Plot Discussion (Chapter 4)

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Would the painted village have dogs or canids of some kind? Or would that not quite fit?
Well, that post was fucking awful.

Here's a picture wot I drawed, to make up for my bad description:


@Tone 6th - you're supposed to be following me and Draegal to another chamber. We're going to get rat-arsed. Walk and talk, mister.

@ET4252 - I guess it's possible, if you want some butts to sniff. Maybe they use dogs to hunt.

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Sorry Tavark people; I wasn't aable to finish my post last night and I just got off work. I'm getting a crown put on at the dentist in an hour and a half. The procedure should take about an hour, and then I'll get the post finished shortly after I get home.

Sorry it's taken so long, I've just been struggling a bit with how to do this, becuse It includes so much and so many. But I have the rough draft now and it won't take long to flesh it out.
Dayum. An hour and a half just to lower a crown onto your head? That's a long coronation.

And don't worry Gonzo - just write a confusing piss-poor hijack post like I just did and set up a dilemma via clumsy coincidence.

*starts cutting himself with Unanun's manga comics*
Er... Is that picture supposed to take us to your Photobucket?

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Since that's my roleplay album... and the only roleplay I have now is Ilium... you go wild, girl.
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@ConstructPylons , @LVL1337N00B & @fatalrendezvous - feel free to call bullshit on that post. I admit it was awful.

[Trying to keep Karissa involved] + [Prison Avians cooperating] + [Enclosed stairwell] + [Navras pronouncing death on anyone out in the open] + [Minutes away from reaching shelter and being clear of all danger] = Asmo pulling dick moves to keep the hostage situation plot on track

I figured it was better to do this than conjure up a reason from Karissa and Artorius to leave the shelter and plunge back into danger for the main plot event.
I just had a realization on how Asmo could have easily accomplished that.


Karissa has a grandmother. Who hasn't been mentioned in several posts so it's reasonable to believe she might not be with Dane/Artorius, but Karissa is young and stupid enough to go stick her neck out for the only family she has left (since Mommy is off in Barvelle fighting evil). And Dane might just be stupid enough to follow along, which would bring Artorius with them probably. Or she could just go it alone like a badass five-year-old.
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Ah, the fucking grandmother.

*edits her in*
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I didn't think it was that bad. But maybe that's saying something about me, dunno.
You know what?


It's bullshit.

I did a shit post, and if that Asmo fella was around he'd snark the fuck out of me. Ilium deserves better than a coincidental prison cell scooping up a girl while being propelled by GEOMANTIC forces.

Fuck this. I'm editing.

*kicks over a table*
If you're gonna go with the whole grandma thing, you can have her mauled in some terrible way, if that would make you feel any better.
Actually, no. I'm going to delete the post entirely and let you all get on with it.

I'm not going to stress myself out trying to scoop everyone up like I did last chapter.

You guys think of something. The time for clumsy Asmo hijacking is over.

I was going to have a bunch of young Avians trapped somewhere and acting hostile towards everyone, and the magics in the storm are resonating with them and causing more destruction whenever they get upset. So the Watch would have to climb up to the wall and calm them down with moral and emotional dialogue.

But that's a crap chapter plot to spend the next 3 weeks on. So you guys do something else.
That's fair to me. Were you still going to handle the hostage situation though? Or are we just playing G.I. Joe with ourselves now?

Edit: Oh, well, that answers that.
Honestly, I had kinda wanted to start the chapter off with half the city up in the spires having some kind of ceremony, what with the arrival of the northern lights and all. I mean, that's what we had originally planned, right?
Oh yeah, we'll just be like, "ooooh cool magical storm to complement the Northern Lights! Everything is peachy hunky-dory here in Aldus and the buildings are floating just like in some wonderful fairytale!"


This is what happens when you refuse to guide us Asmo! We'll turn your precious city into a discotheque!
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I was expecting people to be on the spires.

But suddenly avians were getting locked up in prison and people were going batshit crazy because of a storm. And then I realized that it's fucking ALDUS so there's absolutely nothing on Pinterest, DeviantArt or Google Images that remotely captures the visuals, so I would have to try and describe that with prose and be misinterpreted at every turn. And then somehow set up a situation where the Watch were moving with SENSIBLE PACING between each spire and encountering various difficulties that would take the course of 3 weeks, which is hard when there's only ONE player in the watch.


Have fun.

*hides up a tree*
Waaaaagh! Sorry for the drag on my end, guys. Asmo and I are moving clear across the country in less than two months and I keep getting all distract face with little details like finding a place to live. >_<
I will edit tomorrow. Thank you for the heads up.


Reacting to floating city is boring and dumb and just as much of a waste of time as doing nothing for three weeks.

Fuck. That.

Instead, let's be a bit more constructive and move forward with the avians taking people hostage thing. Here's what I suggest.

You want avians up in the spires? Put 'em up in the spires. There's gotta be, what, at least a couple thousand of them scattered about the Aldus underground now? Not to mention the shit ton of avians that LVL, Con and Fatal were able to smuggle in LVL's last post. Which they took them... where exactly? A tunnel leading...? Why not an underground shelter where a bunch of other people are? I mean where else is a secret tunnel in a prison cell going to lead to? Freedom? Please.

So now you've got all the avians with all of the citizens of Aldus, and the storm outside has subsided for the time being. There's stress and cramped space and strangers and not enough people to guard them all. I predict fights and arguments. Avians have wings. Pick some people up and carry them away if that's possible, outside and up to spires maybe to get out of the storm. Not all avians are gonna do this, but a few brave and angry souls would I'm sure.

One of these souls just happen to be Karissa's grandma. Karissa tries to go safe her. Dane is distracted 'cause he's on the watch and now has a hostage situation or some other reason he's not looking. She sneaks off, gets caught herself.

So now you've got bits of broken city floating around, a storm that's reacting to these foreigners emotions, a hostage situation and a few brave souls who need to figure out what to do.

Ya wanna run with shit I made? Run with that, 'cause that's actually something good that ties together both pieces of plot along with everything that's happened *seamlessly*.

*Sets the table up right again and sits at it*
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