don't even try not to be suspicious. They write something down and talk with each other.
Is this one of them?
Yes. It was used here just a while ago
And who was it?
Let's see... "Now get moving or you'll be late for school!." Considering the time the call was done and the distances to the next schools it must be the school North of here.


The bell rings and break starts.
((Some social time))
Kyy thinks to himself about Nova. "So one possibility is that..." He puts his hand on his pocket. "Guess I'll get some air." He goes just off school grounds and lights up a cigarette.
Seriack was surprised that Nova hadn't shown up. He remembers the flash of red in the wallet again, and his hand involuntarily moves toward the pocket that his wallet was contained in. Once the break time bell rings, he rises and heads off to the bathroom. He didn't need to go, he just wanted to clear his head. Once he was inside, he turned on one of the facets and begins to splash his face with the water.

"Where could he have gone off to...? The teacher said he normally called first. I hope he's alright..." Seriack mumbles to himself while staring at his reflection in the mirror. After wiping his face and hands dry, he pulls out his wallet and the Psyren card, examining it once more.
Tamsin was unusually restless during class. She barely took any notes at all, and those that she did take were nothing but gibberish. By the time the drole talking of the teacher finished, the feeling that she neeeded to move around had not dissipated, only intensified. As a result, she was up and out of the door the very second they were dismissed for the time being. The phonecard was hidden somewhere in the bottom of her bag, but it was still at the forefront of her mind as she began a rather rapid stroll around the outside of the school building.
Shortly after the break started, two men in black suits enter the schoolyard. They show their badge to some students and ask where the principal is.
They leave to the direction they were instructed in.
One student spreads news but only as they left.
"There are fake cops in the school. And they went to the principal."
That news spread rapidly and come to the owners of the Psyren cards.

During break, a announcement comes from the speakers.
Tamsin Willoughby, Vivian Stykes, Kyy Namos and Seriack Sontomaro. Please report to the principal immediately.
Will they ignore the rumors and go there? It is a order, but it might be a bad idea considering the news. Maybe it's better to run away.
((Try to gather somehow. The main exit may be a good point to do so))
Seriack had never been called to the principals office before, and the rumors about cops didn't really make him want to go. He decides to make a run for it, and heads for the main exit.
Phil sat in the library tudoring some of the students in religion and scociology. the subject was on cults, and the students seemed pretty into the lesson. "Now, not all cults are bad. most of our modern day religions started off as a cult at some point in time. Hell Even the church of the flying speghetti monster was started off as a cult..." phil explained as some of the students took notes.
Kyy heard the announcement from some skippers and decides to look into it. He heads to the principal's office. "What's up sir?"
Vivian spent her break staring at the card. She heard someone talking about false cops before, and immeadedly gets suspicious when she hears the announcement. She hides the card in her pocket and stands up. She can feel the looks of her class mates on her neck as she walks out. `Does this have something to do with that card? Those other people are from my class as well, so maybe not. Anyway, I don't want anything to have with false cops. I'll just say I got a headache and went home if I get in trouble for this.`She heads for the main exit.
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