Perfectly Twisted

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Asher was waking up sometime later, having gotten very good at ignoring his phone lately. He didn't even open his eyes though his arms tightening around his brother was sure sign he was awake. "What time is it?"
"About ten. You were asleep for quite a while, Ash."
Not that he minded it, though - his expression and his tone made this clear. "By the way, your phone went off, but I didn't want to disturb you... You should probably have a look at it."
Ash looked startled when he heard that. "Ten? Wow.." He leaned up to rub his eyes, lips taking on a frown when he heard his phone went off. "I literally have four numbers saved in my contacts, yours included. Who do you think it was?"
"If it was either of our parents, they would have called me or the landline, if they couldn't get through to you. Which means..."
A scowl crossed Roland's face - there was one other person he could think of, and it wasn't a person he particularly liked.
"Yes, so I see no reason to check it." He muttered, not wanting to see whatever it was that Darren wanted now. "It'll just ruin my night."
Though hesitant to agree, Roland just nodded, and cuddled with his brother. He did, however at least try and voice his concerns.
"Are you sure? I mean... It might be something we need to see."
"Maybe it is, or maybe he's just trying to make me feel bad." He argued, however with part of him knowing Roland was right. "Maybe if I ignore it I can pretend There isn't anything to worry about.."
Roland didn't think this to be a particularly good idea, but he wasn't going to pressure Asher. If he didn't want to do this, that was his decision, and his decision alone.
"As you like it," Roland murmured, before snuggling into Asher.
Asher poked his head up a moment later, their foreheads now pressing together and noses brushing. "What's the worse that could happen?" He asked almost in a whisper.
"I don't know... I honestly have no idea how to treat the situation..."
Roland did look confused, but tried to settle his expression as best he could. Instead, he nuzzled his little brother's nose, and waited for his response.
Asher sighed after a long moment, and decided to check the message instead of worrying. 4 missed calls, 5 texts, 3 of which were images that had him blushing. "Nothing new." He said, a twinge of relief in his tone. He'd show the pictures to Roland..but as he said, they were inappropriate and would die of embarrassment.
"The pictures, I take it?"
Roland's tone was, once again, firm. He had no intention of looking at the photos - if Asher wanted him to see them, he would show them. But, until then, Roland wasn't going to force Asher into anything.
"I actually..don't think he'll do anything though, he's a possessive person..he wouldn't post those on the internet or anything for everyone to see." It probably sounded like Asher was shooting out a lot of contradictions, and just talking a lot about it in general, but oddly it made him feel better.
Roland frowned, and looked Asher dead in the eye before he spoke.
"Do you really want to take that risk, though, Asher? Neither of us are psychologists. We can't just assume what he'll do. Then again, you know him far better than I..."
"Well, what can we do about it? Not much, so I'm really just hoping."
He sighed, glancing down from his brother's gaze and simply toying with his shirt collar to make it seem like his interest was elsewhere.
Roland kept his frown for a moment, and then ruffled Asher's hair in response.
"I suppose. I guess we'll just have to deal with things as they come, huh?"
Roland shrugged, and returned to nuzzling Asher.
"That sounds good to me."
He finally cracked a smile, returning the nuzzle before boldly leaning up to press a kiss to Roland's lips.
"Yes, deal with things as they come..."
Roland returned the kiss, and smiled warmly at Asher once finished.
"We've been doing that a lot lately, haven't we?"
Roland laughed, and made it so his forehead was pressed against Asher's, though if Asher wished, he could kiss again.
"It seems to be working for us, maybe it'll be our new motto."
Asher chuckled, moving to steal another kiss as his arms came around Roland's neck. He was enjoying this too much - just the fact that Roland was so gentle was more than he could ask for.
Asher didn't have to steal a kiss - as soon as he moved in to take one, so did Roland.
"It's certainly not done us any harm."
Roland moved in to kiss Asher again, though this time, it was notably deeper.
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