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Yeah I'm not too knowledgeable about war times (save from stuff I learned from school) but it's well thought out. Your concept sounds pretty straight forward and understandable too which is important. So, if I can comprehend it (with the small knowing of the genre I have) then I think you're in good shape. It's all about presentation and how comprehensible it is- among other things.

Alsooo, going to post tonight, no exceptions! Though if I'm not mistaken, I believe everyone* has gotten their posts in, so thank you.

Edit: *Almooost everyone. I did a double check.
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Just not under that name. "[BCOLOR=transparent]The war that broke out in 1914 was more brutal and costly than any conflict before." The difference is semantic, really. And dadaism is nice. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Edit: ad. Capn' , I was actually bit worried the concept would be somewhat complicated and awkward in formulating my idea. The setting can be exchanged, but if the core concept is bad and communication of ideas poor, well... oy vey.[/BCOLOR]
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This shouldn't be so funny.

Alsooo we're aiming for Wednesday to be our next cycle. SO, get your posts up by then.
How's everyone?
Downloaded the Automatron DLC for Fallout 4 (after some delay, thanks to the PS store). It's kinda hard to get back into the game after I haven't touched it in a while.
Work, school, life... the usual, I guess. Have to take care of a pet bunny this weekend, too.
Pets remind me that apparently it was National Dog day. Too bad I don't have dogs. Or any pets. The things I miss out on.

Also, guys tomorrow hits two weeks without posts let's keep this moving. I know end of the school year (for some) and work can be busy but I'm not asking for everyday posts. Just once basically a week. We're nearing the end, don't disappear on me now.
Also, if anyone would be interested, I started working at example concept for European Accord, the RP thing I discussed a bit earlier. I'd appreciate any kind of criticism, though at this time, it's not really much to show yet.

Well, I mean, unless you were the last to post then, you're free to post in any order you want.

Also, be excited folks, the last chapter will be worth while! But in order to get there, we have to actually finish this one! I know it seems a little slow, and you guys seem to respond a lot more to action oriented things, but push through! It's almost over! And the chance of a PA 2 in the future is possible.

@Mizos, @Winter are you guys still kicking?
Sorry about that Aki, I don't mind the downtime, I was given a project a few days ago, just getting head start. I'll have a post soon.

I'll also happily take a look Arcadius.
example concept
When you say example concept do you mean like, an introduction to how you'd present it or like an example of a post, orrr-?

I read through it though and it's not bad. Just that one part that I'm not sure about.

And also thanks Mizos.
Essentially, how I imagine posts would go. Unfortunately, this is one person's work, while the actual thing would be work of multiple people posting in succession. I suppose it shows the general style of the writing, but it might also simply be a poor example. The latter, more than the former, I fear. Which part you were unsure about? I'd also like to hear opinion on the map. I intend it to be big part of the RP, so obviously, I need to test the waters if doing in it such style works or not.
how I imagine posts would go.
This is what I needed to know. I understood the post itself, but I wasn't sure where it fit in to your idea. Though, I'm not really sure you can determine just how posts will turn out. Everyone has a different style, so it may not be like that.

Also, as a person that never really understands maps I can't really help you out there.

We had some really bad attendance this round and I need us to well...not have such bad attendance. I understand being busy with school, work, etc, I really do. But two weeks??

Groth and I advanced the plot, pushed things ahead, and hope you guys will follow through as well.

Currently: Fight scene.

I'm allowing you guys the freedom to do what you want here: have the enemies shoot cannons back, one managing to get close, etc- If you don't have any ideas, just tell me! Asking for ideas is much better than not posting, you know?

So! The next round will happen on WEDNESDAY.

And just to make sure everyone sees:
@Yakamoz (?)
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I am here. Still alive. Barely

Outcome of my job search and networking was that I have 2 jobs (1 regular 9-5 job and 1 part time tutoring that is an obligation of sorts - Mom's friend's friend's kids) but definitely way more income. That is on top of studying for my Grad School entrance exam which is 3x a week.

I'll defo need to talk to Blu about my posting sched but I am keen to continue since the last chapter is something no one wants to miss.

Seriously, she discussed her plans with me and it's frickin' awesome.
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Thank you for letting us know @Yakamoz

Seriously, she discussed her plans with me and it's frickin' awesome.
It's still a bit of a work in progress, but I mean, I'm trying to make it memorable enough so everyone can go out with a bang. (Literally? Figuratively? Who knows.) But with that said, we can't get there without posts guys! And I don't want to just shut down the rp mid chapter and towards the end!

With THAT being said, our goal here is still Wednesday guys! Please get your posts up!
Still here as well, swamped like no tomorrow but still around.

I'll aim for a post today of course, it'll just be later as I'll be occupied all day.
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