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Very nice Winter. Annd with that, I shall set our 4 day rule again.

We'll be heading back to our normal 4 day rule now that holidays are over. Kay? Cool. Thanks.
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Understood and got mine in early since I'm not sure what's going to happen on Saturday.

Man Winter I'm pumped for this already, actually got a bit too heated and had to tone it back.

Oh the spoiler is just extra details, doesn't add anything to the main post aside from some extra imagery and some of the inner working of his gun so I put it in there. Completely optional.

Looking forward to everyone else's responses to this new development.
Getting started on a post! :D


Luro said:
...but he liked the little imperfections in the ship.Seeing where the bullet had hit back when they were just starting their journey was a fond memory to him, not of the captain getting shot but of all of them working together and escaping.

D'aww <3 this brings back memories! We sure have come a long way.
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Understood and got mine in early since I'm not sure what's going to happen on Saturday.

Man Winter I'm pumped for this already, actually got a bit too heated and had to tone it back.

Oh the spoiler is just extra details, doesn't add anything to the main post aside from some extra imagery and some of the inner working of his gun so I put it in there. Completely optional.

Looking forward to everyone else's responses to this new development.
I'm glad! ^^

Hopefully this'll be full of interesting situations. I'll be attempting to tailor some of the situations to certain characters. But I wont spoil anything yet.
Looking forward to everyone else's responses to this new development.

Which reminds me, I need to work on my own response. *Hands the Co-GM hat to Winter* You now have a bit more responsibility, enjoy it while you can.

I'm glad you guys are still all excited for this RP. And I'm glad I introduced character arcs, you people seem to like those. And it gives me time to plan out stuff and aid the story.

Anyone else notice that there was a goal to this RP? The Black Compass (which was only brought up like once IC wise) And it's sort of not important right now haha. If you didn't notice, just...keep not noticing. When the time comes, it'll be quite obvious.

And we all are excited Winter. I'm positive your arc will go fine. If help is needed, as I said to all of you, I'm just a PM awaaay.
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*Wears the hat with pride*


Let's do this!
The hat looks good on you~

Looking forward to the things you have planned, Winter! I'm also pretty excited to see more of Alicia's land and family.
If you didn't notice, just...keep not noticing. When the time comes, it'll be quite obvious.
Ominous... >.>

You didn't see anything.
Hello everyone,

I apologize for intruding into your thread. Winter has told me that your crew has, during some unfortunate circumstances, lost the navigator. I'd like to be the replacement, if you'll have me.

I'm not new to roleplays, though previously I've been mostly in sci-fi themed ones, never one that was high fantasy. Or had ships, ships are new too. Aside that, I can't say I know much about One Piece, but I was told it is not a necessary knowledge, so hopefully, if accepted, I'll learn the key stuff on the go. In any case, probably better to have actions speak for one that just words, so, here's the character sheet for my navigator:

Name: Mikchail Arcadius

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Appearance: 175cm tall, with broad shoulders and somewhat thickset body. His face is round, with short black hair and murky green eyes.

When on a ship, working as a navigator, he's wearing his green longcoat, a mark of navigators in his homeland. Being right-handed, he's wearing his sword and pistol on the left side, both marked with his family crest of lion and eagle clashing together in eternal combat.

His Star Dusk symbol (should he be accepted) would replace the needle inside his compass, one of the few possessions he brought with himself from his home.

Ref. picture: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/113/2/4/portrait_captain_4_by_skrubhjert-d7fp8bc.jpg

Position: Navigator

Personality: Coming from a land where humans used to not be the top of the food chain, he tries to approach any situation with phlegmatism that in rare cases borders on fatalism. Being from a fairly wealthy family, and thus never really lacking for anything, he doesn't put large value in materialistic things, as his parents always taught him that you can buy things, but never wisdom and knowledge, and that those are the real currency of the world. This partially fuelled his frustration that lead him to leave the known shores and strike for lands where unknown lingered.

From practical standpoint, this created a person that was lighthearted, never was able to hold a grudge for too long and easily forgave wrongs, but also one that was easy to distract and had tendency to give up on things far too easily if they showed little promise to bear fruit of success.

Special Skill: Decent with flintlock and sword, but so far untested in actual combat, and of course, talent for navigation and cartography.

History: What is there to say about me that would not leave you sleeping from boredom after first three sentences...

I was born to a family that was one of the lesser branches of the ruling bloodline of my homeland, a distant place several months worth of a fairly perilous journey by ship, around many tricky shores and treacherous reefs. A place with long and boring history, where fat, slow merchant cogs travel between small city states and merchant empires. Where old castles, abandoned because noone needed them anymore, look down upon thick forests and dark valleys that once used to be filled with nameless horrors, but now the forests have roads cleared through them and the valleys have been cleared and became fertile farming land.

A place where, it seems, all the history has already happened.

At least that was my feeling when I got out of maritime school and served on one of those merchant cogs, named after the owner's wife. I wondered what drove those people to name them as such. Perhaps all of them were fat, boring and never ventured very far from the place they were born. I wondered if that would be my life as well, get together enough money by forty to buy my own cog, name it... Martha or some other incredibly boring name, and die by eighty, surrounded by family, in my own home I bought from my own wealth.

I wonder what led my steps that night, whether alcohol or frustration, but I suppose both are close brothers that can often be considered one and the same. I strode from the harbor pup, across the pier and right into the only ship in the harbor that wasn't a cog. I was drunk by the time, so my memory is somewhat hazy, but I vaguely remember asking the captain if he was sailing "to a place with no more fucking cogs". The captain recognized a hansa navigator's green longcoat, and as my luck would have it, he was desperately searching for a replacement. He was a warmhearted man who made his living by taking furs from my homeland to the far lands, and returning back with precious spices.

Next day, I woke up wrapped up in my longcoat, in a longboat, and the sun was shining on the open sea. Not a forest, an abandoned castle or a damned cog in sight. The captain understood my plight, and said that he himself has done something similar back when he was some twenty stone slimmer. He said he left a note for my family that I was leaving with him on a trade mission, and that, if I'd wanted, I'd be back home in a year. I wasn't sure I'd want to be back in ten, as I was walking down the gangplank into a port that looked nothing like the one back at home.

Why did you become a pirate: One impetuous decision, and a search for life that actually feels like living.
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Hello and nice to meet you Arcadius, good to see you trying a new experience and all that. It can be pretty interesting.

I'm not sure if this still applies (checking the main page and all) but we all sent our CS as a pm to Capt. Blu for approval. Again not sure if the rule still applies seeing as we moved and all but figured I'd throw it out there as a possibility in case it comes up.

Alright I've come and said something possibly confusing and unnecessary, I'm going back to lurking now.
Hi there @Arcadius don't worry, you're not intruding.

Winter has told me that your crew has, during some unfortunate circumstances, lost the navigator. I'd like to be the replacement, if you'll have me.

How nice Winter. Saves me a bit of hard work in finding a navigator. (Of course that's if I accept.)

I'm not new to roleplays, though previously I've been mostly in sci-fi themed ones, never one that was high fantasy. Or had ships, ships are new too. Aside that, I can't say I know much about One Piece, but I was told it is not a necessary knowledge, so hopefully, if accepted, I'll learn the key stuff on the go.

Good to know you have the experience. I would assume so since Winter recommended. It's true that you don't need an extensive knowledge of One Piece, because I'm pretty sure none of them do besides Winter . And yes, this RP is pretty straightforward. Nothing complicated about it- unless it's complicated and I am not aware.

Anyway, I'll look over your CS more thoro-

main page and all) but we all sent our CS as a pm to Capt. Blu for approval. Again not sure if the rule still applies seeing as we moved and all but figured I'd throw it out there as a possibility in case it comes up.

This reminds me, yes, I'd rather you PM the CS because my weird OCDish reasons because it won't get lost in the thread. PM me, and then I'll look into it more thoroughly.

Also: This cycle ends tomorrow [Sunday], I'll have my post up then so you can move the crew along Winter.
PM sent, should I delete the charsheet here so the huge wall of text doesn't blots out the page?
And no, you don't have to if you don't want. Just put it in a spoiler.
My pleasure Aki, though it was no trouble at all. I've RP'ed with Arcadius for around three years now.
I had some spare free time. I got my post in.

How's everyone doing as of late? Accomplish anything in the matter of...3 days into the new year?

Haha, my accomplishment: Getting up at appropriate times because the holidays are now over.
Hi, Arcadius :D! It's a pleasure to meet you. Haha, if it makes you feel any better. I haven't even seen a single episode of One Piece *Is stoned to death*

I haven't accomplished much xD. Just movies, books, and video games. I have three weeks of Christmas break before I have to head back to the dorm. How have you guys been doing?
Weebly has been- *rewind*

We have a new member *drum roll* You all pretty much assumed it anyway >.>....
@Arcadius! He'll be joining us as our newest navigator!


And as I was saying, Weebly has been updated.

Also, Winter posted earlier (which is a-okay) so the four day rule ends on Wednesday....Thursday. One of those. You can count. I'm going to stop reminding about that.
Sorry, I didn't mean to post early. I saw everyone had made a post so I thought to get one up as soon as possible to keep a good pace.
How's everyone doing as of late? Accomplish anything in the matter of...3 days into the new year?
Not much so far, nothing overly productive, beside joining up here, of course.

Though I guess that as a someone who has two tests next week, I should probably do something.

Also, belated greetings to everyone!
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