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Victoria, upon completion of her duties, snuck into Dimitrius' room. Jealously was her driving force. She closed the door behind her steadily, and un raveled a few straps of her clothing so that her torso was exposed until her hips, which were still covered. She didn't hesitate for his reaction and threw herself onto him, ravishing his lips to her own accord.

June had just finished tending to the current patient when Scottie gave her a hard slap on the for a good day's. She had yelped and hissed, to which Scottie profusely apologized and allowed her the rest of the day off. She rubbed the back of her head and thanked him, leaving for her room. June wanted a nice shower-- being in a room of sweaty, bloody men wasnt exactly pleasant.

She hummed a tune as she opened the door, before the sight of what was happening hit her. She paused. And then slowly shut the door. No screaming, no cursing, no anger. Just silence as she ran to the main mast, climbing up the ropes to sit on the tallest spot. The furthest spot from where Victoria and Dimitrius were. A couple of sailors stopped their work to ask her about it, but she didnt speak a word. Simply brought her knees up and buried her face in them.
Dimitrius was certainly taking by surprise when she came onto him pressing her body to his and having a tongue twister with him. And in all honest he was fine with it until June walked in by accident. That was when it hit him. He was married, Granite she wasn't going to give him anything, he should have at least asked and been opened about it with her. It was the least he could have done. Asked her how she felt about it had an actual conversation about it. He was a man after all.

Pushing Victoria off of him, Dimitrius rushes after her. He climbs to the top of the watch tower. "June." He whispers saying her name for the first time since they have meet. He sits down next to her. "Let me explain, I'm sorry. Though on my part I didnt do it and I guess most men would say that wouldn't they. But in all honest, she caught me off guard and by time I realized what the hell was going on you walked in. It was legitimate seconds." He explains or tries to.

He let's out a soft sigh. "Please dont be up set at me. I mean if I were lying I would have just stayed their finished what I was doing then came to you. But I didnt and that should be some sort of proof." He reaches out to rub her arm gently, his beautiful blue eyes told of his sincerity.
June sat, her breath audibly hitching from crying, on the watch tower with a sense of melancholy overtaking her. She could hear Dimitrius climbing the tower, but she did not move, and she did not lift her head when he spoke. Instead, she listened to his explanation in silence. Sighing, she sat up and rubbed her eyes with her forearm. It was the second time that day that Dimitrius had made her cry.

She flinched back on instinct as he reached out to her arm, before relaxing once she realized what she'd done. "Sorry." She mumbled, turning to face him. June searched his eyes for honesty, for any sign of truth, and when she found it, she nodded to herself. "Yeah. I'm sorry if I'm overreacting. I don't know what I'm doing. I should- I should get to bed. It's been a long day. Don't worry, I believe you. I have no reason not to." She informs him, letting down her legs to start climbing down.
"Sleep with me tonight." He says before she leaves with a soft smile. "I'll be down in a little bit. It feels nice out."

And with that Dimitrius runs across the large poles holding the sails up. He grabbed a rope and swing from one spot to another leaping the the air. This is what he loved, the salt air, the rush and the feeling of the adventure, the risk.

Soon enough he finds himself on the ground and heading to his room. Opening the door he yawns. "Man am I tired." He chuckles slightly.
June nods and slides down the ropes, stumbling a little but not falling. She goes to the captain's quarters on instinct, but pauses before she turns the doorknob. She didn't have any time to flee, however, because Victoria opened the door suddenly. June staggered back a little, turning around quickly to go to the infirmary or kitchen or anywhere that was not there. Confrontation was her worst enemy.

She heard Victoria laugh a little. "Honey, there's no need to be all upset. It's not like you're going to pleasure him, so someone's got to." Victoria explained smugly. June stood in her place for a moment. "Yeah." She replied simply. Victoria walked past her, brushing shoulders. "It's not like he's married or anything, not like his wife simply doesn't have a say in what he does, not like he's a grown fucking man who can stand to function without putting his dick inside of a woman." She mutters sarcastically under her breath, earning a side glance from Victoria. June quickly dashes into the room before she can say anything else. Suddenly, the door opens. June opens her mouth to speak, expecting a furious Victoria, but instead finds a tired Dimitrius.

"Oh to you to Hun." He chuckles softly. Dimitrius wonders over to the dresser and pulls of his clothing before pulling on sleep pants. He plops on the bed and pulls June down with him.

"This is how your staying. I haven't sleep with anyone in a while. And I do mean both ways." He teases her nuzzling his face into her hair like a child. His arms secured around her waist. "Then again most woman dont say in bed with me after the first night." He teased again.

Dimitrius held her tightly before soon falling fast asleep.
June changed into a nightdress along with him and made no protest as he pulled her down to the bed, securing an arm around her waist. She, in turn, locked her legs around his hips.

"Dimitrius!" She pouted, shaking her head at his antics. "I'm beginning to wonder if it's really me who's the childish one." She muttered softly, her voice muddled by his clothing. She could hear his heart beat again, softly thumping in her eyes. It was soothing, and it slowly lulled her to sleep, with her arms hung around his back. By the time it was morning, the two had their limbs tangled.

Banging on the door a week later rudly awakened Dimitrius. "What!" He groans. "Land sir!" Calls from the other side of the door. Dimitri jumps up and out of bed. "Land?" He questions with surprise. Finally they were there. The island of Iska. One of the many islands under Azar's ruling.

"Come in little June let's get a move on." He says quickly getting dressed.
June groaned. The entire process of sitting up, rubbing her eyes and getting dressed, she did like a sloth. She groaned again when she bumped into Dimitrius, rubbing her forehead. "Can't I shower first?" She asked, picking up clothes from the drawer.

"Land? Wait, are we on the island your mother and sister are on?" She asked, immedietly more perky. And a little terrified.
"No. That is own next stop however. This is simply an island a few hours from the main island. Now I didn't tell my family I married you for control of your land. And my family is a bit made I didn't marry you on land. So that's good to look forward too." He chuckles softly walking out of the room.

"Our Prince is home!" Yelled a islanders and soon enough everyone gathered to great him.
June sighs, getting dressed and walking out after him. Stepping off the ship and onto dry land was more demobilizing than she had thought, and she was immediately stumbling and wobbly, holding onto Dimitrius for support. She was overwhelmed by such a large, rowdy crowd gathering around her.

"He's brought home a woman!" One proclaimed.

"Another one?"

"A wife!"

"No, he would never. Would he?"

"The Prince is having a baby!"

June smiled nervously, backing up to Dimitrius as a swarm of people asked her questions about their relationship. She nudged him, looking to him to explain.
"Okay, okay calm down. Let's not startle the poor woman, she's never been here before. Is this really how we treat guest?" Dimitrius says pushing her behind him.

Victoria walks up beside him. "Two woman!" Gasps one another laughs. "Harems are not uncommon for Kings."

"Welcome home highness!" Yells some people as they all welcome him.
June nods, smiling at the crowd. She waves at some of the children, picking flowers from the ground to put in their hair. She really had always loved children, the twinkle in their eyes as she would pass, the curiousity that they held in that tiny little head. Their innocence was mystifying. She rose and caught up with Dimitrius, trying to hold up her Wife of the Pirate King front. She turns as Victoria walks off.

She smiles at the crowd, waving gallantly. It was then that she noticed her slender legs, bountiful curves and smooth skin, free flowing hair. June paled in comparison. Still, she skipped happily as the rest of the crew hopped off, chuckling as they were greeted with warm welcomes.
"The men are fixing up the boat and getting things they need. Your welcome to go explore. I however have a few things I need to do. I'll see you later June." Dimitrius says before vanishing before her every eyes.

Dimitrius had to talk to the man who governed this island and that is exactly what he went to do. Meanwhile Victoria greeted people and wondered into a house, her grandma's house. "I'm home." She calls.
June's first instinct was to protest, and she opened her mouth as if to say "Wait," but she did not. She nodded and breathed in the fresh island air. Her first priority was to flee from the prying crowd of citizens. So she did. As she walked, she checked herself. Dagger on thigh, smoke bomb around her neck, various other trinkets in her bloomers, pocket knife on her upper arm. Check, check and check.

Her tummy grumbled. June sighed.

She figured she would eat first. Though, she wondered if they used the same currency. She quickly went to check with a local, who informed her that they, in fact, did not. She spent the next half an hour wandering about for a merchant who would exchange currency. Finally, she found one, huffing and puffing.

June did sort of stand out. Foreigners with bright clothing were easy to pick out. She would buy a cloak first. Then eat. And she did. She spent the rest of the day simply adventuring, meeting locals, playing with children, climbing rooftops. Simply admiring the beauty and architecture of an island kingdom.

That was, of course, until evening fell. June, the terrible navigator she is, had wandered into an unwelcoming part of town, the outskirts, she assumed. Very few lights were lit. She suddenly felt a cold hand on her mouth, and one wrap around her waist. Multiple, actually. A blindfold. She heard voices, some shouting and others hushing them. Whispers. A hold dagger to her throat. She could feel them moving, moving where? It was getting darker. June was growing more panicked. June would scream if she could. But she couldn't. That didn't stop her from thrashing about, which earned her an extra pair of arms holding her down. When she felt the buttons of her dress unraveling, she was suddenly so much more fearful. Terrified and adrenaline spiked, she bit into the hand of her capturer. For a moment, the hand that held her arm down loosened. An opening. June quickly pulled the smoke grenade from her neck and teared the part that stuck out with her teeth, throwing it to the ground. The men around her coughed and sputtered, eyes likely tearing up. She pulled down the blindfold to her nose and shut her eyes, sprinting out of wherever she was as fast as her legs could carry her.

This only bought her time. She knew they would be after her again, angrier than before. She could already hear pounding footsteps on the concrete.

"Fucking hell." She cursed.
Leaving the manor of Lord Krishna, Dimitrius heard the ecoing foot steps running from where he stood. Someone was causing after something. Wondering what the commotion was about he runs towards the sound.

Soon he found a bunch of men running after a figure. Hearing the person say something he hissed, knowing who it was running. Dimitrius was currently in a tree near by and when they got to him he jumps down. "I wonder. Do you know the price of causing harm to someone known by your ruling Prince? Public humiliation and jail time." He starts with a smirk on his face as the men stopped before him holding their blades. "But the price of causing harm to my Queen is punishable by death."

Dimitrius draws his blade. A few ran other came at him with full force, but one by one they drop like flies. Blood cover the Pirate King and his blade as blood pooled at his feet. The look is his eyes were a dangerous one.
June was the most relieved she had been in her life to see Dimitrius. She ran to the tree he had been in, but tripped and fell on her backside. She shuddered when she heard his voice. It was almost more terrifying than the men chasing her. She turned her head away from the bloody scene before her.

June didn't have any major injuries or wounds. Just a scratch on her neck from where the knife had been held a little too roughly and a couple bruises on her stomach and ribcage. They didn't hurt too bad. June was more emotionally scarred than anything else.

"Dimitrius?" She calls, slowly, cautiously. "Um. So how was your day?"
(Bloody scene with a casual how was your day. XD. Dimitrius has a darker side to him just an fyi)

Dimitrius stared at the blood on his hands and then drops it to his side. "Come on June." He says as he begins to walk away from the scene before him. "Its night fall. We better get back to the ship. We should be on the main island by morning."

His town was monotone and his poster was stiff as he continued to walk towards the ship. After some time of walking they were back at the ship and Dimitrius goes to take a shower. Cleaning up he plops down in the hammock without a word, rolling over he falls alseep.
(Gasp. When will he reveal it completely?)

"Yeah." June mumbled, picking herself up. He felt off. Really off. She trailed behind him quickly, having to jog a little bit as they got to the ship. She paid a trip to the infirmary to check on herself one more time before bed. Nothing too bad. She just cleaned the scrape on her neck and bandaged up her waist, before heading to her room.

June opened the door slowly, so as to not wake Dimitrius. She crawled into bed and tossed and turned for a while. She felt cold. In more than one sense of the word. As the night progressed, she eventually fell asleep.

June stood with her back pressed against the railing of the ship, quivering. Dimitrius stood before her, a wicked grin on his face as he advanced. In his hands was a sword, his clothes were soaked in blood and his eyes were bloodshot. She tried to step back where there wasn't any more deck to flee to, and so, June fell into the cold, unforgiving waters of the sea.

She woke with a start, screaming. Her clothes stuck to her skin like glue from the sweat, she could feel salty tears running down her face, though she wasn't sure when it started. She was panting.
Dimtrious who had been awake for a little while before her wondered over to her. She was tossing and turning. As soon as he touched her to wake up up she screamed and shot up. Dimitrius blinked pulling her close. He rubbed her back and whispers shhh softly.

" Its okay. Everything is okay." He whispers to her as he gently rocks her.