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I come back, stressed, tired and all manners of things from school to quickly get a post in..and get to see a long scientific equation(with math) and funny pictures.
I always enjoy popping into OOC it is a delight.
"You can shoot Kadi any time" - pfft pls no, we need the navigator for navigating

So, the newest cycle of posts will ideally start on Friday. Annnd with this chapter, @Grothnor, the honorary co-gm of this chapter gets to start cycles off (unless we do a bunch of collabs which is fine too). I'll either post after him or end the cycle, but I'll warn you ahead of time.

Anywho, if you've ever wanted to watch Vegeta play/rage on videogames, I suggest watching Renegade for Life. It's great. 10/10
Aaah, Yandere Simulator. Such a messed up piece of work. Just listening to the dev commenting on his work progress makes you wonder what kind of psycho he is.
There's other "serious" games but this one made me laugh a lot. (Actually all of them did)

Also, I'm officially on break from school. While my post is planned for tomorrow, vacations and family time. Sooo expect late Friday.
I'm not entirely sure the quotation marks are justified. The dev may be playing the long con with how he acts, but might not. Either way, the whole shenanigan is entertaining to watch.
Also, question, does any of you play Fallen London? I started to play recently, because I really liked Sunless Sea and found the art and writing style absolutely captivating.
I do watch Renegade for Life, and Arcadius you are right I enjoy watching his dev videos, I'm not sure how to feel about them sometimes.

I have not played it Arcadius, but you might have given me something to take a look at.
You know, it makes me wonder. Sunless Sea and Fallen London created really captivating gaslight fantasy setting. I wonder how feasible it would be to make RP set in that universum. Might need some adjustments, I suppose, given how cryptic the narrative is...
Where'd everyone go off to?

Also here's a random music share
Heya guys, just letting you know I'm still around and looking to make a post. Shouldn't be too long now.
I'm still here, ran into a bit of...fun and lost my internet and have been using my phone. I'm back now though.
I'll be headed back to school so I may be silent till Sunday night. Gotta get readjusted to school things.

BUT let's try to get posts up guys. Please and thanks.
Still around, still alive... I'll wait until someone else posts first, if you don't mind, guys.
Let's try to get posts up by Wednesday guys. It's been quiet fooooor the week. Conveniently enough for me to take a spring break.
Hey all. I'd like to ask all of you for a favour. I'm working on an RP idea I had, and I would appreciate if y'all would be willing to read my excrement of a concept and give some feedback, if it is all right with you. I've never really done thing similar to this, but it feels like an interesting idea and that means it would be shame to not develop it.

my excrement of a concept
It's hardly crap. I liked it quite a bit and found it rather interesting. I'm not terribly familiar with the interwar period (except for Dadaism, which came out of that time period IIRC and is my favorite art style :P), but the concept appears quite sound. I'd suggest coming up with some specific practical applications for 'Alanite', since some people (like me) enjoy technical details.

Also, since WWI never occured, I would consider avoiding the term 'tank', and possibly replacing the word (or the concept as we know it altogether) as without WWI, the British would never have developed the 'tank'. I like the idea of 'Land Battleships' though.
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