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Perfectly Twisted

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"It depends - if you're going to be grumpy with me, then the answer is no."
Asher didn't laugh - outside anyway - and was feigning seriousness. He wasn't sure how he'd feel if Roland actually got in with him, though. His reaction would probably contain a blush and a squeak of embarrassment though.
Roland leant against the door, and called back to Asher, playing along with him.
"So does that mean I can come in if I get friendly with you?"
Of course, he wouldn't come in if not invited, but he couldn't say he wasn't tempted.
"Yes, if you're friendly you can join me."
He was a bit distracted from the task at hand now as he waited to see if Roland would do it. Ash clearly invited him - however Much of a tease that might've been - so now it depended on Rolad.
Roland raised an eyebrow, curious to see how far he could take this until Asher had him stop. There was still quite a bit of time before school - playing around a little probably wouldn't impact their schedule too much.
"I'm coming in!" Roland called, before opening the door. He moved it open slowly and deliberately, making sure Asher had enough time if he wanted to hide himself.
Luckily, Asher was still in the shower and the curtain covered him when Roland walked in. However, he did poke his head out, a teasing smile pulling at his lips.
Ash didn't really want to be the one to give in this time.
"You're taking an awful long time to get in here...are you scared to shower with your little brother?" He wiggled his eyebrows rather suggestively.
Roland was the older brother, and looked tougher to boot. He couldn't let Asher win this - he already had puppy eyes, Asher didn't need another reason to gloat.
"I'm just giving you time to get read." Roland remarked, his voice low and his smirk mischievous. He took off all but his underwear, and leaned against a wall, waiting to see Asher's reaction. Truth be told, he was a little embarassed, but he could at least pass off the slight blush as the heat of the room.
"Why would I need time to get ready?"
However, Asher faltered upon seeing his brother undress and considered bolting. They weren't children anymore, and he had a feeling if he pressed anymore Roland would actually get in with him, which was something he had very mixed feelings about considering the nature of their relationship.
Therefore - he decided on a different comeback.
"Are you blushing?"
Roland managed not to miss a beat, even if he did have to avoid the truth. He could at least do that - lying was what he couldn't do.
"Are you?" He retorted, arms crossed and eyebrows raised.
"No..you know I just take really hot showers." He shot back, though that was actually true if you considered the steam.
Either way - he couldn't risk anything. After another moment he shut the water off and reached out.
"Well, by now I'm done so it's too late. Can I get a towel?"
Roland sighed, faking disappointment as he passed a towel over to Asher, looking way to help preserve his brother's modesty.
"And here I was, looking forward to hopping in there with you. h well, maybe I can surprise you next time."
Asher have him a dry look as he wrapped the towel around himself and stepped out.
"You're a total faker. You weren't going to get in with me, you were stalling."
He stuck his tongue out playfully.
Roland, seeing the opportunity he was being presented with, grabbed Asher's tongue and kissed it, before letting it go.
"Oh Asher, you're my brother, and you still don't know me that well, do you?"
Roland raised his eyebrow suggestively - the message was clear.
Asher was now blushing for a completely different reason than the heat. However, it didn't take him long to whip up a reply, and it could be taken any way Roland wanted.
"Maybe there's still a lot we have to learn about each other."
Roland rolled with it, leaning in closer to Asher, giving him the most sultry look he could manage.
"I'm willing to learn."
Asher set his hand's on his brother's chest, though he didn't add much pressure, so it didn't seem like he was pushing him away.
"Roland, are you trying to seduce your baby brother?"
Roland placed his hands over Asher's, raising an eyebrow as he spoke.
"I seem to be doing a pretty good job so far."
"Right. Consider me seduced."
He chuckled, leaning up to kiss the hickey he left on his brother's throat.
"Its too bad we have to go to school shortly."
Roland, in response to the kiss, smoothed back Asher's hair, and smiled down at him.
"Yeah... I guess thats too bad... Well, unless you want to see me without my kit on, you'd best get out. I'm showering."
"Another time, maybe. I'm getting chilly."
With another kiss to his brother's cheek he quickly headed out of the bathroom and into his bedroom to finish getting ready.
Roland took time to contemplate some things, but still showered quickly. He needed the time to think - and the monotonous, repetitive drone of water hitting the shower floor helped him, somehow. Was what he doing right? He knew that incest was taboo, but it felt... right. Added to that, maybe Asher was just feeling something left over from Darren. What would he do if Asher came to that conclusion? They'd been pretty passionate the day before.
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