Open Pandora's Box

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Rune started to get up as he felt the pain slowly vanish as he got to his feet he looked up to the sky seeing the portal closing up. "Well looks like where stick here till we beat Zeff" he spoke as he took a deep breath smelling the sea air. "Aw it's nice to be back in the Caribbean" Rune chuckles softly as he looked around. "Wait how the hell did I know where I was?" As he said that he looked at Ku. "Hey Ku you alright?" as he saw a flash of light seeing what looked like a giant ax made from an anchor and a cutlass blade in the sand making an X. "What the hell my ax doing here?" Rune spoke. "Wait my ax how do I know that? What the fuck going on?"


Zeff reached an old stone temple that looked like a sharks coming out of the ground as he landed setting both the box and Arron down making the barrier around them vanish. "I sense it the ring is inside there" Zeff then begins to make his way towards the temple as a pulse came from the temple and through the island as soon as Arron's body touched the island. Arron's body laid there the pulse hit it. *My body there you are Rise and come get me dammit we must be one again Arron's body slowly rises from the ground to it's feet his body still badly beaten his clothes still destroyed as Arron's body makes a mad dash pass Zeff into the temple. "I see the Ring calling for it's host" Zeff spoke as he sighed softly. "I guess I'll wait outside for him and guard the box"

Merari looked at the worried teen "Vivian claim down alright my names is Merari and what happen to the building well it couldn't exist in this plain so it vanished" he sighs softly as he felt the pulse the ring sent off. "And your father well he died I'm sorry his body is with Zeff"
Kurureenu breathed slowly, focusing on the in and out of her breath while the last bits of pain subsided to a dull ache. She turned a gaze up toward Rune, who expressed some concern, and forced a smile.

"Carefully surviving," she responded, rising to her feet and putting a hand on her head. Not only was there the current Kurureenu, the main host of everything, but now she had her past self from her world and another self from this world. It's starting to get a little crowded everyone. she thought sarcastically, her gaze going over toward the weapons in the sand. She patted her waist, the version of her that belonged to this realm remembering that she had a pistol, a dagger, and a sword.

And, as memories served, this version of her had fallen for Rune, too. Her gaze went sideways, stealing a glance of Rune in his confusion. These memories were going to be the end of her.


"Dead..." she whispered, her limbs falling limp at her side. She soon sunk to her knees, eyes slowly starting to fill with tears. "Dad is... dead?" A sob tore through her as the dread began to set in. The girl hugged herself and bent forward, releasing a full force of her sorry. "He can't be dead! It can't be true!"
"Surviving should be easier once I have my ax Ku" Rune walks towards the ax picking it up. "It's lighter then I remember" Rune chuckles softly. "Wait remember this is the first time seeing this ax" Rune gave a swing with both hands. "So Ku ready to kick Zeff's ass again?" Rune laughed as he felt the pulse hit him as well as hit Ku. *YOU TWO!!!* roared a voice in Rune's head. "Who was that?"


Zeff waited outside the temple as he sat on the box. "I wounder how there doing being here ?" Zeff then stood up as he then faced the temple. "And how long is he going to take?". Arron's corpse ran down a hallway as he came to a giant golden door covered in vines as he pushes open the door as there sat a ring in the middle of the room on a pillar surrounded by water as he walks up to it as he picks it up with his right hand as he then slips it on his broken left hand's ring finger as as the water starts to surround Arron as he see his reflection in at it stairs back. *Look at my body destroyed and what I'm I wearing* Arron's body begins to heal it self as his brown hair grows to shoulder length and a beard grows out his clothes change this top only covered by a blue pirate cape with a shark on it his pants baggy torn as his shoes turn to boots and he takes a deep breath. "I'm back and ready to claim the sea as mine" Arron starts laughing madly as he looks back at the door raising his left hand as a spear of water hits it sending the door flying out of the temple towards Rune and Ku. "I message to my old first mate and that navy dog"

Merari smiles weakly. "I'm sorry, but it's true he died saving the city from what was going on he did it to save you" Merari sensed Vivian was slowly vanishing as well as he reached into his pocket and pulls out a necklace with a pure pearl. "Here wear this and you can exist in this realm" Merari then walks over to Vivian and kneels to her level as he reaches out and ties it around her neck
"Again?" Kurureenu repeated, her gaze going over toward Rune. "What do you mean 'again'?" Then the pulse. In the search for where the pulse could have came from, her eyes eventually noticed something moving- and moving fast- toward them behind Rune. Before she could even thing twice about it, her body moved on it's own toward Rune and grabbed him around the torso and dragged him down into the sand just as the large object flew over the two of them. Once the rush of air disappeared from above her, she raised her head from Rune's chest and searched for the object that flew by, which had bounced off of a dune with a spray of sand and stopped it's path.

"A door... Who the fuck has the power to throw a door like that?" she asked out loud, pulling herself away from Rune and sitting up while her memories sifted through the other two and came up with an answer. Arron...


Vivian continued to sob through the words Merari spoke, leaning away from him a bit as he tied on the necklace. "My... My existence in this realm...? You mean... I wasn't born here?" she questioned, another round of tears threatening an appearance. "I just want my dad back! I want to go home and have my dad all over again!"
Rune looked over seeing the door knowing only one person who has the power to throw a door made of gold. "Arron.." he then looked at Ku. "I thought he was dead Ku" Rune spoke as he puts his ax away on his back as he looked at the direction the door came from. "He that way and I bet Zeff with him as well though I'm surprised there working together" Rune then looked at Ku. "You alright Ku?"


Zeff watched as the door came flying out and was amazed. "Well I see his temper hasn't changed one bit" he then sighs as Arron walks out of the temple his body fully healed as he looks at Zeff. "Now why would the King of the North Sea come all this way to help me?" Arron sneered as he glares at Zeff. Zeff chuckles softly as he summons his spear. "I figured I at least owed that body your in a second life is all not you beast of the sea" Arron the scoffed. "Then tell me Zeff these memories in this body aren't mine and yet they plague me why?" Arron asked as he stairs down at Zeff. "Cause there not yours they belong to the Arron that owns that body, but he since past so I figured you could use it instead" Zeff sighs. "Fine for that I won't kill you, but tell me why is my first mate and that dog of the navy here?" Zeff looks at Arron. "Oh that I figure it would be a gift for your return" Arron then got a grin on his face. "My my what a wondrous gift indeed well let's go then shall we" Arron then begins to walk towards were he last sensed them as Zeff follows in tow his spear vanishing.

Merari knew Rune and Ku where close. "Vivian I need to do something so can you please do one thing I need to keep you safe do that and I promise you'll see your father again ok there two people not far from here go to thme ok a boy and a girl named Rune and Kurureenu" Merari then points the way towards them
Vivian let out a sniff, her eyes going up to the stranger before her. "Kurureenu.... and Rune...?" she repeated. "Keep me safe...? What's going to happen?" The girl started to get to her feet. "Can't you just... take me back to my world? I can wait for dad there. I'm sure he'll come back! Somehow... He always seemed to, y'know, get back on his feet pretty fast..."


Kurureenu nodded in response to his question before getting back to her feet. "Yes, but we assume a lot of things and I'm pretty sure there's still a lot more we don't know. Especially since we're pretty much dimension skipping, here," she responded, flitting through some of the memories of this current Kurureenu. "Jesus fucking Christ. I was Arron's first mate? How the fuck was I that unlucky!"

The woman shook her head and turned her attention. "Also, no more jumping dimensions. I can't take anymore memories. When we beat Zeff to a bloody pulp, we're going back and fixing our lives," she informed Rune sternly.
"I can't I'm sorry Vivian only the man who casted the spell can send you back and that be Zeff, but go to Rune and Ku and you'll find Zeff and your father" Merari spoke as he stands back up. "I'm sorry I can't be of more help to you Vivian, but your fate about to be challenged by the Gods I wish you the best" Merari begins to fly off as a black feather comes off his wing and lands in front of her as he takes off.

Zeff looked back at the box snapping his fingers causing a barrier to go around it as he catches up to Arron. "What has happen to Angel?" Arron asked. Zeff sighs. "I'm sorry after I was banished and your imprisonment I have no idea what happen to the Queen of the South" Zeff spoke. "I see shame" Arron spoke as he walks through the jungle.


"Saw what you want Ku felt like you where the closest thing to a daughter he had" Rune laughed. "He seemed to protect you till you teamed up with me" Rune rubs his head. "How do I know all this Ku it's rather weird" Rune looks up into the sky seeing what looked like a storm clouds coming in as well as something big flying off from the island not realizing it was Merari
Vivian sniffed, watching as Merari flew away. She watched as one of the deep black feathers from his wings plucked itself off and fell to the sand. She reached for it, examining it for a moment. Despite the oddity of the man, he was quite the beautiful creature. She tucked away the feather, on her feet, and turned in the direction that he pointed toward. He said two people could help her there, so she began her trek to search these two people out.


"Now you know how I feel," she muttered, her gaze going around her and spotting something in the distance. "There's someone over there." The woman started walking toward the figure, recognizing the appearance from one of her memories. A picture... Online... "Vivian...?"

The girl approached the woman, face still stained with tear tracks from her earlier cry. "Are you Ku... Kururu... Uhm... Is he Rune?" she asked, attempting and failing at the name, even after being told it just earlier.

Kurureenu sighed, sliding a hand down her face. "Just call me Ku or Reenu," she grumbled out. She raised a brow toward the girl in front of her and turned toward Rune. "Now... I know I was the closest thing he had pegged for a daughter, but how about an actual daughter?"
Rune tried to remember. "This area's Arron never had a family beside his crew and your all that's left of it Ku and your not on his good side" Rune chuckles softly. "Well should we wait for him or strike first cause you know me Ku I'll charge in swinging" Rune pulls out his ax as the wind started to blow and rain started to come down. "shit where this storm come from?" he then looked at Vivian. "so how did you get here?"


Arron smelled the air. "Zeff how come I smell a pup with my blood?" Arron asked looking back at Zeff. "Oh dear I think I brought Mistress Vivian here" Arron looked forward. "Mistress Vivian hmm never thought you a servant Zeff" Zeff smiles weakly. "She been very kind to me felt like a granddaughter to me even if I was there servant" Arron then turns towards Zeff quickly grabbing his neck. "You have grown soft former King of the North" Arron sneered as his hand tightens around Zeff's neck. "And you are weaker then the man who use to know that body Arron" Arron's eyes widen as he grits his teeth as he then slams Zeff into the ground causing Zeff to cough up blood. "Me weak I have the power of the sea and this storm will be a signal to the world that the age of pirates is back on" Zeff looked up at Arron. "I did this out of our old friendship, but you still haven't found what you truly needed forgive me Master Rino and Mistress Vivian I failed you both" Arron released his grip around Zeff neck. "He fainted" he looked down at him as memories flooded his mind he saw him and Vivian and Zeff *Zeff is it then welcome to the Rino family this is my daughter Vivian* Arron felt a tear go down his face. "What are these memories and I'm I crying?" Arron was getting enraged. "I'm going to kill you Zeff after I deal with those two and this Vivian" Zeff weakly grabs Arron's leg. "I won't let you lay a hand on Mistress Vivian" he spoke weakly as he coughed up blood his throat was crush his voice raspy. Arron glared as he kicked Zeff sending him flying into a boulder. "Don't you dear touch me you weak accuse for a pirate"
Vivian looked up at the sky, where the building used to be. "I was in my room... Then the building starting flying up and into the sky and... and this person with black wings and stuff came and took me out of my room before the building faded and stuff like that," she explained, getting a slow nod from Kurureenu.

"Sounds like Merari," she muttered, glancing up at the sky. "That flying brat ain't coming around to give us a hand? Definitely a desk jockey. I hope we give him lots of paperwork."

The girl glanced between the two adults before continuing. "My dad..."

The words made Kurureenu freeze, expecting the worse. Does she know?

"That guy told me my dad died... And I can't go home unless I find Zeff. He told me that you guys can help me find them," she informed the two.

The dishwater blonde frowned, turning her attention toward Rune. "We do need to find them. They still have the box and we have to get back home somehow," she pointed out. I also want to find out how Zeff knows Liev... Does Liev have a part in all this? She shook her head to shake the thoughts away. What was she thinking? This was her fiance! She should know everything about him, after all. There were never secrets between the two of them.
"Your right Ku and I'm interested in way Zeff wanted to come here with the box of all place I can see it wasn't to test it" Rune sensed a powerful sense of blood lust surrounding them as he looked at the sea seeing what looked like sharks. "Well I see there here to great there Master" Rune chuckles. "Ku it be safer with we get away from the water and head into the jungle" Rune tightened his grip on his ax dreading what was to come.


Arron walked through the jungle. "I can smell them and this body is aching to fight I can feel it" Arron begins to grin as he tightens his hands into fist. "First thing I'm going to to is deck that Bull in the face and then give my first mate a lecture about betraying family as I rip her limb from limb" Arron felt his blood boiling at the thought
"Fucking leviathan," Kurureenu muttered, getting a confused look from Vivian. "Quick, then. To the trees," she ordered, taking Vivian by the hand and leading the way to the dense foliage. "I'm not in the mood to be getting eaten by sharks today."

"Leviathan? Sharks...?" Vivian repeated with confusion. "What are you talking about? Who are we talking about here?" The girl looked at Kurureenu, then toward Rune, searching for answers from one of them.

Kurureenu glanced toward the younger girl, then back toward Rune. Her gaze questioning whether they should let her know more about her father. After all... There should have never been secrets to begin with. Secrets turn into lies and lost time and, soon, just loss.
Rune looked at the girl. "Vivian how much do you care about your father?" Rune asked not wanting t be the one as they walk into the jungle the storm started to pick up as it started to thunder and lighting as it startes to rain harder. "Hell with all this rain being near or far from the sea won't make a difference" Rune chuckles softly.


Arron stopped looking up at the cloudy sky. "Aw even the gods fear my arrival" Arron then looks at where Rune and Ku are as well as Vivian. "Well I'm close enough" Arron looks down at a puddle in front of him as he lifts one foot up and slams it down into the puddle causing water to come up. "Take from" the water turns into a shark. "Now my pet go great them" as the shark darts through the jungle.
Kurureenu sighed, catching the gaze from Rune. Of course he wouldn't want to be the bearer of bad news. Or weird news in this case. The woman turned her attention back to Vivian, who had paused to give Rune a confused glare.

"What kind of question is that? He's my father. We finally were able to meet not that long ago and... I finally had a dad. Something I've been asking for for every Christmas. I love my dad," the girl responded, her gaze going to Kurureenu as the woman scoffed. "What the fuck was that for?"

The woman shrugged. "Different background," she muttered before turning her gaze toward Vivian. "Your dad... was special..." Her voice trailed off, now failing to find the right words. The cold rain was beating down on her, soaking through her clothes, but her attention went to a sound that was heading toward them.

"Special how?" VIvian asked, her voice demanding.

Kurureenu took out her sword. It was no Hoshinko, but it would have to do. "Rune... Do you hear that?"
"Yeah seems like he doesn't want to wait any longer and sent a lackey" Rune smirked. "I've been dying to go wild" Rune watched as a giant water shark comes darting out of the jungle and goes after Vivian going for a weaker target as Rune got in between them. "Not so fast shark your my prey" Rune swung his ax down onto the shark cutting it in half causing it to make two sharks. "Dammit I fell for that same dam trick" one of the sharks went after Ku as the other Rune as it bites down on Rune's arm. "Ouch you son of a bitch" Rune sneered as he slams the shark onto a near by tree causing it to explode.


Arron chuckles. "That dumb bull a hundred years and he still fell for that trick he never learned, but he beat it no surprise now you my first mate how have you grown?" Arron smirks licking his lips hungry for blood. "Oh this fight setting me into a frenzy" Arron's eyes begin to look that of a mad man as he darts towards them at high speed. "I'm going to slice them up"
Kurureenu watched as the shark came in, heading straight for Vivian. She was going to react, but Rune beat her to the punch. Vivian let out a scream, bending over and covering her head in fear of the strange creature. The shark was spit in two now, finally having the power to go after Kurureenu and Rune at the same time.

She watched as the one headed toward her, dodging to the side smoothly as it flew by at top speed. With a quick twirl of her flintlock pistol; a crack and spark; the shark was turned into a spray of water. Kurureenu shook her head, her hair soaking wet from the rain.

"We're sitting ducks. I know he can sense us," she told Rune, her gaze going over toward Vivian who cowered still. "We need to get to a safe place and figure out what we're going to do."
"Your Ku we sh.." Rune was cut off as Arron dashed at Rune out of nowhere as he punched Rune in the gut. "You let your guard down for a moment Rune" Arron spoke as Rune went flying into a tree breaking it as he coughed up blood. "And you haven't weakened a bit with age" Rune spoke as he coughed lifting himself up with his ax with one hand holding his gut with the other. Arron smirked looking down at his hand seeing it shaking. "Really I feel out of it maybe you just soft Rune" Arron then turns towards Ku and Vivian. "Well hello there First Mate and who the girl she your student?" Arron looks at Vivian seeing strange memories causing his vision to go a tad blurry
"Rune!" Kurureenu cried out, watching as he slammed into a tree hard enough to break it. Vivian stood up, ready to run over there to make sure he was okay but Kurureenu blocked her path. "Don't get me wrong, but he can take quite a beating."

Both girls turned their attention on Arron as he turned his on them. Kurureenu had already reloaded her gun, the memory fluidly assisting her in doing so.

"I don't take on stu-" Kurureenu started, her words being interrupted by Vivian.

"Daddy...? Is... Is that you?" the girl questioned as her voice started to break. "I was told you were dead, daddy..."
"Daddy..?" Arron spoke looking at the girl as images of the other Arron and Vivian laughing as Arron hugged her *I love you my sweet little Princess* Arron shook his head. "Girl I have no daughter" he then glared at Ku as he lifted one hand up making a gun out of his right hand not know he was mocking the other Arron's fighting style. "Ku your going to pay for betraying your father" he spoke as water shot out of his finger and at Ku.

Rune got himself up as he gets his ax ready as he charged at Arron and swings at Arron's head but was stopped with one finger. "Your still a monster" Rune sneered as he glared at Arron as Arron smirked looking back at Rune. "Now now there no need foe name calling Iron Horn in fact aren't you out of your sea you Navy Dog" Arron then lifted Rune's ax along with Rune up into the air. "Down you go" Arron then slammed Rune down into the ground as Rune tighten his grip on his ax not letting go.
"What...?" Vivian choked out, tears starting to make their appearance again.

Kurureenu glared toward Arron as he called her his daughter. "Fuck off, knave. You were never my father and you never will be!" she hollered at him, her eyes going toward Rune as he started to go up into the air. He came down and crashed into the ground by Arron's hand and Kurureenu turned her gaze back toward Arron. "How about you go back to being dead like a good corpse!" she screamed, her pistol out and shooting to distract him with a barrage of bullets while she quickly advanced with her blade to try to lay a cut on him.
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