Pokemon Diversity Reloaded

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Is everyone waiting to post or something?
"Yeah ya chumps, start postin so I can clobber ya with my pokes!"

On another note, found this great PMD remix on the internet, in case you guys are interested.
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Sadly ShadowSlayer will not be joining us for a personal reason.
Meanwhile, I have created a third character:

Leonie Espierre (Appearance)

Age: Sixteen

Gender: Female

Hometown: Mermadelle city

Strengths: Leonie is unusually intuitive and it benefits her decision making. She's also a great encourager and a good listener. Her sensitivity to the spirit realm allows her to determine certain unknown events or happenings that others are normally oblivious too. Leonie's also pretty talented at taking pictures with her favorite camera that she keeps in a pouch on her belt.

Weaknesses: Her major weakness is her struggle with stealing (Better explained in the Personality section). Leonie also doesn't give herself enough credit, and she lacks self-belief even though she's good at not showing it. Leonie catches herself thinking too far ahead to the point where she sometimes skips steps when doing things. She also tends to be picky about certain things such as food and clothes.

Habits and Quirks: Bit of a Germ freak. She cannot think straight if she gets too filthy. She tries to meditate as often as she can in order to maintainher connection with the spirit realm. Leonie also has a unique interest in fashion and is very opinionated and finicky when selecting a clothing item. She only eats after comparing the visual appeal of her food and consumes the most delicious food first. She likes to nickname her Pokemon and friends. Under her colored, star shaped contacts are honey brown eyes.

Goal or Purpose: A dream from her childhood was to become the next Gym leader of the Water-Grass gym. Now-a-days she just hopes she turns out to be a decent trainer, and see where it leads her.

Inabilities: She isn't very good at empathizing with others, but she does try and cheer them up the best way she can.

Fears: Total normalcy and losing her individuality, long stares, and being completely alone. She isn't afraid of any particular Pokemon Type. Getting too dirty without being able to properly clean up is scary for her.

Personality: An imaginative and strangely spiritual, yet misguided girl. Leonie is a social dragonfly (she prefers putting it that way). She's open to making new friends, and she's fascinated by the fact that everyone is uniquely individual. She's a pretty curious chick, and she isn't afraid to look dumb or to fail when trying things. Leonie has always felt like a bit of a misfit, and it causes her to feel insecure sometimes about how people perceive her.

She's a naturally helpful girl, but she tends to have sticky fingers. If Leonie really wants something or is really interested in a particular thing, she finds it hard to resist the urge of "borrowing" it without asking. She often times feels guilty for this, and she mostly ends up returning what she took. Leonie's temptation of taking things without asking is highly reduced with friends. She cares more about keeping her established relationships with others rather than having something that isn't rightfully hers.

Backstory: Leonie's parents moved all the way from Iola town in Aquias to Mermadelle when she was just born. Her mother is a popular Pokemon connoisseur and her father a Pokemon photographer. She came to love photography by her father, and she would always travel with him to get the best shots. Leonie's parents are oh so very free spirited and weren't overbearing to the slightest. Her parents are like her best friends and she cherishes them a lot and will miss them when she starts on her journey. They are the ones who encouraged her to go to Professor Atlas' lab, because they know she is ready and able.

Aside from photography, Leonie's real dream was to become a Pokemon Gym leader. She admired Top Model Nyx of the beautiful Water-Grass gym and she always wanted to own her very own gym. When she grew older however, she lost sight of that dream. She began to develop insecurities that came along with teenage years. Bullies would put her down because of her taste in syle, and she stopped believing that she was good enough to be whoever she wanted to be. Leonie became content with just possibly becoming a decent trainer and she would enjoy taking pics on the side as a hobby.

Leonie is an only child, and because of her bullying and lack of friends, she felt lonely. Her loneliness drove her to become attached to material things. She would collect pokemon dolls and different color pokeballs to drown out the pain of being alone. Collecting and having neat things made her feel good. When she couldn't have something that she wanted, instead of feeling mad or defeated, she would take them without anyone looking. She realized that this was stealing, but she tried to justify it by telling herself that it was for her own happiness.

Leonie's habit of stealing grew out of control and the guilt started to hit her all at once one day. She painfully returned everything that she had taken without permission and felt horrible. The urges to steal still remain, but she has been doing her best not to slip up. Sometimes she still does it and she tries to make herself feel better by telling herself that she's only borrowing the thing. Most often she really does return what she takes, but it's the taking without asking that is dangerous. Leonie yearns to earn her own money during her journey, so that she can buy what she wants instead of feeling like she can never have the things that bring her happiness.

Desired Pokemon Starter: Totodile

Not sure how or when she will fit into the story right now.
I'll have her pop in when I feel the time is right.
She's a character that sorta turns to the dark side, but she doesn't start out bad.​
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Sorry my last post is so short, I just wanted to make sure I got a post in today and didn't leave you hanging.
Nah it's cool. Don't worry about content length so much. As long as posts aren't shorter than a paragraph (and not just a paragraph regularly) then it's ok. We have 8+ towns to get through, so there's plenty of time for character development. I do encourage everyone to add details and their characters inner opinions on things though. Highlighting your characters quirks and habits too also gives your character depth. There are plenty of characters to interact with + Pokemon.

Most importantly everyone - Have fun :) Many people get caught up in the technical aspect and worrying about how long their posts need to be or if it's good enough that they forget to have fun! Become the character and do what you want freely in the Pokemon world, as long as it makes sense and isn't too power crazy. It's best not to force content length, just let it come as you think of fun possibilities within each situation. Forcing oneself to write feels like a chore, and that takes away from the enjoyment of roleplaying. People roleplay to live the story not to just write. So let's live as the characters in the IC and have a good time! :P
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So I was looking up the meaning of Astrid's name online just to see what I can add to Astrid's personality and this is what I find.

From Urban Dictonary:

A curvy slim petite girl who is extremely HOT. Might look mean from first glance. But has the most adorable personality when you have encounter her. Has the greatest smile. She is into long-term relationships and she's loveable and passionate. The true meaning of wifey material. She is the most trustworthy friend you can ever have and she is also very intelligent in all that involves the arts such as music, drawing, design, dancing, and writing. Teachers love her and students hate her. She is beauty and brains. Overall, a really really great person. Regarded by most as best thing thats ever happened to them. Oh yea the only downfall is that she's usually pretty much taken when you meet her. So if you have an Astrid you better never let her go!!!

Not sure if this is intentional for my character or not lol.
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I'l make sure my next post is longer since i have a bit of writers block atm.
I added Kristy, Kyrie, and Beatrice to the Character list :)
Going to try and have my next reply up within the next hour or so. If not it'll most likely be up tonight.
I need to get ready for night classes around 4.
Heads up everyone, ShadowSlayer is rejoining the thread.
That means Leonie is probably getting a different starter as well.
My plan was to wait after Echorun posted until Maxim posted to give him a chance to RP with us before we continued on any further.

This was not to reply to True Self. I wanted to give Maxim's character a chance to meet new and awesome people like ours and if someone were to asked why I haven't replied after Echorun did, that was the case. Feel free to take your time until you are ready to post guys, just don't keep us waiting in the dark for a long time lol. :)
Meaning to put a post up, but am running dry on inspiration atm. Maybe I'll just start a battle with Jay and see where that leads! :P
Once I can get Jay away from the vicinity of the lab, then Robbin will gladly accept a battle challenge from Alvin lol. @Maxim
Jay would need a lot of coaxing or an active threat against him before he'd consider battling his pokemon.
Once I can get Jay away from the vicinity of the lab, then Robbin will gladly accept a battle challenge from Alvin lol. @Maxim
Jay would need a lot of coaxing or an active threat against him before he'd consider battling his pokemon.
I know that, but does Alvin know that? ;)

Still I'm kinda curious, how is he going to evolve a Pokemon that he never battles with? Maybe I'm still stuck on cartridge logic...
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