Perfectly Twisted

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Asher was content on continuing this for all it was worth, but that was around the time he heard the front door open and close. He sat up abruptly, now straddling Roland's waist.
"Do you think they'll come check on us?"
"It's ten at night, they're probably tired, and likely just want to go to sleep. Besides, when do they ever check up on us - we're usually in bed or asleep by this time."
And yet, despite this reasoning, Roland didn't feel easy bout the possibility of their parents finding the two in a rather suggestive position. It wasn't like the reality was much better, though.
Asher made a face and nodded, since that was true, but the risk wasn't worth it. He laid back down by his brother before leaning over to shut out the light. Though after he burrowed beneath the covers he did cuddle back up to the older - that shouldn't seem odd.
Though Roland couldn't risk making it obvious that Asher was cuddling up to him, he did manage to turn on his side, and place his arms over the younger of the two. To their parents, ROland would just appear to be sleeping on his side. Largely inconspicuous, furthered by the darkness.
Ash easily adjusted to his brother's change in position, knowin it was the smarter option. Other than him getting in his own bed, of course.
"Goodnight, Roland," Ash said, followed by a yawn.
"Goodnight, Ash."
Roland's reply was soft as he slowly fell asleep, his little brother held comfortably in his arms. Hopefully, there would be no indication Asher was in bed with him until his parents left - explaining such a thing would be rather awkward.
Luckily, there probably wouldn't be any notice of their youngest in bed with their oldest - the door was shut, and they were likely in bed. Without further though, Asher was dozing off in his brother's warm embrace.
Roland stirred a little as he slept, but for the most part, he managed to avoid snoring. Not that he wouldn't react to the alarm, though. He usually woke up slowly, making incoherent noises of some sort, or just suddenly opened his eyes with an audible intake of air. But, he seemed at ease while he slept, at least - likely because of Asher's presence.
When Asher awoke it was to that annoying alarm, and he considered tossing it. After sitting up to hit the snooze button he glanced at his brother, who was likely more or less awake.
" know, you didn't snore so badly last night..."
Bleary-eyed and mumbling nonsense, Roland seemed to acknowledge Asher's comment before actually checking to see if the alarm was off. He wasn't even fully awake - he was just used to doing so every morning.
When he took notice that his brother wasn't even half-awake, he reached out to feel his brother's forehead. "See? You look zombie-like. Maybe you really should stay home today."
"Not morning person. Need coffee."
Roland somehow managed to drag himself off of the bed - as opposed to out of it. He got up, and began stumbling towards the bathroom, his instincts telling him the toilet was where he should be right now.
Regardless if he was a morning person or not, Asher was still worried. He quickly became his brother's shadow, waiting outside the bathroom just in case he came stumbling out. It would be quite awkward to go in with him.
After finishing what business he had, Roland dragged himself downstairs, now just about conscious enough to make coffee without spilling boiling water all voer himself. However, it seemed tht finding the coffee beans was beyond him entirely, in his current state.
Asher was right behind his brother, of course, and when he seemed to be having trouble with the coffee he tried ushering him to a chair.
"Here, I'll get it," he ruffled his hair before getting a cup ready and handing it to Roland. "Roland, I'm serious, I don't think you should be moving much."
Roland waved his hand dismissively, some nonsensical gibberish spouting from his mouth as his tired self tried to speak. he was healthy enough, true, but he was never good with mornings. He ended up just watching, waiting for the coffee to get ready.
Realizing he wasn't getting anything out of Roland he set a mug of coffee in front of him, then disappeared upstairs to get himself ready for school. His brother definitely wasn't a morning person, hopefully he decided not to be so grumpy soon.
Roland blew on the coffee, and downed as much of it as he could without burning himself. The heat alone seemed to dispel his initial tiredness, though the caffeine would have to kick in before he actually got less grumpy. Finishing it fairly quickly, Roland paced upstairs, and called out to his brother.
"Ash? have you had a shower yet?"
Asher just barely heard his brother over the scalding hot spray of the shower. Nonetheless he answered with a shout, "I'm in the shower right now! Do you need to take one?" On that note, he tried to wash and rinse quickly to get finished so his brother could get in.
"Can I get in with you?"
He didn't actually intend to - however, he would have loved to see what Asher's reaction was, if it was worth seeing. Again, he just felt like teasing his little brother, for the sheer fact that it was funny.
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