Open Pandora's Box

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Arron laughed at Ku's words. "I don't know what your talking about Zeff give me this corpse well before I ended his usefulness" Arron stood there as one bullet hit him in the center of the head causing him to fall back onto the ground. Rune got up and went to Swing at Arron as he was down. "I'm not going to give you time to heal you over grown shark" he then swings at Arron taking off his head as it turned to water as the headless body of Arron's stood up as it waves a finger at them. "Now we all know it won't be easy to kill me" his voice spoke in the air as the water from the rain started to recreate his head. "Aw better" he crack his neck as he turns towards Rune and grabbed one arm as he tighten his grip on Rune. Rune could feel his arm being crushed as he screamed in pain. "I won't let you win" Rune roared as he head butted Arron making him stubble back into Ku. "Ku get him he open"
"Already on it!" she hollered, her dagger and sword at the ready. She put her sword through his chest, the sharp blade still as sharp as she remembered. Her dagger went up the back of his skull. She left the weapons, though, not giving a chance for Arron to heal the necessary areas since they were still impaled. The woman smirked. "Try healing that shit, bitch!"

"Daddy!" Vivian called out, watching as Kurureenu and Rune fought with Arron. Tears still rolled down her face, mingling with the rain. While he wasn't the father that had grown to love her, he was still her flesh and blood. She was worried for him, but feared him as well. Who was this man and what were these powers he possessed?
Arron coughed up blood from Ku's attack as he then felt her dagger go into the back of his skull. "I made you that Dagger and this is what you do with it" Arron spoke softly as he raised his left hand up to the back of his head and pulls the blade out of his skull. "So that's what a splitting head ache feels like" Arron chuckles softly as he turns towards Ku as he looked down at the blade of hers. "Well time to break this" Arron reached down and snapped the blade in half as Arron chucked the dagger back at Ku cutting her left cheek as it grazed her face and got stuck in a tree. As his back was turned towards Rune he ran up and grabbed the hilt of Ku's blade that was still in Arron's back and slammed Arron into the ground causing Arron to cough up more blood.

Arron looked at Vivian having an idea. "Vivian save me" Arron spoke weakly reaching a hand out to her as Rune heard him say that he looked up at Vivian. "Don't listen to this man he may look like your father, but he'd toss your life away as soon as your usefulness was up" he sneered twisting the hilt into Arron's back. "Vivian please save me"
Kurureenu let out a small gasp as the blade cut at her cheek. She raised a hand to it, glaring at Arron. "You have shitty puns, sharkboy," she sneered before hopping back as he came down from Rune taking advantage of her blade.

Vivian watched, frozen with a mix of fear and confusion. What could she do? What should she do? They were doing this to her father but... was he really her father? When he called out to her, her eyes connected to his. "Daddy..." she murmured before starting toward him.

"Whoa, there, little lady!" Kurureenu hollered, grabbing Vivian by the waist and pulling the kicking girl back. "He's not your father. Your dad died saving our city. He fought Behemoth and won at the cost of his life. This man isn't your real father. The one from our world. Just his corpse. Anyway... He doesn't even believe that you are the daughter of Arron Rino."

Vivian sobbed, trying to struggle away but Kurureenu's words slowly soothing her. "But... I am his daughter..." she choked out. "We've been through this before... I don't want to do this again. Paternity tests? And so on... We proved it already. I am his daughter!"

Kurureenu glared back toward the shark-man. "Not to this man. You're a pawn. Just like he made me out to be."
Arron begins to laugh madly as his ring begin to glow as it sending a shock wave pushing Rune and Ku away from him, but having no effect on Vivian. Rune flies back grabbing his ax as he plates it into the ground to way him down so not to go further. "Ku are you alright?" he asked worried as he watched as Arron slowly picked himself up and reaching back pulling what was left of Ku's blade out of his back as his body fully healed. "Aw much better" Arron then turned towards Vivian. "How did you not get pushed back girl?" Arron begins to slowly change to his shark from as he walked towards Vivian. "Guess it doesn't matter I'll kill you first seeing you where no use to me you weak child" Arron got close to her and was getting ready to impale her with his claws as images again appeared causing him to freeze moments before his nails touched her.

*I will not let you lay a finger on my daughter* spoke a voice in Arron's head. As his attack was moved making Arron impale himself though his left lung causing him to stubble back. "What the hell going on here?" he asked as he coughed up blood his ring pulsing more violently as Arron fell to his knees in front of Vivian his right hand still ran through his chest as it bleed
Kurureenu gasped, feeling herself lift off the ground as Arron's ring released the shock wave. Her body flew back, a tree being the stopping force as she felt the wind being knocked out of her and silently fell to the roots of the tree. She raised herself on her hands, pain spreading across her back as she fought for her breath to return, her eyes going up to Vivian.

"Vi...vian," she managed as she slowly began to feel her speech return.

Vivian screamed, seeing as Rune and Kurureenu flew away all of a sudden, putting a fearful gaze on Arron approaching her. She was frozen to her spot again, fear coursing through her. She flinched when Arron swung his claw at her, closing her eyes as the inevitable was about to happen. When nothing happened, she reopened them to see him impale himself.

"Daddy...?" she murmured before calling it out louder. "Daddy!"
Rune watched as Arron attacked himself as he started to get back up on his feet as he then went to Ku's side and helped her up to her feet "Are you alright Ku?" Rune asked worried. Arron looks up at Vivian. "Vivian please run get away from me please" he spoke as the ring pulses again. "I'm going to kill you when I get my hand free" Arron roared as he fought to get up on his feet as he pulls his hand out his chest his wound slowly healing and not fast like the others. "Vivian get over here" Rune yelled as he then charged at Arron
Kurureenu coughed, sending a glare sideways to Rune. "I've survived worse," she responded tartly before turning her attention back toward Vivian, who was staring at her father with a mix of confusion and fear.

"What?" she questioned before noticing that his claw was becoming free and she started to back away and toward where Kurureenu was still standing. Vivian got to the woman's side, feeling the woman put a protective arm around her.

"Stay behind us, Vivian. He's dangerous," Kurureenu sneered, moving the girl to where she was behind her.

Vivian stared toward Kurureenu, still standing and ready to fight even without a weapon, and Rune, making a mad dash toward what could inevitably end him. They were just blown away, hit, and injured and then there was herself... Being a crybaby of sorts about her father. She wanted her father back... She just had him back for a moment. Instead of being a gawking little girl, she should have asked how to stop this man possessing her father's body. Instead of running away, she should learn to fight for herself.

"Reenu," Vivian started, only being hushed by the woman who was protecting her, watching the battle for another opening to obtain her sword and make another attempt.
Rune charged at Arron as he swings his ax at his body as Arron raised one arm up letting the ax cut into him stopping it as Arron used his other hand to pick Rune up by his collar Rune smirked as he dropped his ax causing Arron left arm to be heavier as he grabs Arron's right arm. "Ku go he open again" Rune shouted as Arron tried to fight Rune off him as well as try to pull the ax out of his left arm. "Dam you Bull" Arron sneered as he glares at Rune
Kurureenu sprinted forward, curving around to grab her sword from the ground before quickly bolting over toward Arron. She hopped up with a shout and dug her sword up through his chin and head. Pride once again resonated as it practically melted through his bone like a hot knife through butter. Her memories on how she always maintained a sharp blade fight after fight echoed through her head.

"How easy is it to heal your brain like that, I wonder," she responded, backing off again.

Vivian stood off, watching with... awe. These people fight with such familiarity. The two fought her father in such a way that echoed how experienced they were with fighting this particular foe. This man... Arron Rino of this world... What could have brought him to this point?
Arron stopped moving as he let go of Rune fall back onto the ground his body motionless as Rune rubbed the back of his neck as he takes the ax out of Arron's arm as he walks towards Ku breathing a tad heavy. "Dam he still not that easy to put down" Rune spoke as another shock wave came out of the ring as it forces the blade out of Arron's head and lands by Vivian's feet as Rune stood in front of Ku blocking her from the shock wave as it caused Rune back to get cut up and started to bleed. Are you alright dear?" Rune asked smiling weakly. Still the shock wave didn't do anything to Vivian.

Arron's body begins to lift up into the air as his body started to grow. "It's been awhile since I had to go all out, but I expected nothing less from you two" Arron sneered as the storm begins to pick up as Arron begins to take his true from that of the Leviathan as he did Vivian blood started to heat up. "I see so you have the blood of the Leviathan in you child" Arron chuckles madly as Rune looked down seeing water at his feet. "He going to sink the whole island"
"I don't think he's supposed to be easy to put down," Kurureenu muttered before starting to feel the pressure of the shockwave again. Instead, she watched Rune took the full force of it. As if by nature, she gasped and cried out, putting her hands on his shoulders. "Don't call me that," she muttered, bringing Rune closer and protectively wrapping an arm around him as Arron began to grow.

Vivian, on the other hand, gasped and jumped back as the sword landed on her feet. Her body slowly began to heat up along with Arron's transformation. The girl felt her face with surprise, trying to figure out this phenomenon with her blood. "Leviathan...?" she questioned, remembering Kurureenu mention it. "You mean... Daddy transformed like this? He-" Water at her feet startled her. Sink the island? Was her father capable of doing things like this, too? What was this Leviathan power? And, if her father had it, wouldn't she have it, too?
Rune chuckles softly. "Sorry Ku, but something deep inside me says to protect you no matter what" Rune sighs softly. "Plus I'm sure you future husband would be angry with me if I let you die" Rune felt his body getting weak. "Though I don't think my body near its limits so lets finish off this shark for good together alright?"

Arron begins to change into a giant shark as the water around his body begins to boil. "Now I'm going to finish this for good" he chuckles as half his body sticks out of the forehead of the beast. "Starting with you two then the girl" Arron begins to charge at them as Rune turns around holding his ax ready to try and block. "Ok Ku I'll take the hit you get him while I distract him ok?"
"Liev will live without me if something happened to me. We talked about the possibilities," she assured Rune roughly. "If I die, at least I'll die happy with my choices." Her attention went back to Arron as he contorted to the monster form of himself. "No, Rune." Her gaze turned into a glare. Her voice lowered as she leaned over to whisper in Rune's ear so he may listen. "If we do the same damn thing, over and over and over, he's going to fucking figure it out. So... Follow my lead."

Kurureenu pulled away pushing Rune away a bit roughly before slapping him squarely across the face. "Fucking Iron Bull," she sneered angrily. "You're going to start ordering me around again? Really...? And to think that I walked away from Captain Arron and his crew all because the likes of 'love'." She scoffed, pushing past Rune and toward Arron. "Stupid navy pricks and their wondering bones. And you thought I was finishing this fight on your side?"

She turned her gaze toward Arron, smirking darkly. "You shouldn't need to use your full power on a broken spirited man, Cap'n. It's a waste."

Vivian stared on, watching as Kurureenu suddenly turned against Rune. The girl stared, unsure of what was happening now. If only... If only she could help. Rune couldn't beat her father on his own. If only she had her father's power. Then... Then she could be of some use. If it means getting my father back home with me, even for a proper burial, I will accept the same curse as he endured.
Arron chuckles softly as he watched Ku slap Rune and bad mouth him. Rune glares at Ku. "Oh for give me you pirate of a slut giving it away to me a navy man" Rune gave Ku the finger. "Keep her Arron I'm sure on day and she'll jump your bones" Rune chuckles. Arron laughs more as he begins to circle Ku. "I know your right, how about you kill him Ku it will show me that I can trust you again kill the man that stole you from my crew" Arron started to chant as a cutlass came out of the water in the hilt was a blue stone looking like a water drop. "I think you remember my blade and the power it wields Ku use it on that bull and end his life" Arron chuckles as he stayed in his monster from behind Ku. As Arron's blade was giving off an aura of blood lust.

*Would you really give in to the power of the monster your father wanted to protect you from?" Spoke Merari voice in Vivian's head as the feather she carried was glowing. Arron sensed something coming from Vivian. "Merari" Arron sneered as he clenched his hands into fists. "You dam flying rat wasn't enough you imprisoned me in that temple you have to come and take my fun away" he let out a roar in anger
Kurureenu stared at the blade, the bloodlust radiating off the blade and making her own blood sing. A devilish smirk slowly crept across her face, her hand reaching for the blade. Her gaze had changed when it laid upon the blade in front of her. "I remember this blade..." she murmured quietly, eyes trained to it. Her head felt a bit fuzzy from the bloodlust, her memories blending in and out between the three different Kurureenu's that inhabited the one.

Vivian heard the voice, a soft gasp escaping her lips as she gently touched where the feather rested. She watched Arron's reaction to Merari's sudden presence. I want to help them... Even if it means I have to accept the same curse my father had lived with.
Arron saw Ku grab the blade as he had a wide smirk. "Now my dear first mate go kill the bull while I deal with that girl" Arron started to make his way to Vivian as the water begin to get to ankle height. Rune looked down seeing the water was getting deeper as he looked at Ku. "Ku don't listen to that man nor that blade of his" Rune spoke. "It's to late Rune once she touched that blade her blood lust matches my own" Arron chuckles as he looked at Vivian. "Now what to do with you?" Arron licks his lips as he made a gun with his right hand pointing t towards Vivian "how about a quick death child?" before he could fire a shield came up around Vivian as Merari appeared behind her his wings wrapping around her.

"Would you really want that curse I promised your father I wouldn't let you fall victim to it as he did" Merari spoke softly as he looks down at her. "Merari you dumb ass parrot I'm going to kill you" Arron's rage begins to rise as he shot high pressure water at the shield
(You dumbass parrot. That is freaking GOLD!)

Memories began to rise, the one for this Kurureenu. The one who owned the body. Memories of pain, crying, injury, loneliness, hiding, and being broken. The strikes, the words, the lack of words, broken promises, loss... All the negative emotions that she had felt rolling up into one to help fuel the bloodlust put forth by the blade. It pulsed, feeling the power through her hand and then through her body. A seductive gaze landed on Rune, the devilish smirk still painted across her face as she brought the blade to her lips and slowly licked the clean metal.

"Needs the taste of blood, Rune," she murmured, her voice dropping low as the bloodlust brought about the vixen within. "Now... Could you be a dear...?" Then she charged at Rune, blade raised.

Vivian stood frozen, but more-so defiantly than with fear. Her eyes planted on the man who had her fathers body. The man who had control of it. The man who was not her father. She flinched when he shot at her but the lack of pain the Merari's voice let her know that she was okay. She turned a gaze on him, looking up at this strange creature.

"He didn't want me to take it on because I didn't know anything about it. He wanted me to live ignorant to the fact that he was cursed, but..." The girl shook her head slowly, unable to find the right words before reconnecting her gaze with his. "I accept my father's curse as my own."
(Ku naughty with the blade lol)

"Dammit Ku" Rune sneered as he watched her charged at him. "I'm not going to fight you Ku I refuse to" Rune shouted as he gets ready for her attack getting ready to block.

"If that's your wish Vivian I'll grant it" Merari sighs softly. "Forgive me Arron" he spoke softly as he leans in kissing Vivian as his left hand where the shark tattoo was resting vanished the power that was once Arron's flowed into Vivian the tattoo appearing onto her chest Merari wings covering them both. Merari pulled his lips away. "There you go Vivian you now have your father powers don't let the madness control you like it did him" Merari smiled softly. Arron sensed what was going ion in the shield. "You basted Merari you promised me she would be safe" Arron roared as he came to. "What the hell was that?" not realizing the other Arron bubbled out due to his rage. "Never mind I'm going to kill her"
(Shit happens when it comes to Evil Ku.)

Kurureenu felt her sword glance off of the blade of Rune's ax, the metal singing as they connected. She slide her blade through the air, smirking gleefully as she brought it down toward him once again. "C'mon, Rune... Pretty please...? With a cherry on top? You know how much I love cherries..."

Vivian gasped quietly as Merari's lips connected with her own, but she stayed intact. She relaxed into the feeling of the power slowly flooding into her through the connection. Once he pulled away, her eyes remained closed as she was still in the high of the acceptance of this new power. The sound of her father, her real father, brought her out of the reverie. Snapping into attention, she quickly turned. "Daddy...?"
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