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Neon Princess

Original poster
We've all read the stories, right? About man-eating monsters lurking in the night? Scary stories to frighten children and to make horror movies out of. We never imagined they could be real, until the murder rate began to skyrocket. Authorities were baffled, and the streets soon became the stuff of nightmares as these events continued to spiral out of control. Media coverage every night and day - an entire country in a state of civil unrest and panic. They were being slaughtered, torn apart like playthings for fairytale monsters. It seemed like anarchy and social collapse was the next step..

..That is, until an agency stepped in to not only get the situation under control, but actively stage counterattacks and quell this threat. The CCG Investigators as they were called were devoted to fighting Ghouls - the monsters responsible for the killings. The information surrounding Ghouls is incredibly classified and under heavy lock and key - only the CCG and other Ghouls know about them. The public just thinks of the murders as what the media tells them; a string of violent crimes. A convenient lie just for the sake of social security.

However, even with the CCG stepping in, Ghoul activity continues - they've just had to adopt more stealthy tactics to blend in and sneak around the authorities. Only time will tell who comes out on top..

..That's the history in a nutshell - what brought us to the current state of events. Here in London, we Ghouls still get by. We get our share of human one way or another, and the Doves do everything in their power to tear us from this Earth as if we have no right to live. Lately though, things have gotten dark..Real dark. Ghouls have been getting captured left and right by the Doves. Rumor is, the CCG is employing some serious black ops shit to draw us out. Poisoned food, water, you name it. Stuff we Ghouls force ourselves to swallow just to blend in is now being used against us to force us out of hiding. Doesn't seem to effect humans, though. Lucky bastards.

We've got no idea why the CCG are even capturing Ghouls in the first place. All they've been doing since the start is killing us - we're a disease to them; Something to be removed immediately. Why capture us? Why risk harming normal people just to get at us? It doesn't add up..

..And then, there's the elusive Gravierend Jagdhund - German for "grave hound" or something. The CCG and even other Ghouls are on that guy or girls ass because they have a thing for eating humans and other Ghouls, on top of grave robbing for food and intentionally causing rifts between peaceful factions of humans and Ghouls. This asshole has the nerve to try and ruin what might be the only chance we have at understanding each other! These factions provide Ghouls to eat parts of their bodies in exchange for job work! Not everyone agrees with it but it's a start!

Here in London, we've in the calm before a massive storm. The CCG is gearing up for something big, this Gravierend Jagdhund person is setting the stage for some big play, and Ghouls are already at each others throats over the friendly human/Ghoul factions. No one is sure at this point who's gonna survive in the end, and what will be lost in the coming storm..
Character Sheet;

*Physical Health
*Mental Health
*Personal Paraphernalia

(*Occupation: If your character works at something like Anteiku or has some other job, type it down. If not, type either None or N/A)
(*Kagune: If you are not a Ghoul or Half-Ghoul, this does not apply to you. Type None or N/A - same goes for Kakuja if you aren't a Ghoul/Half-Ghoul and Quinque if you are not a CCG Investigator)
(*Physical/Mental Health: Any physical or mental ailments of your character, such as mental illnesses, physical issues such as Asthma and so on)
(*Turn-On/Turn-Off's: Completely optional. These are in place for any potential romances)
(*Personal Paraphernalia: If your character carries around anything specific, like a locket or maybe a music player wherever they go, type it here)
(*Misc.: Any other relevant information you wish to provide that wasn't listed in the aforementioned categories)
Accepted Members (subject to update:)
I. Neon Princess - GM
II. Clyde
III. Kit-n-Kat
IV. HangeZoe
V. Daz
VI. Sketching101

Will be adding accepted characters soon, once sheets are completed!
Accepted Characters:

  • Name
    Kyrie Parks


    Half Ghoul


    London, England

    September 27, 1995

    Aspiring Medical Student/Scientist




    Rinkaku (Shining Scales)


    N/A (yet)


    Born to a poor mother and a father who abandoned them before she even knew him, Kyrie's childhood wasn't an easy one. Before she was even a year old, her birth mother gave her away for her co-worker at a bar to adopt. Her co-worker accepted and after filing some papers, an unofficial adoption had transpired and Kyrie had a new family before she even knew her birth one. Growing up, her adoptive mother and Kyrie never once saw eye-to-eye and arguments were constant. She loved her adoptive father, but he was always away on business, bringing back feelings of abandonment from her birth father.

    One night, when she was only 11 years old, Kyrie received a call from her mother very late at night. Her voice was shaken, and screams were in the background. Kyrie couldn't tell what was going on, but she knew she had to do something - she had already lost one family, and she refused to lose another. Tracing back the phone call's location with GPS, she ran outside in the dark of night all the way to the back of the bar where her mother worked. CCG Investigators were already on the scene, and blood was everywhere. Sprinting past the initial security, Kyrie was stopped by a senior Investigator just as she bared witness to the horrific scene; Her adoptive mother and father, mutilated and nearly eaten alive. Kyrie, at that young age, couldn't take the sight or the situation. The CCG placed her in an orphanage, only for Kyrie to be moved to an asylum at 14 due to outbursts of insanity and violence. It was later discovered that the girl had been suffering from multiple mental disorders during her lifetime, and seeing her parents in such a state only worsened the symptoms.

    In an asylum Kyrie stayed until she was 19 years old, having been released on account of faithfully taking her medication, attending therapy and being much more calm and collected overall. After release, Kyrie was granted disability benefits - enough to live comfortably as well as a nice check of hush-money from the CCG. Something itched at the back of her mind, though. Something sick - dangerous. For the next few months, Kyrie grew obsessed with what the CCG were keeping her hushed up about and discovered the existence of Ghouls. It then all connected the dots for her - why her parents died the way they did and why the CCG were keeping her so quiet. This new information fresh and burned into her mind, Kyrie began to hunt down the prime suspect in the murder of her parents - a Ghoul by the moniker of "the Red Queen".

    Weeks of planning and chasing leads finally culminated to Kyrie catching the Red Queen off-guard. She had just finished binge eating and wasn't expecting a visitor, especially not on the Big Ben's clock face. Armed with a bag of syringes filled with neurotoxins and hemotoxins, Kyrie stood ready to face the Ghoul who took her parents. Not out of revenge - but out of curiosity. She wanted to know what it was like to possess that kind of power, the kind that put you at the top of the food chain. Kyrie desired a form that better suited how she felt mentally, and a Ghoul seemed like the perfect fit. The Red Queen felt insulted at Kyrie's arrogance to challenge her, and unleashed her Rinkaku Kagune. The two dueled in a grueling but swift battle, ending when Kyrie allowed herself to be pierced by the Red Queen's Kagune so that Kyrie could jam the syringes into the Red Queen's cornea and inject the toxins.

    Once sufficiently dealt with, Kyrie enacted her master plan; self organ transplantation. Injecting enough neurotoxin to numb her entire body and in her bag having medical supplies she had been buying and practicing with (sterilized before this event) in the months prior, Kyrie began the process of transplanting the Red Queen's Kakuhou into herself. Midway through the procedure, the neurotoxin wore off and Kyrie experienced the most grueling pain she had ever endured - the stress of the surgery enough to cause her once strawberry blonde hair to turn white as snow. Still, the procedure did succeed, though Kyrie did nearly bleed to death several times and her body went into shock on multiple occasions.

    Since that time, Kyrie has adjusted to being a Half Ghoul, wielding the Rinkaku Kagune type. The Red Queen now dwells inside her mind, torturing Kyrie even more than her mental illnesses already do. She gets her flesh from Ghoul-friendly shops in the day, and actively hunts at night.

    Quiet, cold and distant from others is Kyrie's MO. She keeps to herself and rarely utters a word. When she does speak, it's most often to criticize someone and berate them, only for them to try in a vain attempt to silence her. Kyrie is known for her bluntness, and unwavering disinterest in anything she finds irrelevant or pointless. She's also quite the sadistic girl, opting to drag out a fight just to watch her opponents bleed more, or continuously stalk and mentally destroy someone just to see how much they crumble from the pressure. She isn't exactly mentally stable, but she isn't without a heart. Kyrie loves cats, stuffed animals and anything she finds to be cute, and secretly has a very feminine side, enjoying baths, painting her nails and make up.


    Physical Health
    Physically speaking, Kyrie is in good health. She's at a healthy weight, has no serious bone or muscle issues, and has never needed surgery for anything (aside from her self-transplanted organ). Her worst physical issues would be her migraines and her eyesight, being quite poor. Kyrie opts not to wear her glasses out in public due to her embarrassment, but indoors she is always wearing them to see clearly.

    Mental Health
    Mentally, Kyrie is a trainwreck. Her symptoms include - Schizophrenia, Anxiety, Clinical Depression, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Clinical Insomnia and Sadistic Hemophilia (getting turned on by blood, including when inflicting the wound that caused the blood to flow). Of all her disorders, Kyrie is the most embarrassed and secretive of her Sadistic Hemophilia, as she's convinced herself that any girl even remotely interested in her would find it irredeemably disturbing and drop her on the spot.

    Manga/anime, video games and aggressive music come to mind first when Kyrie is the topic. Other than that, she loves cats, cute things, and the female sex. She also enjoys writing and drawing, though her drawing talents still need some improving by her standards.

    Just about everyone and everything at large. Kyrie is a very cynical, negative person. She doesn't perceive reality at all correctly, and as such, sees the real world as wrong, broken and a shambled mess compared to her inner world.

    Blood turns Kyrie on more than she'd like to admit. Other than blood, Kyrie finds certain scents extremely erotic and attractive, such as flowery scents like Sakura Blossoms. Her legs and neck are extremely sensitive and thus, her largest turn-on spots. One touch to either of those will send her body into heat. [spoili]Lastly, female cum/squirting will drive Kyrie into a frenzy of excitement, but she wouldn't tell a soul about that without her heart exploding from embarrassment, and her face burning as a result of her blushing too brightly.[/spoili]

    Males, first and foremost. Strange fetishes, such as foot fetishes. Degrading fetishes, such as S&M, and disgusting fetishes, such as watersports. Other than that, unclean/unshaven women are a turn-off for her, as are overly sexual women and women who don't seem interested enough in her.

    Personal Paraphernalia

    Kyrie's prized possession is her favourite plushie, whom she's affectionately named Amity. Amity is a feline plushie that goes wherever Kyrie goes that isn't the battlefield. She brings Kyrie comfort beyond words, and has been Kyrie's imaginary friend since childhood. In Kyrie's head, Amity protects her dreams from nightmares, and is the only way Kyrie can sleep at night.

    (Personal Character Themes)
    the Amity Affliction - I Bring The Weather With Me

  • daydream_by_vandione-d7d0p7t.jpg

    On the right. Credit to Vandione
    Nathan Forge




    January 22nd, 1999

    1st Year Mathematics Major
    CCG Investigator





    73 kg

    Rinkaku Jinn A+ - Long bladed, splittable spear

    Nathan grew up in CCG's "Garden" in London, where he was raised with his alumni there to become a ghoul investigator for the CCG. [REDACTED] [BCOLOR=#000000] [/BCOLOR].

    Upon joining the CCG at the age of 15, he became a Rank 2 Investigator. As one of the youngest investigators, only being the same age as few of his fellows from the Garden, he was often treated like a child than an actual investigator. He was placed in a squad with two Rank One investigators, one other Rank Two investigator, and the squad leader, a First Class investigator. During their first few investigations, he was given menial tasks, either delivering evidence to HQ or looking up data. During one of the investigations, he was allowed to join the confrontation with an A ranking ghoul. During the mission, he proved himself to his superiors, managing to receive a level of respect he'd not seen from them before, being treated as the younger brother instead of the brat.

    The next year, in december, he was promoted to Rank 1 investigator for his part in killing the A+ ghoul that had ambushed his team, killing two of the team members and injuring the squad leader. The ghoul's rinkaku was made into a quinque, which is the weapon he uses now. For the duration of a month, he was put on standby, waiting for his squad leader to recover. In the meantime, he spent his free time preparing for an upcoming university entrance exam.

    After the month ended, the injured squad leader decided to retire, leaving the young investigator in the open for just one more day before he was assigned to be partnered with an Associate Special Class. Until recently, he had been going on investigations with this ASC, but she got assigned to the S3 up north. Currently, Nathan is waiting to be assigned to a new team.

    Anyone who sees him on the street could make an assessment, even if lacking, not false, of Nathan. He seems both aloof and excitable at the same time. At times, he can be eccentric, inattentive and a bit too talkative. Other times, he can be quiet, timid and cautious. Although in general, he can be immature, in discussions, he becomes dead serious, and can get infuriated from frustration quite easily in certain circumstances.


    Likes and Interests
    - Philosophical Literature
    - Drawing
    - Coffee
    - Exercising
    - Solving Puzzles

    (Personal Character Theme)
    Heaven's Basement - Fire, Fire

  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Name: Sperling Ryley Gökhan a.k.a Sparrow[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 28[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Race: Ghoul[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Sex: Male[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Birthplace: Le Havre, Normandy[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Birthday: November 7th, 1988[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Occupation: Currently none, currently incarcerated[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]It was clear he had been here a long time, his eyes darted unfocused, staring into nothing and everything. His hair was shoulder length and platinum, while his lips were cracked and dried, which he seemed to be picking at with his teeth. He had a single scar across his lips. And wore a black sweater, with a black hoodie, and black cargo pants. With what appeared to be military style combat boots. Though worn at the laces. His nails seemed cracked and brittle, and some areas of his skin looked cracked, and dried and suffered from scars or scabs as he was prone to scratching himself to the point that he bled. He stands at 5'8" and currently weighs 115 pounds. Hair platinum blonde. Iris color aquamarine.[/BCOLOR]



    [BCOLOR=transparent]Kagune: Ukaku "Feather Read" or the fancy name I am giving "Her Hands That Guide"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Taking some creative liberties in appearance. Sparrow's Ukaku will not take on the same shape as the Ukaku's we seen with Ayato and his sister. Which to me are more butterfly shaped or fairy pixie shaped. Instead I want Sparrow's wings to take on the shape of a more western design of an angel. Black with storms of chaotic red in the colorization to give an appearance of a fallen angel.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Like all Ukaku, it is lightweight, meant to deliver high speed attacks against an adversary. Lacks endurance if a battle goes on too long. Have a high chance of ending a battle quickly.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Sparrow is able to strike with Ukaku like lighting bolts.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Kakuja: NA[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Quinque: NA[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]May the Lord watch over me.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Ironic it is to think that any Ghoul would believe in anything human. Their lives all, but seemed to be distant from each other. Lives that could not cross. Lives that could not intersect with each other. And yet, they did. Twice in his lifetime. He was born November 7th, 1988 in La Havre, Normandy on a practically chilly autumn day. His parents, his father originally from Turkey, his mother born and raised most of her life in Normandy.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Erdem, his father, before they met was often a wayfarer. He moved from city to city in order to not cause too much suspicion. While his mother, Lillian had a much easier life, some would have considered her a frail, soft spoken woman, and she took refuge in the arms of people who were charitable to take pity on her. Through religion.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]The young Sperling was welcome into the fold very quickly when he was born. He grew up in a small town, with a fairly small community. A fairly small, religious community with a dark secret. That seemed normal at the time. A form of Satanism, that followed a natural god, who welcomed the Ghouls as some sort of messenger from another world.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]While at the time it sounds like different narrative than what he heard in England. It was the same narrative. Ghouls were demons or monsters. Who completed sacrifices to release the souls of the tormented of their pact. Or when they needed to please their god.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]All his life it had always been the same narrative. He was a monster. What ends did that monstrosity considered acceptable or not, depended on the individual. When he was eighteen, he moved from La Havre, Normandy to London, England to complete his education.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Against his parents wishes. Lillian had lived her whole life protected by a nest of religious tradition and Erdem fed off the power of their position, they warned their young son he'd never be able to make it in that world. A world, that was not protected by a cult like mentality, a world protected by the ignorant.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Except in London, it also was a world protected by ignorance. It was the same rhetoric. Just padded differently. Ghouls were monsters. Ghouls were out there to eat your whole family. They were murders. Same as back home. Except back then it was to please a god. His worlds were never much human. Separate views of a Monster.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]At first it was a lonely existence. He had about believed himself a monster. Considering on the conditioning of his childhood. And the forceful blending of two worlds that should have never collided in his college schooling. Until he met Cynthia. When he was twenty-four.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]She was nothing like the humans he had encountered and was unable to ultimately touch and make a connection to. She steered him into believing that perhaps, he was more than what he had grown up believing. He was more than the Monster a religious cult had painted him, some kind of demon to bring harmonic destruction. And more than the Monster Londoners believed Ghouls to be. Bringers of the end time, trying to take down the human infrastructure.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]She was beautiful and the only person who opened up a whole new world to him. Allowed him to get out of his shell. Brought him into the light, that allowed him to feel the most human he had in years. Four years of bliss. She became his new icon. He was in love with her. But also clung unto her like she was a saint.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]She was the only angel he had met in his life. And she probably would have been the woman he would ask for a hand in marriage. Till the night that had him locked up. He was to be used as a tool for more fear mongering and pandering. He became the witness of Cynthia's death. Brutality murdered in their home.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Not his personal act. As he would have never harmed in such a way. She was a fragile being that he had held deeply in his heart. But by the CGC, who used him as an example of what happens to anyone if they think they can love or befriend a Ghoul. Or let a Ghoul into their lives. That they will betray him. The years of his conditioning he had been trying to run from.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]To believe he could love another human being. To believe he could be anything, but a Ghoul. Thrown back into his face. And it was the precursor to his initial psychotic break. Seeing the woman he loved and idolized in a pool of blood broke an already fragile mind that she had been keeping at bay with merely love and social interaction.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Now that he has been imprisoned. Socially isolated. His mind only deteriorates. The shock and trauma of the events that started the downward spiral broke him as an individual.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Despite his lunacy and broken mind, Sparrow is often considered a rather gentle soul. People aren't sure if it was the influence of Cynthia that brought out that gentle side.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Though to be honest, Sparrow had never been a harmful individual even as a child. All of the killings his parents did, and he was a part of where always ceremonial and sacrificial rituals under the guise of some religious fold. But it kept them safe. Sparrow is actually rather shy in his moments of sanity and doesn't say much.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]He's wary of people and making any close connections to them. And seems also afraid that his "Goddess" will get jealous if he loves anyone other than her. It isn't say to say he doesn't trust people, if they earn his trust and respect, he'll trust them. But often feels the need to harm himself because his "Goddess" told him he has to do it if he has deeper feelings for anyone. Not even romantic feelings, but even love for a friend.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Despite this it's very clear Sparrow often confuses reality with his delusions. His heavy religious background became the default personality mixed in with delusions of grandeur. And he's prone to psychotic meltdowns. Depending on what triggers his "rage" or breaks his delusion.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Sexualiy: Heterosexual[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Physical Health:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Despite the scab picking and scratching at his own skin, for the most part Sparrow seems in good health. He's never needed surgery for anything major. He's never broken a bone. And any physical ailment he has ever had is easily healed away and often self inflicted. Though he is prone to bronchitis due to his asthma.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Mental Health:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Gift wrapped in crazy. While the PTSD didn't cause him to lose his mind, and it was the initial psychotic break. Honestly it was clear to anyone he had mental issues before the initial psychotic break. Schizophrenia with paranoia, prone to auditory hallucinations, often the reason for his self harm. While prone to self harm and serving some sort of "God" or really "Goddess". Is prone to psychotic meltdowns. And often appears very loose in his sanity. Though he still has some glimmers of sanity left, they are often loose interpretations of the world. Though many who had known him over the years, would blame the ones responsible for his initial psychotic break more than Sparrow himself. He is merely the victim of his mind and those who exploited it. Has hemophobia and teraphobia.[/BCOLOR]


    [BCOLOR=transparent]Likes: The ocean and sea gulls, calm music like meditation music and such, dreaming, drawing, and sunsets[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Dislikes: Blood [actually has a fear of it, ironically], weird looking dolls, monsters [specifically something he made up in his head that represents the identity a "demon" that "possess" a Ghoul to be "evil"], and the dark[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Personal Paraphernalia: None[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Misc Information:[/BCOLOR][/FONT][/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Personal Theme Song[/BCOLOR]


    [BCOLOR=transparent]Battle Theme Song[/BCOLOR]


  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Name: Orchid, The Snow White Prince[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 22[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Race: Ghoul[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Sex: Male[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Birthplace: Erfurt, Germany[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Birthday: December 10th, 1993[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Occupation: Anteiku[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]There is no words to speak about Orchid, he appears to be a bright and beautiful young man. With golden blonde hair that gleams in the sun turning it almost like a rare treasure. His eyes are sapphire and they too gleam. He often likes to present himself in formal, maybe even a bit flashy wardrobe choices. He stands at 5'5" and weighs 109 pounds.[/BCOLOR]



    [BCOLOR=transparent]An Alternative Costume to Add Onto his Additional Two presented[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Rinkaku - Shining Scale - "Rose of the Abyss"[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Again with creativity liberties I am changing the shape of Orchid's Rinkaku. Instead of opting for just tentacles that extend from his back. His Rinkaku takes on the shape of a folded rose, and each tentacle represents a petal on the rose. Since he focuses his Rinkaku a little bit more on the defensive side. He still suffers from all the same side effects of a regular Rinkaku user, but had trained his combat skills on the more defensive side to tire out his opponents to take advantage of their slowed attacks.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]His rose is red, with blacks and purples.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Kakuja: NA[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Quinque: NA[/BCOLOR]


    [BCOLOR=transparent]Ghouls are just hideous beast no one wants.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Sometimes flowers bloom in unlikely and unusual situations. He was born on December 10th, when winter snow nipped at the cities heels. Ice froze over the windows and individuals shivered even in their thick wool coats. His mother, unknown name, a prostitute and a Ghoul who had used her sex appeal to lure human men into eating them. Had raised him for a whole year before the CCG tracked her down for her hideous crimes.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]She hid Orchid in a safe drop zone. Meant to be taken by Anteiku when she pleaded, begged for assistance. But they didn't come fast enough when a Human woman found the small baby in the safe zone. At first his Human mother raised him like any ordinary baby.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Till she had recognized what the baby was. It was when he was five, he knew nothing, but darkness. He was locked in an abandoned warehouse factory basement by his human mother. Who only visited him during the night to feed him.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]But the woman was wracked with guilt. Should she continue to feed the child? Should she allow it survive? When Ghoul's were the monsters? When Ghoul's were the boogeyman? As he began to age, the more and more the human woman he had known as a mother feared him.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Till she devised a plan. A plan to hopefully kill the child in question. So the child may never suffer at the hands of the CCG. But so the child could not harm others. So she stopped coming regularly. After tenth birthday, the nights and days and hunger became very lonely. Unbearable in fact. He might as well have starved to death.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]But he was discovered by a man wanting to own the warehouse. Half starved and half dead, the man contacted the CCG. But malnourished, dehydrated, and dying the CCG had no choice, they had to take the young Ghoul to get medical treatment.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]It's somewhere between medical treatment, when a nurse notified Anteiku of the child's presence. And Anteiku snatched him before the CCG could take him. Saved by Anteiku. Orchid was taught how to live in human society and was given the opportunity to get education.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Orchid is a very soft spoken individual, gentle and kind hearted he doesn't condone unnecessarily cruelty of others. In fact he abhors such actions. Probably because in some way he tries to run away from the whole idea that he too could be a monster. Though in his personal view ghouls are monsters, but so are humans. Considering his past interaction with his "mother" who tried to starve him to kill him.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]It's not all sunshine and roses with Orchid though, he can be vain about his appearance. It has everything to do with the early treatment he had as a child. Locked up, and taught that he was ugly. So he thinks by being beautiful in a physical sense will make others like him.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Orchid is more childish than say he is cruel or malicious. He buys people's attention and love by entertaining them in any way he can. Or buying them personal things. He seeks their affection, to be admired. It comes as a great comfort to Orchid when he knows he's being admired and liked by people, rather than feared and to be called ugly.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]He's prone to crying or some other issue if say something didn't go in his favor. Or in a favor that delighted him.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Sexuality: Heterosexual/Asexual, girls are nice, but a relationship with anyone is not of my immediate concern[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Physical Health:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Probably due to the stress and unhealthy development in his childhood, Orchid does have a weak heart. Or perhaps it was a birth defect no one caught till his heart was stressed in the way it was when he was a child. Mentally it doesn't slow Orchid down, despite having certain issues in certain circumstances often in high stress situations or high activity.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Mental Health:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Ironically despite his childish antics, Orchid mental health is in good shape. Some say, particularly the ghoul who raised him after the ordeal that Orchid simply needs to meet the right people who won't manipulate his naivety and that someone needs to guide Orchid in the right steps.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Likes: Pretty clothes and doing his hair, likes flowers and floral arrangements, the color blue, Spring,[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Dislikes: Ghouls, Cruel people, Liars and cheats, coffee too bitter, chocolate takes like dirt, romance too weird, getting hurt[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Personal Paraphernalia: A cellphone charm attached to his cellphone, made by probably his only true friend he has met in Anteiku who has told him that he doesn't have to buy people's love to get it. That they'll love him because of the person he is. Not the person he tries hard to be.[/BCOLOR]



    [BCOLOR=transparent]Personal Theme -[/BCOLOR]


  • [BCOLOR=transparent]Name: Kakyou Hazo[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 34[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Race: Human[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Sex: Male[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Birthplace: Akita, Japan[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Birthday: April 17th, 1982[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Occupation: CCG; Special Class Investigator[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]He's not necessarily into flashy costuming, he dresses simple for work and that's how he likes it. He wears a classic black, with a button down shirt, suit with a black tie. He doesn't like anything else really and even on his days off he could be seen wearing the button down shirts with black or dark gray slacks and polished shoes. His black hair is cut in an undercut, his eyes are semi almond shaped, but he has pale skin and green irises. He stands no taller than 5'4" and weighs 130 pounds. He is leanly built, with a tone body physique.[/BCOLOR]


    [BCOLOR=transparent]Fukushu - "Revenge" a.k.a the Red Revenge[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]To be frank, the designs of the Quinque before his times were horribly cumbersome. He's a detective not a warrior. While he will fight a Ghoul, he will do it on his own terms with something less bulky. Thus came the Fukushu. A part of lightweight easier to carry Quinique.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]The Fukushu is a six chambered revolver, meant to be loaded with Ukaku bolts that are inactive until they are struck by the hammer of the revolver that awakens the bolts.[/BCOLOR]



    [BCOLOR=transparent]What happens when it's the one you love who is the monster? Then what? You cannot see them in any other light than the person you loved.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]"I don't normally speak to anyone about my past?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]"And why's that?"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]"Because in the grand scheme of things it's trivial and all you have to say for it will more than likely simply be, sorry"[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]It's probably the same story you have heard told over and over again. It's not like his life was particularly harder than others, wasn't particularly easy than others either. Though that's all a matter of perspective really. Born to a white mother and Japanese father in the spring of April in Akita, Japan. Hazo was no stranger to the kid's bullying attempts to defame him because of his foreign looks. Hazo was no stranger to the in and outs of the police force either.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]His father was also a CCG investigator, but the man was more of a paper pusher than anything else. Who took out his temperamental aggressions on his wife and child. His father day dreamed about being on the field like the Ghoul Investigators, but the Bureau had him doing paperwork instead. His mother was often too tolerant of his father's outburst. Taking out his frustration of being a no good nobody investigator out on his family.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]While there was always expectation that Hazo would someday go to the CCG academy. His father had always hoped his son would not surpass him. A great fear he believed his father always had when Hazo came, third, fourth, and second in top ranks in his schooling.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]He was considered generally gifted and talented. A cunning thinker. At first Hazo was not going to accept becoming a CCG investigator like his father. In his lifetime there were two events in his life, that have strengthened his resolve as an investigator.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]The first convinced him to go to the academy. And the second convinced him the Ghouls were really the enemy. The first was his first real encounter with a ghoul, his father was not an investigator that had ever dealt with them. His father only ever dealt with pen, ink, and sometimes the drink. And few times he was asked to assist in anything Ghoul related. Which makes his father a failure.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]His first real encounter with a Ghoul, he remembers the terror he felt that day at his age. Fifteen, cold sweat running down his spine. As he saw one of the kids he competed with in school for top ranks being devoured. Which strengthened his belief that these were creatures that took everything and gave it nothing.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]From there he took his studies even more seriously and got into the CCG academy. There he worked hard to become a Ghoul Investigator. Which probably caused the rift and fracture between his father and his relationship. His father resented him, instead of showing pride in a son who had surpassed him. He scorned and shamed him.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Hazo worked for several years, since he was nineteen under a mentor. Akashi Futomi, an older gentleman who was praised for being one of the best CCG investigators in Tokyo at the time. While Hazo at that time struggled to live alone in an apartment by himself. His mother and him were pulled away from each other because of his father's own jealously.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]And Hazo worked many years under his sensei Akashi. Even then Futomi praised the boy for being bright and intellectual. Someone who understood his environment and took careful consideration when he was investigating. In a way being a Ghoul Investigator under Futomi gave him the strength and power to get over a childhood fear of the Ghouls. In some ways Hazo always believed he sort of understood the Ghouls. Especially as he grew in his experience.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]When he was twenty-five he met the woman of his dreams. While Hazo had dated here and there, this woman. Yao Ayame. They dated, while he worked through investigations and training and paperwork. The advance in his career really came after the death of his mentor Futomi after being killed in his home. Clearly it was ghoul related. Some Ghoul wanted revenge for his friend. Despite Hazo's might of been personal involvement in the case, it was given to him as a test.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]He solved the case of who murdered Futomi. And once again surpassed a mentor. While one mentor in his life was a failure, the other was someone he truly honored. Him and Ayame married when he was twenty-eight, she was twenty-two. And a year later they had their first child, Hikari.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]When he was also twenty-nine when his job with the CCG in Tokyo promoted him and moved him to a bureau in London. Hikari, Ayame, and himself moved to London. Those in London knew about Hazo and his many feats. He had a respectable amount of reputation.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]And has helped the London bureau with many investigations. Two years ago, his wife Ayame and his three year old son were in a car accident. Of course Hazo was devastated. As far the CCG goes the full report goes his wife and son died in a car accident.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Though only Hazo and his friend, he has known for four years, his only friend in London, know the truth. His wife was transplanted with a Ghoul Organ before knowing the patient was a ghoul. Which turned Ayame into a hybrid. Hazo meant to put her down. But Ayame was still Ayame to him. He still loved her. She was still human in his eyes.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]So he faked her death reports. And locked her inside their home. Forbidding her to go outside. And chaining her up in one of the bedrooms. He feel a great certain amount of guilt for his actions, but he honestly didn't know what to do.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Questionably to his coworkers and his few friends, he went to work not even months later after their deaths. Some are waiting for the grief to finally strike. While some question if he's actually simply made of ice.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Maybe he's a bit more like his father than what he likes to admit. Hazo can be kind of a hard ass, he doesn't take excuses lightly. As he sees excuses are gateways or pathways to mistakes. And mistakes lead to more excuses. It's just a cycle you repeat and cannot get out of. And those type of people are the people who get on Hazo's bad side the most. He's not necessarily a rebel, but he is by the book and logical.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]He's also a perfectionist and a workaholic, who's been burying himself in mountains and mountains and mountains of work lately. He's always been the type of person who doesn't stop, unless someone beside him is the little voice beside him telling to take it easy.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]He's often very no nonsense type, often not getting jokes very well. Which makes him come off socially inept. And he comes off closed off and distant in conversations that don't have anything that peaks his current interest. People are not pawns in his game, in fact he understands too well the consequence of human life and if he deems you something to protect, he'll often push you aside and put himself in harm's way.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Most importantly above it all, he's sworn to his oaths of duties. He's bound by honor, loyalty. While he may not always be the best team player. He always has your best interest in mind even if he doesn't openly and outwardly speak about it.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Though it's not always tough love. For those fortunate enough to be younger than him, he may come off giving wisdom in an off standish fatherly way that exposes deeper scars he tries to keep hidden away.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Sexuality: Heterosexual[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Physical Health:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Considering his years of physical training and his physically demanding job at times, he is in the picture of good physical health.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Mental Health:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Considering his mental health is screened by his job, he also seems to be in good mental health as well. Though some close friends, of the few he has, notes depression.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Likes: Coin collecting [ever since he left Japan he's been interested in European coins and collects unique ones], reading non fiction [mostly true crime stories, rarely he'll pick up a crime fiction novel], investigating crime scenes [not necessarily the fighting, but the mystery, solving mysteries], puzzles, coffee, guns[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Dislikes: Too much talking [it's a waste of time, the pastime of someone who has nothing to do], people who backtalk, despite being in Europe for four years sometimes he doesn't like how his English comes off, sitting around with nothing to do, not working [which is different from sitting around with nothing to do, because he could be sitting at work with nothing to do. Whereas not working implies both sitting around with nothing to do and having to do task he doesn't like] [/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Personal Paraphernalia:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Under his shirt, he wears on a chain his wedding rings. One being Ayame's the other being his sitting next to each other.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]And in his wallet he has several pictures of Hikari and Ayame. Specifically the ultrasound of Hikari and Hikari being held by Ayame.[/BCOLOR]


    [BCOLOR=transparent]Is actually friends with the creepy mortician for four years. The both of them have gotten to understand each other in an unusual way. And unbeknownst to the CCG, the mortician the one feeding human body parties to keep Ayame alive.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]The Mortician is the only one who knows Ayame is alive and is half a ghoul, and despite Hazo attempt to end her. He could not. Was not strong enough.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Personal Theme Song[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]"Right now I'm dangerously volatile. While everything seems fine on the surface, there is a storm you cannot see in the distance"[/BCOLOR]


    [BCOLOR=transparent]Battle Theme Song[/BCOLOR]

  • [BCOLOR=transparent]"Hiya there, nice to meet 'cha. Try to have fun 'round here."[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Name: Charlotte Renault, "Angel Chevalier"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 20[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Race: Ghoul[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]"None of that Coinflip shit."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Sex: Female[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Birthplace: Marseille, France[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Birthday: November 5th, 1997[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Occupation: Waitress at Marchenland[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]"Fun place, nice people."[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]For her ghoul disguise, Charlotte wears one of these hoodies with electric blue accents, with blue jeans and combat boots. Her mask is integrated into the hood, though she usually wears a bandanna under the hood in the event it gets hit.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Height: 5'7/170cm[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Weight: 134lbs/60.7kg[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]"Be a bit prepared as I've got a lot of nicknames for a lot of things."[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Kagune: Ukaku - "Blazing Feathers"[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Usually in the form of two downward curving wings, the general shape seems to be reminiscent of angel wings.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Kakuja: Albeit incomplete, and somewhat against some of the things she believes, Charlotte's kakuja is more of a one-off in her mind. They allow her to be a bit more defensive by how they're shaped, a layer on top of her regular kagune, though it also seems to increase her aggressiveness by quite a bit. Usually though, she burns herself out quickly.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Quinque: N/a[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Painful Start[/BCOLOR]

    "New York was fun. Really, really dark, but it was a fun place."
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Born in France, though brought up in the USA, Charlotte's childhood had a bit of a simple start. Her parents and older brother managed to survive quite well despite all the circumstances surrounding ghoul upbringing. Charlotte and Ryan managed to join up a small group of younger ghouls in New York City, somewhat to the aversion of their parents.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]That disdain was validated a few years later, after the two had formed a strong bond with some of the teenagers of the group. They slipped up, made a handful of mistakes, ended up angering a handful of ghouls around the city. Not too bad, there's always rivalries, right? Manhattan isn't always nice. Two of them killed, leaving the remaining five mourning. That was the start.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Then the rest, the group cuts itself apart. They tried to hold it together though the blame for their friends caught up with them. Both blaming themselves and each other. Charlotte herself blamed those who killed them to the highest extent, but then continued to blame herself for losing her friends. Despite the fact that she was one of the youngest ones of the group, she felt responsible. After a bit, Charlotte ended up driving herself to be better than she once was, to protect her old friends and to try and make sure nothing like this happens again.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]It's the worst thing when history repeats itself, especially when the world seems to be full of really, really bad people. Might have just been the city, but circumstance tends to bite people right in the ass. The other three which survived their makeshift high school alliance grouped up soon after they disbanded, going separate ways across the city. Charlotte of course tagged along with her brother. By some manner of circumstance, Charlotte was stuck in a situation which was far off from desirable. Two of her old friends were forced to settle a score with Ryan, something along the lines of bad history, Charlotte never got a chance to figure it out. Particularly because it was them or him, neither thought he was worth sticking their necks out. The end result was the same, and as much as she hated it, it left what used to be friendly blood on her hands.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Charlotte had a bad couple months after this, as which usually happens when recovering from old friends killing your brother. Picking a bunch of fights with other ghouls in the area, eventually stepping up her game and going for higher competition, bigger fights. One of the main things in sight was taking on or at least breaking up some groups which were responsible for her brothers death, and in a show of force cannibalizing them to try and make a name for herself. It worked relatively well.[/BCOLOR]

    Across the Atlantic
    "Branching out was pretty fun, y'know?"
    [BCOLOR=transparent]After her brother died, Charlotte decided to distance herself from her parents. It didn't seem like they were too fond of her picking fights with groups from New York. Not too long after, they both were killed by a few Doves trying to clean up New York, though really didn't mind Chevalier because of her helping clean up the mess. It was right about this time when she moved off to Europe, not being able to stand the city anymore. Too many bad memories.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Bailing when she was about 18, Charlotte found her way back to France, just for a month try and connect with her roots. That didn't happen, and some ghouls over there didn't seem to take in foreigners too well. Next up? London. This is where she found Marchenland, and tried to open back up to people. She started to trust them a bit more, though still doesn't like to talk much about her experiences in New York.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Fuel and Fire[/BCOLOR]
    "Through the Fire and The Flames."
    [BCOLOR=transparent]On her journey for revenge and strength, there were a lot of influences throwing fuel into the flames of anger. Charlotte absolutely hated the idea of not being on top of most, so constantly hearing rumors of half-ghouls, kinda sparked a hatred for them even without knowing any. She always thought that even if naturally, these half-half coinflip ghouls were stronger, any skilled ghoul worth their salt could at least match. No matter how true or false this is, it's a strong belief Charlotte has and opens up herself to a large amount of criticism.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Charlotte doesn't believe in limits for ghouls, she just believes in limits for individuals. While her kagune has limits to stamina and endurance, she never sees it like that. She only sees herself and her own limits, and it almost always results in her own false image of failure. She's been plagued by that for the past several years. [/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]Then there's the whole Kakuja dilemma. Charlotte has developed one, though her thoughts towards it have always been split. She finds it a great strength and an amazing wildcard of her own, though finds using it bittersweet. One of the main reasons is because of the pain it inflicts on her, though other reasons include her desire for outmatching her opponent. She never talks about it, nor does she think her friends at Marchenland know, but she tends to only use it if she really needs the extra strength.[/BCOLOR]

    Personality: First there's the surface, a relatively friendly waitress who skipped out on college. She tends to see the world pretty well off, save for the CCG. She tends to be talkative and social, optimistic to an extent. She tries to keep that up as possible, though as the world is she tends to get burnt out trying to keep up hope. She does try, however, shaking off the cynicism while there are people around. On top of that, she can usually keep up the act of liking people she hates, Coinflips and Doves specifically. The other side to her is when she does somewhat give in, or has no need to be particularly friendly. A bit of a common theme with most ghouls, it seems, though Charlotte has her motivations and events fueling her anger. Once she gets it rolling, it's kind of hard to get her off of the anger train, though possible if she doesn't hate you already.
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Sexuality: Bisexual[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Physical Health: Charlotte seems to be quite solid when it comes to physical health, though in combat tends to get worn out easily.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Mental Health: Charlotte has an inferiority complex in relation to her physical capabilities, fighting, and particularly One-Eyed Ghouls. This causes her to seemingly forget limitations of her kagune and herself, which causes her to somewhat burst out in anger directed at herself, though channeled outward. Other than this, if burnt out in combat, she's prone to breaking down.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Likes: Darker coffee, music, video games, gambling.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Dislikes: 'Coinflips'/Half Ghouls, roller coasters, fireworks[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Personal Paraphernalia: Earbuds and her phone. Even when wearing them, she seems to be able to hear fine. It's usually just her reading lips though.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Misc.: Personal Character Theme - Revenge Syndrome[/BCOLOR]

  • "Who do I side with? The dead."

    Mortimer Greer. Known as The Mortician due to his job, nicknamed Mort by his 'friends'.





    16th October, 1991

    Embalmer, although they usually prepare bodies for being eaten rather than funerals.






    "The Butcher of Death"
    Demon Yamada inspired bikaku quinque. Takes the appearance of a large butcher's knife. Made from the Kagune of a ghoul corspe at the morgue.

    I will word this property later, making sure I have the basics down so I don't forget it.
    >Raised in area with a lot of gangs, both human and ghoul.
    >CCG supposedly try to bring order, but seemed like just another murderous gang to Mort
    >Came to conclusion that all living beings are equally monstrous.
    >Took an interest in how peaceful the dead bodies on the streets were when they were so violent alive.
    >Began to study corpses. Not much better to do.
    >Came to love dead bodies more than the living due to their tranquility and the learning they offered. (Lacked books etc)
    >Parents killed?
    >Eventually a group from a peaceful community of ghouls and humans went on a mission to save children from the violent area. Mort picked up by them as a teen.
    >Lived in others peaceful community. Didn't cause trouble, but didn't truly trust those around them after seeing how monstrous the living could be.
    >Became an apprentice at a morgue dedicated to using dead bodies as food.
    >His skill in handling dead bodies meant he came to run his own food morgue as an adult.
    >Secretly experiments on dead bodies.
    >Has gained knowledge on how to make quinque from Kagune from Hazo in exchange for secretly giving him Human meat.
    >Creates "The Butcher of Death" after many failed attempts.

    Mortimer usually comes off as a friendly but creepy man when people first meet him. While people appreciate his gentle tone his obsession with corpses cannot seem anything but eerie. Still, the community he lives in trusts and appreciates him; after all, Mort safely prepares corpses to be eaten for them, a job few want to do.
    However, Mort is not truly trustworthy. He only treats the community well so he has access to a continual supply of dead bodies which he can experiment on without interference. Whatever kindness Mort may seem to have is a deception. Mort lacks emotionality, having little fear or sentimentality. His low fear combined with a lack of prudence lends itself to him making impulsive decisions- Mort will simply do what he feels like in the moment rather than planning ahead. The only thing Mort is ever diligent or careful about is the treatment of his beloved dead bodies. He does not view any living being worthy of care, thinking all life as brutal and selfish at its core. One could possibly describe Mort as creative, and definitely inquisitive, since he has a thirst for knowledge, particularly in relation to (you guessed it) death or dead bodies.

    Bisexual, although rarely shows romantic or sexual interest in others.

    Physical Health:
    Mort's physical health is generally good, and he has an excellent immune system. He has several scars on his body, remnants of the violent environment he grew up in. Has skin stitching art of simple crosses on his hands and arms.

    Mental Health:
    Has symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder, although Mort has not been officially diagnosed. Symptoms include: Lack of empathy, not caring about the well-being of others, being deceitful for self gain, being irresponsible and acting impulsively. Despite being apathetic to the living Mort will act friendly with others, mostly as a means to his own ends.

  • blueberry_gum_by_vandione-d71bpk3.jpg

    Credit to Vandione
    Theo Pye




    March 2nd, 1997




    78 kg

    Bikaku - A long, large, sharp, easily shapeable kagune that splits into two at the end, on large end and one small.

    Theo was born to Alicia and Jonathon Pye. Both Mr. and Mrs. Pye worked as professors at Imperial, the former as one of biomedical engineering, and the latter as one of medicine. Before Theo was born, the two met abroad in the US as they worked on their respective fellowships. From that young age, the two became very close very quickly. Any outsider would say that for Alicia, Jonathon might be the worst person to fall in love with, as the man had a secret that would make most women run away screaming. She learned the secret without much drama. One night, before he pulled out a ring, he told her. Three years into their marriage, Theo was born.

    One day, 12 years later, when he arrived home, he noticed CCG cars just outside the building. After that point, he never returned to the neighbourhood, not knowing what happened to his parents. He started living on the streets with a ghoul gang that was based underground in the tube. That was when he had his first hunt. Although he didn't have the stomach for it, his kagune was quite appropriate for hunting. After a few years spent with them, he strode out on his own. He started pickpocketing and thieving in order to make money, hitting jewelry stores and rich folks' homes to live decently.

    Currently, he's still on his own, staying with the Underground Gang from time to time when he needs to lay low.

    Theo's a generally easy going person, not taking anything too seriously. Although he can be cheerful from time to time, he has a melancholic air about him when he thinks no one's around. He doesn't like getting violent, so during fights, he makes an effort to either finish the fight quickly or end it without killing.


    Likes and Interests
    - Graffiti
    - Coffee
    - Painting

Last edited by a moderator:
I'm the only person shooting for an investigator. :(
Quite the contrary, actually.

It's going well, got myself a job and stuff.

How goes the character creation? We're all ready to go and get things started and you're the last one to post a character. I don't want to be that girl who leaves people behind, but you tend to disappear for lengthy periods and haven't provided updates at all on your character, unlike other players who may post slower but still provide updates and stay active.​
WIP- Just fleshing out back story is left.

"Who do I side with? The dead."

Mortimer Greer. Known as The Mortician due to his job, nicknamed Mort by his 'friends'.





16th October, 1991

Embalmer, although they usually prepare bodies for being eaten rather than funerals.






"The Butcher of Death"
Demon Yamada inspired bikaku quinque. Takes the appearance of a large butcher's knife. Made from the Kagune of a ghoul corspe at the morgue.

I will word this property later, making sure I have the basics down so I don't forget it.
>Raised in area with a lot of gangs, both human and ghoul.
>CCG supposedly try to bring order, but seemed like just another murderous gang to Mort
>Came to conclusion that all living beings are equally monstrous.
>Took an interest in how peaceful the dead bodies on the streets were when they were so violent alive.
>Began to study corpses. Not much better to do.
>Came to love dead bodies more than the living due to their tranquility and the learning they offered. (Lacked books etc)
>Parents killed?
>Eventually a group from a peaceful community of ghouls and humans went on a mission to save children from the violent area. Mort picked up by them as a teen.
>Lived in others peaceful community. Didn't cause trouble, but didn't truly trust those around them after seeing how monstrous the living could be.
>Became an apprentice at a morgue dedicated to using dead bodies as food.
>His skill in handling dead bodies meant he came to run his own food morgue as an adult.
>Secretly experiments on dead bodies.
>Has gained knowledge on how to make quinque from Kagune from Hazo in exchange for secretly giving him Human meat.
>Creates "The Butcher of Death" after many failed attempts.

Mortimer usually comes off as a friendly but creepy man when people first meet him. While people appreciate his gentle tone his obsession with corpses cannot seem anything but eerie. Still, the community he lives in trusts and appreciates him; after all, Mort safely prepares corpses to be eaten for them, a job few want to do.
However, Mort is not truly trustworthy. He only treats the community well so he has access to a continual supply of dead bodies which he can experiment on without interference. Whatever kindness Mort may seem to have is a deception. Mort lacks emotionality, having little fear or sentimentality. His low fear combined with a lack of prudence lends itself to him making impulsive decisions- Mort will simply do what he feels like in the moment rather than planning ahead. The only thing Mort is ever diligent or careful about is the treatment of his beloved dead bodies. He does not view any living being worthy of care, thinking all life as brutal and selfish at its core. One could possibly describe Mort as creative, and definitely inquisitive, since he has a thirst for knowledge, particularly in relation to (you guessed it) death or dead bodies.

Bisexual, although rarely shows romantic or sexual interest in others.

Physical Health:
Mort's physical health is generally good, and he has an excellent immune system. He has several scars on his body, remnants of the violent environment he grew up in. Has skin stitching art of simple crosses on his hands and arms.

Mental Health:
Has symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder, although Mort has not been officially diagnosed. Symptoms include: Lack of empathy, not caring about the well-being of others, being deceitful for self gain, being irresponsible and acting impulsively. Despite being apathetic to the living Mort will act friendly with others, mostly as a means to his own ends.

Corpses- The tranquility of corpses compared to the violence of the living is beautiful to Mort. He's also thankful they presented him with an opportunity to learn.
Blades- The takers of life and manipulators of the dead; such wonderful purpsoes to have, in Mort's opinion.
Discovery- A curious being, Mort loves discovering new things.
Umami- The smell of blood and metal have positive associations for Mort, which has generalised to liking the smell of most umami things.
Stitching- The methodical nature of stitching is calming to Mort.

The living- All living beings are equally monstrous and susceptible to corruption, according to Mort.
Religion- It makes people believe there is more of the evil of life after death.
Warmth- Warmth makes corpses go off far too quickly.
Relationships- They are too much effort to maintain when Mort doesn't truly sympathise or appreciate the other person.
Violence- The reason why the living are evil. It is natural for the living to hurt others for their own gain.

Personal Paraphernalia:
Scalpel- Mort keeps his first ever scalpel on him at all times. It rather worn out now, he keeps it for nostalgic reasons.
'Embalmery' Kit- He usually keeps a small plasticbox in his jacket which contains basic tools for dealing with dead bodies. Like a pocket medical kit but for corpses.

Secretly supplies Hazo with human meet for his wife. In return Hazo has given Mort information on how to make a quinque.​
I must be blind because I missed adding Mortimer to the character tabs. He is added now!~​
Hm, seems I Forgot to add her theme song and also is the bold on her CS odd for anyone else or just me?
Hm, seems I Forgot to add her theme song and also is the bold on her CS odd for anyone else or just me?
The bold has been edited out and theme songs are optional. Feel free to add one or to not have one at all~​
Thank you, and I know it's optional. I just thought that this was fitting for her. Probably perfectly so.
Thank you, and I know it's optional. I just thought that this was fitting for her. Probably perfectly so.
That is an amazing song! I added it to my favourites on YouTube and will be adding it to Charlotte's CS~​
Can I paste my character that I'll be making from wix into here?
I see your second pun, seem to have missed the first.
Noticed the "Touka" pun as well. I despise puns - insanely unfunny to me.​

Shijin kaisha




Chiyoda, Tokyo

February 6th

Waiter (Formerly)



Quinque: Maximum - a gun like quinque which, contains bullets that can immobilize ghouls, and any other creature if successfully hit. It can also be used for arm protection, as its ghoul like structure can cover both of shijins arms up to his shoulder blades leaving his chest vulnerable.


As shijin was young he was more into learning new and, different things that the world has to offer. His father was an investigator of ccg, intact a special class as well. They rarely see each other since he's always on special class missions, and doing maintenance for extra cash which is the reason why they're wealthy until this day. At the age of 16, he began to start his job at a local restaurant. The name of it is kyoto tsuruya, quite the distance from where he lives. The restaurant is a couple of blocks away from the ccg laboratory division, and a couple more blocks from the main office. Shijin on his spare time had studied ghouls, their eating habits and what not. At the age of 17, a pair of ghoul investigators come into his restaurant and, wanted something to eat since its their break during that hour. The pair questioned shijin if he was related to special investigator kujo kaisha. He then answered yes, and it was his father, they began to look somewhat surprised. The three would chat for hours, during their talk one of the investigators had offered him a better job, a job for him.

Shijin however denied the offer, it sound good and what not, but he valued his life more than anything else. Several years later the same guy who denied the offer had started his job as an investigator. Between the timespan, his father had died during a secret mission on capturing the king along with several others. The damage was unknown. During the time he was in college he felt devastated, he was now the only one in his family. He didn't knew where his mom went, as he forgot about her ever since his dad had gotten the job as an investigator

Shijin is very professional and diligent when it comes to his job because to him, the reputation of the agency takes precedence over anything else. He constantly feels the need to organize, gather, and schedule every bit of detail, which is why he may come off as somewhat too strict and harsh during investigations.

He is almost never seen without his trademark notebook, which he believes to be an "ideal" and guide to life. He utilizes its function for several reasons, such as data-gathering, planning, making the world a better place.



Notebooks, fishing

Unorganized things, authorities.

*Personal Paraphernalia



How long before the story would the prologue(s) take place? And what about the ghoul prologue would we stick with? After the first raid?
@Neon Princess

After understanding how the Ranks actually work and if you read my convo with Sketch, I changed Hazo's class for the RP as Special Class Investigator because I done goofed and had a moment of confusion about the ranks.
I must be blind because I missed adding Mortimer to the character tabs. He is added now!~​

Well they're mostly finished, I want to properly write up their Backstory when I can- yknow how long backstories can take. But the current abbreviated version does pretty much sum it all up.

Noticed the "Touka" pun as well. I despise puns - insanely unfunny to me.​
*Quickly hides away all my puns*
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Sir Salty
How long before the story would the prologue(s) take place? And what about the ghoul prologue would we stick with? After the first raid?
The Prologue(s) are 3 years before the main IC story. As for the Ghouls prologue, we're all pretty much in agreement that it will be about the events of the first raid, coinciding with the CCG/Human Prologue, just from the other perspective.​
@Neon Princess

After understanding how the Ranks actually work and if you read my convo with Sketch, I changed Hazo's class for the RP as Special Class Investigator because I done goofed and had a moment of confusion about the ranks.
The Prologue(s) are 3 years before the main IC story. As for the Ghouls prologue, we're all pretty much in agreement that it will be about the events of the first raid, coinciding with the CCG/Human Prologue, just from the other perspective.
Hm. Just to tie in Charlotte I think I should have her leave New York at 17 and then have her just dropping into the city and figuring things out right about then.
Hm. Just to tie in Charlotte I think I should have her leave New York at 17 and then have her just dropping into the city and figuring things out right about then.
Good thinking~​


Credit to Vandione
Theo Pye




March 2nd, 1997




78 kg

Bikaku - A long, large, sharp, easily shapeable kagune that splits into two at the end, on large end and one small.

Theo was born to Alicia and Jonathon Pye. Both Mr. and Mrs. Pye worked as professors at Imperial, the former as one of biomedical engineering, and the latter as one of medicine. Before Theo was born, the two met abroad in the US as they worked on their respective fellowships. From that young age, the two became very close very quickly. Any outsider would say that for Alicia, Jonathon might be the worst person to fall in love with, as the man had a secret that would make most women run away screaming. She learned the secret without much drama. One night, before he pulled out a ring, he told her. Three years into their marriage, Theo was born.

One day, 12 years later, when he arrived home, he noticed CCG cars just outside the building. After that point, he never returned to the neighbourhood, not knowing what happened to his parents. He started living on the streets with a ghoul gang that was based underground in the tube. That was when he had his first hunt. Although he didn't have the stomach for it, his kagune was quite appropriate for hunting. After a few years spent with them, he strode out on his own. He started pickpocketing and thieving in order to make money, hitting jewelry stores and rich folks' homes to live decently.

Currently, he's still on his own, staying with the Underground Gang from time to time when he needs to lay low.

Theo's a generally easy going person, not taking anything too seriously. Although he can be cheerful from time to time, he has a melancholic air about him when he thinks no one's around. He doesn't like getting violent, so during fights, he makes an effort to either finish the fight quickly or end it without killing.


Likes and Interests
- Graffiti
- Coffee
- Painting


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