Order of the Silver Dragons

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"I am in no hurry, I would actually like to take a look around the Keep so I get more familiar with everything, since I'm going to be here for a while." She said and nodded once. She smiled gently at his words about them going through this together and she then turned her head towards the field where the horses roamed and she tilted her head a bit as she looked at Varandros. "I could've sworn that steed understood me before when I asked for his aid." She said in a thoughtful manner.
He took her by the hand
"Let us go through the castle then"
as she looked outside he smiled
"I always thought he could understand us and just waited for the right time"
She smiled as she took his hand and then walked around the Keep while looking around in a curious manner. "It's odd though, don't you think?" She asked when he mentioned Varandros always having been able to understand them. "I mean... he's a horse after all." She then added, she didn't want to appear rude.

Alyssa came to a halt when she saw the library and her jaw dropped in awe as she saw that the library was two stories tall and there must've been at least over a thousand books that were resting neatly in the shelves. "Oh my.... I've never seen a library this big!" She exclaimed in an excited manner.
"I always thought that Varandros was a smart one, I guess even animals aren't as predictable."
He always liked the library, he wasn't the smartest so he never actualy learned how to read.

"Do you want to go inside? You could pick a few books and read them while i practice tommorow"

Jack gently smiled as he opened the door completely.
"I suppose you're right." She said and nodded once before she looked towards the library. "Perhaps I could find some books about magic." She said and then smiled in a slightly teasing manner as she looked at Jack. "Perhaps I'll even learn some better healing spells in case you'd get beaten badly during training." She then said in a joking tone before she inclined her head and walked inside as he opened the door completely.
He followed he sitting on a char as she looked around
'I have to show her I am able to protect her!'
thinking that he just watched her with a smile still proud beeing the one to defend her.
She sat down with a few books that she had found and she smiled as she looked through them. "These will do nicely and the amazing part is that they are even over a hundred year old." She said as she shut the books and placed them in a pile. "I'll take them to my room later." She said as she stood up. "I need to see if I can find something on the Onyx Serpents..." She thought to herself.
He looked at some books
One if them had a weird symbol on them
He gave it to her
"That might be useful, I will brung the books to your room."
He took the books and started carying them to her room.
She took the book and then smiled as she saw him carrying her books for her. "Thank you, let me know if I should take one of the books, I'd hate to be a bother." She said as she walked.
"Dont worry I'm glad to help you"
He put the books on a table in her room and looked at her
"I guess we will see each other tommorow then"
he bowed and goes towards his room
She smiled gently as he said that he was glad to help her and she then released her hair from the ponytail. "Yeah, I guess we will. Sleep well, Jack." She said and inclined her head towards him before she went over to the table and she sat down. She opened the book that he had handed to her and began to read.

Alyssa read the book for longer than she had expected as when she looked outside, it was close to morning. She let out a small sigh and closed the book before she went over to her bed and laid down, swiftly falling asleep since after what had happened earlier she was exhausted.
He gave her another look as she released her hair and smiled.
"Sleep well"

Jack came into his room, it wasn't much different from hers. He sat down on his bed and got rid of some clothes before falling onto his bed when sleep overcame him, he had no clue how
exhausting the day was.

When he woke up a few hours later he looked outside, it was still night. Jack stood up, he was awake, he couldn't sleep he dressed and left his room he stopped in front of her door.

'I can't wake her now...' he went outside picked up his own instead of the practice bow and a practice sword, Landro said he would get his own soon, he wondered when that was going to be.

Jack started to train and didn't go easy on himself.
Alyssa only slept for one hour, or that's what she thought at least when she looked out the window. A deep sigh escaped her lips as she sat up and she rubbed her face slightly before she stood up and walked over to her bathroom.
To her surprise, she saw that a bath had already been prepared for her, but she couldn't recall hearing anyone coming in to her room, nor had she heard someone filling the tub with water. She shrugged slightly as she dismissed her thoughts, she didn't really care how it had been prepared, she was just happy that it was prepared.
She removed her dress but kept her undergarments on as she then got into the tub and she smiled slightly as she felt that the water was still warm. She looked to her left where one of the books she had taken with her from the library was lying there, another curious thing as she hadn't taken any of the books into the bathroom. She pulled it closer and then read the title. "Dragons and their Origins" it read on the cover, Alyssa instantly became excited, she loved Dragons and her father had often told her stories about Dragon riders that used to fly the skies over two hundred years ago. She opened the book and began to read, it was actually a diary that belonged to a Dragon rider!
Disappearing into her thoughts as she read, time passed by and once she realized it, she looked out the window that was in the bathroom and she muttered beneath her breath as she jumped out of the bath and got dressed before she hurried out to the training grounds.

To her surprise, she saw Jack there and she held the book about Dragons close to her chest while she observed him and she smiled gently. "You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, you know. That way you'll only end up with disadvantages." She said with a small nod.
After a while Alyssa came outside and as she called out to him he decided to take a break and walk to her.

She could, just like day before be mistaken for a princess.
"Sorry." he scratched his head "I guess I'm a little excited" as he came closer he bowed and looked at the book, it surely had something written on it, but nothing he would understand.

"What is that book about" he was a little curious but also slightly embarassed for the fact he can't read.

He took her to a place close to the training area where they could sit down, he was already tired from the training and had to take a break.
"It's about Dragons and their origins, it's actually quite interesting. I think it was written by an actual Dragon rider that used to live two hundred years ago." She said and she smiled as she sat down in the grass. She handed Jack a flask of water before she looked down at the book. "It speaks about how to tame a dragon, how to build relations and where you can even find eggs. But... There has not been a rider for two hundred years so who knows if they even exist..." She then said in a pondering manner.

"How long have you been out here training?" Asked Alyssa in a curious manner as she looked up at Jack again.
He listened to her about the dragon riders and got curious.
"Riding a dragon had to be amazin."

He took the water "Thank you" almost emptying it.

Jack wondered about the question
"I guess for a few hours already. I'm nowhere near done though!" he was still motivated like never before in his life, but she was right earlier he has to take a break once in a while.

"Do you think we will see a dragon someday?"
She smiled gently as he thanked her and she then looked down at the book. "It's hard to tell, as from what I've read, they can even take on human forms. So there might even be some among us, although I think that the last one died with the rider who wrote this book." She said as she glanced down at the book in a thoughtful manner.
He looked down a little.
"Thats to bad I would have loved to see one.."
He laid in the grass.
"So you are going to read these books all day"
Jack thought about riding out with her, but it was important they both got strong so that idea was probably not his best.
"Who wouldn't?" She asked with a smile and she brushed some hair behind her ear as she looked down at the book.

As Alyssa opened it, she began to flip through the pages and her eyes widened in surprise at what she saw. "Jack! Take a look at this! Is it just me or is that person in the dragon really similar to Landro?" She asked as she handed the book to Jack and sure enough, the picture she had been looking at was a spitting image of Landro.
As she handed him the book sounding all surprised he took a close look, she might have said similar but it is exactly Landro,but he wasn't 200 years old... was he?
"Y-you are right! That can't be right? He isn't that old after all.."
He took another close look just to be certain, it was him, but would that mean his family were or even he himself is a dragon rider?
"W-we should go ask him, right?"
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